Robert C. Wissmar,'Jeanetle E, Smith,'Bruce A. Mclntosh,,HiramW. Li,. Gordon H. Reeves.and James R. Sedell' A Historyof ResourceUse and Disturbancein RiverineBasins of Eastern Oregonand Washington(Early 1800s-1990s) Abstract Rj\( r n.rsr, rr Cds.lde u rl|alrlo|ogicso1c\|n|Slhalshrpedthepresent'dailalrlsraprlsrn l.ii\||sl'rn|e!nroddriParianecosrstctnsllllldr'li!l's|oi'L|!7jrgand anllril,rri!ndl.es.|edi1iiculttonanagebtaull]itl]cis|no{nlboU|holtheseecosrelnsfu dele|pprorrrlrrrr's|ortrl.rtingthesrInptonlsofd {ith pluns lbr resoliirg t h$itatscontinuetodeclile'Altlrrratjrrl|r.nrrrbusin\!jelnan!genentst' hoPel'orinlp|ornlgthee.os}sl.jn]h;odjl('tsi|\anrlpopuationlelelsoffshaldirj1d]jn''PrioIili(jsi|r(|ullc|hePf Nrtersheds (e.g.. roarll+: a Introduction to$,ards"natur-al conditions" that nleetLhe hislr)ri- tal requirernentsoffish and t'ildlile. Some rnajor As a resull of PresidentClirrton's ! orcst Summit qucstions that need to be ansrererl arc. "How hale in PortlandOrcgon cluring Spring 19913.consider- hisloricalccosvstcms iunctionecl and ho* nale ntr ablc attention is heing licusecl on thc inllucnccs man a( lions changcd them'/'' of hre-t .rn,l,'tlrr'r r, -urrrr. mJnlrepmpntl,f;r.ti, c- orr lhe health of l'acific No|th$'esLecosystems. This drrcumcntrcvict's the environmentalhis- l\{anagcrncnt recornmendations of an inLer-agr:ncv torr ol theinfl.r-n, '-,,f h',rrrunJ, ti\'ti, - in cJ-l tcanrol scicntistspoint to the urgenLneed frrr irn- ern O|cgon and Waslington over lhe pasl l\\o in ccosvstemm:uagement (Foresl lic- lr|1^emcnts centurie-s.The purpose is lo (l ) dorunrcnt the chro osvslon Nlunagement,{-rsessment Tearn t993). nologr' of er.entsolresoulce uses ancl rntnlllcltcnl Som- nr.rtrrgetnerrlg'l,rr-,,11 f,'r th, , on-err.rliorr practi(:cslhdt cumulativelv shapecl presenl-rJuv and resLor-ationof fish spccics antl stocLsthaL coulrl landscapcsol'str-carn and ripaian ecosyslemsand be lisLcdas lhrcatcned or end:ugered specieson (2) provide baseline information for rclerencing fcdcral lancls.Of particulartoncer-n l() lhc Forcst and cvaluatingpast and ftlLufe managemcntdc- S.ni," in th, l'.rcilie\nrttr$e-r i- lh. rFrl,,rrliun tions.(lase histories of sclcctrivcl basinspro!ide of salmon stocks.habit:lls, streanls. and riparian rcprcscntltive chronologies for liverinc landsc.tpcs ccosrstcm-sof upl:rndfbrests. A primary obircti\.c throughoutcastcrn Washingtonand Oregon {Fig- is to relllrn ecosrslcm fundions and collecLr\rL! rrre l). Thc histuricsclocument the effectson tLc 'S(hool environmenlcaused bv individualand cumulatir'e ol Fisherie-. (\'H l0l, tl'rn.Nih ,; * rshi,rsli,f. Sfllle. impacts ol Jilestor:k grazirrg. rnanagcmcnt of 'Deputment of Forest .'sr:i.,({i.Or.g,),r Strrc l,rir..rsih. 0r' foresls.$alcI storageand allocation.agricLrlturc. \allis. Or(is0n t);illl I load construdion. flood crrntrol.and mining. ,\d- rl.St\:S Oregon Cooperati!e Fishr\ t.rir. Oi.s,)n,slarr t njlel ditional histolic clocurnentatidr :rboLlLfaclors caus- silr. l)(t)artd!,,1 ol l'ish rnrl \iildlile. (lregon -rrate t..ir, r- inglo--e- of-rrlrn,'rr -tu, Ls rnrl h.rl'it.rt-irrer-tern sitr. Corrallis. O..son i)73ill aPacillc Northwe:t R.s.arh -qhrion. t SI)'\ I.oresr Serri.e. \\'ashington and Oregon can lr fountl in Xlclntosh 3200 s\\ .tflIi,fson sor. corrrlis. oreson 97331 ct a1. (1994a.b). Norlhwest Science.\rol. 68. Spccial Is-.ue. 1992tr ^& llethowl. \& 0lrno kim. l. Littl€Nrch.s l. Grrnde nde R. lohn Dly L Figurel.\'laprl|t|l'||lijrlrjj]U||NrirersoftheCo]LrrllliaHil|rll|ainagci| rno bu"in" ol 11,..r{ hjnor! sludies ahj ,r,l(.d in t,old L\p.. Tlrr: rnanagcmcnthistory lir,:us.-"on l)rarliccs lequilementsfor salmon.Wc concludebv revieu- desiplnedto arldrcssproblerns and issuesof the ing rccomrnend:rtionsfor- net basin-lidc manage- dillerent resorrn'euscs. lmpoltant e)iamplesin- In, nl -lfJl.sic- lhcl iI, l dc eco.\-l-m p, fsl,..li\p- clude the tumLrlaLirccffctts of livestockgpazirrg. arr,l' rnph.r.izelong lerm l,r',t.,li,,r. r' -turJtiu . logging. ancl roarls on soils and $,alem :rncl on is- and monitoring activities. suesinrohing talcr allocationsand inslleant llorr S'issmar. Smith, X'L:lntosh.Li. Rccvcs. ancl Scdell HistoricResource Uses in SelectRiver development.logging, and dam builclingw.crc all Basins sippificantaspccis oflionLier lifc and the derebp- menl of north central S'ashington.\'lan,- of these Thc case hisLoricsinclucle four rirer basins.the actir.ities had sLrbstantialimpacts on land and rla- Okanogan and Methow (north central Washington). 'lhe teL resourccs. major' activities inlluencing the LitLle Nachcs llir.er of LheYakima Iliver drain- strearns and riparian areas c'an be seen bv follot' ugc in the easlernCa,.cade lv.ountains. the Upper. ing a chronologr' of earlv historical cr.ent-s(Tablc CrancleRonde Rir.cr basin (Blue Mountains ofeast- J). Most of the earlv scttlcment hi-qLofvadlvrtv oc- rrn Oreplon).and the John llav Rir,er basin in north curred in thc Okanogan va]]cv, t'ith homestcacls (cntral Ore€ion(FigLrrc 1). The Okanoganclrain- not appeaing in lhe \'lcthow.RiverBasin until the agc arca includes the SirnilkameenRiver basin and 1890-q.Portrnan (1993) providesan c>icellenthis- co!ersabout 2l,238 kn':. $;lh 6,.175km'uiLhin lorv of thc Methow vallev, dcscribing seLrlcmcnt thc boundaries ol thc Llnited States(Figurc l). l'he pilltcrns and relaLedsocial and econornic der.elop- l\{cthorl River vallev lics just west ol thc Okano, rnents dufinli the tlr.entieth ccnturv. gan Rivcr and has a drainagearea of 4.662 km'z. Thc Little NachesRivcr, a fifth-order (398 basin Ear\ SettLement,I810- l B60s krn'?)in thc central CascaclcMountains. lies in thc headwaters of the Naches Rivc'r, a tributar-v of rhe Tht Rliti,.hlirst esLablishcda presen(,ein the re 'l'he \ akima Rivel drainage. IIpper Grande Roncle gion t'ith Lhebeginning of the fur traclcin lljt t. Ri,'er basin (13.000km') originatesin the Bluc In l816 the British,ou'neclNorth West Co. brrilt X'lounLainsof easternOregon und drairrsinto thc Fort Okanoplanat thc same site as J.J. Aslor's trad, SnakeRircr. The John Dav Rivcr in the high des- ing post.Furs from BritishCoiumbia (Nel Caledo- erl of north ccntral Oregon h:rs thc lburth largest nia.|and l'ort Colvillcwere collectedand shipped drainage area in the state (21,072 km'z).Impor- downstrearn.and supplies*crc receivedlron Fort tant sourcesofhistorical itribrrnation that desr:ribe Vancou!er aLlhc mouth oi the ColLrrnbia.tn t 82l srttlcmcnt patterns and rclated developmcntsil Hudson Bav Co. took o\ef the Norlh Wesl Co. Ilur- eastern Wllshin€ttonand Orcgon itrclude Steclc ing 183,1-36 the original ['or1 Okanogun las (1904),Kerr (1931).Diclen and Dickcn(I979). rcplaced rith a nelt l ort Okanogan closcr to the Highsmithand Kimcrling (I979). Holstine1987), ColLrrnbiaRir.er. Siilson (I990). Portman (l99ll), and Wissmar et The large influx of immigrants to Or-cgondur- ul. \1994). ing the 18,10sensured Amrrican controloINorth- $cst, with the fesull that in 18,16Lhe intcrnational Okanoganand lvlethowR ver Basins(North boundarv was sct at the ,19th parallcl. endingjoint Centra Washington) occufation of the Oregon territorv by Brirish and 'Ihe (lo. historical chronologl of seltlcmcnt. natural re- Amcricans. The follxdng vear the Hudson Bav sourceuses. and conllictsof lhc Okanoganr:oun- di-c,,ntinrr.,lluf tr.rdpl,'t$-Fn tsriri.ht.olLrrrrLi.r tI\ represenls:l mesocosmor limc cilpsuleof the ancl ! ort Okanogan. cffectivel;- ending Briti-shand Arnerican cventsand developmentsthat shapcdthc pre-qen! fur trade in the gcneral alea. Bclrrcen 1858-186l most cJaylandscapes ancl socio-economic conditions irr ofthc British prescncc in the area involved surr.eving the 49th parallel. eastcrn srashington and Olegon. The Okanogan valle'- (Figulc 1). as I'ell as most of north cenlral The ncxt decade u,as rclativelv quieL rrntil Washington. rra,. isolated but not insulated lrom 1858. lhcn a gold rush to the upper Frascr ltiler thc principal easl-w.cstcor dors of cornmercern resultedin movcmentof largeputie-s of mincrs on thc l'acific North$'rst.'l'he location and the late thc CaribooTrail alongthe Columbiaand Okano- arrival of the railloacl sloled developrncntand gan rirers. The prerious discoveryoi gold in the Jrresencd frontierJike conrlitions into the 2Oth ccn- licinity oi Coh'illc and the Yakirna River ol tur'\. Ftrr lrilcling. overland cxplonrtion, minilg. en- W'ashingronin 1855 had alreadv incired mincls countels beLr'rcn lluro-Amelir,ans and Native to emigrateto the north countrv (Steele190,1). ln trrnericans,creation and moclilicationol \atilc 1859 gold r\,xs discovered in thc louer American reservations.cattle drivcs. homestead- Similkamecn River valler near the Enloe Dam r,".cst ing. conllicts belr,'ecnsheepmen and cattlcmen. of Oroville. Washin;Jton(Tahle 1). Thc booming or.r vr.rzinguf rarrg.s...ri1ru.rrJ huil'line. irr i;.rtiun popLrlationof 1.200-3.000 minels conclucted Environmenlal Historv of Rirers. Oregon and Srashington arrdrncr rrllrs. \laior srrrnts o1inlnrrnatiorr irr lur|: ,strr'lc1901. Kcrr li)lll. trilson l9!10.od Porrmu 1993. Dole Erent 18l I Fur rrade l,egins Johr Jacob Astor (l'!.i11. li,f {i,.) .stahlish.s tradins posLdt tlni (1,,!11!(i,((,)l t}rc Okanogan !,i{l Cr,l!nbi! Rnars l8l6 fur trrdnrg *Supplr of bearer nea l erhousted in the Okrnogan countrv suggestirg bearer remoral changed riparian and strcaDi {urditidF. l8,1ar L.S. British boundarr lnternattunal boundarr set at.19th parlllel. llj.1; Fur trade ends Hudur Bai Co. ends fur trade (r.'.r'- r, 1853 \iashingtor Terrltur oeated T-.," ir-t ..,, r'n ^ tr-Ji'1 ,', rir,'r. LlJ55 \ llimr R(\.nltio,, (t(i!t,id \ aLirra lndiarr R,is(ir!!ti{),,( n,!t,i il.2 tillnrn acrcs) 1858 Colrl discorercrl in tlritish "(jokl rush on the Cariboo Trail nr the Okanogan countrr cohunLir lllr;9 (lnd di*rrrtd ir Olarogan *(irlrl dissrrrnrl ir l,rd -rnrilladn- Plarr.r rrining ol rirr:r r hanncl tnrl larrls nar har.
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