List of company codes for railway companies (Company Code) contact: [email protected] reference:http://www.era.europa.eu Company Short Name Name Country Add Date Mod Date Start Validity End Validity Freight Passenger Infrastructure Other URL Code Company http://www.stenaline.nl/fe 0006 StL Holland Stena Line Holland BV Netherlands 15-11-11 23-08-19 01-07-04 x rry/ 0010 VR VR-Yhtymä Oy Finland 15-11-11 27-05-16 30-06-99 x x x http://www.vr.fi/ http://www.transfesa.com 0012 TRFSA Transfesa Spain 15-11-11 11-10-16 30-06-99 x / 0013 OSJD OSJD Poland 15-11-11 29-10-13 12-07-00 x http://osjd.org/ http://www.cwl- 0014 CWL Compagnie des Wagons-Lits France 15-11-11 29-10-13 01-06-99 x services.com/ United Kingdom of Great Britain 0015 RMF Rail Manche Finance 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x http://www.rmf.co.uk/ and Northern Ireland 0016 RD RAILDATA Switzerland 15-11-11 17-11-17 30-06-99 x http://www.raildata.coop/ United Kingdom of Great Britain 0017 ENS European Night Services Ltd 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x and Northern Ireland 0018 THI Factory THI Factory SA Belgium 15-11-11 29-10-14 06-05-05 x http://www.thalys.com/ United Kingdom of Great Britain 0019 Eurostar I Eurostar International Limited 15-11-11 29-10-13 01-06-99 x http://www.eurostar.com/ and Northern Ireland Joint Stock Company 'Russian 0020 OAO RZD Russian Federation 15-11-11 25-05-15 30-06-99 x x x http://rzd.ru/ Railways' 0021 BC Belarusian Railways Belarus 15-11-11 29-10-13 24-11-04 x x x http://www.rw.by/ 0022 UZ Ukrainski Zaliznytsi Ukraine 15-11-11 15-01-04 x x x http://uz.gov.ua/ 0023 CFM Calea Ferată din Moldova Moldova, Republic of 15-11-11 01-06-99 x x x http://railway.md/ 0024 LTG AB 'Lietuvos geležinkeliai' Lithuania 15-11-11 19-08-21 24-11-04 x http://www.litrail.lt/ 0025 LDZ Latvijas dzelzcelš Latvia 15-11-11 23-08-19 24-11-04 x x x http://www.ldz.lv/ 0026 EVR Aktsiaselts Eesti Raudtee Estonia 15-11-11 01-06-99 x x x http://www.evr.ee/ 0027 KTZ Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Kazakhstan 15-11-11 25-05-15 17-05-04 x x x http://www.railway.ge/ 0028 GR Sakartvelos Rkinigza Georgia 15-11-11 01-06-99 x x x http://railway.ge/ 0029 UTI Uzbekistan Temir Yullari Uzbekistan 15-11-11 25-05-15 17-05-04 x x x http://www.uzrailway.uz/ Korea, Democratic People's 0030 ZC Railways of D.P.R.K. 15-11-11 25-05-15 17-05-04 x x x Republic of Mongolian-Russian Joint-Stock 0031 UBTZ Mongolia 15-11-11 27-07-16 17-05-04 x x x http://www.ubtz.mn Company “Ulaanbaatar railway” 0032 DSVN đường sắt Việt Nam Viet nam 15-11-11 25-05-15 17-05-04 x x x http://www.vr.com.vn/ Page 1 of 75 Printed On 9/28/2021 5:44:41 PM List of company codes for railway companies (Company Code) contact: [email protected] reference:http://www.era.europa.eu Company Short Name Name Country Add Date Mod Date Start Validity End Validity Freight Passenger Infrastructure Other URL Code Company http://www.chineserailwa 0033 CR Chinese Railways China 15-11-11 21-05-03 x x x ys.com/ 0041 HSH Hekurudha Shqiptarë SH.A. Albania 15-11-11 23-08-19 30-06-99 x x x http://www.hsh.com.al/ 0042 JR-E East Japan Railway Company 日本 15-11-11 27-07-16 01-06-99 21-06-16 x x x http://www.jreast.co.jp/ GySEV/Raab 0043 Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Vasút Zrt. Hungary 15-11-11 13-01-14 15-01-04 x x x http://www2.gysev.hu/ erbahn Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serb 0044 ŽRS Željeznice Republike Srpske 15-11-11 02-07-15 22-01-02 x x x http://www.zrs-rs.com/ Republic of J.P. Željeznice Federacije BiH Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serb 0050 ŽFBH 15-11-11 23-08-19 22-01-03 x x x http://www.zfbh.ba/ d.o.o. Republic of PKP PLK 0051 PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. Poland 15-11-11 29-10-13 15-01-04 x http://www.plk-sa.pl/ S.A. National Railway Infrastructure 0052 NRIC Bulgaria 15-11-11 04-04-05 x http://rail-infra.bg/ Company Compania Naţională de Căi Ferate 0053 CFR SA Romania 15-11-11 16-02-15 01-06-99 x http://www.cfr.ro/ Române https://www.spravazelezn 0054 SZCZ Správa železnic, statni organizace Czech Republic 15-11-11 11-05-21 01-01-09 x x x ic.cz/ 0055 MÁV Magyar Államvasutak Zrt. Hungary 15-11-11 04-06-20 24-11-04 x http://www.mav.hu/ 0056 ŽSR Železnice Slovenskej Republiky Slovakia 15-11-11 02-07-15 22-11-01 x http://www.zsr.sk/ http://www.railway.gov.az 0057 AZ-ADDY Azərbaycan Dövlət Dəmir Yolu Azerbaijan 15-11-11 21-05-03 x x x / 0058 CJSC SCR South Caucasus Railway CJSC Armenia 15-11-11 27-07-16 30-06-99 x x x http://www.ukzhd.am/ 0059 KTJ Kyrgyz Railways Kyrgyzstan 15-11-11 29-10-13 17-05-04 x x x http://www.ktj.kg/ 0060 CIE Córas Iompair Éireann Ireland 15-11-11 29-10-13 01-06-99 x x x http://www.cie.ie/ 0061 KORAIL Korea Railroad Corporation Korea, Republic of 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x x x http://www.korail.com/ 0063 BLS BLS AG Switzerland 15-11-11 08-04-16 22-01-03 x x x http://www.bls.ch/ 0064 FN Ferrovienord S.p.A. Italy 15-11-11 10-09-20 30-06-99 x www.ferrovienord.it Makedonski Železnici Macedonia, The former Yugoslav 0065 CFARYM-I 15-11-11 23-08-19 30-06-99 x http://www.mzi.mk/ Infrastructure-Skopje Republic of 0066 TDZ Tajikistan Railways Tajikistan 15-11-11 25-05-15 17-05-04 x x x http://www.railway.gov.tm 0067 TRK Turkmenistan Railways Turkmenistan 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x x x / Page 2 of 75 Printed On 9/28/2021 5:44:41 PM List of company codes for railway companies (Company Code) contact: [email protected] reference:http://www.era.europa.eu Company Short Name Name Country Add Date Mod Date Start Validity End Validity Freight Passenger Infrastructure Other URL Code Company AAE Ahaus Alstätter Eisenbahn 0068 AAEC Switzerland 15-11-11 18-03-16 21-05-03 13-01-16 x http://aae.ch/ Cargo AG http://www.eurotunnel.co 0069 EUROT EUROTUNNEL France 27-05-16 11-05-21 10-05-16 x m/ United Kingdom of Great Britain http://www.networkrail.co. 0070 Network Rail Network Rail Limited 15-11-11 31-01-16 29-09-03 x and Northern Ireland uk/ Administrator de Infraestructuras 0071 ADIF Spain 15-11-11 23-08-19 23-12-04 x http://www.adif.es/ Ferroviarias http://www.zeleznicesrbij 0072 IŽS Infrastruktura Železnice Srbije Serbia 15-11-11 14-06-19 29-09-03 x x x e.com/ 0073 OSE Organismos Sidirodromon Ellados Greece 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x x http://www.ose.gr/ TRAFIKVER http://www.trafikverket.se 0074 Trafikverket Sweden 15-11-11 23-08-19 06-02-17 x KET / TCDD Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet http://www.tcddtasimacili 0075 Taşımacılık Demiryolları Taşımacılık Anonim Turkey 15-11-11 05-10-17 29-11-99 x x x k.gov.tr/ A.Ş. Şirketi 0076 BN Bane NOR SF Norway 15-11-11 14-11-18 22-05-02 x https://www.banenor.no Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA 0077 FS EPA Italy 15-11-11 29-10-13 18-10-05 x http://www.fsitaliane.it/ EPA HŽ- 0078 HŽ Infrastruktura d.o.o. Croatia 15-11-11 14-11-18 08-03-07 x http://www.hzinfra.hr/ Infrastruktura SŽ - http://www.slo- Slovenske železnice - 0079 Infrastuktura, Slovenia 15-11-11 27-05-16 30-06-99 x zeleznice.si/sl/infrastruktu Infrastuktura, d.o.o. d.o.o. ra/ http://fahrweg.dbnetze.co 0080 DB Netz AG DB Netz AG Germany 15-11-11 07-04-16 24-11-04 x m/ ÖBB-Holding 0081 ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG Austria 15-11-11 03-08-21 29-11-99 x x http://www.oebb.at/ AG CFL Societé Nationale des Chemins de 0082 Luxemburg 15-11-11 21-04-20 01-06-99 x http://www.cfl.lu/ Infrastructure Fer Luxembourgeois 0083 FS Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA Italy 15-11-11 31-10-13 22-12-04 x x x http://www.fsitaliane.it/ 0084 ProRail ProRail Netherlands 15-11-11 29-05-17 03-03-04 x http://blog.prorail.nl/ SBB Swiss Federal Railways - http://www.sbb.ch/sbb- 0085 Switzerland 15-11-11 13-06-19 30-06-99 x Infrastructure Infrastructure konzern.html Page 3 of 75 Printed On 9/28/2021 5:44:41 PM List of company codes for railway companies (Company Code) contact: [email protected] reference:http://www.era.europa.eu Company Short Name Name Country Add Date Mod Date Start Validity End Validity Freight Passenger Infrastructure Other URL Code Company Banedanmar 0086 Banedanmark (RailNet Denmark) Denmark 13-11-12 02-07-15 18-06-13 x http://www.bane.dk/ k SNCF 0087 SNCF Réseau SA France 15-11-11 09-09-21 30-06-99 x www.sncf-reseau.com Réseau 0088 Infrabel Infrabel Belgium 15-11-11 27-07-16 01-01-14 x http://www.infrabel.be/ 0090 ENR Egyptian National Railways Egypt 15-11-11 29-10-13 01-06-99 x x x https://enr.gov.eg/ Société Nationale des Chemins de 0091 SNCFT Tunesia 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x x x http://www.sncft.com.tn/ Fer Tunisiens Société Nationale des Transports 0092 SNTF Algeria 15-11-11 25-05-15 01-06-99 x x x http://www.sntf.dz/ Ferroviaires Office National des Chemins de 0093 ONCF Morocco 15-11-11 24-11-04 x x x http://oncf.ma/ Fer du Maroc http://www.infraestruturas 0094 IP Infraestruturas de Portugal S.A.
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