22nd IAKS Congress Congress Special Content Message from the host 2 Overview of the programme of the 22nd IAKS Congress 4 Message from the IOC 6 Overview of the programme of the side events 8 Message from the IPC 10 Congress programme, DAY 1 12 Message from Sportaccord 24 Congress programme, DAY 2 26 Message from the Federal Minister of the Interior 34 Congress programme, DAY 3 36 Message from the Minister for Families, Children, 44 Youth, Culture and Sport of North Rhine-Westphalia Message from the Lord Mayor of the City of Cologne 46 Host city information 48 FSB trade fair information 52 IAKS Congress - useful facts 54 IAKS information 56 Sponsors of the 22nd IAKS Congress 62 www.congress.iaks.info Message from Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner President of the International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) For three whole days, the international sports and German Government, we can expect excellent condi- leisure industry is invited to Cologne to attend the tions for an exchange of information among experts 22nd International IAKS Congress and FSB. It’s great and decision makers from all over the world. to have you here! Of course, we would also like to thank our long- While here, you have an opportunity to attend any standing partner, Koelnmesse, which has once again of 36 talks on such subjects as infrastructure, acces- managed to position FSB as the world’s leading trade sibility, sustainability and multifunctionalism and to fair for the sector. inspect the related products at over 600 stands – a unique offering worldwide. In addition to all the congress themes and the more than 60,000 square metres of exhibition space, there I should like to take this opportunity to thank our will also hopefully be ample opportunity for socialis- patrons Dr. Jacques Rogge, Sir Philip Craven, Hein ing with colleagues and enjoying a refreshing glass Verbruggen and Federal Minister of the Interior Dr. of Kölsch beer – the City of Cologne has a great deal Hans-Peter Friedrich. As a result of the renewed to offer! cooperation with the IOC, IPC, Sportaccord and the The IAKS Congress 2011 At a glance DDAYAY 1 DDAYAY 2 DDAYAY 3 110:000:00 ttoo 111:001:00 110:000:00 ttoo 112:002:00 110:000:00 ttoo 112:002:00 OOfffi ccialial oopeningpening ooff FFSBSB aandnd SSportsports aandnd lleisureeisure AArtirtifi ccialial tturfurf ggroundsrounds tthehe IIAKSAKS CCongressongress iinfrastructurenfrastructure pprogrammesrogrammes 113:003:00 ttoo 14:3014:30 113:003:00 ttoo 115:005:00 113:153:15 ttoo 115:005:00 AAccessibleccessible ssportsports ffacilitiesacilities CCommunityommunity recreationrecreation FFlexiblelexible sstadiumtadium ffacilitiesacilities cconstructionsonstructions 115:005:00 ttoo 16:3016:30 116:006:00 ttoo 118:008:00 115:455:45 ttoo 117:307:30 EElitelite ssportsports ffacilities:acilities: LLifeife ccycleycle designdesign fforor sportssports DDevelopingeveloping CCountriesountries AAfterfter ggamesames lleisureeisure uusese iinfrastructurenfrastructure FForumorum 117:007:00 ttoo 118:008:00 FForumorum BBrazilrazil 22014014 / 22016016 118:308:30 ttoo 222:002:00 PPrizerize GivingGiving CCeremonyeremony IIOC/IAKSOC/IAKS AAwardward aandnd IIPC/IAKSPC/IAKS DDistinctionistinction 22011011 IIOC/IPC/IAKSOC/IPC/IAKS AAwardward fforor SStudentstudents aandnd YYoungoung PProfessionalsrofessionals Message from Chevalier Dr. Jacques Rogge President of the International Olympic Committee On behalf of the Olympic Movement, I am very pleased to convey my warmest greetings to you on the occasion of the 22nd IAKS Congress. I would like to thank again the International Asso- For three days, you will have the opportunity to dis- ciation for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS) for its cuss and exchange views and experiences about some continuous commitment to promoting excellence key issues, such as access for all to sports facilities, the and accessibility in sports facilities, based on the right post-Games use of sports facilities, the sustainability for everybody to enjoy leisure activities as part of a issue, life cycle design for sports infrastructure, etc. All healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. these issues illustrate perfectly how quality sports faci- lities can serve as a catalyst to regenerate and develop I wish you all an enjoyable stay in Cologne and a sport and sports-related leisure activities in the world. fruitful 22nd IAKS Congress. Side events FFORUMORUM SSyntheticynthetic TTurfurf KKoelnmesseoelnmesse CCongressongress CCentreentre EEastast 226th6th aandnd 227th7th OOctoberctober 22011011 ““SkateSkate aandnd BBikeike FFacilities”acilities” SSeminareminar FFORUMORUM SSyntheticynthetic TTurfurf SSectionection D 227th7th OOctoberctober 22011011 Message from Sir Philip Craven President of the International Paralympic Committee It is a privilege to welcome you back to Cologne for the designers, developers and operators. The overall aim is 22nd edition of the IAKS Congress, the world’s ultimate to promote accessibility, allowing all people the oppor- gathering of the sport and leisure facilities industry. tunity to practice or view sport without barriers. This year, the IPC, along with IAKS and the IOC, are The Paralympic Movement has adopted as its utmost launching the IOC/IPC/IAKS Architecture and Design vision and aspiration the contribution to a more equi- Award for Students and Young Professionals. The IPC table society through the example of Paralympic sports is proud to support this initiative, motivating young and para-athlete ambassadors. The need to ensure architects and designers to go beyond existing concepts equitable, dignifi ed and functional access to sport and and codes to ensure the creation of facilities that can leisure facilities to all members of the community is be used by everyone without exception. fundamental for the IPC. By joining efforts, the IAKS and the IPC further advance It is in this view that the IPC’s partnership with the IAKS their common goal to safeguard and promote the right needs to be seen and valued. The “IPC/IAKS Distinction of all citizens to have access to sport and leisure regard- for Accessibility Award” is a major outcome of this less of physical, sensory or intellectual limitations. cooperation, addressing the global industry of venue Looking back to the great achievements so far and the promising future ahead, I want to wish you the best of success for the congress that is about to start. Congress programme Wednesday, 26th October DAY 1 Congress programme Wednesday, 26th October 110:000:00 ttoo 111:001:00 Jürgen Roters OOfffi ccialial oopeningpening ooff FFSBSB aandnd tthehe IIAKSAKS CCongressongress Mayor of the City of Cologne Welcome addresses by Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner President of the International Association for Jürgen Roters Sports and Leisure Facilities Dr. Stephan J. Holthoff-Pförtner Sir Philip Craven Sir Philip Craven President of the International Paralympic Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu Committee Ricardo Leyser Goncalves Ute Schäfer Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu Member of the International Olympic Com- mittee and President of the International Boxing Association Ricardo Leyser Goncalves National Secretary of high performance sports of the Ministry of Sports, Brazil Ute Schäfer Minister for Families, Children, Youth, Cul- ture and Sport of North Rhine-Westphalia Congress programme Wednesday, 26th October 113:003:00 ttoo 114:304:30 AAccessibleccessible ssportsports ffacilities:acilities: IInclusion nclusion fforor aallll Chairman Sir Philip Craven Participant for Great Britain in wheel- chair basketball at fi ve Paralympic Games from 1972 to 1988 World Champion in wheelchair basketball Creating inclusive sports events inside Mark Todd accessible buildings Accessibility Consultant for the 2012 London Olympic and Paralympic Sum- mer Games, United Kingdom IPC’s strategy towards a global impact Apostolos Rigas on accessibility and inclusion Head of Paralympic Games Strategic Projects, International Paralympic Com- mittee, “Sport Manager of the Year 2006” in Greece Accessibility during and after the Prof. Yimin Sun Paralympic Games at the China Agriculture Architect, Architecture Design and Research Institute, China University Gymnasium in Beijing Interdependence 2012: The Rick Hansen Nancy Thomson Foundation’s 25th anniversary congress Director, 25th Anniversary Special Projects, Rick Hansen Foundation, Canada Congress programme Wednesday, 26th October 115:005:00 ttoo 116:306:30 EElitelite ssportsports ffacilities:acilities: AAfterfter ggamesames lleisureeisure uusese Chairman Dr. Ching-Kuo Wu Member of the International Olympic Com- mittee and President of the International Boxing Association Richmond Ice Skating Oval: Robert J. Johnston From Olympic design to community use Architect, Principal at CannonDesign, Canada Winner of the IOC/IAKS Award Gold Medal and the IPC/IAKS Distinction 2011 Hillcrest Recreation Complex: Darryl Condon Design of a community recreation complex Architect, Partner at Hughes Condon Marler Architects (HCMA), Canada adaptable to Olympic and Paralympic Winner of the IPC/IAKS Distinction 2011 competition requirements National Ice Sports Complex in Calgary David Swanson Architect, GEC Architecture, Canada National Ice Sports Complex in Calgary Mark Hentze Architect, Director of Recreation and Leisure Developments and Partner at CEI Architec- ture, former professional hockey player, Canada Congress programme Wednesday, 26th October 117:007:00 ttoo 118:008:00 FForumorum BBrazilrazil 22014014 / 22016:016: BBusinessusiness oopportunitiespportunities aandnd ddevelopmentevelopment
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