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Box 276, 1 1 New Bear ' Kevlar Centerblook, CT 06409-0276 USA Tel: 860-767-1779 - tiz ,,tock tiz 2-1" and 26" diameter,, Fax: 860-767-7017 Traditional Calfskin Email: [email protected] -----~-=--=-=On~llle:::Wro=:~Wil;wcooperman.com Ancienffimes 2 From the 1 No. 1112-No,ombct,:?()II() Tht Corps of Yutmlay Publisher/Editor Publahcd:,; The Company of 14 Fifers cffDrummers w we come to talk ofthe fifes and drums Hanciford's Vol11nturs F&DC ofyesterday. The bcgmmngs of this Editor: Bob l>T.cl· Ctltbratts 25 ¥tars illusmous music are somewhat elusive and Senior Editor: Robin N1mu12 perhaps lost forever in antiqmty. But we Associat• Editon: can n:Oect on the history we have at hand Grrg BJcon, MUll, Editor 15 Nwithin the museum archives. J fascinanng record of fife Jc-1.~ Hili-mon. Juruon Editor Yitluvillt F&D Rt11nio11 St""-c :-.icaut2, Clltnd.u and drum. As with many such excursions into the past, EJ Olsen, \lo Sdioos. Obmwit; there are ahva)-s more mccn:stmg stones to cdl chan can be ~tmy S-npion. \\ Cl! Co.lS1 A<lOOl!t F.ditor 16 presented m one issue. We hope thac readers will be Art & Dtsign Dirtctor. DmJone1 pleased with the ~lecoons. And, as always, your Tiit Compan)' Performs Memlxnh.ip/Subscriptions: at tht Big E comments and suggestions are welcome. For mfonn,mon on Life Mmibcr;lup plcdsc-, Contributions to the AT :iddm.< ch.mgr. and ,ub,.:npnon infomunon contlc.T 17 We plan to continue with feature topic, for the next four The Omp.u,y of li/m & Dnnmnm, • FREEZER JAM 2001 is.rues: In orck-r they will be:" The Drum", "Music and P.O. Box 277, homon CT. 06-l-12.()277 is Comi11g! Corps oftbe Civil War'', "'The Fife", and "Old New York" . td. Wl 767-lli7: We would be plea.led for all who would like to sub1T11t £.ax 8(,(1767-9765 18 • arodes, or ideas for an article or feature, co do 10. Some c-nuil. compan)·hqra neczcro.com Jr.Jam Editorial: amcles have already been submitted for all of the coming For "nttr\ guidduia or to ducus., lU>t) i<ll'l:S. cduorul fearun.-s, but more are nccdt-d. nutmil and phocos con1Jc1· Bob L\-nch, Ancimt We have received several letters and e-mail memges with Time>, P 0. Box 27i. 62 North M.1in St. hoou,n CT 19 06+12.j)277 Tht Company Junior Fift & kmd word,, about the lmemational Issue. These are much c-nuil: 311,lc:nllmes@:futdrum.eom Drum Camp appreciated by the AT sraH: Though the response co the Advmiling: features in the L1St few issues has been grati~ing, we wane For ntci and miblnlity cootlCt Rmdy St.ac k, to nwmain an equal focus on the corps acthities in every Anncnt Tunrs, P 0. Box 27i, 611\onh Man St. 20 area of this counoy and Europe. We still need stories about h"Ol)10ll CT ()6.l.l2-02Ti Imprt.ssions cif local fife and drum aco\iaes and corps events. Generally Fift & Drum Camp we schedule stories for the nex't ~ue immedi.uely upon The Company of completing the cum:nc issue Someames we may hold a Fifers cffDrummers story provided 1c is not ame sensmve, because it relates to 22 or is enhanced by another fea.rure or story in a fururc JiSue Pmidtnt: D-n \10) L.n b • -J :?.32-!360 A Juniors S11mmtr Camp ofthe AT. Fim Vier Pmidtnt: lee Zuulcm.t "Who's Jt'ho" {R60) 537-5502 As we progr<!S.\ through each issue we an: continually look­ Second Vic• Pmid,nt: Rwly Sad mg for opporruruaes co lfllprove both the appearance and '21\3) 26;-05-13 26 the content of the m.1gazme. You will note several clunges Stat~~ Colleen Suck (2()3J 2n5-05.11 have been made in the layout of the magw.ne, man Trwurrr: Joe \1oonty (.?03) -ISS-97•5 Glover's Fifa & Drums Ancimu Fund: Dm .\IO)U!l (617) 734-12')(1 attempt to improve readabili1.y and a\-ailability ofspace. Archh-Hi Mwtum Curator: Ed Olsm We ha\·e begun to idenafy AT contrtbmors in more detail \860).\?'·M519 28 when available, and co credit photos when the FacilitiH Co-~: K"',n Bro"11 photographer IS known. (SW).)99-7572. ;-.:,ii O'Bncn 860) 21,i-8250 Tht Tattltr The "Duke" Mm,bmhip Chairman: Tmic l.2inb ~,O) -!~rout!: tbml{,itJdlncuom 29 Thi!> issue include-. the obmwy ofAlfred "Duke" Tenen Music Chairman: ~ Cancris who passed away Ill October. His contrtbuaon to the world (9H\ s.l.\-4136 Fift & Drum in Cybmpact Thf Company Sto~: N-ncy Billom of 6fe and drum, and beyond in the greater world ofmtL11c. (S(-0) 66}.Jl.5()6 rnuil· nmcylulnn@,;1ol.com \\'3!. considerable. Time does not allO\\ for an appropnace A=m amn 11 publimcd qwrtcD} I') Th• C'.ompm) 30 tribute to appear in this IS.Sue ofthe Anoem Times, but ,111 oi Film &: Drummtn, hl<' . Museum. \IUSIC Libr.11), arocle IS in preparation for the next 1$Ue. Hwqwnm. P.O. Bo~ 2ii, l,tlr)1011 CT 06+l1- Random ThoughtJ om 1860) 767-2"..37. Juniors Th, pubbaooo (lSS;',0091-i I'n} 1ttb to lcq, Some may feel that there has been too much emphasis on andividwl, m,arunolUl, and ,irum corps mcmbcD 31 the Juniors. con.;idering the recent Juniors JSSue, the summer throu¢1oot th( world informed primlnl)· on tht­ Ltttm to tht Editor acn,1Dc1 oftr.idinorul Ammon liie :anJ drum coq,s camp articles m this and the L1St issue, and the Jrs ~n as Ancit'nD. The C'.omfW!Y lllllrn.ttlll a Composition ContesL Yet, all of us who rum: <pent the m=m md hodqwn•n on two-plm am,. It icch 32 good p.n ofa lifetime m the eajo)mem of fifing and 10 pcrpwutc the lmumal llj:Jlllianc• :.nd folk tndJ. drumming, certainly want it to Cl)ntinue to flouruh, and for 11,t Mu.fflt.d Drum n0111 oi Am,riQll ti,ld lll1l!IC and to fusta tbr 5Pmt of our sons and daughters, grand,,ons and granddaughters and fcDowdu;, among .ill 6fm and drummcn. Foundc.J m their mends to find the same joy ofplapng the mUSJc and 1965, Tht C..,r;anyeflijm & Drummm, Int 11 a to beatli. UX-<Xt'lll('<. a,-dcdu,tibk, non-profu corpor.non. 35 marching the ructimental Extc. Com. Minutes The results of the Jr< Composiaon Contest are announced in this tSSUC, though it ~ net the contest usclf that IS important. It is the encouragement of our younger members not jusc to 0nTh, Co,-.r: The SIOnC)' a.el CClps. ,_.,, nl prxllCr DI 8110)"'1 oJl<d. participate rn pla}mg but co conmbure thetr mUSlcal ideas to lbe<lnlmmlr..anl &mi ldii> Enoc!, S,..)tr. CXIJlli lllltlll<1llr. A lllfflll'<I" oldie mpal Clal<r Capo DI lli68. S.11,)trlmckd lhe ~ cw.I bn:>dlh dOmccuaa the 6.fe and drum commuru1y. Although this parocular n1-,~icactunilheCNn. (a,111i11ued 011 p,:igt' 2) 2 AncicntTunes (cmnmttdfem w 1) conccst focud only on file music, a mnibr l'\fflt for drum composiuon ' H aoo tlfflkd, and H bang pl.mncd fur die spnng oi200 I. Dm=m ,,,th members ofsome JWUOr coips bJ,-c :ilcttcd m that \"tr) fe\, e\1.'T see HOP) ofthe Anoem Timcs. fo improve tlm SltuJDOn the Exccum-c Comnuttcc 1w voted to reduce die pnce ofa Junior Memlxnlup ,,1th Al subscnpuon to $10 a year. Wc Cl!UlOt f0rt,~ the Jµruors' 1mportmcc as furutr krcpm-0f the Anc1a1tSp1m to 1~m .md appreciJte the fife and the 1dennfied ...,1th their 1UJne on e ~ ookmg blck Staff Changes and Acthities drwn and the mu11c. In many corps the drum. Smnl corps were organized. led, over old l\illCS We bJ,-c had SC\"tt:il c~ 10 the 1lbtnlet01' were veteran "Anacnts" .md and lll:ltTU(tcd m fife or drwn by the bUll­ stllf dicsc ~t f<:'.\ months. M.uy of the Ancient taught rudunem:,u drumming to young n~ o,,11cr. The Ci,il WM ii repmcmed lkth Johl150n h:is, for prnonal TtmC'>. brin~ 10 men lnd women who ofien pl..iyed 111 both by a photo of the Michigan Dept. of the =m. tCSlgllCd 6-om her duucs :as nund. the ,,on­ "modem" .md "Ancient" co~. The GAR whose reunion corps shows a mix­ 1\11.mer Conunmcc Chm and AT Jer of \\hy ulcnd.u- editor. We hope dut :ill dlit:inctioru are not :il,,.y~ ob\1ou~. nor ture ofolder veterans .md young repl..icc­ goes well ...,,th M.uv Beth and are relevant. ments. Thi.I ii s.mpling, a p1.-ek ifyou will, most gr.udul for her contribuuom The picnires ofcorps from the 19th of the corps of y&c:rd.y.
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