FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 31 • 'NUMBER 9.1 Wednesday, May 11, 1966 • Washington, D.C. Pages 6887-6939 Agencies in this issue— Atomic Energy Commission Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Commodity Credit Corporation Comptroller of the Currency Customs Bureau Emergency Planning Office Engineers Corps Federal Aviation Agency Federal Communications Commission Federal Home Loan Bank Board Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Federal Trade Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration Interstate Commerce Commission Labor Department Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration Renegotiation Board Securities and Exchange Commission Detailed list o f Contents appears inside. Just Released CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS (As of January 1, 1966) Title 17—Commodity and Securities Exchanges (Pocket Supplement) $1.00 [A cumulative checklist of CFR issuances for 1966 appears in the first issue of the Federal Register each month under Title 11 Order from Superintendent of Documents, United States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or FEDERALMREGISTER on the day after an official Federal holiday!, by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration (m ail address National Area Code 202 V , >934 ¿ y Phone 963—3261 Archives Building, Washington, D.C. 20408), pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed by the Admin­ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15.00 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 pages and 5 cents for each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pur­ suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the Superintendent of Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code of F ederal R eg u latio ns. C o n t e n t s AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT FEDERAL AVIATION AGENCY FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION See Commodity Credit Corpora­ Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations tion. Standard instrument approach Administrative opinions and rul­ ings: ARMY DEPARTMENT procedures; miscellaneous amendments_________________ _ 6894 Agreement among retailers for See Engineers Corps. Restricted area; designation_____ 6893 uniform store hours_________ 6906 Goods of like grade and quality. 6906 ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Proposed Rule Making Rules and Regulations Control zone and transition areas; FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Contractors; employees and con­ alteration_____________________ 6908 Rules and Regulations sultants; miscellaneous amend­ Notices Sport fishing at St. Marks Na­ ments____________ _____________ 6907 tional Wildlife Refuge, Fla_____ 6893 WMAL-TV—WTOP-TV ; affirma­ CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD tion of determination of no haz­ FOOD AND DRUG ard to air navigation__________ 6915 Notices ADMINISTRATION Latin American service mail rate FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Rules and Regulations proceedings___________ _______ 6912 COMMISSION Belladonna; warning and caution statements________________ 6906 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Proposed Rule Making Rules and Regulations Aeronautical advisory service. .1 . 6909 HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND Excepted service: WELFARE DEPARTMENT General Accounting Office-----6903 Notices Health, Education, and Welfare Hearings, etc.: See Food and Drug Administra­ Department (2 documents)__ 6903 Century Broadcasting Co., Inc., tion. and RKO General, Inc______ 6916 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT City Index Corp. and John M. INTERIOR DEPARTMENT See Maritime Administration. McLendon________ ___________1 6917 See Fish and Wildlife Service; Cosmopolitan Enterprises, Inc., Land Management Bureau. COMMODITY CRÉDIT and H. H. Huntley__________ 6917 Northwestern Indiana Broad­ INTERSTATE COMMERCE CORPORATION casting Corp., et al______6917 Rules and Regulations Sherman, Gordon, and Omicron COMMISSION Dry edible bean loan and purchase Television Corp_____________ 6918 Notices program, 1966 and suBsequent Sports Network, Inc., and Amer­ Class rates and per-shipment crops__________________________ 6904 ican Telephone and Telegraph charges, middlewest, central, Co_____________________ _____ 6918 and southwest states__________ 6937 COMPTROLLER OF THE W DIX, Inc., and Radio Orange­ Fourth section applications for Burg, Inc_______ 6920 CURRENCY relief__________ s___________ ____ 6938 Rules and Regulations Motor carrier: FEDERAL HOME LOAN Alternate route deviation no­ Investment securities; State of tices_____________ .___________ 6931 Israel Bonds, Development In- J BANK BOARD Applications and certain other vestment Issue________________ 6905 Rules and Regulations proceedings (2 documents). 6933, CUSTOMS BUREAU Federal Home Loan Bank System ; 6936 organization and operations; Intrastate applications________ 6937 Proposed Rule Making compensation and Budgets.—__ 6905 Temporary authority applica­ Disposition of unclaimed and tions_________________________ 6929 abandoned merchandise; rescis­ FEDERAL MARITIME Railroads; rerouting of traffic____ 6937 sion of proposed amendment___ 6908 Notices COMMISSION LABOR DEPARTMENT International Paper Co.; U.S. citi- Notices Notices zenship_________________ ;______ 6912 Cargofast Pacific, Inc.; revocation Office of Federal Contract Com­ of license______________________ 6925 pliance (EEO) ; establishment_ 6921 DEFENSE DEPARTMENT LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU See Engineers Corps. FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Rules and Regulations EMERGENCY PLANNING OFFICE Notices Utah; public land order adding to Notices Hearings, etc.: Ouray National Wildlife Ref- Voluntary Tanker Plan for Con­ Atlantic Refining Co__________ 6923 u ge------------------------ ---------- 6907 tribution of Tanker Capacity B & G Oil & Gas Co. et al______ 6922 Notices Central Illinois PuBlic Service for National Defense Require- Louisiana; proposed withdrawal__6912 ments; membership: Co. and Panhandle Eastern Additions__________________ 6926 Pipe Line Co_____________ 6924 MARITIME ADMINISTRATION Deletions_________ 6926 Kentucky Gas Transmission Corp.------------------- .... ____ 6924 Rules and Regulations ENGINEERS CORPS National Sulphur Co________ 6925 Shipping; values for war risk in­ St. Joseph Light & Power Co. surance _______________:a_______ 6891 Rules and Regulations and Michigan Wisconsin Pipe Bridges; Mystic River, Mass_____ 6907 Line Co _______ ,__r____ 6925 {Continued on next page) 6889 6890 CONTENTS RENEGOTIATION BOARD Rules and Regulations Conduct of renegotiation; filing of information and requests by contractor____________________ 6906 Notices Organization; location of Western Regional Board________________ 6926 SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Notices Hearings, etc.: American-AmicaBle Life Insur­ ance Co_____________________ 6926 Columbia Gas System, Inc_____ 6927 Dunfee Savings & Lease________ 6928 Enterprise Securities Fund, m e. 6928 Television-Electronics Fund, In c _________ 6928 TREASURY DEPARTMENT See Comptroller of the Currency; Customs Bureau. List of CFR Parts Affected (Codification Guide) The following numerical guide is a list of the parts of each title of the Code of Federal Regulations affected by documents published in today's issue. A cumulative list of parts affected, covering the current month to date appears at the end of each issue beginning with the second issue of the month. A cumulative guide is published separately at the end of each month. The guide lists the parts and sections affected by documents published since January 1, 1966, and specifies how they are affected. 5 CFR 16 CFR 41 CFR 213 (3 documents) 6903 15 (2 documents) 6906 9-12_______________ 6907 43 CFR 7 CFR 19 CFR P u b l ic L an d O rder : 1421_______________ 6904 P roposed R u l e s : 20 _1___________ 6908 3999___________ ;___. 6907 12 CFR 21 CFR 46 CFR l ________ _________ 6905 131____________ _ 6906 309________________ 6891 522_______________ 6905 524_!__________ ___ 6905 32 CFR 47 CFR 1472___________ _ 6906 P roposed R u l e s : 14 CFR 2_________________ 6909 73______ _______L„ 6893 33 CFR 87_________________ 6909 97________ — 6894 203----------------- 6907 P roposed R u l e s : 50 CFR 71_____________ _ 6908 33_________________ 6893 6891 Rules and Regulations Stated Stated Title 46— SHIPPING Binder Name of vessel Official valuation Binder Name of vessel Official valuation No. No. (in thou­ No. No. (in thou­ Chapter II;—Maritime Administration, sands) sands) Department of Commerce 831 American Eagle........ 278327 6,660 186 Colina___________ ___ 242775 555 SUBCHAPTER G— EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 1769 American Falcon.____ 252524 1,000 1163 Colorado____________ 252492 555 534 American Forester____ 248074 555 1978 Columbia Victory____
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