Attachment 2 LRT Network Expansion Projects Summary This attachment outlines the status of each of the six LRT network expansion projects. CONCEPT: Downtown Circulator The scope of the downtown circulator project includes delivering a concept plan (aligned with the approved LRT Network Plan), which outlines a street-level service from Downtown across the river to the University and east to Bonnie Doon and connecting back through the Downtown. The Downtown Circulator is a Public Transit Infrastructure Fund (PTIF) project. ● Current Project Status Administration has concluded the procurement for a consultant to provide support for both additional resources and technical expertise in the project development. The development includes two main components: corridor analysis (or route selection) and concept planning (first level design within the selected route). This work will inform future decisions, identifying items that include station locations and typology, LRT Operating assumptions, Road and LRT interactions, LRT and Transit integration, TOD opportunities, cost estimates, and land acquisition. Corridor analysis and concept planning is informed by a combination of land use context, technical analysis and extensive public engagement to ensure that the outcome meets the needs of citizens. ● Communications and Public Engagement Stakeholder consultation will be done with internal and external groups through the corridor selection and concept planning processes. A public engagement and communication plan will be developed by the project team with engagement planned through the balance of 2017 and into 2018. ● Upcoming Priorities ○ Background Review A review of various ongoing or completed studies adjacent to the study area will be undertaken to understand the current and future traffic behaviour and land use context. In addition, the work will be integrated with the results of High Level Bridge condition assessment currently underway to understand the condition of the bridge and feasibility to accommodate other potential uses. Page 1 of 7 Report: CR_4822 Attachment 2 DESIGN: Valley Line LRT West (Downtown to Lewis Farms) Valley Line LRT West is an alignment of 14 kilometres extending from City Centre West to Lewis Farms. The scope of work currently funded through PTIF includes the update of preliminary design completed in 2013, assessment and identification of the recommended project delivery method, development of a business case for construction funding, coordination of land acquisition, utility relocation, and early works as required. ● Current Project Status The extension of the Owner’s Engineer contract (Professional Services Agreement) for the procurement readiness stage has been fully executed. The new project team has co-located with the City’s existing Valley Line Stage 1 team in a combined project office. Administration continues to work with key internal stakeholders to identify project interfaces and opportunities for internal coordination and optimization, and preliminary engineering is now underway with location-specific working groups contributing to the work. Traffic modelling is also moving forward. A request for proposals is currently in development to onboard financial/commercial advisors for the procurement readiness phase with options for extension into the procurement stage, if required. ● Communications and Public Engagement The communications plan for Valley Line LRT West includes efforts to renew awareness about the project and share information about the previous consultations that informed the preliminary design completed in 2013. Citizen Working Groups will be established along the corridor as part of the public engagement program. A new project webpage will be developed and published as part of an integrated plan to update LRT project pages and ensure they are easy to find and view by the public within the redesigned City website. As part of the design refinement, engagement will occur in support of LRT crossing assessments at key intersections along the LRT corridor (including 149 Street and 178 Street). ● Upcoming Priorities ○ Potential concept design changes There is the potential for some changes to the approved concept plan that would require Council approval. ○ Procurement Options Assessment A procurement options assessment has been completed for the Valley Line West project and a shortlist of options has been selected for additional consideration, framework development, and implementation. Page 2 of 7 Report: CR_4822 Attachment 2 ○ Land Acquisition Budget At the time of writing this report, a budget adjustment request through report CR_4721 Valley Line LRT and an associated borrowing bylaw, CR_4775 Bylaw 17980 - A Bylaw to Authorize the City of Edmonton to undertake, construct and finance City Operations Project, Valley Line LRT - Phase 2 are scheduled to appear at Council in May/June in support of the necessary land acquisition. This is a part of efforts to ensure that the project can be construction procurement ready. DESIGN: Metro Line LRT Northwest Extension (NAIT to Blatchford AND Blatchford to Campbell Road) The Metro Line LRT Northwest Extension is comprised of two separate PTIF-funded stages of design work, which comprise the total Metro Line alignment from NAIT to Campbell Road. The first stage, NAIT to Blatchford, includes up to 1500 meters of double track (including replacement of the temporary NAIT station with the permanent facility) to the proposed Blatchford Station that will integrate and facilitate Transit Oriented Development opportunities with the City of Edmonton Blatchford Development. The current PTIF-funded scope of work for this project includes validation and updates to the existing concept plan, preliminary design, determination of the optimal construction procurement and delivery method, and development of a business case for construction funding for NAIT to Blatchford. Metro Line (NAIT to Blatchford) is targeting construction procurement readiness in 2018. The second stage of the alignment (Blatchford to Campbell Road) includes a 10 kilometre two-track extension from Blatchford to the proposed Campbell Road station that will be integrated with the future City of St. Albert Park and Ride. The currently funded scope of work for this project includes validation and updates to the existing concept plan, preliminary design, and recommendation of project delivery method. ● Current Project Status A consulting team was procured, via a negotiated request for proposals, to complete the current scope of work. A project office co-located with Administration has been set up and concept validation is currently underway, which includes early stakeholder meetings to review the planned alignment. ● Communications and Public Engagement Meetings with key stakeholders are already underway. City communications staff and the project team are preparing key messages and updated maps consistent with previous Metro Line LRT and Page 3 of 7 Report: CR_4822 Attachment 2 Blatchford messaging, focusing on this extension as the development of a community amenity that will showcase a different physical form and user experience than the City’s legacy high-floor lines. Community League outreach began in May 2017. Public engagement events are being planned with 3-4 to be scheduled in late June and 3-4 to be scheduled in November to present any recommended updates to the concept plan. Administration aims to work with the existing Blatchford Working Groups to avoid stakeholder fatigue through duplicated efforts. ● Upcoming Priorities ○ Concept Plan Validation Assessments of a number of LRT crossings will be conducted using the new crossing assessment framework. Crossings being assessed include Princess Elizabeth and 106 Street, 137 Avenue, 153 Avenue, 127 Street, 142 Street and Campbell Road. ○ Project Interfaces To ensure optimal integration with other City and non-City (eg. private developer, institutional, etc.) projects and initiatives, input is being collected to determine all possible interfaces in order to plan proper coordination, and optimize efforts. This includes integration of LRT design plans with Blatchford project construction plans and identifying opportunities for collaboration with the Kingsway Mall site redevelopment. ○ Major Stakeholder Engagement Administration is initiating engagement with key stakeholders such as Oxford Properties, NAIT, Blatchford, Canada Lands Corporation, various community leagues, CN Rail, City of St. Albert and Alberta Health Services. Initial discussions with all major stakeholders are planned to be completed by late June 2017. DESIGN: Capital Line LRT - South Extension (Century Park to Ellerslie Road) The Capital Line LRT South Extension includes a 4.8 kilometre two-track extension from the existing Century Park station to the future Heritage Valley Park & Ride at Ellerslie Road and 127 Street. The scope of work currently funded through PTIF includes an update of the existing preliminary design (originally completed in 2010), an optimal construction delivery method assessment, and preparation of construction procurement documents. ● Current Project Status The negotiated request for proposals for the concept plan validation, Page 4 of 7 Report: CR_4822 Attachment 2 design update, and construction procurement readiness assignment closed in April 2017 and the evaluation team awarded a contract in May 2017. ● Communications and Public Engagement A public engagement plan is currently being developed by the consulting team that will extend
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