Potential Open Space Linkages Chapter 3 · Community Background Potential Open Space Linkages Vegetation along the Schuylkill River Bank What are Open Space Linkages? Open space linkages are linear, undeveloped cor- regional location, the Township needs to ensure that ridors that contain natural features, trails, or open its residents can access these regional resources easily spaces that connect existing or proposed open space through local trail networks that link to their neigh- areas. They can form a link between multiple resi- borhoods. dential neighborhoods, and they can connect neigh- The Township contains multiple creek and stream borhoods to other districts and the greater region. corridors, a significant utility right-of-way, and an Typically, open space linkages follow creeks, streams extensive network of public open spaces. These cor- or river banks, utility rights-of-way, abandoned or ridors represent opportunities to create local feeder inactive rail lines, and in some cases, abandoned trails to Township parks and open spaces as well as roadways. These linkages can be multi-modal, serv- the regional trail network. ing many different users including pedestrians, bicy- The primary documents guiding the current trail clists and equestrians, or they can serve only one user development within Whitemarsh Township are Mont- group, typically depending on the type of trail and gomery County’s Bicycle Mobility Plan, Whitemarsh the terrain. Township’s 2003 Comprehensive Plan and the Open There are many different features within Space Plan Update of 1996. The proposed trails sys- Whitemarsh Township that already serve as open tem, both on- and off-street, is shown on Map #14 space linkages or present excellent opportunities for Pathways and Trails. the expansion of existing linkages. The Township is The existing trails and potential linkages use the fortunate to be centrally located within the regional following natural and man-made features: trail network. Four major regional trails traverse the Township and create a well-developed basis for the Creek Corridors creation and development of a comprehensive Town- The following creek corridors represent potential ship-wide trail network. To take full advantage of its open space linkages, either as natural areas or poten- tial trail linkages, as determined by the Township. · Whitemarsh Township Open Space Plan · 37 Chapter 3 · Community Background Lorraine Run · Lorraine Run is the Township’s largest Country Club with the proposed sidewalk/pathway creek, west of the Wissahickon. Lorraine Run flows to be located along Germantown Pike. east from the west side of Sheaff Lane, between a gap in Cold Point and Militia Hill, along the north Sandy Run Creek · Sandy Run Creek flows southwest side of Stenton Avenue, through the Philadelphia from Upper Dublin Township for a short distance Cricket Club, before emptying into the Wissahickon before converging with Wissahickon Creek in Fort Creek, near West Valley Green Road. Most of the Hill. The majority of this creek is located within the Lorraine Run Corridor is located on Sunnybrook and Sandy Run and Fort Hill Areas of Fort Washington Philadelphia Cricket Club lands, with a small portion State Park. Enhanced connections between the Cross between the two flowing through large residential County Trail and the Sandy Run Area would allow lots. Along its course, Lorraine Run crosses the Cross Sandy Run Area users to easily access the Cross County Trail and the Wissahickon Trail, just before County Trail and SEPTA’s Fort Washington Station. emptying into the Wissahickon Creek. Utility Rights-of-Way Spring Mill Creek · The Spring Mill Creek begins PECO Transmission Line · This transmission line within the Green Valley Country Club and flows located in the southern portion of the Township en- south through Kline Park and Spring Mill Park before ters Whitemarsh from Plymouth Township, south of emptying in to the Schuylkill River. The proposed Silt Sherry Lake. The transmission line and the associated Basin Trail follows its course south from Germantown right-of-way travels south to Spring Mill Park before Pike, through Kline Park and several undeveloped turning to the east and paralleling the Schuylkill Riv- parcels, before terminating at the proposed sidewalk/ er before entering into Philadelphia. The right-of-way pathway to be constructed along the length of Cedar passes by a variety of land uses including single- and Grove Road. Completion of this proposed trail would multi-family residential developments, several office provide a connection from Miles Park to Spring Mill parks, undeveloped parcels, and Whitemarsh Town- Park. ship’s Cedar Grove Park and Montgomery County’s Spring Mill Park. The western portion of the right- Andorra Creek · Andorra Creek flows southwest from Harts Lane and enters the Schuylkill River near Spring Mill Park. Andorra Creek flows through a large parcel of privately owned open space, a significant area of residential development, past the former ski slope parcel, across the PECO right-of-way, before crossing the Schuylkill River Trail and entering the Schuylkill River. Acquisition of the linear space along Andorra Creek would allow the creation of a riparian corridor and possibly a trail connecting the areas west of ACE PECO right-of-way 38 · Whitemarsh Township Open Space Plan · Potential Open Space Linkages of-way presents the potential for a connection of sur- Norfolk Southern Freight Line · The abandoned Nor- rounding residential neighborhood with Cedar Grove folk Southern Freight railroad line enters Whitemarsh Park, Spring Mill Park and the Schuylkill River Trail. Township from Plymouth Township in close proxim- ity to Flourtown Road. From this point it travels east Transportation Rights-of-Way towards the intersection of Joshua Road and Sten- SEPTA R5 Line · SEPTA’s R5 rail line enters ton Avenue, where it turns to the northeast. It exits Whitemarsh Township from Springfield Township, the Township near the Fort Washington exit of the north of Camp Hill Road in the Stenton/Wissahickon Pennsylvania Turnpike. Along its course, the Norfolk District. It travels through the Township for a short Southern Freight Line passes Sunnybrook Golf Club, distance before exiting into Upper Dublin Township, crosses the Philadelphia Cricket Club, and travels near Germantown Academy. The R5’s Fort Washing- through, or near, large portions of Fort Washington ton Station is located along the line near Bethlehem State Park and Wissahickon Valley Park. Several sig- Pike. The R5 line traverses the edge of the Sandy nificant portions of trail already exist along this cor- Run Area of Fort Washington State Park. It crosses ridor. The Cross County Trail utilizes the Norfolk the Norfolk Southern railroad lines which travel in Southern Freight Line, from its entrance into the a north-south direction through the Township. The Township until it turns to the north at Joshua Road. Cross County Trail utilizes a small portion of the R5 At this point the Cross County Trail diverges from line corridor from Commerce Drive to Bethlehem the Norfolk Southern line for a short distance, before Pike. The Whitemarsh Township Comprehensive rejoining it at the south end of Fort Washington State Plan indicates a proposed trail which closely paral- Park. The trail again follows the Norfolk Southern lels the R5 Line from Bethlehem Pike to the point at Line until it crosses the Wissahickon Creek, at which which the line joins the Wissahickon Creek Corridor. point the trail turns north and joins the Wissahickon Extension of the existing trail portion along the re- Trail. A small spur of the Wissahickon Trail, which maining portion of the R5 line corridor would quick- follows Stenton Avenue, crosses the Norfolk South- ly expand the service area of both the Cross County ern Line shortly after the Cross County Trail diverg- and Wissahickon Creek Trails. es. An on-street sidewalk/pathway is proposed along the length of Joshua Road and would also cross the SEPTA R6 Line · The R6 rail line enters Whitemarsh rail right-of-way at this point. Township from the City of Philadelphia along the banks of the Schuylkill River, the Riverfront District. Trail Linkages The line runs through the Township in close prox- Open space linkages in the form of trails have been imity to the River and moves away from the river- detailed in the Whitemarsh Township Comprehen- bank as it enters the Borough of Conshohocken. The sive Plan of 2003. Most of the trails shown in the Schuylkill River Trail parallels the rail line in this Comprehensive Plan are proposed trails; however, area and is a popular resource for bicyclists, runners, there are extensive segments of existing trails. The walkers and rollerbladers. addition of the trails proposed in the plan will create · Whitemarsh Township Open Space Plan · 39 Chapter 3 · Community Background a comprehensive trail network that serves the major- Map #13 Existing Trails by District ity of Whitemarsh Township residents. In particular, AMBLER AMBLER AMBLER the proposed Joshua RoadUPPER Trail DUBLIN will enable residents UPPER DUBLIN UPPER DUBLIN in the Central District to connect with the resources in the Township and beyond. ��������������������� ��������������������� ��������������������� ������ ������ ������ WHITPAIN ��������� WHITPAIN ��������� WHITPAIN ��������� SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ������� ���������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ������ ������ ������ PLYMOUTH ������� PLYMOUTH ������� PLYMOUTH
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