PLEASE NOTE This Catalogue only lists the 3,000 most commonly ordered British parts together with sets, accessories and items not found in original Parts Books. We actually carry and supply well over 30,000 part numbers. It is essential that anyone working on one of these bikes first obtains a copy of the original parts book for that bike. A searchable database (including part number, description, price and stock) of the items we carry can be found on our web site. We can supply illustrated Parts Books for most British motorcycles 1900 – 1984. Walridge Motors Limited: Ph: 519-227-4923; Fax: 519-227-4720; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.walridge.com 3 Walridge Motors Limited, 33988 Denfield Rd RR2, LuCan, ON, N0M 2J0, Canada Ph: 519-227-4923; Fax: 519-227-4720; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.walridge.com MAIL ORDER ONLY—Personal callers by appointment PLEASE READ THIS FIRST This catalogue is not a substitute for original parts books These are inexpensive and absolutely essential for anyone working on a British Bike INTRODUCTION It is hard to believe that it has been 25 years sinCe I opened this business. At that time a couple of my competitors had a conversation and agreed that we wouldn’t last and I’d soon get fed up with it. Well I have to admit it has been a hard learning experienCe but for the most part it has been very enjoyable and we hope to keep going for many more years. I wrote the first Walridge catalogue in 1988, literally cutting and pasting illustrations with sCissors and glue and photocopying the finished product for Customers who were mostly local Callers at the Counter. We are now, thank goodness, more sophistiCated and the vast majority of our 14,000 plus customers live many miles away and contact us by email and phone. We still see a few Customers at the shop by appointment and orders plaCed in advance Can still be piCked up 9 – 5 Monday to Friday. I know, for anyone who knows me, this sounds like a broken record but the biggest challenge we face is dealing with the daily deluge of several hundred enquiries. One of my UK Competitors Calls it, “E-mail hell”, he answers what he Can in the day and deletes the rest. Meeting Customers’ needs and expectations is an ongoing work in process and we are constantly looking for ways to improve service. This Catalogue ConCentrates primarily on sets and items not Commonly found in the regular parts books. It only lists the 3,000 or so most Commonly ordered British parts. We aCtually list and supply over 30,000 part numbers and it is essential that anyone working on a British bike first obtain a Copy of the original illustrated factory parts book for their maChine. We Can supply most parts books and they are priCed from $5. The Common ones are listed in the following pages but please ContaCt us if you don’t see what you are looking for. We have reCently made some Changes to our operation. Customers with questions Can use the, “ContaCt us” option at bottom of the Web site Home page. We are now including on the Web site an ExCel spread sheet, listing most of the parts we Carry with part no., desCription, priCe and quantity in stock. You Can Cut and past from this, for priority serviCe, to the, ”Quote” form also found on home page. PriCes have not generally inCreased very muCh in the last few years although in these unCertain economiC times Changes will probably be neCessary. Please Consult the web site or ContaCt us for Current priCing. We have recently increased most priCes by 10% however will apply a 10% disCount to Customers who plaCe orders with all part numbers provided. Thank you for your interest in Walridge Motors Limited. Mike Partridge INDEX ClutCh Springs 68 Gas Tank Parts 35-7 Coffee Mugs 171 Gas Tank Sealer 154 Coil BraCket 130 Gas Tanks 35 Advance/Retard Springs 126,130 Coils 130 Gas Tap Washers 34 Air Filters 29, 38/9 Colortune 155 Gas Taps 33/4 Air Filter Hoses 38/9 Condensers 126 Gasket Cement 153 Allen SCrews 75/6, 163/4 ContaCt Cleaner 153 Gaskets 47-50 Alpha Bearings 64 ContaCt Points 131 Gear Oil 153 Alternators 128 ContaCt Breaker Parts 126,130 Gear Shift Levers 70 Ammeters 134 Control Box 125-8 Goggles 172/3 Alton generators & starters 127/9 Copper Washers 164 Grab Rails 89 Anti Wet Sump Valve 56 Crankshaft Plugs 61 Grease Gun 154 Badges - Lapel 173 Crankshaft Stud Kits 63 Grease Nipples 164 Badges - JaCket 171/2 Cut Out SwitCh 136 Grips 104 Baseball Hats 171 Cylinder Liner 54 Halogen Bulbs 131 Batteries 137/8 Cylinders 54/5 Handbooks 15-17 Battery Carrier 138 Cylinder Base Nuts 44,54 Handlebar Grips 104 Battery Charger 156 DeCals 165-9 Handlebar Mounts 96 Battery Straps 138 Dies 160/1 Handlebars 95 Bearings/Bushes 64-7 Dip SwitCh 135/6 Hats 171 Belt Drive Kits 73/4 DisCs 116 Haynes Manuals 14/5 Big Bore Kits 55/6 DVD's 19/20 Head Bolt Set 54 Big End Nuts 54 Dynamo Control Units 128/9 Head Steady 90 Bolts 162-4 Dynamo Parts 128 Headlamps 131/2 Books 9-19 EleCtriC Starters 127/8 Headlamp Bolts 97 Boyer Kits 122-5 EleCtriCal 120-41 Headlamp BraCkets 96-7 Brake DisCs 116 EleCtroniC Ignitions 122-5 Headlamp Peaks 133 Brake Fluid 153 Engine Bolt Sets 53 Headlamp Rims 133 Brake Hoses 116 Engine Oil 154 Headlamp Shells 132 Brake Pads 115 Engine Plate Covers 78 Headlamp SpaCers 97 Brake Parts 115-9 Exhaust Clamps/Fittings 59-61 Headlamp Units 133 Brake Shoes 115 Exhaust Pipes 59 Heat Sinks 128 Bulb Holders 131-3 Fender Fittings 84 Heat Shrink Tubing 140 Bulbs 131 Fender Stays 84 Horn SwitChes 135/6 Cable Oiler 154 Fenders 82/3 Horns 130 Cable Parts 151-3 Fibre Washers 163 Ignition Coils 130 Cable Ties 135 Filters - Air 38/9 Ignition SwitChes 135 Cables 142-53 Filters - Oil 40/1 ImpaCt WrenCh 156 Caliper Kits 116 Flasher Unit 131 Inlet Manifold 30,40,54 Caliper Parts 116,119 Footrests 95 Inner Tubes 107/8 Caliper Pistons 116 Fork Gaiters 104-5 Isolastic Parts 90 Cam Bushes 43 Fork Oil 153 Jointing Compound 153 Camfollowers 42/3 Fork Parts 97-100 Key Blanks 96, 135 Camshafts 42/3 Fork Seals 61 Key Fobs 171 CapaCitor 126 Fork Springs 98 Kibblewhite PM parts 46 Carb Hoses 39,40 Fork Tubes 97-8 KiCk Start Cotters 70 Carburetors 21-30 Fork Yokes (HurriCane) 98 KiCk Start Levers 70 CD Roms 12 Frame ID Plate 75 KiCk Start Springs 71 Centre Stands 81 Frame Parts Sundry 78 Knee Grips 37 Chain 92/3 Front Number Plate 84/5 Lapel Badges 173 Chain Breaker 155 Fuel Filters 32 Lenses Tail 134 Chain Lube 154 Fuses 137 Lever Parts 103/4 Chainguards 78/9 Gaiter Clips 105 Levers 101-3 Clip-ons 95 Gaiters 104-5 LiCense DisC Holder 85 Clubs 7 Gas Line 32/3 Lifting Handles 89 ClutCh Locking Tool 161 Gas Line Fittings 32/3 Light Unit Rims 133 ClutCh Parts 68-70 Gas Tank Badges 35/6 Light Units 133 ClutCh Plates 68-70 Gas Tank Caps 37/8 LubriCants 153/4 ClutCh Push Rods 69 INDEX (Cont.) Pressure Relief Nuts 45 Sump Plates (frame) 78 Primary ChainCase Parts 72/3 Surflex ClutCh kits 69 Push Rods 43,46 Sweat Shirts 171 Lyta RepliCa Tanks 35 QD Headlight soCket 132 Swing Arm Bushes 78 Magnetos 127 Rear Chainguards 78/9 Swing Arm Parts 78 Magneto Parts 129/30 Rear Lite Units 134 SwitChes 135-7 Manifolds 30,40,54 Rear Number Plate 85 T Shirts 170 Master Cylinders 116, 119 Rear Shocks 79/80 Tab Washer Set 61,63 Master Cylinder Kits 116 ReCtifiers 129 Tab Washers 61,63 MegaCyCle Cams 43 RefleCtors 134 Tachometers 77 Mikuni Carbs 29 Regulators 125-8 Tail Fairings 84 Mirrors 101 Rev Limiter 125 Tail Lamps & Lenses 134 Morgo Big Bore Kits 55 Rim Locks 114 Tach Cables 150 Morgo Oil Pumps 56 Rim Tapes 107 Tank Badges 35/6 Motor Fittings Norton 45 Rims 108-112 Tappet Adjusters 44 Motor Fittings Triumph 55 Rocker Box Caps 44/5 Taps & Dies 161/2 Motor Oil 154 Rocker Feed Parts 44 Thread Files 155 Mufflers 56-9 Rocker Spindle Parts 44 Thread Gauge 159 Muffler Mounts 58/9 Rocker Spindles 44 Thread Repair Kits 161 Mugs 171 Rubbers 93/4 Throttles 103 Nave Plates 116 Saddles 87 Ties - Cable 135 NJB ShoCks 79/80 Safety Wire 158 Timing DisC 156 Norman Hyde Catalogue 7, 14 Screw sets Commando 158 Tire Irons 158 Norvil Catalogue 14 Seat Covers 87/8 Tie Downs 161 Number Plates 84/5 Seat Foams 88 Tire Pressure Gauge 155 Number Plate Studs 164 Seat Parts 88/9 Tires 105-7 Nuts 162-4 Seats 85-7 Tools 154-61 O Rings 48,61,63 Security Bolts 114 Tool Rolls 159 Oil 153/4 ShoCk Absorbers 79/80 Toll Tray 78 Oil Dipstick 71,89 Shoulder Flashes 171 Transmission Oil 153 Oil Filters 40/1 Side Cover Parts 90/1 Transmission Parts 70/72 Oil Line 41 Side Covers 90/1 Tubes 107/8 Oil Pressure SwitCh 137 Side Stands 81 Turn Signals 134 Oil Pumps 56 Small End Bushes 53 Twistgrips 103 Oil Seal Sets 61 Solex parts 31 UK LiCenCe DisC Holder 85 Oil Seals 61/2 Solvo Autosol 154 Venhill Cables 142 Oil Tank Cap 89 Spark Plug Caps 140 Valve Collet (Keeper) 44 Oil Tank Parts 89 Spark Plug Wire 122,129 Valve Guides 41/2 Oil Tank Rubbers 89 Spark Plug Wire Sets 122 Valve Springs 42,46 Owners’ Handbooks 15-17 Spark Plugs 139 Valves 41,46 Pannier Sets 78 Speedo Bezels 77 Valve Lapping Tool 155 Parts Books 9-12 Speedo Brackets 77 Warning Lights 133 Passenger Footrests 95 Speedo Cables 151 Warning Lite Assimilator 128 PatChes 171/2 Speedo Gearboxes 118 Washers 164 Patent Plate 75 Speedo Parts 77/8 Wellseal 153 Pazon ignition kits 125 Speedo Rubber Cups 77 Wheel Nave Plates 116 Phillip Screws 77 Speedometers 77 Wheel Parts 108-118 Piston CirClips 53 Spoke Sets 109-114 Wheel Rims 108-112 Piston Ring Clamps 158 SproCkets 74/5 Wire 141 Piston Rings 51-53 Spoke Key 157 Wire ConneCtors 140 Pistons 51-53 Stand Parts 81 Wire Cutters 153 Plugs 139 Startron fuel additive 153 Wire Ties 135 PODtroniCs 126,129 Steering Bearings 66 Wiring Harnesses 121-122 Points 131 Steering Damper Kit 97 Workshop Manual 13-15 Point Covers 126 Steering Damper Knobs 96 WrenCh Sets 159/60 Point Pillar Bolts 126 Steering loCk 96 Wrist Pin Bushes 53 Polish 154 Stop Light SwitCh 136 Zener Diode & Parts 128 Power Boxes 125-8 Sump Plates(engine) 62 Precision Machine parts 46 6 Walridge Motors Limited: Ph: 519-227-4923; Fax: 519-227-4720; E-mail: [email protected]; Website: www.walridge.com TERMS OF BUSINESS In addition to the parts we have in stoCk, we order from our various suppliers worldwide on a regular basis.
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