Sahlbersia I 9. I -2 20 I 3). 4 I -43 41 Three beetle (Coleoptera) species new for Estonia found in Saaremaa Island Juha Siitonen Three Coleoptera species are reported as nelv for Estonia. Harpalus melancholicus Dejean, 1829 (Carabidae), Falagrioma thoracica (Stephens, 1832) (Staphylinidae), and Tetrops starkiì Chevrolat, 1859 (Cerambycidae) were all found in Saaremaa Is- land, western Estonia, in summer 2012. Tässä tiedonannossa ilmoitan kolme Virolle uutta kovakuoriaislajia. Maakiitäjäislaji Ilarpalus melancholicus Dejean, 1829 (Carabidae), lyhltsiipislaji Falagrioma thora- clca (Stephens, 1 832) (Staphylinidae) ja jääralaji Tetrops starkii Chevrolat, I 859 (Ce- rambycidae) lölyivät kaikki Saarenm aalta kesällä 20 12. Juha Siitonen, Finnish Forest Research Instilute, PO Box 18, FI-01301 Vantaa, Fin- I and, E -mai l : j uha. s iitonen @meî\a.fi During the past five years, from 2009 ro 2013, den and endangered in Denmark (Ljungberg I have frequently collected beetles in Saaremaa 2005a). Island, Estonia. Among the several hundreds of species ascertained so far, there are also some H. melancholicus is a medium-sized, black species that have not been recorded in Estonia Hørpalus with rufous, slightly infuscated legs previously. In this short communication I report and antennae (Fig. 2). The species can be rather three beetle species (Coleoptera) as new for the easily separated from all other north European country. Harpalus spp. by having a short row of punc- tures near the apex ofthe eight elytral interval. Hørpølus melsncholicus Dejean, 1829 Følagrioma thoracicø (Stephens, 1832) I caught three individuals ofthis species by pit- fall trapping in a coastal dune area in Mändjala I found about twenty individuals of this spe- - Keskranna beach (Saare county, Kaarma Par- cies in a coastal dune area in Mändjala - Kesk- ish, about 58"12'N 22"18'E1' Fig. 1) in 19-27 ranna beach (Saare county, Kaarma Parish, July, 2012. H. melancholicus has not been re- about 58o12'N 22'18'E; Fig. 1) in 27th July, corded in the Baltic countries or eastern Fen- 2012. The individuals were found walking on noscandia before (Silfverberg 2010; Telnov the sand between Elymus tussocks and other 2004, 20ll; Tamutis et al. 2011). There are vegetation, close to a small brook flowing to scattered records from Denmark and southem the sea. F. thoracica has not been recorded in Sweden, closest records being from the Bal- the Baltic countries before (Silfverberg 2010; tic islands Öland and Gotland (Lindroth 1986; Telnov 2004,2011; Tamutis et al.201l). There Ljungberg 2005a). In Sweden, the species is are scattered records from Denmark, southern restricted to open, dry quicksand areas close Sweden and Norway, and southem Finland, to the coast (Ljungberg 2005a). It has strongly tlre closest records being from the Baltic is- declined both in Northern and Central Europe land Gotland (Palm 1968; Ljungberg 2005b; and is currently classified as vulnerable in Swe- Solevåg 2006). Most records are from dry, 42 Sahlbersia I 9. I -2 00 I 3). 4 I -43 but not in Latvia (Telnov 2004,2011). Hence, the present record extends the known distribu- tion of the species over 200 km northwards. Within the Fennoscandian area, the species is missing from Finland (Silfverberg 2010), and is distributed from southernmost Norway to southeastern Sweden, the northernmost records being from Uppland province, about 60o30'N (Bílf and Mehl 1989; Ehnström and Holmer 2007;Lindhe et al. 2010). T. starkii has been mixed with T. praeusta, Fig 1. Mändjala-Keskranna dune area, the habitat Íor Harpalus melancholicus Dejean and Falagrioma and the true distribution and commonness of thoracica (Stephens). T. starkii are still insufficiently known. This is evidenced by the fact that the species was found for the first time as late as 1968 in Nor- sandy soils, including coastal fine-sand in cliffs way (Strand 1968), 1973 in Sweden (Lundberg Sweden (Ljungberg 2005b). 1974), and 1992 in Denmark (Mehl and Jorum 1992). T. starkii lives exclusively on European F. thoracica is a readily recognizable rove bee- ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.). Larvae tunnel un- tle species: it has a large, convex head a with der bark of recently dead shoots and small very naffow neck, and the pronotum has a branches, both on logging residues of small sharp medial groove (like Falagrla species); ash bushes and in the crowns of large trees pronotum and elytra are reddish brown, head (Ehnström and Holmer 2007). T. starkii (Fig. and abdomen are dark brown (Fig. 3). 4) differs from Z praeusta on the basis of sev- eral characteristics: The outer margins of elytra Tetrops størkii Chevrolat, L859 are usually infuscated; the sides of pronotum have only long, erect hairs (in T. praeustaboth I found one individual of this species by sweep- long and short hairs); the apices of elytra have netting lower branches of some large spruce slightly angulate outer corners (in T. praeusta trees growing churchyard Kaarma in the of evenly rounded outer corners); the last abdomi- church (Saare about County, Kaarma Parish, nal segment in female has a distinct transverse 58"21'N 22"30'E) 2012. The in llth of July depression (lacks in T. praeusta) (Ehnström specimen was easy to identify sp., as a Tetrops and Holmer 2007). Furtherrnore, the anterior but there were no deciduous trees suitable as tibiae of male are enlarged apically in T. starkii host trees for the common species T. praeusta (simple in T. praeusta) (Bíli and Mehl 1989), nearby. Instead, there were tens of old individu- and also the shapes of male genitalia differ be- als European ash in churchyard, which of the tween these two species (Strand 1968). Mehl immediately made me suspect that the speci- and Jorum (1992) give a good overview (sup- men could actually belong T. Later to starkii. plemented with drawings) on the distinguishing examination verified the identity of the female characters. specimen. Mr. Mikko Pentinsaari has told me afterwards In the Baltic countries, T. starkii has earlier that he found one female individual of T. starkii been recorded in Lithuania (Tamutis er al.20ll) in Helme castle (Valga County, Helme parish, Sahlbergia I 9. l -2 (20 1 3), 4 1 -43 43 coordinates 58,0168N 25,81928) in 26th of May 2011. This reccrd indicates that T. starkii indeed has a wide distribution in Estonia. Acknowledgements The identifications of the three species reported here were checked by the Finnish Beetle Ex- pert Groups Rarity Cornmittee (kovakuoriaist- Fig 2. Harpalus melancholicus Dejean, 10 mm yöryhn-rän tarkistustyöryhmä). I thank Mikko Pentinsaari for the additional information on Z starldi. References Bili, S. & Mehl, O. 1989: Longhorn Beetles (Coleop- tera, Cerambycidae) of Fennoscandia and Den- mark. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 22. E. J. Brill / Scandinavian Science Press Ltd. Ehnström, B. & Holmer, M. 2007: Nationalnyckeln Fig 3. Falagrioma thoracica (Stephens, 1832),2.5 mm till Sveriges ffora och fauna. Skalbag gar: Läng- horningar. Coleoptera: Cerambycidae. ArtData- banken, SLU, Uppsala. Lindhe, A., Jeppsson, T., Ehnström, B. 2010: Long- horn beetles in Sweden - changes in distribution and abundance over the last two hundred years. Entomologisk Tidskrift 131(4): 241-510. Lindroth, C. H. 1986: The Carabidae (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomolog- ica Scandinavica 15(2): 233-497. Ljungberg, H. 2005a: Harpalus melancholicus - dys- terlöpare. ArtDatabanken, SLU. Available at: http ://www. slu. se/sv/centrumbildningar-och- proj ekt/artdatabanken/rodlistan/ Ljungberg, H. 2005b: Falagriontcr îhoracica. ArtDa- Fig 4. Tetrops starkii Chevrolat, 4 mm. tabanken, SLU. Available at: http://wwwslu.se/ sv/centrurnbi ldnin gar-och-proj ekt/artdatabank- Strand, A. 1968: Tetrops starki Chevr., en aft ny for en/rodlistan/ Norden (Col., Cerambycidae). Not'sk Entomol- Lundberg, S. 1974: Några för Sverige nya skalbag- ogisk Tidsskrift 15: 47 48. gar. 3 (Coleoptera). Entomologisk Tidskrift 95: Tamutis, V., Tarnutè, B. & Ferenca, R. 2011: A cata- 28 30. logue of Lithuanian beetles (Insecta, Coleop- Mehl, O. & Jorum, P. 1992: Teîrops srarki (Chevrolat, tera) ZooKeys 121: 1494. doi: 10.3897/zook- I 859) - en hidtil overset dansk træbuk (Coleop- eys.121.732 tera, Cerambycidae). Entornologiske Meddelel- Telnov, D. 2004: Check-list of Latvian beetles (ln- ser 60: 93-96. secta: Coleoptera). Second Edition. Entomo- Palm, T. 1968: Skalbaggar. Coleoptera. Kortvingar: logical Society of Latvia, Riga, 140 pp. Avail- Fam. Staphylinidae. Underfam. Aleocharinae able at: http:l lleb.daba.lv/Coleoptera.htm (Deinopsis - Trichomicra). Häfte 5,112 p. Telnov, D. 2011: Check-list of Latvian beetles (ln- Silfverberg, H. 2010: Enumeratio renovata Coleop- secta: Coleoptera). Addendum. Entomological terorum Fennoscandiae, Daniae et Baltiae. Society of Latvia, Ri ga. Availabl e at: http: I lleb. Sahlbergia \6(2): 1-144. daba. lvlColeoptera.htm.
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