.., ...o.o. ..... N IIW YOitK. H. Y. ~~-<? ;,...-r' ~- - - ~{~r-z:;--1/o/- ............. 1:i ----IS 'I"HK MW Yoalt CENT'RAL llAJl.ROAD'"OOMPANY To ~ t·:.::::t·~g.;,tr:·-='i:=l~- Dr • .~ .~ ............ F• 0.U,.. • Articloo TlWII lid, , POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y., STATION .lAIOU AOOKVU.f 8/f0/41 PRO, NO. .,-s16 DZ8'1'IN.4TIO~ I)'1 SCVFl.f 81\ lfCM btH 8CM IIYC NRC Cll TO OOI.I.fOT ~ N TH R ACtTE 8fOWI COAL (IIIOiA 1,10 CMiaOkiiAU " 1,405009,00 '01 0 .~.~.~~~.... 99991 "If LOeATI~ n'OAAOC MCOIIIO OWVUV II'I£GORO 1-----1M-- IL- --.... - ---"- ~=----.,__ &:;'?c__ ____j Ril J SEVEI. T SW ITCH JlOO'l':& D&.H SCH NYC {•o~- o...... - u__,. ~,. C.lnlll•l• Md H• Pl.£ :571l04 C'M;tNI c. ldlltll ... ,.. WfJGHT I RAT£ fREIGHT I Ar:NAHQU PnEPAID TQ OOU.COT I ~ ! AIIIHIIA C'I TE 8TOV! COA L ~99 0 i l I 0110ER #2~~ 10 I 44 13 1JOI0 11'4 40 1 I I ' ' CA RilONilALi IIA 140500 I I, I 39500 I ! I 01 0 ALUIIitANCI I ~ l \· I 99991 NIT • l I I I TOT~ ~L~O<A=T"'oo"'H,.-,--,I:::T"'oAA=o<:;-::Al:-=CO"'o:::O,--y----..L--~COHI=IQH U'$ OiltOCI\ TO OI UVIIII TO 1--- -11.\""' ,._ - ---------------·- - ------- 0000 ~tw··---~._ -------------------,~~=~-~~==~- ;,....,u.'i.A. 'MiE HEW YORX CI!.NTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY , • ~- ./.,.,.,.- To ttal• - • ) · • -~ ) " ~v--'-.Rr ' . NTR'A. _L _ CMWd.C,C.V~4'....._"' ( _ ~"~C&MI-U.... b"' "~~"'--- ~ . .... .._..·-~ ~· ':;~-~ Dr I ~• For 0...... aa Mid.. Tr&alpOtlodo POUGHKEEPSIE, .Y., STATION OONiltO:<J:C MAS .JAMES A008EVEL ~ D,lT>I 8/25/41 !>ItO. KO, - 4""-'-'16;;__ ___ l;:;H;=.8CII;;;;::N;;;Y~C=------- I>ZIITINATt0 ~008EVELT 8Wl!.£~-----·- RO"D'l'lll--r.;::;;--(-...... D:-:; o. o...... ... D_ll.. ., . .., Fu1tN-d~ WEIOHf fRtiOHT 99990 44 ,, 301& , 134 40 I. I; 0000 ------------------~---~~ I.OCATION ITOLI\AOC f!ltCOIIIO M.AIUHQ IICCORO or AAI'IIVAI. ffOTIC& ·- ----· ~':' "- u:.;.,____ ____.,, :;-.;r;.-,_;_ ________ r - - --·- - - ---- \ ..,._,........-- . •,,....,. ....... ...... ......,. • THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY ~w~YITlM MJCHIOAN CllN'T'ML RAiutOAD ., CUVKL..AND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO a ST. L.OUI$ RA.IL.WAY ao.-rON a AL8ANY RAIL.ROAD ' 0056'}flJitJ'Jfj~SIE, N, Y, Station ""'711 ... V'".L. A An L lllll /\ ~ Jr:~/}1! ~ . I • ~ h f) • Fl ' 2 ~ ~~~ ~. 9 . Your attention Is respectfully directed to the following paat duo accounts and I shall appreciate lt If you will favor me with a remittance promptly: /?5)_ ~~~ . CA~ &TATEME.NT OR BILLS AKHD,RBO J DATE III:IMAAK$ OILIVCAi:O IPAY .£NTOOAT< UE rni'T•I I Numbtr .... I' N\lmettr I Amount q' h4 s I ~U t.t.o K -{"' , I u , - - I - . ' . - ~ PAV M~NT OUL..~--·--------------·------Jr.·-----------~-----~~Gbl~~~ MAK& CHRCKI II'A YAaL.C TO THI _ ....__,.,.- • •"""'!" .. -· .. • ••• .....~--..,------ - ( ........... ~ ftl• ltta-t-t ....... M pa.WI Ia till . ... U ~.. .. ~ .. ..ut. &MI ID 1M& •""t a ...GOU.O .-al'l ~ ~ ....., ........U M!ete4 ..,. a ""'u. ~ ~ tiM ,....,. .. liM~,..... uu Oat- lndJ.Yidlo&IIJ nc... pt. u. r.-qutr.._ h 1JUl be llfth~ , .. ,..,.,............. ,tim. wltlfr, t.~ a&'-IDU&. uc.,l u ~ • ...._ AJIIOVtn DU& • • ' . .· . - ' NBW _"YOBK .CBNI:iiAL .S'IWI'BM . L '· . • . ' 0~0. I ' ll IMM a-.1-• tl.u.l .. • KE LLOGG & BE R TI NE ECTRICAL APPLIANCES and RADIO A'>~ 692 MADISON A VENUB 7V / NUll 62KD .,_. ~ Telepb011e REnnt <·UOG AUG Nli:W YORK 2 91941 M Statclent of Monthly Pllr"Cha~N BILL lU!lNDERED . o/').-t t!6MDS PJ. L ~Ltd V'~ (l> D ' /I ' ~ c: Cl I Y SAL ES T AX .NOER· .12 CENTS . NONE D '2 1- .13 lo .621 . ,01 ' ·"~ ln .SLI? . .021 OVER $1.1 ~ . I I l ~ f ra ullo"' of tlollar u at.on"' . ~~,~ '/ ~ ~ ~- - ' AP PLIANCE R EPAI R S - RADIO SE R VICE --.-- CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS CORPORATION THOMBO"'f A\IC. AND JO• M t.oHG I&LAHO CITY, N. I"LAC:~, y , r A.VABIA e0«111~~t. o.rn«• 10TH 01" MO. :tO I!A.T •tHo .,.-Rc:T ''f"YAOFAX" GAS DIVISION N(W YOAIC.CI.I'i', Her, STATEMENT OJ:" ACCOUNT AUG. 30, 1941 '"""'...:' riiOM '-"'' ,.,.r,voow• fTA11:JIItotT u::t• _, "'"'"Mtr;N r• "CCCfYtn . ... 11 J YH!._ MOOIUI U""-VI ~ TO noA., - ....... :4 10.0 0 10.0 0 10.0 0 ?.!50 C..n T QTiil. A MOUN,. DU:t liftS. JAJIZS ROOSEVELT, HYDE: PARK. II. Y. 155·!!15-23 DB4 "PVH:OPAX" CAS CVLINOII=R $ ARG LOANC:o-NOT t:OL.C AS tOQ<o ,... A t'n.INC~II .. l!l.O,.ff "'"''"'<~~'-•Otll c.\11.:0 OMJoi.(Dio\'fCI.'( YO U0~11.: A IOUIIIII -VII. """"'' 01' g,., YOU lot.ft ¥ 'f'OfT·O... TC 6f!OIIIt~ CREDIT MEMORANDUM CARBIDE AND CARBON CHEMICALS CORPORATION OCPT•• LOC41'1:D AT LOMO l•loloNO OI:NCIUL IALb Orl'IC:• . l LUNO 30- 20 THOMSON AVENUE CYI.IHO- I'IICOIIO •o tln 4a ~~Jo ft. CII.COif ,U'!IO COU.CCT10M LONG ISLAND CITY. N. Y. NllW '!'Otut, H. "t, ~O------~M~R~S ~· ~J~A~M~E~S~R~O~O~S=E~VE~L~T~,,____ _________ C. M. NO'------------ 8-27-41 HYDE PARK, NEW YORK. CAT· E.__ ___________ WE CREDIT YOUR ACCOUNT A$ F'OL.LOWS TOTAl. ~PYROFAX~ GAS ALLOWANCE -----------------------------------% IN T1m MA'l"l'ER ot the Jletate - ot - ·. BAllA DILAllO ROOSEVELT ------------------------------------% I 0 J'RANKLI!i ·D• ROOS:!VZLT 0 .TR, 0 reeldinc at Hyde Park, N,Y., a benetloiary UJI4er a truet tua4 oreated ln the laet Wi ll and 'l'eatanent ot the abOYe naaed deoadent, 4o hereby ooneent that Letters ot 'l'rueteeehi p in the abOYe estate be iuued to J'RAllla.Ill D. ROOS.l'lVli:L'f and AR'1'HUR ;r, MORR.IS, without bond, end hereby reQUest the Surrosate ot Dutohese County to make an Order to that etteot, Dated, Septcber,_____ l941• ,I Dis&l'ict of Columbil:. I eo. On thb.____ da y ot lept-ber, 1941 1 betore me J'RANKLill personally aame D. ROOSEVELT , .TR. 0 to me known and known to me to be the eame pereon 4eeor1be4 i n an4 wbo exeaute4 the t oresoing lnetru.ent and he duly acknowledged oo ae that be exeouoe4 t he aaae. Notary Publ1o. IDIJIICOl'OI\'8 CDTIPIOATll IM ., .. mqr Jbnplr uf t4r &tatr uf Nrw fnrk BY THE GRACE OF GOD FBEB AND INDEP.ENVENT !lio aU to mlfom t~ru fl1't lllublll!all rnw ar mag tDautna: SEND GREE'l'JNG Know ye, That at Poughkeepsie, In the County ot Dutchess, and State ot New York, on the l Ot h day ot s a p\a&ber In the year ot our Lord one thousand nine hundred and Letters Testamentary under the last Will and Testament ot Sara Da lano HooaoY• l ' deceased, late t>t the In the salcl County ot Tow of Hyde Pe rk I Dutchess, were cluly granted and Issued by the surrogate ot said County ot Dutchess to l'ra nJclin n. Roo ..nH, A.t'\ bur : . Uor r la 1111d Henry T • ._okeU Execut oPe In the said Will named and that the same are still valld and ln.lull torce. Jn Ulrstimong ·~rtof. We have caused the seal of omce of our said Surrogate to be hereunto affixed. Witness, Hon. DANIEL J. GLEASON, Surrogate of our said County this l Ot h day or Septembe r In the year of our Lord, one thousand, ~e~dred and t or ty- on • . ~/t(r:;------. erk 01 the Surrogatkow:t. "<=. l HttNRY T. HACKETT AlTOJIHC'I" a COUNaiD..LOk AJ' LAW 2 1 tl U NION Sl'flt:ICT POUOHMI~I I, NCW YORK Sept. 10, 1941. ~ . Hon. Franklin D. Roosevelt The l'lhite House l':ashineton, D. C. Dear F'ranklin: tour V.other' s Vlil.l bas been admit ted to probate and I· am enclosing herewith an Executor ' s certificat e. The Merchants National Bank & Trust Company of Poup,hkeepsie has informed me that the b~nce on the checking account in your !~other 's name is $1,317. 46 and there is a safe deposit box in that bank in her name ,but there are no trunks or other belongings in storage there. I am enclosing herewith consents to the issuance of I.etters of Trusteeship to you and J.!r. Morris to be executed by !.Irs . Roosevel t , John and Franklin 0. Jr. Will you please return them to me after they have signed and acknowledged them before a ~lot ary Pnblic. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, ' .• THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINQTON September 15,· 1941 ME,·lORANDUM FOR GRACE TULLY: These are the wai vera to be slgned by Mrs. Roosevelt on Monday (today) before a notary public and t o be signed by Johnny .on Wednesday when he comes and t he other to be signed by Frankl in, Jr. as soon as he gets back t o port. Ask Capt. Beardall to let us know t he minute tne Mayrant gets into port. • . THE WHITE HOUSE W.UHINQTON September 18, 1941. Daar ~oluuiTa- I was dietraeeed and 41e­ appo1nte4 thb morn1DS when tlle:r told M :rou bad let't quite earl:r t or CaJ.1torn1a. I ban been hold i~~g the enoloeed paper t'or your signature bet'on a Jlotar;r wbloh :rou:r Father would l11te :rou to oxeoute an4 return to ua ae eoou ae poeeible. With aft'eotloD&te regerda to :rou 8114 Anile, U110loeure) P.S. Pleue ha'Ye •D1etr1ot ot Collabia• oh~ed to wbatner Count:r :rou e1gn the paper 1u.
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