University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1972 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 2-17-1972 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 075, No 91, 2/ 17/1972 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1972 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 075, No 91, 2/17/1972." 75, 91 (1972). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1972/20 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1972 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. r:r) ~7'6, 7~9 l\~3G(W Ne\N Mexico 0:>(?. \ DAILY Thursday, February 17f 1972 Lower ~~nalties Possible · House Debates Echols Bill Today A bill lowering the penalty of The bUl would also require dangerous drugs," Hilligoss stated. possession of marijuana has registration 'Of any manufacturer "Our office supports this bill received a "do pass" of any prescription drug with the 100 per cent," Short said, ''It recommendation from the House State Board of Pharmacy before covers some areas that were not Judiciary Committee Tuesday. the product can be sent to New covered before and it plugs some The full House is scheduled to Mexico. loopholes ~hat were not plugged debate the bill today, It :requires :records be kept in before," The Controlled Substance Act, such a marme.r that if the drug . Williams and Caton both said which would change New should pass into the hands of an they oppose the bill's penalties for Mexico's laws concerning drugs, illegal user that action could be marijuana possession. "I'm very lowers the possession of marijuana easily detected, apprehensive, from the standpoint to a misdemeanor punishable by a 'l'he bill would also replace of penalties, for New Mexico to fine of $25 to ·$oU. A penalty o£ ptc::;;.;mt state laws thut were made be the guinea pig. I think our $50 to $100 fine and a mandatory ·obsolete by a new federal present penalties are just fine. seven-day jail sentence is for more Controlled Substances Act last There's a helluva lot of cases made than one ounce but less than year. .. from the use of information eight, Having over eight ounces Testifying in support of the bill gotten out of these young people carries a penalty of $100 to were Bob Brito, chah:man of the under the threat of a few days in $1000 and 30 day& to one year Board of Pharmacy, Ernest jail." imprisonment. Williams, Las Cruces district . Conformity of Penalties 1 The bill passed the Iiouse last attorney, Jim Short and Byron ' We oppose the penalty week. Caton, assistant district attorneys provisions as set out," Caton "It was our decision that from Albuquerque and stated. "I think it's very m~~ljuana obviously was in a Farmington, respectively. Jack important to retain the second different category than heroin and Hilligoss, executive director of the offense potential in the present hard narcotics," Sen. Odis Echols, Pharmaceutical Assn. also testified law, the bill's sponsor, stated. in favor of the bill. Saying he wasn't surq about the Not Much H lowered penalties, Rep, Turner Full Support 'Echols, the chief sponsor, said1 Branch (R-Bern,) said he hoped "The tendency of high school or "The Board of Pharmacy does there would be more statewide college students to try heroin lend its full support to the bill.'' confor.mtty of penalties. "We have tends to be diminishing11 and that Brit'cr- said. ur would ask you to too many people sneaking and the effects of abuse of marijuana not let the marijuana penalties peeking for marijuana, and not were equal to liquor* section make you lose sight of the too many looking at the heroin He stated that amphetamines real problem. This bill gives New problem1" he stated. would be the biggest problem in Mexico .for the first time absolute Proposals to raise the marijuana the 1970's and that the act could control over prescription drugs. n possession penalties, however, counter the problem. "Our opinion is the bill will were turned down. One proposal The Interim Committee on focus more attention on. the would have nearly doubled the Drug Abuse worked on the bill for possession, sale or use of the morE> penalties. Probably more than <me ounce, but. .. a year. Majority Representation a 'M th' Legalization of Marijuana Senate__Gives Uhuru Sasa $1700 Y Suggested by McGovern ~- • --·~ • .r- ~ ..,, _ _. .. •- •-• -• • . WA.Sffll\f9TQN: (UP!)- Sen. $2 0 0 million for international Sen. Bernadette Chavez said the to the Thunderbird Art Literary Sen. David . Bruer wiil replace George s. McGovern· {D·S.V.J - ·drug· i:taf.ffc-·ccmtroJ<>-·:UJcd ·-$20--... - idea the ASUNM Senate Magazine ofASUNMforSemester Sen. Jerry Buckner as Finance Wednesday outlined .. a milliotl to support and train represents the whole student body II, 1972. Committee chairman. coordinated $1.5 billion attack on personnel to work on is a myth. "We only represent The biU to pay $562.46 to Buckner resigned as Finance the burgeoning drug problem in rehabilitation of addicts. ourselves," she said at the Senate Alpha Rho Chi Fraternity at the Committee chairman because of this country." His program, McGovern said, meeting last night. • University of Illinois to settle a the time element involved with his 0 ffering a program he said also would allow preparation and Chavez spoke in response to a claim against ASUNM Film office of President Pro Tem. would be possible with tax dissemination of "att Pntire ranl!e letter in the Daily Lobo CommitteewaspassedbySenate. A question of having a reforms and his alte!:native of educational materials to be commenting that the Senate Committees referendum vote on the Spring defense budget, McGovern said designed especially for secondary should represent the majority Senate voted to accept Kathryn ballot to decide whether the now Ameti~atls "deserve better than to and elementary schools., rather than the minority of Kornegay, Gilda Tuoni and mandatory athletic fee should be bear vague expressions of concern Current efforts to deal with the students, and that the four William Hirsh for the Publications optional, stay the same, or be and vague promises to improve drug problem have not been very senators who walked out on the Board, Speakers Committee, and abolished was :referred to the the situation.'~ successful," McGovern said. Senate meeting concerning the Reg ist:ration Committee Steering Committee for Among his suggestions was one u 0 espite more rigorous . law Black Berets' deaths two weeks respectively. Charles Maldonado consideration, The faculty to make marijuana subject to the enforcement, the traffic in illicit agowereimmature. wtis accepted as Cultural suggested abolishment of that fee same regulations imposed on drugs has not declined, the She said the senators do not Committee chairman. at their meeting last Tuesday. alcohol. represent the entire .student body number of addicts has tlOt McGovern said i£ elected he declined and the amount and type because "the entire student body would spend $550 million for doesn't elect us." of crimes associated with incr~;msed drug law enforcement, addiction support have not Ain't No Way Jaramillo Resigns Post $500 mj)iion for better treatment declined/' he said. "All have risen Chavez further stated that and rehabilitation of drug addicts, dramatically." "what we {Chicanos) do, .we do for us; what the Greeks do they do for them. You can't get out of In ISRAD Support Group your skin.H She said it is also a myth that H ar o 1 d Bailey, associate said. blacks are represented in Senate. director of the Child Development · "The polarization has gotten to "'l'here ain;t no way a white support systems, a division of the point I couldn't deal with it,'' can talk for me, and no way I ca:n ISRAD, has been named acting he said. repr('c;;ent a black. Whether that's director, succeeding James Jaramillo was appointed racist or not, you have to decide. •• Jaramillo who resigned Tuesday. director of the agency by former When asked if she was going to The announcement was made ISRAD director Jack Campbell. leave meetings every time a piece Wednesday afternoon by George He replaced Paula Pa~:ks, who was of legislation wasn't to her liking, Springer, vice president for the subject of much of the Chavez answered, "I can go along research and acting director of ernploye criticism in October. with parliamentary procedure, but ISRAD. In his letter of resignation to I can still make choices as an Jaramillo, Frank Steiner* Springer and Blumenfeld, ISRAD individual." director of media production~ associate director, Jaramillo said: Senate President Jack O'Guinn child developmetlt, and David "Programmatically things were suggested that informal caucuses Bachelor, coordinator of going extremely well, rE!Iations be held to discuss controversial evaluation and resear<:h had been with UCCI (United Child Care issues before they reach the the subject of a demonstration Inc.) were very healthy, but the Senate floor. This met agreement Tuesday which called for their events and incidents leading up to from the senators. removal from office. the October incident began to In other action, Senate voted to Harold Martinez, director of crop up again and the factitmalism give the Uhuru Sasa Oance Troupe the San Ignaeio Child Care Center, undermined any good that was $17 42.00 to attend tlie Black and organizer of the going on." Merit Academy Conference on demonstration demanded the "l find it impossible to wotk Feb.
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