- C.n$US SI-No. 30t ~I), M.lnt.~. - 300 CENSUS OF PAKISTAN, 1951 VILLAGE LIST ---_._----- _.,- PUNJAB Rawalpindi Division OF THE PROVINCIAL re,NOENT CENSUS, Jun. 1951 BAHAWALPUR, i'iP Prh:..... 8 FORE'NORD Th:s Village List has been prep:1red from the material collected in con· nection with the Census of Paki~tan, 1951. The object of the List is to present useful Information about our vilbges. It was considered that in a predominantly rural country like Pakistan, reliable village statistics should be available and it Is hoped that the Village list. will·form the b;:;_;;.i:i for the continued collection of such statistics. A summary table of the totals for each tehsil showing its area to the nearest square mile, and its population and th,~ number of houses to the nearest hundred is given on page I together with the page number on which each tehsil begins. The general village table. which has been compiled district-wise and arranged tehsil·wise, appears on page 3 et seq. Witilin each tehsil t.he Revenue Kanungo holqos are $hown according to their ord2r in the census records. The Village in which the R~venue f<onungo uSiI:dly re~ides is printed in bold type at the beginning of each Kommrn ho!q,J and the remaining vilbges comprising the iJ(J/C!os. ::lfC shown thereunder in the order of their revenue hodbaH numbers, whkh Zlre given in column o. Rakhs (uee plant::tticlls) :lnd other similar areas; ,=ven whNe they are allotted separat.e revenue hadbast numb(;rs have not been shown as they were not reported in the Charge and Household summaries, to be Inhabjt{~d. The names of villages in column b have been taken from the census records, checked by the Deputy CommiSSioner's staff Jnd compared with the ,'E'COluS maintained in the office of the Director', l.and Records. Punjab. Column c shows the particulars of local details supplied by the Deputy Commissioners. In describing these details the undermentioned abbreviations have been used :- I. Sen. For Primary School, Maktlb. ctc. 2. M. Sch. For Middle School or Junior Madra.ssah, 3. H.Sch. For High School or Madrassah. 4. Dis. For Dispensary. 5. R. Dis. For Rural Dispensary. 6. Sub.Dis. For SubsidIsed Dispensary. 7. Hos. For Hospita I. B. P. O. For Post Office. 9. P. S. For Police Station. 10. Rly. For Railway Station. II. T. W. For Tube Well. ( II) The area shown in column d is to the neart;st square mile. It is based on iflfvnnJti00 furnished by the Charge Superintendents and may not agree wIth the total Jrea for the district as available with the Survey of Pakistan. Columns e (lnd f have been fi lied If I from the Charge and Household summaries prepared by the Charge Superintendents under the supervision of the District Census Officer.s- The population figures and the number of houses entered therein are to the nearest ten. I am grateful to the Deputy Commissioners, the Director of Land Records. Punjab, and other revenue staff for the assistance rendered by them in the compilation of this Village List. I hope the List will be of some use to the administration and so justify the labour and money spent on its compilation. ~ ( ,..1. H. MAHMOOD Dated Lahore, the 14th June 1952. Provincial Superintendent Census, Punjab and Bahawalpu.r.", CAMPBELLPUR DISTRICT I I ,F" /' ( i z • lit: \. ('.) '\ ) \ ., \ . ,I '.-~ " , - ",,' .,,' lL4wa , 0 ("" N \ \ P .!.!llllEf'lCU - \ / ~' iJ ~ (), n '11 .. T H II" t:::::=::J Ii ~ rc .. sn IIQI! " UNiJLP '''''' 0 "ItDV'I'IC:f. (')1< Sf/HI _._._ r ,"'" ~ ;I' Ol!:',. f(.,. r ( C; ---- ..... rtH:;II. Scale '1: 1,00Q000 "'-'l.,."n, 4""atIl/V,,,, f'!l i I/! JD r --- I 'HCH • .....,.,.,'U.OIItOM'flfCHU ... MIL&J - CAMPBELL.PUR DISTRICT I Area I (Sq. , Popula- I Page Name of Tehsil miles) i tion Houses I No. ~) I , ~)',.L.; I r ) ,,.. ~ IJ T .:.;. L.;./ \ -' - ~ - I \ c: ~ i ~ ----- ! ('-'~ I \ I ·~---'-----·'--\-4-I-A-9-1-7-2-3-I-O-I·--o-'-00·--II- - C amp b e II pur D .strict )~~ & I ,"1! ' , 0; 2, 0,9 CampbeJlpur Tehsil )~~- J~;>c) 652 i 2,66,200 I 55,700 I 3 I 1 I Fateh Jang Tehsil '-~ ~~; J~ 853 1,44,(100' 66,700: 15 Pindigheb Tehsil 1,438 1,64,300 43,500 27 I Talagang Tehsil 1,206 I 1,48,600 35,000 37 i 3 CAMPBELLPUR TEHSIL Area Local (Sq. Popula- Name of village details miles) tion Houses i..l~ ...... ,.i:, ...:' L:: , ~ ,., ) ....P 4T ..;.;.. L: ~ \ ,)-;c' a b c d e f Campbellpur Municipality Rly., H. Sch., 1'0 10,1-40 1,8 I 0 .I,'. _,' _,,- ~"""'_y.,-- )~ P.O., P.S., Hos. Campbellpur Cantt. Rly. 1·0 7.550 l, I 50 Cement Co. and Ordnance Factory, 5,080 Wah .' -' l5~ ~;s;T J ~ ... s- ..!;..;.~- Hasan Abdal Municipality Rly., H. Sch., 1'0 6,350 1,740 __s:J.o-j __J;:-' ,-II J., I ..:r-"'" P.O., P. S., Hos. Hazro Municipality H. Sch., P.O., 1'0 7,510 1,700 P. S.. Hos. Mansar and Wah Refugee j.,1 ~L, '29,410 Camps ~ - i.,,!":" y.,..i~) .1., Attock Fort 2,)~ ._(:,! P. O. 8'0 570 60 18 Tajak .....c,..L M. Sch. 10'0 1,800 410 2 Mullan Mansoor )~ u-;"'" Sch. 4'0 1,670 730 4 Khura Khel '-'~ O)y.. Sch. 3'0 1,260 2EO S Mansar ,-iL. Sch .. P. O. 6'0 1,720 690 6 Garhi Mattani ..r-- ,f:f Sch. 4'0 640 ISO 7 Pormali J"'Jj.i Sch. 6'0 3,240 760 4 0 Area Z~ Local (Sq. Popula- ~ l' Name of Village details miles) tiop. Houses J:l ~') '0 .~ «IS • ~lr~.) rl; ~r..r~ ~r) ~.:l41 .::... llt>:, :c' (~ a b ~ d e f 8 !-iaidar ).)..0-'" Sch. 2'0 530 160 9 Mallah ,_"'}..... M. Sch. '-- 4'0 1,240 400 10 Walia l)J Sch. 2'0 460 120 II Nurpur H~ )y Sch. 1'0 720 180 12 Landi ._sl:..i Sch. 2'0 830 210 _- 13 Kotha Kalan o "A') '4t -,.5 Sch. 1'0 450 90 14 Kalu Khurd .) ,,_.;.. yb Sch. 2'0 1,060 280 It;. ~ Basia . "'-:-~ Sch. 1'0 590 130 16 Shahpur )~ o~ Sch. 1'0 1.180 290 17 Rangoo -,~j) M. Sch. 2'0 390 120 19 Shad; Khan 06:.. S..lL: P.O., R. Dis. 3'0 400 130 20 .).) _..,,~ Sirkah Sch. 3'0 940 230 21 Waisa A.....J..J Sch. 5'0 2.860 710 23 Shamsabad ..ll! T .r-:; M. Sch. 10'0 2,610 990 26 Malhoo .>rL M. Sch. 1'0 680 2-40 27 Kamilpur Musa ~_,.. Hf. J .. ~ Sch. 1'0 2,910 820 28 Paindah ,,~y. Sch. J '0 6-40 160 29 Kamilpur Alam ~~ )-'~ J-.D Sch. 2'0 910 370 30 Mulla -;A .. Sch. I·e 450 230 5 ~4 ~ Area ., .. J local (Sq. Popula- ~, Name of village details miles) tlon Houses ..0 --g .~ ~) :c ~L.-,o..) iLi JII...uJ 1..5"li.. C:.r") ~..)~T ~u!):. (~ a b c d e f 31 Daman uL.l..) Sch. 2'0 520 2~C 32 Haroon C'-,) l~ M.Sch. 3'0 1.360 510 39 Aba Bakar ~!l!1 Sch. 2'0 620 150 40 Adal Zai '. I l ~J J '-J..: Sch. 2'0 960 330 103 Kamala }iu 2'0 200 80 104 Sahba ~L,.,. 2'0 100 30 Wiro 105 ., y:' J Sch. 2'0 350 170 106 Taja Baja ~~ L...L· 5ch. 2'0 1,050 200 Attock ..stl 1'0 180 140 Mallahi Tola .u .J\' l?,\., J '0 570 410 46 Hazro (Rural) (Jlr.~) .J~ 1'0 300 60 24 Saman ~L.l_ M. Sch. 2'0 820 200 25 Hamid ..L...,... 5ch. "0 3.420 690 37 Muraria ~51r 1'0 900 210 38 Rahmun u~) 2'0 770 240 41 Pir Dad ..)1..) , .r.:r. 5ch, I () 830 240 44 Tatar; ~)(.j'L' Sch. , '0 860 170 4S Saleem Khan .J~~ M. Sch. 3'0 1,520 340 6 ...-----. '--"_''''~~_-..J __, Area 0 Z 4 Local (Sq. Popula- .... Name of village details miles) t:on Houses '"f'O .I ..0 .\~ J "0f'O .~• ulr~;; r li ~I..::~~:; I..$ .. l;: .• C!.~ .. ) (,$..\ ~ 1 0l::,~", ::r: ( ,-,l,_~ .. a b c d e f '" ..,~-- --~ -'''''''_'''_' _.-.-.---..-..... --~ 53 Pif'jvv,mc: J.;i ..7~-(. S( h. 1'0 540 100 54 'v'Vali Da.:l ..)1..) J.3 Sch. 1'0 560 120 ' . 56 Naso Zai LS-') ~ Sch. 1'0 !.150 250 57 Said Khel ul..::;" .L.~ Sch. 1'0 1,870 450 58 Wardag ._') .) ) .3 Sch. 2'0 1,740 410 60 Yasin ,:y_L, Sch. 2'0 1,540 240 61 Sheenka .~C,..:: Sch. 4'0 2,040 670 62 Behbudi ~.) ...7-:-1-+ Scr. 1'0 1,350 280 o 63 Momanpur )~ ,j' .'"t ' Sch. 2'0 640 170 64 Alloe "JI 1'0 350 90 65 Jalalia .y~ 2'0 2,540 500 66 Abdul Rehman ~, l,.~ ) ! ..I.:'" Sch. "0 310 90 67 Ghaur Ghashti u-;.:".i... )~~ P. O. 5'0 8,200 1,930 Ghaur Ghashti Daftar )j.) .._s-;';;'.i. ~ 4":'" P. O. 6'0 560 120 67/ I -'~ ' . c-' ' 0 .. .I 68 Bara Zai Ito,.;' -I __.... Sch. 2'0 2,270 440 69 Malak Mala .\_IL,. ......'1 ... M. Sch. 18'0 3,550 700 72 Romian 0~"'3J Rly. 4'0 1,810 360 7 .
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