O.I v Clje Duke JL €\mnitk EXTRA rBob Rice B Thirty-Fourth Year Duke University, Durham, N. C, Friday, December 9, 1938 Number Twenty-Two Duke Choir Carothers to Make Will Sing Duke Day Address "Messiah" Exercises Begin Christmas Vacation Record Crowd At 11 a. ui. in Page; Expected for Period Extended IVo Fourth Period Annual Performance Fourteen years ago on Decem­ BOARD'S CHOICE mfttee of the University au­ ber 11, 1924, James B. Duke by many as the world's great* thorizes the statement that: signed the epoch-making inden­ (1) The Christmas holi­ ture of trust, the first step in the oratorio, will be sung by ths creation of Greater Duke univer­ Duke chapel 160-voice choii day period will baa extended to include January 3. sity. Today the university com- Sunday at 4 o'clock in thc sixtl lai.aasily ivill lake pari isa the annual presentation here. celebration of : Seven soloists will supplement Ihe five choruses to be sung bj the entire choir. Selections to bf sung will bas only those from thf (3) Dean's List students oratorio that pertain to Christ- granted to other students drawn overflow crowds, making by loud speaker to Page audi­ torium for those unable to get EdllL ! Mote: t Lehigh university. seals in the chapel. Director J. Alt students uaaho nre con­ Foster Barnes said today that an templating making the trip Duke, in its centennial year, even larger crowd is expected to California to attend the eyes new horizons and greater this year. Rose Bowl game between The five choruses to be sung ihe Iron Dukes and the Uni­ and perhaps greater institu­ are: "And the glory of the Lord," versit]/ of Southern Cali­ tions remain behind and in thc "O, thou that tellest good fornia Trojans are oduised I the background to quibble and Jiiia (o consul! the proper deans thin classes on the West campus "Glory a, God." concerning their cuts. "HalleU The CHRONICLE wishes to will close at 10:50, these on eontfrntulnte the Adminis­ the East campus at 10:45, ith tradition the au­ and there will be no fourth dience will rise during the sing­ trative Committee of the period classes." ing of "Hallelujah." This was Units erssity for ita delibera­ started spontaneously in 1752, tion ond for the judicious Dean W. H. Wannamaker. when the oratorio had its debut and just manner in tuhicfc in Dublin, Ireland. The e: vill b this perpleering problem has by Colonel John F. Burton settled to the satisfac- ilson, chairman of the Board o/all pa of Trustees. A prayer of thanks- ingly. All eyes Krum: • vered by Rev. stralto, Miss Evelyn s-eensboro. Dr. Barnes: tenor, Dr. C. L. Gray; introduced by baritone, J. P. Waggoner; and, Shoppers Judge William R. Perkins of "" srk, and closing remarks iiueker will come to Durham made by President Wil- for the week end to sing his Fill Ark t of t Men < ill r is tin ais Spirit mducted at 12:31 i. by Ric Prevails at "Y" Fair d W. Goode, pa t of t class of Trinity college Christmas spirit swept over and Frances Brooks, president of Duke today when East campus the senior class of the Woman's t out to demonstrate its shop- college. For eiaiea.e years this Duke Symphony ng ability at ihe openino of the adding willow nual "Y" fair. Talk about oaks !,a those growing by the Christmas rush, traffic jams, and Makes Hit ic males lost in the fem- world taf hargain hunting, The Alumni luncheon will Brahms Masterpiece all can be found in the Ark. seld in the West campus Un Program Highlight Music and food to help the it 1:30. Mrs. J. Foster Bar Football Pulchritude higher and lower planes of tha and a male chorus will enlert By JEAN ORD shoppers, served as pleasing in The lassies of Salem college Unostentatious but firm am Religion Students Future Is Black des in the hunt for just thi definitely score in the Arena's sure of himself, Eugene Orman Ex-Trojan Editor right gift for Aunt Mary's thirt During the day there will be book with their All-America dy conducted his Philadelphia cousin. And the booth for mei elections. And why not an Publish Quarterly For I (opsins cetings of the Trustees of the orchestra in a superb perform helps no end in choosing pres Duke Endowment and of the All-America and American ance Thursday night, rangin. team selection based on bon- Foresaw Bowl Game university. velties from Mexico and Christian Horizons, the maga­ lilh'il "I'JID: Siiiill,,;;, t'ttllt,,,-,, 1938 the YMCA Christmas fund. China supply the perfect little sal imagery of Moussorft-sky. zine of the student body of the iuke," by Kay Ztman, formal gifts for friends, and the jewelry, As anticipated, the Brahr Duke Sehool of Religion, made All-America Eleven o small children, Mrs. Betty •r of the Southern California Daily Hopsin's two year old boy and cosmetic, pottery, and linen Tom Smart 'Symphony No. 1 in C Minor its appearance on the campus LE—Brown Noire Dame rajnn which appeared in the De 'e year old girl, have been counters complete the selection. Week's vas the highlight of the pr last week. EMited by Finis L T—Voights.... North w este rn Weary and hungry shoppers Mr. Crutchflcld, the latest addition LG—Heikkinen Michigan anded in a three room hovel aasxly. Morning Glory play "Bingo" in the middle of Wins Debate Brahms, , to thc newspapers and magazines C — HILI, DUKE issued under Publications board i for s the room and chew on popcorn RG—Smith So. California balls; and the music and the dec­ Id eli a Hen son Calendar sften results fror sanction plans to publish four 1s- One of the most intere RT—Beinor Notre Dame unless help, in the form of food end significant of recent college and clothing arrives soon, the orations swing in the holidays to Is Co-ed Winner RE—Wyatt Tennessee a good beginning. Today is the orchestration. trio will spend a winter that stu­ QB—O'Brien..Tex. Christian dents at Duke can only imagine. he sec aember 18 issue ot the Trojan, LH—Bollari California di,aS. laily student publication at the Mrs. Hospin's husband com­ an Saves.,- lill—MacLeod ....Dartmouth mitted suicide last February and stice de Jniversity of Southern Califor- E B—Goldberg Pittsburgh lia. It is by Ray Zeman, editor mailv fe sf the paper, and is headed Erie Tipton, Willard Perdu> ff ord ing the c '1940: Southern California vs. Robert O'Mara, and Fred Yorke ience in forensics in particular this aleavlv-tea were given merit awards. Kappa Delta Pi nd public speaking in general, Really aide. dents; (2) deeper thinking on all mart led the field wilh a per- ble effect of the issues concerning the ministry of •ct score, while Joe Talley, Mor­ growing university in the and is half blind Pledges Eight today and the future, (3) a uni­ Bock Continues there was nothing she is capable ns Haas, P. L. Gobble, Robert fied student body, and (4) great- Southern California? No. of doing. [eaton, and Tom Latimer took cscending honors in that order. It's Duke, in Durham, N. C. Union Project ,viil I. ksckisi A review by E. T. Baker appears Wilh an overnight endow­ tile household, 85 and fulfilled all requircma elsewhere in this issue. ment from the tobacco king, household which subsfsts eve for membership, were pledged 'on by Idelia Benson. Seeond flawless. At the Moussorgsk Its staff, in addition to Crutch- the university has a building month on less than most Duke by Kappa Delta Pi, national ho lace found a tie among Jean ure" of the "Ballet of chicl program under way that is or society in the field of educ letz. Eleanor Powell, and Lil- n their shells," with i students spend each week. But literally bewildering. Cou­ something can be done. That tion, Wednesday night in the " an Hill. Third place was award- With the addition of vonetiai Jones, business manager; Virgil pled with this, it has, in something will bo done by thehal l of East Duke building. d to Betty Portersfelder. IB effects, the audieni Queen, chairman of the editorial characteristic Los Angeles linds, the Social Standards com Duke Student Christmas Fund, 'IT,.,. In team competition, for the will be conducted at St. Pau laughed aloud—proof enough < who board; and Wesley Dodge and littee's East campus union lob provided the student body co- ten, the combination of Smart Lutheran Chureh in Durhi lower of music to conve pledged and who will be intti Seaborn Kiker, circulation man­ esillicsad leading ssilsiisai- by r, ated January 11. are: Ruth Car­ nd Del Fuston captured laurels. tomorrow afternoon at 2:30. agers. Second, third, and fourth places The YWCA Christmas from throughout the na- completion, penter, Garden City, N. Christian Horizons is in no to join its faculty. Janet Rettew, Chi about the campus and contribu- lores Gambke, Englewood, N. J.. were won by Robert Heaton and ee held in the Ark this aft Me.ale.is Hiitis, Hal Bees and F. L. way a commercial enterprise and Begun under the chairmanship ons can be made any time from Frances Goddard. Upper Nyack, ernoon from 2 till 6 and this eve. advertising will not be accepted. N, Y.; Mary Ricks, Gobble, and a tie between Joe ntngfrom 7 till 10:30. of Ann Louise Reist three years ow until Christmas.
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