What Is the 1 in 12 Club? (1995)

What Is the 1 in 12 Club? (1995)

f'?‘f.;1""‘ J1- I Iii BEE35; 2 E2...--:'::::;_5: m:l:u.l:au¥~mr* »il|1i1i"lz*a=.:!*1===~iLn|1='- I! mm. 1: 1] J E" ""5: flS FULTON sr. ii1: -1“?-E $1‘-fig-_§@ *3"=5‘ 4 j‘-=-'::1i.'_rI'%-.5“;-gr==5-.::'EE‘za'55;rF?E:c=5!..-.:.=-.:::,_--I‘---::::.-...::i-"H?-'=5 "~ "‘II5'_-.FE.==-‘W=-=i§E.5~ :5"-="._':::::i1:"-'=:!='="'5c"F5:5-:i'-1.! -I"rtg:-:53“1....:::'-'q:...l_=,§,_;" §:==.r_,=; 1*;I."‘5~"1 ALBION ST. 5¢‘34 °»=/ 'GEl '|Tl'i I __1i-4%.-*.:L_ The Guiding principles of the 1 IN 12 Club are LIBERTY EQUALITY SOLIDARITY and the Club aims to promote MUTUAL-AID SELF-MANAGEMENT CO-OPERATION Respect & tolerance towards all members and their guests is essential at all times. The Club has a strict NO DRUGS policy and anyone found using or dealing will be told to leave the building. I IN I2 CLUB 21 - 23 Albion St, Bradford, West Yorkshire, England, BDl 2LY Tel: ( 01274 ) 734160 lst in a series of pamphlets about the l IN 12 Club and related matters. Other titles include "The ldiol-proofguide to booking bamis at the 1 in 12 Club” and "The 1 IN 12 (l‘onstitz1ti0n". Send a S.A.E. for further details, or scripts if you have any ideas. r+ I‘. _.‘ ‘.+___'_'.' * L l-_1-\-~|¢.-\_1~-In-I_+1II_-__1¢>I1|__I§|-+1-+l_1 -|‘|-§.iv__1__r3__4-1_ll.:vg|-.1‘;-1-:0-t_'|_-4-__ __|-":1 _ ;'q:p__q!_ ' ._.'.' -*** -'P“"' """‘ I+++r:-»¢+o--t--.++'.+a r¢~b-I--I0QI-I1»'l‘++.<-‘4--I-+-+1-'->+Ii'—|1-‘+3-4|-l~|1-+'+'c§'-i!+'+!+-t-1-'+14-1'»pr-1-"-1-ys". ... q;..-1.‘ii--0,.4.-4.,-.... -i_."'-. '-- -""" """""""'."""l"'*" 1FillI.-v-'tr!+.|Iv.-I-+.1.-||:---.+1'¢-4.l+1|I-I--1l-i-.l|l-r,~rI+"f.1-0+1!--I11-¢Q.u1-.+;i-'-v.1‘-1+‘:-ii-gi'1"¢4-¢ rp ll: ,;-|',9';¢.|,q.¢ *--' ' ' *_= -- .- -3 - - I - I - ~ - - ~ - > i ~ ~ r r - - 1 --+"~r'+.r t t '4 as +.~ - 1:4 -4+"--"H t t-.a.+"< ‘+.'»'r-+.- ++:+4 4'‘V'.'¢"'1i'i.-|'.$+F:‘+"+'".+"~t'i|.k-,-|- rs;-1 "r-I-'-¢,4 at.-_'r'1rt.',--¢ .1 ." .._.41;“-.1--t ,:. ..". 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