בס"ד בס''ד Founded by Rabbi Yosef Oziel zt”l WEEKLY BULLETIN פרשת דברים PARASHAT DEBARIM שבת חזון SHABBAT HAZON 9TH OF AB 5778 – JULY 21ST 2018 SHABBAT SCHEDULE Tisha Beab this Mosae Shabbat & WEEKLY SCHEDULE SUNDAY Mincha 6:30pm Sunday. Shir Hashirim: 6:50pm After Shabbat finishes say, “Baruch Shaharit: 9:00am Candle Lighting: 7:54pm Hamvdil Ben Kodesh Lehol” & Change Minha 7:40pm Shaharit: 8:30am shoes & clothing. Followed by Arvit & Youth Minyan: Recess Teenager program Recess Kinot, Arvit, & Megilat Echa 9:30 pm Zeman Keriat Shema 9:25am Shaharit Morning Tisha Beav at 9:00 am 2nd Zeman Keriat Shema 10:04am MONDAY TO FRIDAY Hazot (Midday) is at 1:27pm Daf Yomi/Shiur TBA Chafetz Chaim Videos Times listed below Shiur 6:10am Minha: Early 2pm and at 5:45 pm. Shaharit 6:30am Minha at 7:40pm (Please Remember Tallit & Eat normal Seudat Shelishit at Hodu Approx: 6:45am Tefillin) Followed by Arvit and Birkat Halevana Home Shiur in Spanish Recess Fast Ends: 8:50pm. Please Remember to do Minha: 6:30pm Fast Starts: 8:09pm Shabbat Havdalah before eating. Only Hagefen & Ends at 8:54 pm Rabbenu Tam Followed By Arbit Hamavdil. No Besamim or Meore Haesh. & Shiurim Recess 9:25pm .by his Dear Family ,שלמה בן יעקב ז''ל This Week’s Bulletin has been Kindly Sponsored Leiluy Nishmat th Synagogue: 310 - 95 Street, Surfside, FL 33154 Mailing Address: 1108 Kane Concourse, Suite 227, Bay Harbor Islands, FL 33154 www.hechalshalom.org Tel: (305) 867-6024 E-mail: [email protected] | [email protected] בס''ד בס''ד (TORAH TEASERS (AISH 1. In this parsha, what location shares a name with a close relative of the matriarch Rivka? 2. Which three metals are alluded to in this parsha? 3. In what two contexts is the number 11 mentioned? 4. In what two contexts is the number 1,000 mentioned? 5. In this parsha, which foreign nation is referred to 11 times? Which foreign land is mentioned 12 times? 6. In this parsha, which nation is compared to an insect? Where else in the Torah are a group of people compared to insects? 7. Which person is mentioned in this parsha, for the first time since parshat Vayera? Who is mentioned for the first time since parshat Vayishlach? 8. Where is snow alluded to in this parsha? 9. What four places in this parsha does someone say, "Do not fear"? 10. What three places in the book of Genesis does Hashem tell someone, "Do not fear"? 11. Which seven names of the 24 books of the scriptures are found in this parsha? Answers 1) One of the locations listed in Deut. 1:1 is Lavan, which is also the name of Rivka's brother (Genesis 24:29). 2) One of the locations mentioned in Deut. 1:1 is "Di Zahav," which means "gold" in Hebrew. The bed of Og is described as having been fashioned out of iron (Deut. 3:11). The Jews offer to buy food and water from surrounding nations with "kesef" - "silver" (Deut. 6:28). 3) The Jews are an 11-day journey from Chorev (Deut. 1:2). Moshe gives a speech which occurs in the 11th month of the year (Deut. 1:3). 4) Moshe blesses the Jews that Hashem should increase them "one thousand fold" (Deut. 1:11). Moshe describes how he needs assistance to lead the Jews, and appoints various judges, including "leaders of thousands" (Deut. 1:15). 5) The nation of Emori appears 11 times. The country of Bashan is mentioned 12 times. 6) The people of Emor are compared to bees, in the manner they attacked the Jews who attempted to enter the land of Canaan following the incident of the spies (Deut. 1:44). In parshat Shlach, the spies compare themselves to grasshoppers, in relation to the giants who lived in Canaan (Numbers 13:33). 7) Lot appears for the first time since parshat Vayera (Deut. 2:9). Esav is referenced multiple times in this parsha, for the first time since parshat Vayishlach (Deut. 2:4). 8) The verse states that the Emorites called Mount Chermon by the name "shenir" (Deut. 3:9). Rashi states that shenir means "snow" in Germanic and Canaanite languages. Interestingly, Mount Chermon today is covered with snow at its high elevation areas. 9) 1) Just prior to the sending of the spies, Moshe tells the Jews not to fear taking possession of the land of Israel (Deut. 1:21). 2) Hashem tells Moshe not to fear fighting Og, the king of Bashan (Deut. 3:2). 3) Moshe commands Yehoshua not to fear the kings in Canaan (Deut. 3:22). 4) When Moshe appoints judges, he tells them not to fear anyone (Deut. 1:16). 10) 1) In parshat Lech Lecha, Hashem tells Avraham not to fear since He will protect him and bless him (Genesis 15:1). 2) In parshat Toldot, Hashem encourages Yitzchak with the words, "Do not fear," after Yitzchak has several disputes with the Pelishtim over the wells (Genesis. 26:24). 3) In parshat Vayigash, Hashem assures Yaakov on his way down to Egypt not to fear leaving Canaan (Genesis 46:3). 11) Devarim (Deut. 1:1), Numbers (Deut. 1:1), Echa (Deut. 1:12), Yehoshua (Deut. 1:38), Vayikra (Deut. 3:14), and Melachim (Deut. 3:21). Shneim Asar (Tre Asar) (Deut. 1:23, see Baba Batra 14b). We would like to remind our Kahal Kadosh to please Donate wholeheartedly towards our Beautiful Kehila. Anyone interested in donating for any occasion, Avot Ubanim $120, Kiddush $350, Seudat Shelishit $275, Weekly Bulletin $150, Weekly Breakfast $150, Weekly Learning $500, & Monthly Learning $2000, Please contact the Rabbi. Thanking you in advance for your generous support. Tizke Lemitzvot! If anyone would like to contact the Rabbi, please feel free to call/text 786-879-4951, or email [email protected]. Men Refuah Shelema List Women • Yosef Zvi Ben Sara Yosefia, • Isaac Ben Mesoda, • Simja Bat Esther, • Sara Ledicia Bat Mesoda, • Aviv Ben Luba Miriam, • Haim Ben Marcelle, • Mesoda Bat Esther, • Alegria Simha Bat Esther, • Mordechai Ben Brucha • Yizhak Ben Simja • Rachel Bat Sarah, • Naomie Bat Rarel Adda, Malka Shmalo, • Reuben Ben Eta, • Evelyn Bat Solita, • Malka Bat Joyce Simja, • Yizhak Abrah am Ben Sheli, • Michael Ben Aliza, • Nina Bat Rachel, • Sivan Simha Bat Yehudit, • Yosef Yizhak Ben Sara Hana, • Eliel Moshe Ben Sarah • Gitel Rina Bat Yael, • Nikita Nechama Shimona • Yehudah Leon Ben Mesoda, Bat Hava, • Salomon Benarroch Ben • Miriam Bat Sofy, • Mordechai Ben Miriam, Alia • Rahma Bat Simha • Natalie Rachel Bat Nancy, • Meir Raymond Ben Hamsa • Mordechai Ben Mercedes • Esther Bat Mazal • Batya Estrella Bat Abraham • Abraham Guenoun Bar Rahel • Malka Bat Dina בס''ד בס''ד Community Announcements (It is YOUR Community, make the most of it!) Miscellaneous Announcements: • There will be No Congregational Kiddush this Shabbat. • The Kiddush Club Initiative. Anyone interested donating a Kiddush Please kindly contact the Rabbi. Tizke Lemizvot! • There will be NO Seudat Shelishit in the Bet Hakenesset this Shabbat. • This Week’s Breakfast has been Kindly Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Belecen in memory of his Dear th Mother Estrella Bat Oro z”l the 15 of Ab. Tihye Nishmata Tzerura Bitzror Hahayim Amen. • This Week’s Breakfast has been Kindly Sponsored by Mr. & Mrs. Eddy Levi in memory of his Dear Mother th Zoui Bat Louli z”l the 17 of Ab. Tihye Nishmata Tzerura Bitzror Hahayim Amen. • Anyone interested in sponsoring Breakfast for this week or on any day please contact the Rabbi. • If anyone is interested in creating a weekly class in your house or an individual class with the Rabbi, please do not hesitate to contact the Rabbi. • We are trying to update our Congregant’s contact information. We would like to start sending texts about different Events and Shiurim. We would also like to start emailing the weekly bulletin. We would like to start a list of Nahalot/Az karot/Yahrzeits. We would also like to make a Refuah Shelema list. Please send your contact information to the Rabbi at [email protected] • Please feel free to contact any of the board members either in person, or via email with suggestions or comments. Our email addresses are: board member’s first name @oroziel.com Important Message!!! Eruv Update: Surfside: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach. Bal Harbour: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included. • Due to the recent reorganization of seats in the Bet Hakenesset, We are happy to announce the NEW possibility of purchasing seats in the Bet Hakenesset. For more information, please contact the Board. • Before hanging up anything anywhere in the Bet Hakenesset, please seek authorization from the Rabbi. This includes flyers etc. • Please be advised that prior to bringing any food or drinks for any occasion, you must first seek the authorization from the Rabbi. Special Announcements • We are pleased to announce that Ness 26 is part of the Amazon Charity Program, which would allow our community to collect 0.5% of all the orders made by any of you on Amazon.com. In order to register you need to log on smile.amazon.com and select Ness 26, Inc as the Charitable Organization you want to support, and from then shop on smile.amazon.com instead of www.amazon.com. It won’t cost anything more, and is an easy way to contribute to our budget needs.
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