![C.E. H10 Angles](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Code of Ethics Open letter from H10 Hotels management 3 Scope 4 Contents Understanding the code of conduct 4 Code of conduct 5 Complying with the code of conduct 13 ,ќLJ[P]LKH[L 13 Code of Ethics OPEN LETTER FROM H10 HOTELS MANAGEMENT Dear team members, Since the beginning of H10 Hotels in the early >P[O [OPZ PU TPUK PU 1\S` ^L HWWYV]LK 80's, our main focus has been on customer [OL//V[LSZ*VKLVM,[OPJZ[VZLY]LHZH ZH[PZMHJ[PVU ;VHJOPL]L [OPZ V\Y OV[LSZ OH]L framework of conduct for all those who are WYP]PSLNLKSVJH[PVUZIV[OVU[OLZLHMYVU[HUK part of the organisation and as a demonstra- PU[OLJP[`JLU[YLZWLJPHSPaLKZLY]PJLZJHYLM\SS` tion of H10 Hotels corporate management's selected meals and facilities that are constantly binding commitment with compliance. The updated to ensure the highest quality. To this HWWYV]HSVM[OPZ*VKLVM,[OPJZ^OPJOZOV\SK LUK ^L OH]L KL]LSVWLK [OL TVZ[ KLTHUK- NV]LYU [OL ILOH]PV\Y VM HSS LTWSV`LLZ THU- PUNX\HSP[`Z`Z[LTZHUKOH]LVI[HPULKT\S[PWSL agers, administrators and collaborators of H10 JLY[PÄJH[LZ HUK HJJYLKP[H[PVUZ IV[O UH[PVUHSS` Hotels, as well as its customers, partners, sup- and internationally. All this is possible thanks to pliers and, in general, any natural or legal per- [OLJVUZ[HU[^VYRVMLHJOHUKL]LY`TLTILY son that maintains relations with H10 Hotels in VM[OL//V[LSZ[LHT^OVZ[YP]LZL]LY`KH` any capacity—working, professional, commer- to make our mission possible: to amaze our JPHSI\ZPULZZJP]PS·OHZNVULHOLHKHZWHY[ customers so they enjoy their time in our hotels of an implementation framework for an ambi- and dream of returning. tious programme of regulatory compliance and NVVK NV]LYUHUJL [OH[ T\Z[ Z\WWVY[ HSS V\Y 6\YMVJ\ZVUJVU[PU\V\ZPTWYV]LTLU[HUKH actions. ÄYT JVTTP[TLU[ [V V\Y ]HS\LZ YLZWLJ[ LU- [O\ZPHZTYLZWVUZPIPSP[`OVULZ[`HUKJYLH[P]P- From now on, we want to be known not only ty) also lead us to the need and the desire to MVY[OLL_JLSSLUJLHUKX\HSP[`VMV\YZLY]PJLZ WYVTV[LHUKHJOPL]L[OLOPNOLZ[SL]LSZVMI\ZP- but also for the commitment of all the people ULZZL[OPJZIV[OPUV\YPU[LYUHSYLSH[PVUZ^P[O who are part of H10 Hotels to our ethical prin- our employees and collaborators) and our ex- ciples and to rigorous regulatory compliance in [LYUHSYLSH[PVUZ^P[OV\YJ\Z[VTLYZHUKZ\WWSP- all areas. LYZVMNVVKZHUKZLY]PJLZ Barcelona H10 Casa Mimosa****s 3 Code of Ethics SCOPE This Code is binding, mandatory and applica- authorised to execute orders or instructions ble to all employees, managers and collabo- [OH[JVU[YH]LULVY]PVSH[L[OLWYV]PZPVUZVM[OPZ rators that are part of H10 Hotels, including *VKLHUKPU[OLL]LU[[OH[[OPZOHWWLUZ[OL TLTILYZVM[OLNV]LYUPUNIVKPLZVM[OLJVT- recipient of such orders or instructions should panies that comprise it, without any exception UL]LYHIPKLI`[OLTHUKT\Z[THRL[OLPUJP- or distinction due to job position, responsibility, dent known to the group's management or the occupation or geographical location. Director of Regulatory Compliance, through the whistleblower channel specially created for Awareness and compliance is also mandatory this purpose. for customers, partners, suppliers and any nat- ural or legal persons, insofar as they maintain The application or enforcement of this Code may some type of connection or legal relationship UL]LY WYV[LJ[ [OL ]PVSH[PVU VM HWWSPJHISL SLNHS with H10 Hotels. WYV]PZPVUZUVYL_J\ZL[OLPYUVUJVTWSPHUJL 5V[^P[OZ[HUKPUN [OL WV^LYZ VM Z\WLY]PZPVU (U`]PVSH[PVUVM[OLWYPUJPWSLZ]HS\LZVYJVKL and control that ultimately correspond to the of conduct set forth in this Code may imply the Director of Regulatory Compliance, the re- imposition of appropriate disciplinary or con- sponsibility to comply with the code of con- tractual measures, depending on the serious- duct that makes up this Code and to respect ness of the breach, and may lead to the ter- P[Z WYPUJPWSLZ HUK N\PKPUN ]HS\LZ SPLZ ^P[O TPUH[PVUVM[OLJVYYLZWVUKPUN^VYRPUNJP]PSVY LHJOHUKL]LY`VULVM[OLWLVWSL^OVJVT- business relationship. prise H10 Hotels. For this reason, no one is UNDERSTANDING THE CODE OF CONDUCT 5V[^P[OZ[HUKPUN[OLLќLJ[P]LULZZVMJVTT\- nication actions and acceptance of this Code by H10 Hotels and its employees, managers, dependents, collaborators, customers, sup- pliers, partners or third parties, its publication and distribution through the corporate website ^^^OOV[LSZJVT THRLZ P[Z RUV^SLKNL and compliance mandatory for all people in- cluded in its scope. Any doubts that may arise from the interpreta- tion or application of the code of conduct es- tablished in this Code shall be submitted to the YLZWVUZPISL VѝJLY VM [OL JVYYLZWVUKPUN HYLH VM HJ[P]P[` VYPM ULJLZZHY`[V [OL +PYLJ[VY VM Regulatory Compliance, the Legal Department and/or to Human Resources. Tenerife H10 Conquistador**** 4 Code of Ethics CODE OF CONDUCT Our values 0UVYKLY[VILJVUZPZ[LU[^P[OV\YZLS]LZHUK to comply with them, as well as to ensure that with all those who are part of H10 Hotels, it [OL`HYLM\SÄSSLK^P[OV\[HZJYPIPUN[V[OL[OLVY` is necessary and essential that all of us who of the "fake colleague" or misguided corporat- make up this organisation should be aware of ism as an excuse not to do so, since if some- HUKHJ[VU[OL]HS\LZ^LOH]LKLJPKLKZOV\SK one does not comply with what the group has NV]LYUV\YILOH]PV\YPU[OL^H`^LWYVJLLK decided, by doing or tolerating it, they are ex- act within H10 Hotels, in order to be able to ful- JS\KLKMYVT[OLNYV\WHZKLÄULKPUVYKLYVM ÄSS[OLTPZZPVUHUK]PZPVU[OH[^LOH]LLZ[HI- importance, in the WORKING PRINCIPLES SPZOLKHKVW[PUN[OLMVSSV^PUN]HS\LZ! 6-;,(44,4),9:[OVZLVM\Z^OVHYLH part of and who will be a part of H10 Hotels): 9,:7,*;!;YLH[[OLLU]PYVUTLU[HUKV[O- ers as I would like to be treated. Know how to SPZ[LU]HS\LHUK\UKLYZ[HUK2UV^OV^[VHJ- ;/,@:/(9,(504769;(5; cept decisions made for the common good. COMMON GOAL. ,5;/<:0(:4!6W[PTPZTQV`SP]PUNL]LY` ;/,@/(=,76>,9-<3=(3<,: day with enthusiasm. There is no need to be (5+*64465),30,-: serious in order to work seriously. Desire and ;/,@9,:7,*;(5+;9<:;,(*/ predisposition to get things done. Face chal- OTHER. SLUNLZ^P[OHULHNLYULZZ[VV]LYJVTL·WVZP- [P] P ZT :LL JOHUNLZ HZ VWWVY[\UP[PLZ MVY ;/,@:7,(2(5+*644<50*(;, PTWYV]LTLU[ >0;/,(*/6;/,967,53@ 9,:765:0)030;@! Ability to commit suc- ;/,@7<;;/,6)1,*;0=,:6- cessfully to a role. Firmly meet accepted com- THE GROUP AHEAD OF THEIR mitments and their consequences. OWN. /65,:;@! Recognise our own mistakes, ;/,@4<;<(33@796;,*;(5+ [V^HYKZV\YZLS]LZHUK[V^HYKZV[OLYZHJ[PUN SUPPORT EACH OTHER. without deceit and with transparency. Sincerity, ;/,@7<;:/(9,+3,(+,9:/07 honesty, integrity. INTO PRACTICE. *9,(;0=0;@!(KKLK]HS\L[OH[ZWHYRZJVU- [PU\V\ZPTWYV]LTLU[PUP[PH[PUNJOHUNLZPULZ- ;OL PUKPJH[LK ]HS\LZ HYL THUKH[VY` MVY HSS tablished processes, breaking the routine and those who are part of H10 Hotels, so we must creating new and surprising outcomes, not fall- act according to them a nd the interpretation ing away either in success or failure. ^LOH]LNP]LU[OLTUV[[VSLYH[PUNJVU[YHY`H[- titudes and actions. This commitment represents a change, if nec- LZZHY`^P[O^H`ZVMHJ[PUNJVU[YHY`[V[OL]HS- ues set forth, for all of us who are currently part of the company and for those who will be in- [LNYH[LKPU[OLM\[\YL>LOH]L[OLVISPNH[PVU 5 Code of Ethics Our commitment to >L HWWYLJPH[L J\S[\YHS KP]LYZP[` HUK VWPUPVUZ compliance with the law as a source of understanding and business All persons who are part of H10 Hotels must KL]LSVWTLU[ ILH^HYLVM[OLJYPTPUHSSH^[OH[NV]LYUZ[OL We strongly reject any type of discrimination, WSHJLZ^OLYL^LWYV]PKLV\YZLY]PJLZHZ^LSS ILOH]PV\Y VY L_WYLZZPVU [OH[ WYVTV[LZ OH- HZJVTWS`^P[OHUKVIZLY]L[OLTLHZ\YLZHUK tred or hostility on the basis of race, physical procedures established by the company to or psychological disability, age, religion, sexu- WYL]LU[[OLJVTTPZZPVUVMJYPTLZ al orientation, political ideology or social origin. Consequently, all persons who work for H10 Any type of physical, psychological or sexual Hotels or who are in any way linked to our ac- harassment or abuse in our work, commercial [P]P[`T\Z[HZZ\TL[OLVISPNH[VY`JVTTP[TLU[ VYZVJPHSLU]PYVUTLU[PZ\UHJJLW[HISL [VH]VPKHU`JVUK\J[VYILOH]PV\Y[OH[TH`IL considered illegal, irregular or unethical during >LKVUV[[VSLYH[LHU`RPUKVMHJ[P]P[`YLSH[LK the carrying out of their working, professional, to pornography or prostitution in which minors commercial, business or institutional functions VYKPZHISLKWLYZVUZTH`ILPU]VS]LK or in representation of the company. All H10 Hotels employees, managers and col- Our commitment to loyalty laborators are responsible for respecting and and good faith WYVTV[PUN[OLZLWYPUJPWSLZK\YPUN[OLWYV]PZPVU VMZLY]PJLZ 3V`HS[`HUKNVVKMHP[OHYL[^VLZZLU[PHS]HS\LZ of our corporate culture. For this reason, H10 Hotels calls on all its em- ployees and managers to take care of their All our employees, managers and collabora- manners and the language that they use in their tors must always adjust their actions to princi- relations, and, particularly, in the treatment that ples of loyalty and good faith in their interper- [OL`NP]L[VV\YJ\Z[VTLYZHUKZ\WWSPLYZHS- sonal, working, commercial and professional ^H`ZH]VPKPUNTHRPUNKPZYLZWLJ[M\SVYKLMHT- relationships with the company, its customers atory comments and, of course, refraining from and its suppliers.
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