PAROHIJSKI GLASNIK PARISH HERALD HRISTOS SE RODI! CHRIST IS BORN! List parohije Svetog Simeona Miroto~ivog Srpske Pravoslavne Crkve u Kalgariju, Alberta St. Simeon Serbian Orthodox Church Newsletter in Calgary, AB. GLASNIK Bo`i} 2003 Uredni{tvo: Editors: Editor-in –chief: Glavni i odgovorni urednik: Rev. Obrad Filipovic Jerej Obrad Filipovi} Preveo na engleski: Translated in English: Student Teologije Student of Theology Aleksandar Gordon Aleksandar Gordon ^lanovi ure|iva~kog odbora: Members of editorial committee Marica Vuji~i} Marica Vujicic Daliborka Mijatovi}-prevod Daliborka Mijatovic-translation Milanka Filipovi} Milanka Filipovic Saradnici: Contributors: Zoran Milanovi}-programirawe Zoran Milanovic-programing Tamara Jorgi}-prevod Tamara Jorgic-translation Redakcija: Redaction: 2001 31 avenue SW 2001 31 Avenue SW Calgary, AB. T2T 1T3 Calgary AB. T2T 1T3 Telefon: 403/244-3586 Phone: 403/244-3586 Faks:403/244-1691 Fax: 403/244-3586 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] - 2 br. 1. god. 1 Glasnik SRPSKI PRAVOSLAVNI EPISKOP KANADSKI SERBIAN ORTHODOX BISHOP OF CANADA 7470 McNiven Rd R.R. 3 Campbellville, On, Canada, L0P 1B0 Tel (905) 878 0043; Fax 878 1909 E. Br. 461 23. decembra 2002. Toronto/Manastir Milton C[O SVETOG SIMEONA MIROTO^IVOG KALGARI U vezi sa va{om molbom Br. 50, od 21. decembra ove godine, po pitawu pokretawa parohijskog glasnika, donosimo slede}e re{ewe: Dajemo na{ arhijerejski blagoslov za izdavawe parohijskog glasnika C[O Svetog Simeona Miroto~ivog, Kalgari. Sa velikim zadovoqstvom pozdravqamo ovu inicijativu koja odra`ava duhovnu zrelost va{e kolonije. Smatramo da }e pokretawe glasnika biti posebno zna~ajno u trenutku kada srpska zajednica u Kalgariju preuzima na sebe veliki poduhvat podizawa novog hrama. Ne sumwamo da }e glasnik biti ra}en u skladu sa crkvenim zakonom i da }e predstavqati promociju pravoslavnih principa i svetosavskih vrednosti. Nadamo se da }e se oko novog lista naro~ito okupiti mla|i srpski nara{taj i da }e mladi Srbi u svom glasniku na}i pogodno mesto da se duhovno iska`u. Sa arhipastirskim blagoslovom, EPISKOP KANADSKI - 3 - GLASNIK Bo`i} 2003 BO@I]NA POSLANICA WEGOVOG NATIVITY EPISTLE OF HIS GRACE GEORGIJE BISHOP OF CANADA PREOSVE[TENSTVA EPISKOPA KANADSKOG GOSPODINA GEORGIJA HRISTOS SE RODI CHRIST IS BORN ! “A kad se navr{i vrijeme, posla Bog sina It is as if the words of the Apostles about the end times are being heard today when we listen to current svojega jedinorodnog,, (Gal. 4, 4) events and what is happening around us and in the world Kao da se rije~i Apostola o posqedwim vremenima i danas ~uju kada slu{amo o zbivawima i in general. There is much talk about peace, but all are rattling sabres. There is talk about the war on terrorism, de{avawima oko nas i u svijetu uop{te. Mnogo se yet terrorism reigns all the more over the world. There is govori o miru, a sve zvecka oru`jem. Govori se o talk of disarmament, yet more and more weapons of war borbi protiv terorizma, a terorizam sve vi{e vlada are being prepared and so-called shields that would protect svijetom. Govori se o razoru`awu, a sve se vi{e us. There is no peace. sprema ubojnog oru`ja i tobo`wih {titova The Christ-Child comes to us, announced by koji bi da nas sa~uvaju. Mira nema. prophets, to establish peace in the world, proclaimed in the Bogomladenac Hristos nam dolazi, angel’s greetings: Peace to you, I bring you good tidings nagovije{ten prorocima, da uspostavi mir u svijetu, of great joy. Today is born Christ the Saviour. Glory to objavqen pozdravom an|ela: Mir vama, javqam vam God in the highest and on earth peace! radosnu vijest. Danas se rodio Hristos Spasiteq. What is today’s Christmas message? To re- Slava Bogu na visini a na zemqi mir! examine ourselves; to not judge others; to help where we [ta je dana{wa poruka Bo`i}a? Da can; to love our neighbour as ourselves. preispitamo sebe; da ne osu|ujemo drugoga; da It has always been, brothers and sisters, easier for pomognemo tamo gdje mo`emo; da volimo bli`we kao man to condemn others, than to deal with his own actions. samog sebe. Today, more than ever, preoccupied with ourselves, we are Oduvijek je, bra}o i sestre, ~ovjeku bilo forgetting about God and those around us. How many lak{e osuditi drugoga, nego se osvrnuti na svoje times out of our hearts have erupted poisonous biting postupke. Danas, vi{e nego ikada, zanijeti sobom, remarks of impatience, malicious joy, sarcasm? And how zaboravqamo na Boga i one oko n as. Koliko su se puta many times have we tried to force the world into being iz na{ih srca prolomile otrovne `aoke something that suits us? netrpeqivosti, zluradosti, zajedqivosti? I For many today the flame of faith and love has koliko puta smo silom htjeli da uredimo svijet been extinguished for all but one’s self. Why is it like that? prema sebi? It is because we do not feel the presence of the One who Mnogima se danas plami~ak vjere i qubavi for us people, and for our salvation, comes down from ugasio za sve osim za sebe. Za{to je to tako? Zato heaven. He inspires all of us and waits at the end of {to ne osje}amo prisustvo Onoga koji se radi the road. nas qudi i radi na{ega spasewa spu{ta sa neba. On On us there lies a great responsibility for how in nadahwuje sve nas i ~eka na kraju puta. Na nama je the midst of indifference toward faith we can preserve velika odgovornost kako u sredini ravnodu{noj faith, how by personal example we can reveal to others the prema vjeri sa~uvati vjeru, kako li~nim primjerom beauty of life in God. Christ, sending His disciples into the drugima otkriti qepotu `ivota u Bogu. Hristos je, world, said, “I send you forth as sheep in the midst of {aqu}i svoje u~enike u svijet, rekao: "Ja vas {aqem wolves; be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” (Matt.10:16) kao ovce me}u vukove. Budite dakle mudri kao zmije a bezazleni kao golubovi" (Mt. 10, 16). Recently I heard from one Christian woman this Skoro, od jedne hri{}anke, ~uo sam ovu statement: “Wisdom and consideration, deprived of konstataciju: "Mudrost i obazrivost, li{eni innocence turn into distrust. But innocence without bezazlenosti pretvaraju se u nepovjerewe. A wisdom becomes naivite.” Whether or not we too are on bezazlenost bez mudrosti postaje naivnost". Da i mi the edge of one of these two extremes, we may ask ourselves on these days of Christmas. nismo na ivici jedne od ove dvije krajnosti, zapitajmo se ovih dana Bo`i}a. We guard our faith from the deceit of this world. We guard ourselves from the tricks that others would try to ^uvajmo vjeru svoju od obmana ovoga svijeta. - 4 br. 1. god. 1 Glasnik ^uvajmo se podvala koje na m drugi podme}u kao pass off as harmless childhood fun like Halloween, where we make a mockery of the Image of God in man. For God bezazlenu dje~iju radost tipa Halovina, gdje izvr}emo ruglu Lik Bo`iji u ~ovjeku. Jer Bog nas created us in His image and not that of the devil, of je stvorio podobne Wemu a ne |avolu, vje{ticama, witches, and of some kind of monsters, as this world i kojekakvim nakaradama, koje nam ovaj svijet kao would impose on us as amusement. We guard ourselves zabavu name}e. ^uvajmo se gatawa, vra~awa, gledawa from fortune telling, sorcery, looking at horoscopes, u horoskope, gledawa u {oqice itd. Naro~ito se reading teacups, etc. We especially guard ourselves from the western commercialized celebrating of Christmas in ~uvajmo zapadno-trgova~kog praznovawa Bo`i}a u kojem se, pred ovaj veliki praznik, najvi{e pa`we, which, before this great holiday, the most attention, in u skladu sa potro{a~kom logikom, poklawa jelu keeping with the logic of i pi}u. To, svakako, skre}e qude sa puta posta i consumption, is given to food and drink. That, in every molitve; sa puta slavqewa Boga, bez koga i bez ~ije way, distracts people from the path of fasting and prayer; blagodati nam sve to ne bi ni{ta vrijedilo niti from the path of giving glory to God, without whom and without whose blessings all that wouldn’t matter nor serve ~emu slu`ilo. any purpose. Sjetimo se o prazniku nevoqnih, potrebitih, bolesnih i pritecimo im - onda }emo If we remember the holiday of the unfortunates, biti sqedbenici Hristova puta i Wegovog the needy, the sick and we draw closer to them – then we nazna~ewa u misiji na{ega spasewa. Polo`imo will be followers of Christ’s way and His designation in svoju nadu u obe}anog i dolaze}eg Mesiju jer je On the mission of our salvation. We place our hope in the promised and coming Messiah for He is the one who taj koji nam donosi mir u nemiru i nadu u bezna|u. brings us peace in unrest and hope in hopelessness. Neka bi nam Gospod dao da ovi dani May the Lord grant us that these days of anxiety strepwe i bezna|a budu osvjetqeni Wegovom and despair be illuminated with His guiding star, that zvijezdom vodiqom, kako bi Hristos do{ao i u Christ may come into our hearts as into that cave in na{a srca kao u Bethlehem, and there find warm shelter, and that we find Vitlejemsku pe}inu, i tu na{ao toplo uto~i{te, comfort in Him.
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