1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6959 The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. THYE teachings-of Jesus, with heart to befriend, mosity of one group of citizens against in the chair) . The clerk will state the with sincerity to shield, ·and with charity the other or against the Congress of the nomination. to be merciful to all. Hasten the day United States. The legislative clerk read the nomina· when men everywhere shall live, not by · There is work for 60,000,000 people in tion of George J. Schoeneman to be Com­ rivalry nor vanity, but in the ways of constant employment at the highest wage missioner of Internal Revenue. virtue and mutual fidelity. 0 spare us levels in the history of our country, to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there from that egotism that blinds us to our produce the things the people of our objection to the request of the Senator brother's rights and violates his prop­ country and the world are pleading for. from Maine? The Chair hears none. erty, his reputation and happiness. Each Our Nation and the world needs the and, without .objection, the nomination day help us to weave for ourselves: wealth that can be produced in _this is confirmed. out of the great loom of life, characters country at the present time. Rather THE ARMY that will stand the test of time and eter­ than to give out statements which are nity; and unto Thee we ascribe an glory. misleading and unfair with reference to Mr. WHITE. Mr. President, begin­ In the name of our Redeemer. Amen. the labor-management bill now before ning at the top of page 6 of the Execu· the President, which has encouraged the tive Calendar there are a substantial The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ labor leaders of the Nation to unjustly number of appointments in the Regular terday was read and approved. inflame the minds of the rank and file Army of the United States. I ask unani­ INCOME TAX REDUCTION of labor, those political advisers of the mous consent that they may be con­ Mr. VURSELL. Mr. Speaker, I ask President wfll be doing him a service as sidered en bloc. unanimous consent to address the House well as all 'of the laboring men and all The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ for 1 minute and to revise and .extend citizens of the United States if they will out objection, it is so ordered, and, with­ . my .remarks. stop such inflammatory and false· state­ out objection,, the nominations are con- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to ments which, if continued, will encourage ffrmed en ·bloc. · the request of the gentleman from nu. strikes and work stoppages dangerous to Mr. WHITE: I ask unanimous consent nois? the laboring men's future and dangerous that the President be notified at once There was no objection. to-the interest and future of all of the of the action of the Senate with respect Mr. VURSELL. Mr. Speaker, if Pres­ people of this Nation. to these nominations. ident Truman wants to keep his promise In passing the measures, the Congress The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without to cooperate with the Congress as he has courageously put the interest of all objection, the · President will be notified said he would at the beginning of this of the Ainericari people fir-st. The Con- forthwith. · session, he will sign the tax bill which . gress has thrown politics out of the win­ RECESS TO MONDAY will give 48,000,000 income taxpayers a dow in the consideration of this legis­ reduction of 30 percent in the lower lation. It is time the President follows Mr. WHITE. As in .legislative session. the lead of Congress and keeps his pledge I move that the Senate stand ln. recess bracket .to · 10 percent in the higher bracket from the present crushing war­ to cooperate with the Congres~. the.rep:. until 12 o'clock noon Monday next. resentatives of the people. · The .motion was agreed to; and <at 4 time tax levies·: o'clock .and 59 minutes p. m.) the Senate By such action he can cooperate with NATIONAL CATHOLIC ·WELFARE took a recess until Monday, June 16, the members of his own party who co­ CON:rERENCE 1947 at 12 o'clock meridian. operated with the Republicans in pass­ Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, I ask ing this tax bill by a 2-to-1 majority. unanimous consent to proceed for 1 min­ By cooperating with the Congress he CONFIRMATIONS ute and to revise and extend my remarks. will be cooperating with the American The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Executive nominations confirmed by people whose representatives are seek­ the request of the gentleman from Illi­ the Senate June 13 (legislative day of ing to carry. out their wishes. It is time April 21), 1947; nois? that the President stop listening to his There was no objection. COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE cheap political advisers and stop playing Mr. OWENS. Mr. Speaker, there is George J. Schoeneman to be Commissioner politics to the- detriment of the entire what I consider a very serious statement of Internal Revenue. .Nation. made in the press this. morning, as is lli. THE ARMY He can further cooperate with the shown by the headline of the Chicago APPOINTMENTS IN THE REGULAR ARMY OF THB Congress and the American people by sim, which reads as follows: "Catholics UNITED STATES approving the labor bill which through rap union-curb bill." I do not at this To be major genemls the cooperation of his own Democratic time wish to pass judgment on the Alvan Cullom Gillem, Jr. Members of Congress with the Republi­ National Catholic Welfare Conference, Wade Hampton Haislip can Members expressed the will of the which organization is responsible for the Walton Harris Walker people by passing this legislation by a headline in question, because I have not Hoyt Sanford Vandenberg majority of over 3 to 1. yet had an opportunity to check the George Edward Stratemeyer , The President can hardly afford to set facts, other than those which -appeared To be brigadier getterals his judgment up contrary to the judg­ in the newspaper this morning. How­ Joseph May Swi.ng ment of two-thirds of the Members of ever, enough has been shown to cause Edward Hale Brooks Congress · and contrary to the will of me to comment that when the Bill of Wilton Burton Persons the people in refusing them income-tax Rights was added to the Constitution the . Clements McMullen relief provided in this bill. first amendment provided that Congress Howard Arnold Craig When ·the veto power was provided shall make no law with respect to the for in the Constitution the founders of establishment of religion or prohibit the our country never intended that a Pres­ free exercise thereof. The same amend­ ident should use his veto to thwart the ment_ also provides that Congress shall HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES will of the people. If the President make no law abridging freedom of speech. vetoes either of these bills he will strike Inasmuch as the restriction concerning FRIDAY, JUNE 13, 1947 a serious blow against representative . religion has been placed upon Congress, constitutional government in this coun- it appears to me that there is a duty upon The House met at 11 o'clock a. m. try.' The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont· organized religion to keep from interfer­ gomery, D. D., offered the following With foreign relations in their present ing in any way with the regular acts and prayer: · disturbed conditions and with the tre· duties of Congress, except insofar as the mendous debt hanging over this country acts of Congress might affect the .moral Almighty and eternal God, who art . and t:1e financial relief the President welfare of the people. While individuals always m<'re ready to give than to re­ continues to urge for foreign countries in organized religious bodies are entitled ceive, and to hear when we pray, give us this is no time for the President or those to exercise freedom of speech as contem­ an immovable faith in Thee. So abide who are giving him political advice for plated in the first amendment to the in our souls that we may conform to the the future to encourage strife or the ani- Constitution, certainly a body of leaders 6960 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE 13 of any organized sect should hesitate to consider the decision which it has made nies which might be saved by hesitation. criticize the deliberative actions of a in the case. But when disaster strikes if there is no legislative body, such as Congress, where The SPEAKER. The time of the gen­ insurance the enormity of the loss which it has sought to exercise its considered tleman from Illinois has expired. might have been averted is apparent too judgment in the passage of a law such EXTENSION OF REMARKS late. There begins the long and painful as H. R." 3020, which was the subject of process of salvaging · what can be sal­ the remarks purported!~ made yesterday Mr. TOLLEFSON asked and was given vaged from the foolish hesitation. It is by the National Catholic Welfare Con­ permission to extend his remarks in the · then that the pennies saved become in­ ference. Appendix of the RECORD and include two significant. And usually-we saw it hap­ I say in all sincerity, Mr. Speaker, that articles. pen only a few years ago-the process of I feel that I am a part of a most distin­ Mr. DEANE asked and was given per­ rebuilding from the disaster is delayed by guished body of citizens, persons who mission to extend his remarks in the the incriminations and self-reproach have already made their mark in all RECORD and include an editorial from the that follow penny-saving short-sighted­ walks of life, and who are here in Wash­ New York Times.
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