15368. CON.GRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE .., August 20 s. 1799. An act to facilitate the payment years held the respect of both Democrats HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of Government -cliecks, and for other pu~­ and Republicans Qecause of _his keen in­ poses. terest ·in vital public issues. TUESDAY, A UGUST 20, 1957. The message also announced that the Although I. have no doubt that my esteemed. friend and counselor will live The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Senate agrees to the report of the com­ • mittee of conference on the disagreeing for many more fruitful years, I want to The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, take this occasion of his 90th birthday D. D., offered the following prayer: . votes of the two Houses on the amend­ ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. to express my public appreciation for the . Almighty God, by whose grace we are 8240) entitled "An act to authorize cer-' inspiring example that he has set for privileged and permitted to enter upon tain construction at military installa- . me and my fellow South Dakotans. We a new day, make us eager to conserve tions, and for other purposes." are all richer because he is our friend. the good which we have gained from The message also announced that the our yesterdays and all the days that are Senate agrees to the report of the com­ SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION PM~ . mittee of conference on the disagreeing Inspire us with Thy grace to cooperate votes of the two Houses on the amend-­ ACT, 1958 with one another in reaching out to ments of the Senate to the bill <H. R. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I ask loftier fields of endeavor and in making 8992) entitled "An act to provide for the unanimous consent to take from the each succeeding day even more glorious. appointment of representatives of the Speaker's desk the bill <H. R. 9131) mak­ Grant that we may manifest Thy grace United States in the organs of the In-. ing supplemental appropriations for the in all of life's human contacts and rela­ ternational Atomic Energy Agency, and. fiscal year ending June 30, 1958, and for tionships. Give us the grace to practice to make other provisions with respect other purposes, with Senate amendments the Golden Rule and to forgive those who to the participation of the United States. thereto, disagree to the Senate amend­ have wronged us, as Thou art always in that Agency, and for other purposes." ments, and agree to the conference asked _ forgiving us. The message also announced that the by the Senate. May we cultivate the grace to refrain Senate agrees to the report of the com­ . The SPEAKER. Is there objection to from hasty speech and harsh judg-· mittee of conference on the disagreeing the request of the gentleman from Mis- ments; the grace that is tolerant and· votes of the two Houses on the amend-. souri? . charitable toward the thoughts and ment of the House to the bill (S. 1747) Mr. WIGGLESWORTH. Mr. Speaker, opinions of others; the grace that will entitled "An act to provide for the com­ reserving the right to object, I under­ make us courageous enough to change pulsory inspection by the United States stand the chairman of the committee our minds when that is needed. Department of Agriculture of poultry has reached an agreement with the gen­ Now may the grace of our Lord Jesus and poultry products." tleman from New York [Mr. TABER], the Christ, the love of God, and the fellow­ ranking minority member, to go to con­ ship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. ference? Amen. · HERBERT E. HITCHCOCK Mr. CANNON. That is true. The Journal of the proceedings of yes­ Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ask The SPEAKER. Is there objection to terday was read and approved. unanimous consent to extend my re-­ the request of the gentleman from M_is­ marks at this point in the RECORD. souri? [After a pause. J The Chair The SPEAKER. Is there objection hears none, and appoints the following MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE to the request of the gentleman from conferees: Messrs. CANNON, MAHON, A message from the Senate, by Mr. South Dakota? THOMAS, ROONEY, TABER, WIGGLESWORTH, Carrell, one of its clerks, announced There was no objection. and CLEVENGER. that the Senate had passed, with amend­ Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, one ments in which the concurrence of the of the most illustrious citizens of the House is requested, a bill of the House State of South Dakota is former United CO¥MITTEE ON APPROPRIATIONS of the following title: States Senator Herbert E. Hitchcock, of. Mr. CANNON. Mr. Speaker, I ask H. R. 5807. An act to amend furt her and Mitchell, S.Dak., who will celebrate his unanimous consent that the managers make permanent the Missing Persons Act, as 90th birthday on Thursday of this week. on the part of the House have until mid­ amended. Senator Hitchcock has not only lived a night tonight to file a conference report. The message also announced that the long life but he has filled his life with The SPEAKER. Without objection, it Senate had passed, with amendments worthwhile endeavors in the interest of is so ordered. in which the concurrence of the House his fellow citizens. There was no objection. is requested, a bill of the House of the Appointed to the United States Senate following title: on December 29, 1936, by Gov. Tom Berry to complete the unexpired term PROTECTING THE FBI FILES H . R. 9131. An act making supplemental appropriations for the fiscal year ending June of Senator Peter Norbeck, who died in Mr. HOSMER. Mr. Speaker, I ask 30, 1958, and for other purposes. otfice, Mr. Hitchcocl{ won the esteem unanimous consent to address the House and the warm friendship of his col­ for 1 minute and to revise and extend my 'The message further announced that" leagues during the 2 years that he served remarks. the Senate insists on its amendments to in the Senate. ' The SPEAKER. Is there objection the f01;egoing bill, requests a confer­ · As a senior fellow townsman of mine, to the request of the gentleman from ence with the House on the disagreeing he has for many years been a source of California? votes of the two Houses thereon, and ap­ inspiration to me during the time that I There was no objection. points Mr. HAYDEN, Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. was going through the public school sys­ Mr. HOSMER4 Mr. Speaker, I hope CHAVEZ, Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. HILL, Mr. tem and the college of our city. His vast the leadership of both parties will listen HOLLAND, Mr. STENNIS, Mr. SALTONSTALL, political and public experience was in to these relatively few words I say today Mr. YOUNG, Mr. KNOWLAND, Mr. 'THYE, more recent years of inestimable value on an extremely major issue which this Mr. MUNDT, and Mrs. SMITH of Maine to me during the time that I joined Congress should face and solve before it to be the conferees on the part of the with other interested citizens in rebuild­ adjourns. I, for one, shall refuse to vote Senate. ing our Democratic Party in South for adjournment until it is met. In The message also announced that th~ Dakota. short, I shall oppose adjournment of this Senate agrees to the amendments of the In 1954, Democratic county officers in session until legislation is enacted to House to bills of the Senate of the follow .. all parts of the State selected Senator overturn the Supreme . Court decisions ing titles: Hitchcock for the honorary title, "Mr. now imposing almost impossible burdens s. 1556. An act granting the consent or South Dakota Democrat." This is an on law-enforcement agencies of the Gov­ Congress to the States of Montana, N~th honor the Mitchell attorney richly de~ Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming to ne­ ernment. gotiate and enter into a compact relating to served but he is appreciated not only by I · refer specifically to bills aimed at their il1.terest in, and the apportionment of~ his fellow partisans. over.coming the Supreme Court decisions the waters of the Little Missouri River and Senator Hitchcock has been an inspi .. opening up FBI files to defense lawyers its tribut aries as they affect such States, and ration to good citizens throughout a long in criminal cases and related decisions for related purposes; and and constructive life. He has for many affecting prosecution of criminal cues. 1957 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 15369 The indictment last week o! Soviet o! the U,nited States in the Agency as the paragraph (D) of article XIV of the Statute Army Col. Rudolph Ivanovich Abel, a President may from time to time direct. of .the Agency, and for all necessary salaries mastermind in the Soviet espionage net­ "'(b) The President, by and with the ad· and expenses of the representatives provided work in America, is fresh evidence of the vice and consent of the Senate, may appoint for in section 2 hereof and of their appro­ or designate from time to time to attend a priate staffs, including personal services secret war against the United States specified session or specified sessions of the without regard to the civil service laws and being carried on within our own borders. General Conference of the Agency a repre­ the Classification Act of 1949, as amended; Every moment we delay enacting laws to sentative of the United States and such travel expenses without regard to the Stand­ stop the FBI's secret weapons against number of alternates as he may determine ardized Government Travel Regulations, as subversion from being disclosed to consistent with the rules of procedure of the amended, the Travel Expense Act of 1949, as friends and enemies alike, we are playing General Conference.
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