SAINT SEBASTIAN’S CHURCH SERVED BY THE CANONS235 N. Ninth REGULAR St., Santa OFPaula, THE CA IMMACULATE 93060-2103 CONCEPTION (Corner of Ninth and Santa Paula Streets) SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM ——————————————– FOR CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 6: Please call the Church Office at 525-2149 for requirements and information. FOR CHILDREN OVER THE AGE OF 6: Please call Ramona at 525-2149 for requirements and information. SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION ——————————— YOUTH CONFIRMATION: Please contact Mary Orellana at 525- 2149 for more information. ADULT CONFIRMATION: For those who are 18 years and older, have already been baptized and made First Holy Commun- ion but have not yet received the Sacrament of Confor- mation, we offer a special program that begins in January and continues for twelve (12) weeks culminating with the Sacrament of Confirmation. Please call the Church Office at Fr. Pasquale Vuoso, C.R.I.C., Pastor 525-2149 for more information. Fr. Thaddeus Haynes C.R.I.C., Assistant SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE —————————————— Fr. Charles Lueras, C.R.I.C. in residence COUPLES PREPARING FOR MARRIAGE: Arrangements should be made with the Priest at least 6 months prior to the pro- Deacon Alfonso A. Guilin posed date of the wedding. Please contact the Parish Office at —————————————————————— 805-525-2149 for requirements and information. PARISH CENTER (Church Office) MARRIAGE COUNSELING: Please contact Fr. Pasquale Vuoso, 235 N. Ninth St., Santa Paula, CA 93060-2103 C.R.I.C. at 805-525-2149. CATHOLIC REMARRIAGE POSSIBILITY: Please contact Fr. PHONE: 805- 525-2149 Pasquale Vuoso, C.R.I.C., Deacon Al Guilin or Jo Ann Guilin Ramona Gonzalez, Parish Secretary at 805-525-2149. ramonaguilin@gmail.com RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ————————————————— CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS OFFICE HOURS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (Grades 3-7): Please contact Marisela Favila at Monday - Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 805-509-1254 for more information. —————————————————————— ADULT RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (R.C.I.A.) (For those who are interested in becoming Catholic): For adults who are not baptized or have PARISH HALL (Rothe Hall) only received the Sacrament of Baptism and are interested 229 N. Olive St., Santa Paula, CA 93060 in the Catholic Church please contact Jo Ann Guilin at the —————————————————————— Parish Office at 805-525-2149 for more information. SAINT SEBASTIAN SCHOOL (K-8) PARISH MINISTRIES —————————————————— 325 E. Santa Barbara St., Santa Paula, CA 93060 MINISTRY TO THE SICK: To receive Holy Communion, the Sac- PHONE: 805- 525-1575 rament of Anointing of the Sick or need Confession, please contact Church Office at 805-525-2149 for arrangements. Grace Kelly, Principal MUSIC MINISTRY: Choir rehearsals are every Wednesday at 7:00 Annette Romero, Preschool: 805- 933-5518 p.m., at the Parish Center in Room 1. Please contact Kath- —————————————————————— leen Goodrich at 805-525-0959 for more information. New DOM GRÉA HOUSE voices are always welcome. (C.R.I.C. Novitiate House) PARISH ORGANIZATIONS ———————————————— SAFEGUARD THE CHILDREN COMMITTEE: Please contact Kathy cricusa@icloud.com Garcia at 805-525-2149 for more information. 601 Glade Dr., Santa Paula, CA 93060-1612 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY: Meets the second and the 4th PHONE: 805-933-5063 Wednesday of the month at 6:00 p.m., in Room 1 at the Par- Fr. Thomas Dome, C.R.I.C., Director ish Center. HOLY MASS ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY - FOOD PANTRY: Every 2nd & 4th Thursday from 1:00 to 4:30 p.m., at the Parish Center. Please SUNDAYS contact Tom Lugo at 805- 421-8570 for more information. YLI (A Catholic Women’s Organization) Meets the third Thursday 7:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. & 5:30 of the month at 7:30 p.m. at the Rothe Hall (Parish Hall). For p.m. more information about the YLI or about becoming a mem- WEEKDAYS ber, please contact Barbara Lovio at 805-525-7651. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: The General Meeting is on the second 8:30 a.m. (Monday - Saturday) Thursday of the month at the Knights of Columbus Hall, 136 HOLYDAYS S. Ojai Street. Please Contact Henry Chavez at 805 625-3509 for more information. 8:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. & 7:00 p.m. LEGION OF MARY: Mondays @ 5:15 p.m., in the parish office. VIGIL MASS Please contact Brad Jewett at 805-625-3559 for more infor- 5:30 p.m. (Saturday Vigil Mass) mation. THE BLUE ARMY: Meets after the Thursday, morning Mass. Please contact Gene Wallace at 805-525-2440 for more information. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: Meets Thursday Evenings From 5:00-6:30 9:00 a.m. Friday — to — 8:00 a.m., Saturday pm at the Parish Center. All men 18 and over are invited. with Solemn Benediction Call Trini Carranco at 805-525-9565 for more information. RESPECT LIFE ST. SEBASTIAN: Discerning concrete actions to CONFESSIONS serve and to build the Culture of Life at St. Sebastian Parish 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. & 7:30 to 8:00 p.m. (Saturday) Coordinators: Miriam and Gabriel Zamora respectlifestsebastian@gmail.com Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 28, 2020 Think of yourselves as dead to sin and living for God in Christ Jesus. — Romans 6:11 PRAY FOR THE SICK NEW WEBSITE Stephen Pacheco, Luke Smiley, Terri Dillon, St. Sebasan Church now has a new website. Michelle Crilly, Susan Beryl, Patti Cooper, Keshaun The web address is www.stsebasansp.org, You Mata, Bob Dugas, Khloe Porter, Lydia Garcia, may check the website during the week as we Marie Negrete, George Garnica, Richard Ferrier, will be updang informaon, there is a donate Lori Garcia, Brianna Rojo, Rachel Avila, Donaciana buon that lets you give online as well as a Saldivar de Jauregui, JoAnn Seeley, Mary N. Reyes, Norma Geis, Ruben & Debbie Cruz, Abby Vasquez, seang chart and how to get a seat. You may also Gabriel Lopez, Kathleen & Gene Wallace, Michelle Contact the parish office at 805-525-2149 x 0 Castaneda, Michael Hurtado, Tiffany Arista, Kathe- rine Swars, Justin Burton, Robert Magdaleno, Sr. CHRISTIAN HOSPITALITY Emelia Gutierrez, Barbara Valenzuela, Julia Romero, Day in and day out, we are required to make Mary Sandoval, Serouhy Maronian, Adela Perez, judgment calls informed by tough, durable, Quincy Masteller, Irene Genet, Paul Andres, Anita serviceable Christian love. We do what we can Ramirez, Delores Olney, Isaiah Curiel. do, and God takes notice. God is in charge of rewards, and a glass of water will do when that is what we have to offer with a glad and open SUNDAY COLLECTION 6/21/2020 heart. First Collection $ 3,543.00 Paul gives us a clear theology for the mission- Seond Collection $ 358.00 ary work we do whenever anybody is close at Others $ 125.00 hand. He reminds us that our work, our minis- try, is carried on in concert with Christ. We Total $ 4,053.00 have been baptized into his death and life. In Needed $ 7,907.00 any given moment both life and death are there, a kind of play of shadow and light. Favorable (Un Favorable) $ (3,854.00) Sometimes it’s difficult to tell where shadow leaves off and light begins. God will take care of that, too. SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: Ss. Peter and Paul, Apostles Tuesday: The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church Wednesday: St. Junípero Serra; Canada Day Friday: St. Thomas; First Friday THE CROSS AND HOPE Saturday: Independence Day; First Saturday; The cross of Christ is the true ground and chief Blessed Virgin Mary cause of Christian hope. —Pope St. Leo I SAINT JUNÍPERO SERRA (1713-1784) July 1 No one who has stood before the quiet majesty of Mass Intentions Mission San Juan Capistrano, or the altogether differ- MONDAY, JUNE 29 ent but no less lovely Mission Dolores in San Francis- 8:30 am–Father’s Day Novena co, or any of the missions from San Diego to Sonoma TUESDAY, JUNE 30 can fail to bless the Franciscan padre who, while not 8:30 am–Mrs. Mary Stehly (RIP) founder of each, was inspiration for them all, Saint Junípero Serra. Abandoning the comfortable academ- WEDNESDAY, JULY 1 8:30 am–Alfred Villalobos ic life to which his doctorate in theology entitled him, Serra journeyed to the New World where his tireless THURSDAY, JULY 2 traveling, dramatic preaching, and penitential austeri- 8:30 am–Chris Leon ty converted thousands of native peoples. Saving FRIDAY, JULY 3 souls and celebrating the sacraments were Padre Ser- 8:30 am–Rob & Mary Bagdazian ra’s primary mission but not his only one. Education in letters and crafts, trades and agriculture trans- SATURDAY, JULY 4 formed the people, while roads and irrigation systems 8:30 am–William Baumgartner transfigured the landscape. His more than thirty years 8:00 pm–Salvador Melendez III of ministry were not free from conflict with authori- SUNDAY, JULY 5 ties or without controversy in the retrospectively criti- 7:30 am–Marilyn Reardon (RIP) cal eye of history. But when John Paul II beatified 9:00 am–Minnie Ramirez (RIP) him in 1988, he praised Padre Serra for assisting his 11:00 am–MISSA PRO POPULO converts to use their new faith to advance their true 12:30 pm–Alfred Villalobos human development. 5:30 pm–Special Intention DID YOU KNOW? Practice safe social distancing this summer EUCHARISTIC ADORATION As our churches, parks, and stores reopen to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament begins eve- public, it’s still important that we maintain good ry Friday following the 8:30 a.m. Mass and contin- hygiene and practice safe social distancing.
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