STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS IN MOSCOW The only jewel which will not decay is knowledge A PROPOS This issue of “Capital Ideas” focuses on two main topics himself, but all members of the Politburo. This is why - health and education. What could be more impor- foreign diplomats, journalists and businessmen who tant? After all, health and education are the strength worked in Moscow often flew to Finland for something and reason of society. Without these things, we cannot as simple as a filling. move forward. When it comes down to it, what is the This is no longer a necessity. Moscow has a lot of pri- purpose of all our socio-economic transformations and vate clinics, medical centers with wonderful equipment reforms if these things do not serve to improve the na- and highly skilled professionals. Moreover, it is no longer tion’s strength and reason, the ability to set goals and a rare occurrence for foreigners to come to Russia for reach them? medical treatment. “Na zdorovie,” as Russians say. Not so long ago, Russians didn’t think much at all There is also a lot of diversity in today’s education sys- about their health and education. After the collapse tem. The CEO of a major foreign transportation com- of the Soviet Union, Russian people had to focus on pany, a German from Hamburg, praised the opportuni- simply surviving and getting by. The nineties were an ties presented by the Russian capital. “There are great especially difficult time, when it seemed that human opportunities to get an education in Moscow,” he said, life was not valued at all. Russia was in shambles. “You can send your kids to a good Russian school or a People couldn’t even buy food and medicine at stores British or German school. You can’t do this in Hamburg. and pharmacies. I remember how shocked I was when There are only German schools.” I heard that surgeons from one Russian hospital ran Yes, Moscow was always famous for its education out of scalpels and were forced to perform surgery system. Back in 1957, when the Soviet Union launched with razor blades. the first satellite into space, the US made the decision to Still, I can’t say that medical care in the USSR was change its education system, specifically in terms of the great before perestroika either. According to a confes- way technical and natural sciences were taught. Russian sion from the legendary physician Yevgeniy Chazov, universities were always among the best in the world. normal dental care in the USSR was practically non- The brain drain Russia has been experiencing is, of existent until the end of the 70s: there was no anesthe- course, a negative phenomenon. We must do everything sia during treatment! When Soviet leader Brezhnev had we can to stop it. On the other hand, this phenomenon problems with his teeth, two dentists from Germany serves as proof of the fact that the education system in were invited to Moscow. They helped not only Brezhnev Russia is very good. Sergo Kukhianidze Editor in Chief [email protected] CAPITAL IDEAS Founder: Department for External Economic and International Relations of the Government of Moscow Address: Tverskaya, 13, Moscow, 125032. Ph: +7 (495) 633-68-66, Fax: +7 (495) 633-68-65 E-mail: [email protected] www.dvms.mos.ru Moscow Official Editorial staff: Editor-in-chief – Sergo Kukhianidze Production crew of the edition: Elena Egorova (deputy editor-in-chief), Our special, Tatyana Akimova, Gennady Charodeev, Vladimir Dolmatov, Marina Ershova, favorite city Evgeny Khokhlov, Sergei Levin, Pavel Lukyanov, Marina Ogorodnikova, Moscow is 869 years old Anastassia Paloni, Vladimir Smelov, Dmitry Sokolov, Anna Tomkins, Marina Urshina 6 – 10 CAPITAL IDEAS STRATEGIES FOR BUSINESS IN MOSCOW Publisher: Moscow Center for International Cooperation 12 – 19 CEO: Sergei Anikanov Address: 105005, 68/8, build.1, Baumanskaya str., Moscow, Russia News Phone: +7 (499) 267-46-56 E-mail: [email protected] Economic aspects of General Partner: National Review Ltd cooperation between CEO – Sergei Oposhnyanskiy Phone.: +7 (495) 784-69-71 Moscow and Düsseldorf E-mail: [email protected] Consulting – Gennady Charodeev, Evgeny Khokhlov Days of Astana in Moscow Design – Robert Saifulin Photo editor – Victoriya Oposhnyanskaya Page layout – Alexander Saifulin Moscow and Genoa sign Assistant – Nadezhda Ratanova Cooperation Agreement Distribution – "Trans-Media" Ltd Acknowledgements to: PHOTO – www.mos.ru, www.dvms.mos.ru, ITAR TASS Agency, RIA-Novosti, The Capital of Slovenia Getty Images Russia, companies and organizations, represented in the issue. Hosts Days of Moscow If you wish to get new issues of Capital Ideas, please, apply to: [email protected] The magazine is registered with at the Federal Authority of Legislative Control for the First Time in Mass Media and Cultural Heritage Protection. Media registration certificate ФС77-53716, issued April 26, 2013. All reproduction permitted only with the Editor’s permission and reference to ‘Capital Ideas’. Distributed free of charge Published with support from the Department for External Economic and International Relations of the Government of Moscow Circulation : 7000 Signed into print 05. 10. 2016 Face to Face What’s New Education 20 – 25 Thomas Geisel: Trust is the foundation Face to Face Deutsche Schule Moskau of our relationship The Mayor of Düsseldorf Thomas Geisel Stable improvement This school is called Deutsche answered our questions in an exclusive Isaac Kalina, Minister of the Government SchuleMoskau and operates under interview with Capital Ideas of Moscow and head of the Department the German embassy in Russia. It was of education of the city of Moscow, founded in 1961. 400 pupils and students 40 – 43 answered our questions in an exclusive from Grades 1 to 12, two classes at each interview with Capital ideas level, are currently attending the school. Moscow in words 26 – 30 38 – 39 44 – 45 31 City’s Graph Moscow Education in Numbers 32 – 36 Face to Face Positive changes Alexei Khripun, minister of the Moscow Government and head of the Department of health of the city of Moscow, answered our questions in an exclusive interview with “Capital Ideas” 37 City’s Graph Moscow health care in numbers October-December 2016 CAPITAL IDEAS 3 Nothing Ventured Wellbeing Moscow Global To Russia for our Festivals on Arbat Money shouldn’t be the end goal wellbeing! are to be regular The devaluation of the ruble and The government of Philippines is keen on accelerating of business the Western sanctions have had business interaction with Moscow in fields as diverse Lorenzo Getti is a 28-year-old Italian, a positive effect on the development as commercial launching of telecommunication father of three children, who is of medical tourism in our country. satellites and nanotechnology, not to omit buying successfully managing his own cafe and President of the Russian Association Russian poultry and, in turn, selling tropical fruits shop that sells Italian DaLorenzo products of Medical Tourism Konstantin like dried mangoes. Carlos D. Sorreta, Ambassador in Moscow. The secret to his success is Onishchenko talked about who visits of The Philippine Republic in Russia, sat down for an being in love with his work, working long Russian medical clinics and why in an exclusive interview with Capital Ideas. hours and a big, sincere smile. interview with Capital Ideas. 46 – 49 56 – 59 64 – 67 50 – 54 60 – 63 68 – 69 Nothing Ventured Nothing Ventured Management Russians love All those terrible Useful connections Mercedes-Benz stories about russian The City Agency for Investment Management is celebrating its 5-year and we love Russia tax officials are anniversary. It was established in 2011 Capital Ideas talked about highly exaggerated as an organization that specializes in weekdays at Mercedes-Benz attracting investment to Moscow and Russia with the Jan Karol Madeja, Ernstjan Rutten from the Netherlands working with investors. the company’s CEO helps Europeans find their way through the Russian tax laws. 70 – 71 Moscow Vocabulary 4 CAPITAL IDEAS October-December 2016 Life&leisure Life&Culture Between past and future Music Museums: Foreign doctors Fall in Moscow: Glinka, Tchaikovsky, for russian tsars rain and snow are Prokofiev and more Here is an interesting historical fact: Russian no hindrance to art Moscow has a lot of unique music monarchs frequently trusted foreigners with Those who aren’t afraid to brave museums to be proud of. After all, their health. Why? Foreign doctors were the fall or winter weather and are a lot of great composers that are through to be more skilled, and the fact that ready to get out of the house will internationally known as legendary they didn't speak Russian well meant that be awarded with plenty of great artists lived in the Russian capital. they couldn't take part in palace intrigues! experiences. 72 – 75 78 – 82 86 – 91 76 – 77 84 – 85 92 – 96 This and That Interview Food&Drink Songs help us build Yuri Rost: “BJORN”: and live I love this city… It’s easy to be happy! It’s hard to find a country where He is perhaps the most famous It may seem that it’s almost impossible people love songs and singing as much photographer in Russia, the winner of to surprise Moscow with new delicious as Russians do. It is no wonder that many awards and titles. For half a century food. Over the past few years, a lot of songs in Russia are referred to as now he has been taking pictures of famous excellent establishments where you can “the soul of the people.” and regular people. Every one of his photos get a sumptuous meal have popped up has a story behind it - short or long, funny all over the city.
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