Notice of Meeting of the Port Commission of the Port of Corpus Christi Authority of Nueces County, Texas, on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, at 9:00 AM In the Nueces Room at the Solomon P. Ortiz International Center 402 North Harbor Drive, Corpus Christi, Texas To minimize the spread of COVID-19 virus, please follow these instructions: * THE PUBLIC MAY NOT ATTEND THIS MEETING IN PERSON, except to make public comments in accordance with the procedures described in agenda item 7 below. * Citizens may watch the live broadcast of the meeting on the internet by following these instructions - * Open your internet web browser * In the address bar type https://portofcc.com/about/commission/commission agendas/ * Under the Upcoming Events heading click on "In Progress" for the Port Commission Meeting on May 19, 2020. (Note that the "In Progress" link will not appear until shortly before the meeting starts) * To see the Agenda Packet for this meeting, click on "Agenda Packet" under the Upcoming Events heading * If you wish to make a public comment, please follow the instructions below under Public Comments (agenda item 7). The Agenda for this meeting of the Port Commission ("Commission") of the Port of Corpus Christi Authority ("PCCA") is set forth below. - Persons with disabilities who plan to attend this meeting and who may need auxiliary aids or services are requested to contact Tana Neighbors at 885-6129 at least 48 hours in advance so that appropriate arrangements can be made. 1 Page | 1 PUBLIC NOTICE is given that the Commission may go into executive session at any time during the meeting to discuss matters listed on the agenda when authorized to do so by the provisions of Section 481.813 or Chapter 551 of the Texas Government Code. In the event the Commission elects to go into executive session regarding any agenda item, the presiding officer will publicly announce the section or sections of the Texas Government Code authorizing the executive session. 1. Call to Order 2. Safety Briefing 3. Pledge of Allegiance 4. Invocation 5. Receive Conflict of Interest Affidavits 6. Minutes 6.a. Approve minutes of the April 21, 2020 Commission meeting April 21, 2020 Minutes 7. Public Comment (Each speaker is limited to 3 minutes) - To make a public comment at the meeting, you must register in advance by emailing the Port Authority’s Office of External Affairs at [email protected]. Please include your name, address, and telephone number and state whether you will make your comments in person or over the phone. The deadline to register for Public Comment is 5:00 PM (CT) on Monday, May 18, 2020. Persons who have registered to deliver their comments in person will meet in the Kleberg Room of the Solomon P. Ortiz Center at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, May 19, 2020. During the public comment period, a Port Police Officer will escort each registered person in the Kleberg Room to the podium in the Nueces Room one at a time. You must leave the Nueces Room after making your public comment. PCCA staff will then call each person who has registered to make a public comment over the phone. When called, please state your name before making your public comment. If you do not answer your phone before it rings ten times or goes to voice mail, you will not be called a second time. 8. Committee Reports - Receive reports from the Audit Committee, the Long-Range Planning Committee, the Security Committee, and the Facilities Committee. 9. Presentations 2 Page | 2 9.a. Presentation by Human Resources Director, Brenda Reed, on COVID 19: Reacclimating Employees – Education, Information, and Resources 9.b. Receive presentation on Port of Corpus Christi’s Adopt a School Program: Energizing our Student’s by Port of Corpus Christi External Affairs Department. Energizing Our Students - PCCA Program 9.c. Presentation on a series of meetings of less than a quorum of Commissioners concerning a PCCA matter and other noteworthy changes to the Texas Open Meetings Act. 10. Open Agenda 10.a. Adopt a Resolution of Appreciation for Capt. Jason Smith, United States Coast Guard, Deputy Sector Commander Sector Corpus Christi. Captain Jason Smith Resolution 10.b. Receive and Approve the PCCA 1st Quarter 2020 Financial Report (Discussed and recommended for approval by Audit Committee on May 5, 2020) Q1 2020 Financial Report - Memo Q1 2020 Financial Report 10.c. Review of existing PCCA debt instruments PCCA Debt Summary 10.d. Receive and Approve the PCCA 1st Quarter 2020 Investment Report (Discussed and recommended for approval by Audit Committee on May 5, 2020) Q1 2020 Investment Report - Memo Q1 2020 Investment Report 10.e. Award construction contract to Rabalais Constructors, LLC, the lowest and best bidder based on bids received on April 9, 2020, in the amount of $320,690 ($80,172.50 PCCA) for the Security Grant 18 – Security Lighting and Surveillance at Critical Docks and Rail Storage project. (Discussed and recommended for approval by Security Committee on May 7, 2020) Security Grant 18 - Memo Security Grant 18 - Exhibit Security Grant 18 - Bid 10.f. Approve a Service Order with the ceiling price of $1,993,008 with Terracon Consultants, Inc., under Master Agreement No. 18-11, for geotechnical 3 Page | 3 investigation services associated with the Corpus Christi Ship Channel Improvement Project. (Discussed and recommended for approval by Long Range Planning Committee on May 7, 2020) Terracon - Memo Terracon - Exhibit Terracon - Contract 10.g. Approve Amendments to Accelerate Remaining Fees in 2020 Port Development Services Agreements with Economic Development Corporations and Related Entities. (Discussed and recommended by Audit Committee on May 5, 2020) A) Corpus Christi Regional Economic Development Corporation B) Robstown Improvement Development Corporation C) Nueces County Development Commission D) San Patricio Economic Development Corporation E) South Texas Military Facilities Task Force EDC - Memo CC Regional Economic Development - Amendment Robstown Improvement Dev Corp - Amendment NCDC - Amendment San Patricio Economic Development - Amendment South Texas Military Facilities Task Force - Amendment 10.h. Approve Second Amendment to the Port Development Services Agreement with United Corpus Christi Chamber of Commerce for Additional Services related to small business and COVID-19 impact recovery for $55,000. (Discussed and recommended for approval by Audit Committee on May 5, 2020) Chamber - Memo Chamber - Amendment 11. Consent Agenda - The Port Commissioners have been furnished with supporting documentation and staff's recommendation for each of the following items. All Consent Agenda items will be approved, in accordance with the respective staff recommendations, by one vote without being discussed separately unless a Port Commissioner requests otherwise. 11.a. Award contract to Chris’s Marine, the lowest and best bidder based on bids received on April 8, 2020, in the amount of $73,741, for the Purchase and Installation of three (3) 300 hp Mercury Sea Pro Outboard Boat Motors as a component of FEMA Port Security Grant 19 Funds. (Discussed and recommended for approval by Security Committee on May 7, 2020) Chris's Marine - Memo Chris's Marine - Bid Tab 4 Page | 4 11.b. Approve a Change Order in the amount of $78,810 with Bartlett Cocke Beecroft JV for various design modifications to the New Port Office Facility. (Discussed and recommended for approval by Facilities Committee on May 8, 2020) Bartlett Cocke - Memo Bartlett Cocke - Change Order 11.c. Approve First Amendment to Accelerate Remaining Consideration and Rental Option Increase in the form of a Lump Sum Payment to Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program 2020 Port Development Services Agreement in the amount of $122,508.38. (Discussed and recommended for approval by Audit Committee on May 5, 2020) CBBEP - Memo CBBEP - Amendment 11.d. Approve Service Order No. 6 in the amount of $134,703 with Mott MacDonald, under Master Service Agreement No. 18-03, for consulting services to conduct a wetland and aquatic vegetation surveys on the Port’s submerged property along the northwest shoreline of Corpus Christi Bay. Mott MacDonald - Memo Mott MacDonald - Service Order 11.e. Approve Amendment No. 2 to Crane Purchase Contract with Liebherr USA, Co. to include Extended Liebherr Service Package for a period of up to three (3) years at an estimated amount of $48,000 per year. (Discussed and recommend for approval by Long Range Planning Committee on May 7, 2020) Liebherr - Memo Liebherr - Amendment 11.f. Approve Additional Funds for Temporary Staffing Needs Port-wide and Related to the Hillcrest Voluntary Real Estate Acquisition and Relocation Program and Employee Temperature and Screening Services in an Amount Not to Exceed $175,000. Temporary Employment - Memo 12. Chief Executive Officer and Commissioners' Comments 12.a. Receive Chief Executive Officer's Report on upcoming community events, PCCA events and the activities of the following PCCA departments during the preceding month: External Affairs, Finance, and Operations. 12.b. Receive Commissioners' comments on any of the agenda items for the meeting, the Port's activities during the preceding month, upcoming PCCA events, and suggestions for future agenda items. 5 Page | 5 13. Recess Open Meeting and Convene Executive Session - In this executive session the Port Commissioners will deliberate or receive legal advice regarding (1) each of the following matters pursuant to the Section(s) of the Texas Open Meetings in parenthesis at the end of such matter, and (2) any other agenda item announced by the Chairman of the meeting. The Port Commissioners will deliberate the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property in executive session only if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on PCCA's position in negotiations with a third person. 13.a. Legal advice from counsel in connection with Cause No.
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