THE GRAPHIC ARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN DRAWING LINE-ENGRAVING ETCHING MEZZOTINT AQUATINT LITHOGRAPHY WOOD-ENGRAVING COLOUR-PRINTING NORTH BRITISH ef MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANY ESTABLISHED 1809 FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT ANNUITIES MARINE FUNDS exceed £23,800,000 CHIEF OFFICES : LONDON : 61 Threadnecdle Street. E.C.2 EDINBURGH : 64 Prince. Street. aoaaaaa DaaDaaaaao aaaaaa oaoaDoa Daaaa ° ° "WEED BURNERS IN THE FENS" a a ° AN ORIGINAL LITHOGRAPH BY THE LATE ° o R. W. MACBETH, R.A. ^ a o ° D ARTIST'S SIGNED PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER - £2 2». each ° ° PROOFS ON THICK PLATE PAPER - 10«.6d.EACH a a Q (POSTAGB EXTRA I INLAND, id., ABROAD, U. *d.) q a D ° ° ° a a a a These Proofs are carefully worked by hand from the Artisfs drawing on stone, and bear d D the same relation to ordinary copies as do First Impressions of the finest etchings or D D engravings to common prints. The dimensions, exclusive of border, are 33J by 14! inches. D a a n Only a small number of these proofs are now available, and orders accompanied by remittances ° ° ° should be sent to the a D Offices of THE STUDIO, 44 Leicester Square, London. W.C.2 a aDaaaaaaaaaaDaaDaaaaaaaaaaaDaaaaaaaaD r-^yr- —^. -;^" JAMES RIMELL & SON 55 SHAFFESBURY AVENUE. W.l. and 39 DUKE STREET. ST JAMES'S. S.W.I LONDON a a a o Dealers in Books & Engravings Make a Speciality of Works Relating TO THE Fine Arts !»7 liiiu OUR CATALOGUE No. 216 COMPRISES BOOKS ON ARCHITECTURE, BOOK- Fields of Fkmders BINDING. COSTUME. DECORATION, The " ENGRAVING, FURNITURE. GALLERIES, Where JK the Dead ? " There are no Dead ..." " ILLUMINATION, MINIATURES, ETC., M.m:ti:ku.ni:k's " BLt't: BIRU POST FREE ON APPLICATION. 0?-igin(i/ Lithograph by Portfolios oj Meszotints, Etchings, Stipples, Coloured Engravings, Portraits. Claude A. Shepperson, a.r.w.s. and Topographical Views always open jor inspection. 77115 charming lithograph is issued in a limited edition of fifty signed proofs of which only a fe:v Books and Engravings Bought or impressions remain, price SIX GUINEAS each, Exchanged. to bt seen and obtained from Libraries Catalogued or Valued. ERNEST BROWN S- THILLIPS Correspondence Invited. THE LEICESTER GALLERIES Leicester Square, London. W.C.2 GEMS FOR ART WORKERS ^DRA^cnonrtr: WALLPAPCK BLACK OPAL AND OPAL MATRIX TURQUOISE RUBIES TURQ. MATRIX SAPPHIRES MOONSTONE EMERALDS cniiwicK OPALS OF ALL GRADES & COLOURS CHRYSOPRASE PEARLS BERYLS PEARL BLISTERS AQUAMARINES AGATES I make a speciality of assortments of inexpensive stones for Art Students and supply many of the .\rt Schools of the Kingdom. If you will give me a range of prices and some guide for size and colour. I shall be pleased to submit a selection in these stones for your approval. Pltase send reference with application first nr'^ r 71 s ^oR wall JLJ 1 vj PAPLK^ ARTHUR S. WAINWRIGHT W ^R1LZE3 E7^ SHOULD 5L 185 Warstone Lane, Birmingham ^0!)Tf:D TOOR DiJbrWlTUM (Only Address) CHDWICK AD PACB \ SPECIAL NUMBER OF "THE STUDIO." NOW READY Arts and Crafts A REVIEW OF THE WORK EXECUTED BY STUDENTS IN THE LEADING ART SCHOOLS OF GREAT BRITAIN S- IRELAND WHAT ARE THE ART SCHOOLS OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND DOING TO FOSTER THE CLOSER UNION OF THE ARTS AND CRAFTS ? THE QUESTION IS ONE OF VITAL IMPORTANCE. NOW MORE THAN EVER; FOR IT IS ESSENTIAL THAT THE PRESENT AND COMING GENERATIONS OF WORKERS SHOULD BE FULLY TRAINED AND EQUIPPED FOR THE RACE FOR ARTISTIC PREDOMINANCE, TO BE RUN IN THE NEAR FUTURE BY THE GREAT NATIONS OF THE WORLD. THAT SOME GENERAL IDEA OF EXISTING CONDITIONS IN ORDER MAY BE FORMED, THE EDITOR OF "THE STUDIO," WITH THE AID OF THE PRINCIPALS, HAS PREPARED A SPECIAL NUMBER OF "THE STUDIO" DEALING WITH THE WORK OF THE LEADING SCHOOLS. ARTICLES HAVE BEEN CONTRIBUTED BY WELL-KNOWN ART MASTERS AND OTHERS, AND A SPECIAL FEATURE OF THE VOLUME CONSISTS OF A LARGE NUMBER OF INTERESTING ILLUSTRA- TIONS (SOME OF WHICH ARE IN COLOURS) INCLUDING EXAMPLES OF: INTERIOR DECORATION, FURNITURE, MURAL DECORATION, WOOD - CARVING, STONE - CARVING, TEXTILE FABRICS, EMBROIDERY. LACE, CARPETS, METAL-WORK, JEWELLERY. ENAMELLING, POTTERY, STAINED GLASS, LEATHER-WORK. TYPOGRAPHY, LETTERING, ILLUMINATION, BOOKBINDING. BOOK ILLUSTRATION, ETCHING, LITHOGRAPHY, POSTERS, FASHION PLATES, Etc. THESE ILLUSTRATIONS, OF WHICH THERE ARE ABOUT THREE HUN- DRED, ARE PRESENTED IN AN ARTISTIC AND CONVENIENT FORM. S THE EDITION IS LIMITED AND THERE WILL BE NO REPRINT A ORDERS SHOULD BE PLACED WITHOUT DELAY. PRICES : IN WRAPPERS, 5s. NET ; IN HAND- SOME CLOTH BINDING, 7s. 6d. NET (POSTAGE EXTRA : INLAND, 6d. ; ABROAD, is. to is. 6d.) THE WORK MAY BE OBTAINED THROUH ANY BOOKSELLER OR DIRECT FROM THE OFFICES OF "THE STUDIO." 44 LEICESTER SQUARE. LONDON, W.C.2 AD. PAGE II PRNL OVF" SCHOOL OF r^^iS^i^^^::^:^""''''"'^ „,. MODERN PICTORIAL & LANDSCAPE ART s Prmcipal: FRANK SPEhfLOVE^PENLOVE. R.L. R-O.L. R-CA. iCoU MmUUuI. ParU Salon. Md loUnutional H«aoun. " * ^t. rjiiitfr ol u)n-f*illf« 1"«7N 1 ."'II I Wuik» -'I .I«t>v Vi 1U» 1 jii-i I r..j. Ji I !> I- . ^^rit !» (In- I in. e >f.,iii,fr.i (.» il>« MhM* " " <lu 1 uArinl-ouf][, *tvJ *.»0 I.r drritirr voy^r. (nif^ tt^wMl Ij | f^ii' • >f**.' (if (lir i iiy .,( l-jtti. DemoDitration Imtniction.—Tb« prec«u of poinrim, from tb« **Slwtch'* to Iho ** Finiibod Pirtwro." !i. I s l,,.,I j,f.,i,,l,> t.r^i li,-. M.Hl.rn Ii.ti.B ti.M. Ill a\\ Hr..t.. hr-»..( r»f »».m^- .i t I >,v\",^. ,,. li, I. M ... I (•iiipuMllor) " r.tlci.t\ jihI Trralindil." ^lottrni Trt.hiili)u«- tii Ihl jiwl W jlrt I >l<iiti>. i-li llULk-4nil'\Vhilc for lIliivlratKin. SpctuI l'n»,itr Intlfucijun *ikI IVttuwnirjinwi « Uw-^ tii I^imI' l^tW AUUKt^^ , ,,6.,,« VICTORIA STREET (NEAR VICIOR.A STATION) LONDON, S.W.1 Naxt Tepm b<Kiii« at Now AMrf-% m> OCTOBER. Vi V^'ni' /''••ttf.hi< TWO INTERESTING VOLUMES FROM ''THE STUDIO ' LIBRARY PAPER EDITION CLOTH EDITION FIVE SHILLINGS SEVEN & SIX PER VOLUME PER VOLUME OLD ENGLISH MANSIONS [ Contains numerous examples of Subjects selected possess a Title Pages, Page Decoratiou, picturesque as well as an Typography, Or ii a m e u t s. architectural interest. An ex- Initials. Bookbindings, Eud- tensive series of full - pagr H iptrs .luj Decorative plates include views of famous Illu^tralious anl l.istorir residences AD. PACB HI JiMlJIiilpiiiMpiiiiM^ ""' i i liiiiijiililiiiiiiijjliiiiiiiili tiimi^ ^"^ Whatman. No drawing paper responds so readily to the brush permanent. of the artist as Whatman—no paper is so safe or so painting and the England is supreme in the art of water-colour — greatest of her painters for the last 150 years aliased Whatman. Whatman Drawing Paper is genuine hand made. iS-^^^i^ No bleach or chemicals enter into its manufacture and only the purest materials are used Genuine Hand Made jyRIKSV~LNG I>JVI>E,HtS To be had in three surfaces: H.P. (Smooth) best for pen and ink or pencil ; B (Semi-Rough), and BB (Rough) for pencil, crayon or brush. Best not only for the artist—but for the architect, designer and etcher as well. Of all Artist's Colourmen—Insist on Whatman, David Cox, born I7S3. died IHSO. one of Eiti^land's ^teaiest^-painters Sole Sales Represeutalives-H. Reeve Angel & Co., 15 New Bridge St., London, E.C.4 in watet-coloiitsZ jiTirmfiliinii^ iiii i iiTni iiiiliiiiNiiliiiiiiiiliiiiniifniiiiiifiliiiiiiniiiiiinlliiniiiMiiTnTiMniliiii^ ARTISTS INTERESTED IN THE PERMANENT PRESERVATION OF THEIR PICTURES SHOULD USE ONLY THE 'Unbleached Arnold' WATER-COLOUR PAPER BECAUSE it is Hand-made. BECAUSE the beautiful soft White BECAUSE Only the Purest Linen Colour is obtained from the wonder- and Cotton Rags are used. ful purity of the watei from the BECAUSE No Bleach or Chemicals Artesian Wells at Ejnsford Mills. are allowed to enter into the BECAUSE the paper is never hung, but manufacture. dried y?iii. BECAUSE Greater Brilliancy of Colour and more permanent Results are obtained on " Unbleached Arnold " than on any other Water-colour Paper. THIS PAPER CAN BE OBTAINED FROM ALL THE PRINCIPAL ARTISTS' COLOURMEN Samples will be sent post free on application to ARNOLD & FOSTER Limited Eynsford Paper Mills, KENT AD. PAGE IV THE GRAPHIC ARTS OF GREAT BRITAIN DRAWING, LINE-ENGRAVING ETCHING, MEZZOTINT AQUATINT, LITHOGRAPHY WOOD- ENGRAVING COLOUR-PRINTING EDITED BY CHARLES HOLME TEXT BY MALCOLM C. SALAMAN MCMXVII "STUDIO" LTD. LONDON PARIS, NEW YORK ti PREFATORY NOTE Editor desires to express his thanks to the following col- THElectors and others who have lent drawings or prints for repro- duction in this volume: Mr. Harold Hartley, Mrs. H. J. Pfungst, Mr. Charles H. Shannon, A.R.A., Mr. Charles Ricketts, Mrs. Brandon Thomas, Mr. Horace Tipple, Miss Phyllis Allen, Mr. C. Mallord Turner, Sir Frank Short, R.A., P.R.E., Capt. Martin Hardie, A.R.E., Miss Constance Pott, R.E., Mr. Aug. Walker, Mr. Walter Sickert, Mr. Basil Dighton, Mr. Frank L. Emanuel, Mr. D. Croal Thomson, The Director of the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cam- bridge, Messrs. P. & D. Colnaghi 6c Obach, Messrs. Ernest Brown & Phillips, The Carfax Gallery, The Chenil Gallery ; also to Lieut. Lancelot Crane, Mr. Robert Dunthorne, Mr. Arthur Greatorex, Mr. William Heinemann, The Proprietors of " Punch," and Messrs. L. H. Lefevre & Son, who have kindly allowed their copyright subjects to appear. The Editor also wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the various artists who have co-operated with him in the preparation of this work by allowing examples of their work to be illustrated. Ill " CONTENTS ARTICLES BY MALCOLM C. SALAMAN PAGE Introductory . I Drawing 3 Line-engraving , 43 Etching and Dry-point 55 Aquatint , 83 Mezzotint .
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