MAKING THE CASE FOR CONFORMAL GRAVITY arXiv:1101.2186 [gr-qc], Foundations of Physics, in press Philip D. Mannheim University of Connecticut Seminar at Miami 2011, Fort Lauderdale December 2011 1 GHOST PROBLEM AND UNITARITY 1. C. M. Bender and P. D. Mannheim, No-ghost theorem for the fourth-order derivative Pais-Uhlenbeck oscillator model, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 110402 (2008). (0706.0207 [hep-th]). 2. P. D. Mannheim, Conformal gravity challenges string theory, Pascos-07, July 2007 (0707.2283 [hep-th]). 3. C. M. Bender and P. D. Mannheim, Giving up the ghost, Jour. Phys. A 41, 304018 (2008). (0807.2607 [hep-th]) 4. C. M. Bender and P. D. Mannheim, Exactly solvable PT-symmetric Hamiltonian having no Hermitian counterpart, Phys. Rev. D 78, 025022 (2008). (0804.4190 [hep-th]) PT QUANTUM MECHANICS 5. C. M. Bender and P. D. Mannheim, PT symmetry and necessary and sufficient conditions for the reality of energy eigenvalues, Phys. Lett. A 374, 1616 (2010). (0902.1365 [hep-th]) 6. P. D. Mannheim, PT symmetry as a necessary and sufficient condition for unitary time evolution, 0912.2635 [hep-th], December 2009. 7. C. M. Bender and P. D. Mannheim, PT symmetry in relativistic quantum mechanics, Phys. Rev. D 84, 105038 (2011). (1107.0501 [hep-th]), July 2011 PAIS-UHLENBECK FOURTH-ORDER OSCILLATOR 8. P. D. Mannheim and A. Davidson, Fourth order theories without ghosts, January 2000 (hep-th/0001115). 9. P. D. Mannheim and A. Davidson, Dirac quantization of the Pais-Uhlenbeck fourth order oscillator, Phys. Rev. A 71, 042110 (2005). (hep- th/0408104). 10. P. D. Mannheim, Solution to the ghost problem in fourth order derivative theories, Found. Phys. 37, 532 (2007). (hep-th/0608154). CONFORMAL GRAVITY AND THE COSMOLOGICAL CONSTANT AND DARK MATTER PROBLEMS 11. P. D. Mannheim, Alternatives to dark matter and dark energy, Prog. Part. Nuc. Phys. 56, 340 (2006). (astro-ph/0505266). 12. P. D. Mannheim, Dynamical symmetry breaking and the cosmological constant problem, September 2008 (0809.1200 [hep-th]). Proceedings of ICHEP08, eConf C080730. 13. P. D. Mannheim, Comprehensive solution to the cosmological constant, zero-point energy, and quantum gravity problems, Gen. Rel. Gravit. 43, 703 (2011). (0909.0212 [hep-th]) 14. P. D. Mannheim, Intrinsically quantum-mechanical gravity and the cosmological constant problem, May 2010, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 26, 2375 (2011). (arXiv:1005.5108 [hep-th]). 15. P. D. Mannheim and J. G. O’Brien, Impact of a global quadratic potential on galactic rotation curves, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 121101 (2011), (arXiv:1007.0970 [astro-ph.CO]). 16. P. D. Mannheim and J. G. O’Brien, Fitting galactic rotation curves with conformal gravity and a global quadratic potential, November 2010. (arXiv: 1011.3495 [astro-ph.CO]) 17. P. D. Mannheim, Making the case for conformal gravity, January 2011, Found. Phys., in press. (arXiv: 1101.2186 [hep-th]). 18. J. G. O’Brien and P. D. Mannheim, Fitting dwarf galaxy rotation curves with conformal gravity, July 2011. MNRAS, in press (arXiv:1107.5229 [astro-ph.CO]) 19. P. D. Mannheim, Cosmological perturbations in conformal gravity, September 2011. (arXiv:1109.4119 [gr-qc]) 2 1 Einstein gravity: what must be kept 1 Γµ = gµλ [∂ g + ∂ g − ∂ g ] , (1) νσ 2 ν λσ σ λν λ νσ 2 µ ν ds = gµν(x)dx dx (2) d2xµ dxν dxσ +Γµ =0. (3) ds2 νσ ds ds ∂Γλ ∂Γλ Rλ = µν +Γλ Γη − µκ − Γλ Γη . (4) µνκ ∂xκ κη µν ∂xν νη µκ ds2 = −B(r)dt2 + A(r)dr2 + r2dθ2 + r2 sin2 θdφ2, (5) B(r) = A−1(r)=1 − 2β/r, β = MG/c2, (6) 3 2 Einstein gravity: what could be changed 1 µν 1 µν α µν − R − g R α = TM , (7) 8πG 2 1 I = I + I = − d4x(−g)1/2Rα + I . (8) UNIV EH M 16πG Z α M 4 1/2 λµνκ IUNIV = IW + IM = −αg Z d x(−g) CλµνκC + IM 4 1/2 µν 1 α 2 2α(x) ≡ −2αg Z d x(−g) R Rµν − (R α) + IM, gµν(x) → e gµν(x) (9) 3 1 1 C = R + Rα [g g − g g ] − [g R − g R − g R + g R ] , λµνκ λµνκ 6 α λν µκ λκ µν 2 λν µκ λκ µν µν λκ µκ λν 2α(x) Cλµνκ → e Cλµνκ (10) µν µν − 4αgW + TM =0, (11) 1 W µν = gµν(Rα );β + Rµν;β − Rµβ;ν − Rνβ;µ − 2RµβRν 2 α ;β ;β ;β ;β β 1 2 2 2 1 + gµνR Rαβ − gµν(Rα );β + (Rα );µ;ν + Rα Rµν − gµν(Rα )2, (12) 2 αβ 3 α ;β 3 α 3 α 6 α Wµν =0 if Rµν =0 4 3 Conformal gravity: an ab initio approach 4 ¯ µ iβ(x) IM = − Z d xψ(x)γ [i∂µ + Aµ(x)]ψ(x), ψ(x) → e ψ(x), Aµ(x) → Aµ(x) + ∂µβ(x) (13) 4 1/2 ¯ µ 2α(x) −3α(x)/2 IM = − Z d x(−g) ψ(x)γ (x)[i∂µ + iΓµ(x)]ψ(x), gµν(x) → e gµν(x), ψ(x) → e ψ(x), µν µ ν µ µ a ν ν σ g (x) = Va (x)Va (x), γ (x) = Va (x)ˆγ , Γµ(x)=([γ (x), ∂µγν(x)] − [γ (x),γσ(x)]Γµν)/8. (14) Xa 4 1/2 ¯ µ IM = − Z d x(−g) ψ(x)γ (x)[i∂µ + iΓµ(x) + Aµ(x)]ψ(x), −3α(x)/2+iβ(x) µ −α(x) µ ψ(x) → e ψ(x), Va (x) → e Va (x), full SO(4, 2) ≡ SU(2, 2) invariance (15) µ 4 1/2 1 µν 1 α 2 1 µν IEFF = Tr ln[γ (x)[i∂µ + iΓµ(x) + Aµ(x)]] = Z d x(−g) C [R Rµν − (R α) ] + FµνF , 20 3 3 1 C = (16) 8π2(4 − D) 4 1/2 ¯ µ IM = − Z d x(−g) ψ(x)γ (x)[i∂µ + iΓµ(x) + Aµ(x) + M(x)]ψ(x). (17) 4 1/2 4 1 2 α µ ν IMF = Z d x(−g) C −M (x) + M (x)R α − gµν∂ M(x)∂ M(x) . (18) 6 1 I = d4x(−g)1/2C − M 4(x) + M 2(x)Rα − g (∂µ + iAµ(x))M(x)(∂ν − iAν(x))M(x) . (19) MF Z 6 α µν 5 4 Quantization of gravity through coupling If all mass and length scales come from symmetry breaking, then all scales come from quantum mechanics. SPACETIME CURVATURE IS INTRINSICALLY QUANTUM-MECHANICAL. Thus expand gravity as a power series in h¯ and not as a power series in gravitational µν coupling constant. Once quantum-mechanical matter source TM is non-zero, gravity then quantized by its coupling to matter source, since stationarity with respect to metric yields: µν µν µν TUNIV = TGRAV + TM =0. (20) 6 5 Unitarity via P T symmetry 1 1 gµν = ηµν + hµν, W µν(1) = (∂ ∂α)2Kµν, Kµν = hµν − ηµνη hαβ (21) 2 α 4 αβ α I (2) = − g d4x∂ ∂αK ∂ ∂βKµν, (22) W 2 Z α µν β 1 I = − d4x ∂ ∂ φ∂µ∂νφ +(M 2 + M 2)∂ φ∂µφ + M 2M 2φ2 . (23) S 2 Z µ ν 1 2 µ 1 2 2 ¯ 2 2 2 ¯ 2 2 (−∂t + ∇ − M1 )(−∂t + ∇ − M2 )φ(x)=0, (24) 1 1 1 D(k,M1,M2) = 2 2 2 2 − 2 2 , (25) (M2 − M1 ) k + M1 k + M2 1 T (M ,M ) = π φ˙ + π2 +(M 2 + M 2)(φ˙2 − ∂ φ∂iφ) − M 2M 2φ2 − π πij , (26) 00 1 2 0 2 00 1 2 i 1 2 ij ∂L ∂L ∂L µ 2 2 µ µ λ µλ µ λ π = − ∂λ = −(M1 + M2 )∂ φ + ∂λ∂ ∂ φ, π = = −∂ ∂ φ. (27) ∂φ,µ ∂φ,µ,λ ∂φ,µ,λ Solution : φ† = −φ, H not Hermitian, VHV −1 = H†. (28) H|Ri = E|Ri, hR|H† = hR|E, hL|H = hL|E, hL| = hR|V (29) hL(t)|R(t)i = hL(t = 0)|eiHte−iHt|R(t = 0)i = hL(t = 0)|R(t = 0)i. (30) 7 6 The zero-point problem µν µν µν µν µν µν † G = −8πGTM , G = −8πGhTM i, G = −8πGhTM iFIN, H = (a a +1/2)¯hω (31) X µν µν µν µν (TGRAV)DIV +(TM )DIV =0, (TGRAV)FIN +(TM )FIN =0. (32) µ ν 2¯h ∞ k k T µν = ih¯ψγ¯ µ∂νψ, hΩ|T µν|Ωi = − d3k , (33) M M 3 Z−∞ (2π) ωk µν µ ν µν hΩ|TM |Ωi =(ρM + pM)U U + pMη , (34) zero-point energy density and pressure, pM = ρM/3, so NOT cosmological constant 1/2 2 3 h¯ d k (i) ¯ (i) ¯ ik·x (i) ¯ (i) ¯ ik·x Kµν(x) = 1/2 Z 3/2 3/2 A (k)ǫµν(k)e + iωkB (k)ǫµν(k)(n · x)e 2(−αg) iX=1 (2π) (ωk) ˆ(i) ¯ (i) ¯ −ik·x ˆ(i) ¯ (i) ¯ −ik·x + A (k)ǫµν(k)e − iωkB (k)ǫµν(k)(n · x)e , (35) (i) (j) ′ (i) (j) ′ 3 ′ [A (k¯), Bˆ (k¯ )]=[B (k¯), Aˆ (k¯ )] = Z(k)δi,jδ (k¯ − k¯ ), [A(i)(k¯), Aˆ(j)(k¯′)]=0, [B(i)(k¯), Bˆ(j)(k¯′)]=0, [A(i)(k¯),B(j)(k¯′)]=0, [Aˆ(i)(k¯), Bˆ(j)(k¯′)]=0. (36) µ ν 2¯h ∞ Z(k)k k − 4α hΩ|W µν(2)|Ωi = d3k , Z(k)=1 (37) g 3 Z−∞ (2π) ωk 8 Einstein gravity in D =2 dk 1/2 i(kx−ωkt) −i(kx−ωkt) h00(x,t) = κ2h¯ Z 1/2 1/2 A(k)e + C(k)e (2π) (2ωk) = h11(x,t), dk 1/2 i(kx−ωkt) −i(kx−ωkt) h01(x,t) = κ2h¯ Z 1/2 1/2 B(k)e + D(k)e .
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