CITY OF ORILLIA Regular Council Meeting Thursday, December 13, 2018 - 7:00 p.m. Council Chamber, Orillia City Centre A G E N D A Infrared hearing aids are available on the east wall at the back of the Council Chamber. Page Call to Order O Canada Moment of Silence Approval of Agenda Disclosure of Interest Presentation Deputations 7 - 18 1. Aaron Switzer, Senior Policy Advisor, Ontario Retail Cannabis Accessory Coalition, will be present to discuss retail cannabis stores. Minutes - November 26, 2018 Public Meeting re Planning Matters - November 26, 2018 Regular Council Meeting - December 6, 2018 Special Council Meeting re 2018-2022 Term of Council - Orientation and Objectives Correspondence Reports 1. Report Number 2018-16 of Council Committee. (Report will be available following the Council Committee meeting on December 10, 2018) THAT Report Number 2018-16 of Council Committee, now before Council, be adopted. 19 - 77 2. Grants Committee - re Report Number 2018-04. File: C12-GNT Page 1 of 149 Page THAT as recommended in Grants Committee Report Number 2018-04 dated December 7, 2018, the following Partnership Program for Cultural Festivals and Events grants be approved: Roots North Music Festival $2,000 Orillia Heritage Centre $1,000 Orillia Winter Carnival $2,500 Orillia Scottish Festival $2,500 AND THAT the Partnership Program for Cultural Festivals and Events Grant Application from the Orillia Canada Day Committee be deferred to the next Grants Committee meeting. AND THAT the Partnership Programming for Cultural Festivals and Events Grant Application from the Mariposa Folk Foundation be received; AND THAT, in accordance with City Policy regarding multi-year Tier 3 funding applications being subject to the availability of funds as approved in the annual budget by Orillia City Council and due to the substantial increase being requested for 2019- 2021, the application be forwarded to Council for consideration during its budget deliberations. 79 - 81 3. Mayor Clarke and Councillor Lauer - re Condominiums with Common Elements Taxation Working Group. File: D07-GEN THAT as recommended in Report MC-18-22 dated December 4, 2018 from Mayor Clarke and Councillor Lauer, Resolution Number 2018-213 regarding the creation of a working group for Condominiums with Common Elements Taxation, adopted at a meeting of Council held on October 1, 2018, be amended as follows: - by deleting the requirement for Council representation “from each ward” and replacing it with representation from “one member of Council” - and adding “one member from the development community” - and adding the following: "AND THAT Councillor Ainsworth be assigned as the Council representative; AND THAT staff be directed to advertise for one additional member representing the development community to be added to the Common Elements Condominiums Working Group." 83 - 88 4. Mayor Clarke - re Council Appointments. File: C13-APP THAT as recommended in Report MC-18-21 dated November 22, 2018 from Mayor Clarke, the appointment of Council members to Agencies, Boards and Committees for a two year term from December 1, 2018 to November 14, 2020 be approved as set out in Schedule “A” of the report. Page 2 of 149 Page 89 - 103 5. Councillor Ainsworth - re OSUM Conference - May 2 - 4, 2018. File: A04-GEN THAT Report MC-18-23 dated November 21, 2018 from Councillor Ainsworth regarding the OSUM conference held from May 2 - 4, 2018 be received as information. 105 - 110 6. Councillor Ainsworth - re AMO Conference - August 19 - 22, 2018. File: A04- GEN THAT Report MC-18-24 dated November 21, 2018 from Councillor Ainsworth regarding the AMO Conference held from August 19 - 22, 2018 be received as information. Motions Notice of Motion Deputation Motions Consent Agenda 111 - 112 1. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - re Letter of Congratulations. File: A16-MMAH Recommendation: Receive as information. 113 2. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - re Municipal Reporting Burden. File: A16-MMAH Recommendation: Receive as information. 115 3. Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing - re Housing Supply Action Plan Consultation - Deadline is January 25, 2019. File: A16-MMAH Recommendation: Receive as information. Copy to Development Services and Engineering Department. 117 - 125 4. Ministry of Finance - re Ontario Cannabis Legalization Implementation Fund - First Payment. File: A16-MOFXF11-GEN Recommendation: Receive as information. Copy to Treasury Department. Copy to Legislative Services Division, Clerk's Department. 127 - 129 5. Ontario Good Roads Association - re 2019-2021 Board of Directors Page 3 of 149 Page Nominations - Deadline is December 21, 2018. File: A01-OGRA Recommendation: Receive as information. 131 6. Rural Ontario Municipal Association - re 2019 Annual General Meeting and Conference - January 27 - 29, 2019. File: A01-GEN Recommendation: Receive as information. 133 - 137 7. Rural Ontario Municipal Association - re Notice of Call for Nominations for the ROMA Board of Directors Zone Representatives 2019-2023 - Deadline is December 31, 2018. File: A01-GEN Recommendation: Receive as information. 139 - 140 8. Child Advocacy Centre Simcoe/Muskoka - re Request for annual funding for the Child Advocacy Centre Simcoe/Muskoka - Orillia Centre. File: F05-19 Recommendation: Refer to 2019 Budget Committee. Copy to Treasury Department. 141 - 142 9. Orillia Police Services Board - re Letter of Support - Child Advocacy Centre Simcoe/Muskoka. File: C12-PSB Recommendation: Receive as information. 143 10. St. James' Anglican Church - re Letter of congratulations. File: S00-GEN Recommendation. Receive as information. 145 11. Roger Lippert - re North Lake Village - Simcoe Common Elements Condominium Corporation 425. File: D00-GEN Recommendation: Receive as information. Copy to Development Services and Engineering Department. 147 - 148 12. Downtown Orillia Management Board - re Appointment of 2018-2022 Board of Directors. File: C12-DMB Recommendation: That the following resolution be passed: "THAT, further to the letter dated November 20, 2018 from the Downtown Page 4 of 149 Page Orillia Management Board, the following members be appointed to the Board of Directors for a term from December 1, 2018 to November 14, 2022: Michael Fredson Michael Knight Tyler Knight Nancy Nevala Daniel Saberi Ron Spencer Al Wallace Susan Willsey" 149 13. Orillia Youth Opportunities Committee - re Recommendation for Student Member. File: C13-APP Recommendation: That the following resolution be passed: "THAT Fouz UI-Mubeen be re-appointed to the Orillia Youth Opportunities Committee for the student term to expire August 31, 2019." By-laws 2018-106 A By-law to provide for the levying and collecting of monies required for the purposes of the City of Orillia before the adoption of the estimates for the year 2019 (Interim Tax Levy). This by-law authorizes the municipality to proceed with the first installment tax billing in 2019 prior to the adoption of the final tax rates, as set out in the CIP memo dated December 7, 2018 from the Treasury Department. 2018-107 A By-law to repeal and replace Chapter 208 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Sickness and Disability Benefit Plan. This by-law repeals and replaces Chapter 208 to incorporate the Arbitrator’s award to increase the long-term disability benefit for the Orillia Professional Fire Fighters Association (OPFFA) employee group. Further, this by-law implements a trial period of three years to reflect the changes required due to the Arbitrator’s award of the 24 hour shift for suppression fire fighters of the OPFFA employee group as recommended by Council Committee. 2018-108 A By-law to amend Chapter 493 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Remuneration - Expenses. This by-law repeals the one-third tax exemption for elected officials that the Federal Government eliminated through Bill C44 as set out in the CIP memo dated November 20, 2018 from the Human Resources Page 5 of 149 Page and Treasury Departments. 2018-109 Amendment Number 107 to Traffic and Parking Regulation By-law Number 2007-55, as amended - 705 University Avenue. This by-law amends the Traffic and Parking Regulation By-law to designate two (2) accessible parking spaces at 705 University Avenue as set out in the CIP memo dated November 16, 2018 from the Clerk’s Department. 2018-110 A By-law to accept and dedicate a road widening (Part 1 and 2 on Plan 51R-41359) to the Corporation of the City of Orillia (Mississaga Street East). This By-law accepts and dedicates Part 1 and 2 on Plan 51R-41359 to the City of Orillia as a road widening as a condition of Site Plan Approval under File D11-290 as set out in the CIP memo dated November 29, 2018 from the Development Services and Engineering Department. 2018-111 A By-law to amend Chapter 170 of the City of Orillia Municipal Code - Municipal By-law Enforcement Officer. This by-law amends Chapter 170 to appoint Orillia Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital Security Officers Brittany Hupponen and Jennafer McDonnell as Municipal By-law Enforcement Officers for the purpose of the City of Orillia Traffic and Parking By-law Number 2007-55, as amended in accordance with the Police Services Act. 2018-112 A By-law to confirm the proceedings of Council at its meetings held on December 13, 2018. Announcements Open Public Forum Adjournment Page 6 of 149 CITY OF ORILLIA RECEIVED DEPUTATION REQUEST FORM ~ov 2 &.2018 Council Meeting Date Requested: DCZC.. / ·3 , 2() f 8 Clerk's Dept. *Attachment: Deputation Procedures (Excerpt from Chapter 22- Council Procedure By-law) All presentation materials must be submitted to the Clerk's Office by 12:00 Noon on the Wednesday prior to the requested meeting date. Se.i\.\of' '\)o l ~cy f-'\d.l)\scr · \ o ~ On..\ Q.r\ RL-\a il PERSON REQUESTING DEPUTATION: r OY\ 'at . b~ ~ · l · c.A() Cecl\ CONTACT DETAILS: Email: aaroY\@. Cahh'Ob~ z.C..o'C)\\ t\ ()h. C"d Phone (B): {oS ~ 3tt $-.
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