www.ukrweekly.com і - - -\,^^-\^Х Archbishop Welychkorsky "LET THE RESURRECTION REACH Reported to be Alive in Moscow EVERY SOUL" JERSEY CITY, NJ. - 0,1 On April 1,1969 the edito­ March 22, 1969 "The Ukrain­ rial offices of "Svoboda" re­ (Easter Pastoral 1969 of His Excellency, the Most Reve­ ian Weekly" carried a report, rend Joseph M. Schmondiuk, Bishop of Stamford). ceived reliable and authorita­ which appeared in "The Wash­ tive newt from the Vatican -He ia mot here; He is Yiaen" (Mark 10:6j. ington Post" on March 17, denying the first report Ott 1969 to the effect that Arch­ the mysterious death of the bishop Vasyl Welychkovsky Beloved In Christ: Archbishop. enkindles ardent love which of the Ukrainian Catholic According to the latest re­ enables man to overcome all Church in Western Ukraine With the words of the an- port, Archbishop Welychkojj. the difficulties and obstacles had died in a Soviet prisot siy is alive but was taken gel-KHRYSTOS VOSKRES that lie in the path of reach­ after his arrest by KGB — I greet you on this joyous for some reasons to the "capJr ing his life's goal agents on January 27. 19d9. tal" (apparently Moscow)^ Easter Sunday commemorat­ In the world unrest which ing the glorious Resurrection we witness these days, there of Our Lprd from the grave. are certain groups in our so­ Ukrainian Students Пік The news of Christ's Resur­ ciety, which have lost the rection first came from heav­ reason for existence, and the Display Art in Winnipeg en, and later was relayed by desire to live. They have lost By OKSANA ROfcUMNA eyewitnesses - the devout their compass in life, and women of Jerusalem, the WINNIPEG, Man. -. Al­ several of whom have already therefore, fall to see why man won various awards and prtfr Apostles and Disciples of lives on earth. What has pha Omega Women's Alum­ Christ — from house to nae presented a significant es for their work. includSS brought on this sad state? On Ken Chernavich, a ceramics house. And because this was the one hand, for the nonsen­ art exhibit in Kaleidoscope a message of greatest impor­ major, who showed a cross- sical wars and rumors of wars '69 for Winnipeg and the U- tance to mankind, God pro­ krainian community on Sun­ section of his works; Stcfftp vided innumerable proofs of throughout the world; waste­ Csernecki, a film major, cur­ ful bloodshed, trampling of day, March 9, at the UNF Au­ Christ's victory over death. ditorium, according to Prof. rently completing his fourth Not only the followers but human rights; on the other film, displayed film photo­ hand, the passion for unre­ George Swinton of the School even the enem,ies of ^hrist of Art at the University Л graphs as well as earlier although unwittingly, became served freedom, rejection of paintings and sculture: Lau­ all authority, the negation of Manitoba, who officially open­ messengers and undeniable ed the show. rence Demedash, an honors proof of this fundamental all rules of decency, and the Pittsburgh Diocese To Unveil Monument painting major, exhibited en­ truth of Christianity^ satisfaction of all unbridled Contemporary Trends ormous canvases in the pop passions; all this is the con­ Now Metropolitan See To Pioneers in Shamokin art trend in which he works Dearly Beloved in Christ, sequence of the extreme liber­ announce this glad message WASHINGTON, D. C - J. Dudlck was recently made Featuring works by eight exclusively; Greet W. Mon- alism, which banished faith in SHAMOKIN, Ра—On Sun­ The. program-banquet will Ukrainian students and re­ chak, a painting major, show, to ail the land. Pass it on God and faith in, supernatural April 2, -- The Most Rev. bishop of the Diocese of day. May 31, 1969 the unveil­ include singing of the Ameri­ from generation to genera­ Luigi - Raimondi, Apostolic sale. cent graduates of the School ed acrylic paintings in ab­ religion. Such liberalism in ing of a monument to the can, Canadian and Ukrainian stract expressionism and two tion. Let the Resurrection of Delegate to the United States, According to the American of Art at the U of M the education and in all public Ukrainian pioneers and de­ national anthems by Mary exhibit displayed a total o| slpper paintings;Greet contri­ Christ reach every soul on life begot a generation which announced today that the Catholic directory, the n ceased members of the UNA Lesawyer, ah invocation by earth for this is our sole hope Byzantine Ruthenhm Epar­ 136 works, including sculp buted greatly to various or­ knows no purpose in life oth­ See embraces some will take place in Shamokin, .Rev."George .Dubitsky, pastor ganisational, ,ntfppcts. of the` in life. chy а^РДЬвЬціяЬ has beeh : itttre,v pottery, photographs er than wordly pleasures. faithful, most of whom ace Pa. as an observance in com- Of 4Йе . Шгаіяіап Catholic exhiblt as well as designing The words "CHRIST IS made a metropolitan see, and paintings mainly in the With senses jaded by this scendants of immigrants from'і memoration of the 75th anni­ parish, and addresses by the contemporary art trends, the catalogue; Marlka Oftufij- RISE^". entered into the tra­ headed by tho Moet^ReV. Ste­ Carpatho-Ukraine who retain versary of-the Ukrainian Na­ Mayor of Shamokin, Stephen earth's meager offerings, this phen Kocisko. The Rt. Rev. In his remarks, Prof.'Swin­ chuk, a 1968 graduate of the ditions Of various Christian generation seeks to flee from the old name of Ruth'enianJ. tional Association. A solemn Kuropas, UNA^ Supreme Vice School of Art,^?ho presently nations as a form of mutual Msgr. Edward Rosack was Other faithful of the new President and Mr. Michael ton pointed out the generally the reality of life and its re­ Mass and a "panakhyda" will North American character o? shares a studio where she greetings and good wishes. hereto Apostolic Administra­ metropolitan see arc Slovaks, be held at the Transflgura- Kitsock. UNA, Supreme Trea­ sponsibilities. tor. The Most Rev. Michael the works exhibited and pro­ paints, exhibited several This custom prevails among Croats and Hungarians. tidh of Our Lord Ukrainisn surer Peter Pucilo will be in­ pointings manifesting Byzan­ tjie Ukrainians. But let not -It-is the Resurrection of vided knowledgeable insight Christ, the eternal theme of Catholic Church at 3:00 РЛІ. troduced by XJNA Supreme tine and Persian characterist­ these words remain an empty President Joseph Lesawyer into how to approach and en­ Easter's hope that gives and thereafter the unveiling joy contemporary art He also ics; Olesya Paplslt, an honors phrase. The Resurrection of Article on Ukrainian Easier of the monument will take as master of ceremonies. In student, currently preparing і Cjhrist is something immeas­ meaning and purpose to life. commented on the merit ojf The Christian knows why he Hggs—Weatnre in American Daily place in honor of Ukrainian the entertainment part there thesis In painting and film­ urably greater than an oc­ will be performances by. the exhibiting in non-gallery en­ lives, whither he tends. It is pioneers in the Anthracite vironments thereby bringing making, displayed abstract casion of customary greet­ LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y. las ton and Mrs. Anna DeBel- Valley. At 6:00 P.M. a ban­ Ukrainisn Dancers, the Le- paintings and an essay on ings. That Christ rose from for him to teach the world. — The Sunday. March Я0, lis of Forest Hills. Connois­ art out into the community. He must keep constantly be­ quet, preceded by a reception high Valley Male Chorus and underground films; Larry So- the grave is the greatest truth 1969 issue of the "Long Island seurs of the art of Ukrainian solos by Mary Lesawyer. The Prof. Swinton, an authority fore his eyes the glorious vi­ at the Ukrainian Brotherhood bovitch. who is working on of our holy religion: this la Press" featured a full page egg painting, this is the time Club. will.be held at the A- benediction лгІЛ be given by on Eskimo art and prominent hie painting thesis, showed the basis of all our faith. sion of the Risen Christ, Who of pictures and an article on of year their talents receive a Ukrainian Orthodox priests. in many other phases of the beckons him to life's battle merican Legion Hall. interesting works in plexi­ Without His Resurrection, the art of decorating Ukrain- almost the same attention as field of art, pleasantly sur­ glass and acrylics media as there is no ultimate reason to offering Himself as Food and j ian Easter eggs. The most one-man art exhibits. - prised many of the viewers Well as ceramics and a photo believe in any other truths strength and a pledge of important thing about it is While the technique used by stating that his wife was study; Jim Yurkowski, . л and teachings of Christ. man's resurrection into grace that the participants in the by both women is similar, the UNA Anniversary Festival a Saskatchewan-born Cana­ sculpture major, displayed Christ's Resurrection is heav­ while on earth and into glory demonstration were Ameri­ end results differ, because dian of Ukrainian descent works in bronre, plaster and en's seal upon the truth of after death. For Jesus prom­ cans -of non-Ukrainian de­ personal creative abilities and LAKEWOOD PARK, Ps, Shafer. and a festival at 2:30 P.M. by the Toronto Girls During his remarks, to the plastic His mission. And for this ised : "I will raise him up on scent. the manner each learned this — A festival in honor of the delight and enlightenment of reason, St.
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