ISSUE 449 -MARCH 2013 ISSN 0257-361X Volume 37 THE GAMES JOURNAL www.gamesjournal.at IN THIS ISSUE WE REPORT FROM THE FESTIVAL DES JEUX AT CANNES OUR REPORT u FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES JEUX CANNES 2013 CHEFREDAKTEUR DAGMAR DE CASSAN REPORTS FROM CANNES IN FRANCE FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES JEUX An overview by Dagmar de Cassan, assisted by Christoph Proksch and Ferdinand de Cassan Once again this year we had a wonderful time in Cannes, the Festival was interesting and multifaceted as always and as usual, there were new released we had already seen at Nuremberg, and a lot more which we met for the first time. France published by Edge Entertainment. Andor (Die Legenden von Andor), the L’As d’Or Jeux de l’Année Enfant was awarded to Tino Topini (Mausgetrickst) by This year, too, at the eve of the event, on Karin Heitling at Ravensburger; L’As d’Or Thursday evening, the award winners of Grand Prix representing the category of L’As d’Or were announced, L’As d’Or was again awarded in four different categories: L’As d’Or Prix du Jury to Star Wars X-Wing fantasy adventure game by Michael Menzel, published in France by Iello. Also nominated for L’As d’Or were: Cardline Animaux by Frédéric Henry at expert games was given to Myrmes by Yo- Bombyx, Croc! by Dave Chalker at Bom- ann Levet at Ystari Games. The main award, byx, Indigo by Reiner Knizia at Ravens- L’As d’Or Jeu de l’Année was awarded to burger, Merlin ZinZin by Annick Lobet at Fragames/Blackrock Editions, Mito (Mogel- motte) by Emely and Lukas Brand at Gigam- ic, Seasons by Régis Bonnessée at Libellud, Strike (Der Große Wurf) by Dieter Nüssle at by Jason Little at Fantasy Flight Games, in Ravensburger and, finally, Zombicide by Jean-Baptiste Lullien and Nicolas Raoult at Edge Entertainment/Guillotine Games. Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are 2 ISSUE 449 / MARCH 2013 explained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 66 and 67 www.gamesjournal.at FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES JEUX CANNES 2013 / 40 LINES FOR MEEPLES t OUR REPORT The festival all in all offered again a mix of publishers and distributors, supplemented by a large area for designers presenting pro- totypes and by toy manufactures like Play- mobil. Lots of space were also given to role play and tabletop and also to Electronics and Manga and all this was honored by the by now well-known huge influx of visitors. New releases already shown in Essen and Nuremberg are mentioned all the same to mirror the diversity of the event. In Cannes, too, a number of publishers presented a va- kind of crowd-funding project based on the riety of games for mobile phones and tab- topic of Alien Invasion on Earth, by Cédric lets, a selection is mentioned. Duwelz and Frank Maury, you should form groups of fitting aliens. 3D-Chess A&R Entertainment An ambitious new version of Chess in three The publisher offers educational games for children, designed for devices like mobile 40 Lines for Meeples phones and tablets, for instance Othello & Dagmar de Cassan, Editor-in-Chief Monsters by Alexandre Minard. The com- We are happy that there are lots of big and small events featuring games, some of them are exclusively dedicated to our board and card games (unplugged), others feature also Comics or Handicraft or Model Making or other recreational activities. One of the biggest events worldwide, where our board and card games are at the center dimensions and on three levels. of the event, is Festival International des Jeux in Cannes, which each year before the tourist season comes to this famous town at Cote d’Azur. 5 Bits Games pany’s range offers more than sixty games The Festival takes over all of the Palais de – also on show were Mes 1ers puzzles: Le Festival et des Congrès, and is still nearly Dinaozaures, Mes Premiers Tangrams too small for all the 174.00 visitors. Yes, that Deadlock is a Video/Computer game by and Ecrire l‘Alphabet number of players congregates at Cannes for Adrien Pelov, Antoine Guerchais, Arnaud a weekend of playing games! Noble, Fabien di Pardo and Victor Parent, set We were among them and report on the AB Ludis Editions French Games Community; many of the games have already arrived in or originate from Germany, some have yet to arrive here. réderique Constantini was presenting edu- You can read about which games there were cational card games under the name of and which of them are of interest in our re- TamTam; corresponding to the individual port from Cannes. Check out also our games data base LUDO- RIUM, at http://www.ludorium.at. WIN The Games Journal is available now also as an eBook and as Kindle in German and English and so can be even more easily read then a PDF on the respective modern in a SciFi environment and featuring a dex- devices. When you like our WIN, please be- terity mechanism: You must climb a tower come a subscriber! by agile jumping from platform to platform. We have a PayPal account, so the pay- ment of € 6,00 for an annual subscription can be made easily and safely, see also A vous de jouer http://www.gamesjournal.at topics, cards show either words or pictures The printed edition of our Games Handbook which must be combined as quickly as pos- / Games Companion GAMES BY GAMES ctually a distributor, but showing – as al- sible; this is meant to train visual perception, 2013 is available from SPIELBOX-SHOP. Info: ready in 2012 – a prototype called ZigZag, a combinations of word and image and also http://www.gamescompanion.at WIN The Games Journal now also available as eBook! www.gamesjournal.at For all information on that check our website. ISSUE 449 / MARCH 2013 3 OUR REPORT u FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES JEUX CANNES 2013 spelling, the level of difficulty varies with complete: A board game named Krosmoz each box. Arena, set in the world of Dofus, and in- tended for 2-4 players, ages 12+, accompa- nied by Krosmoz Miniatures in sets called Ammarange Dofus Krosmaster, comprising a set of fig- ures with a mini game, which can be used in all Krosmoz games. lule is a crowd-funding platform in analogy with Kickstarter; KiBONG is scheduled for financing via Ulule. It is an abstract board Antagonist Project from the starting column, Antagonist by Laurent Foltin is a logic Asmodee Asmodee this year with their huge area was the dominant presence at the Festival and, of course, had a lot of new releases to show. Blitz! by Andrew Innes expands the series of “Games in a Bag” and is a quick word game game for 2 players; on a board like a Yin- Yang sign marbles are placed in the color of the respective sigh halves; those marbles must be moved with strategy and dexterity. game for 2 players, you combine four kinds of actions in three phases of the game. Amuz‘ Bois Argentum Verlag In the area reserved for inventor’s tables we For the first time exhibiting in Cannes, have also found a game called Le Granito, Argentum represented by Roland Mather showed the Essen release 2012, for 3-6 players, ages 8, which fight duels for Desperados by Florian Racky; 3-6 players, word in varying duos. Showing both the Bombyx and the Asmo- dee logo is Cardline Animaux for 2-8 play- ers, ages 7+, by Frédéric Henry, a placement game with an animal topic, which was nom- inated for L’As d’Or. You have animals face- down and then place them next to open- faced cards, according to a characteristic which you believe is either bigger or smaller than in the card already in place you place the new card to the left or right of the card an abstract placement game made from already on display. wood, in the tradition of TicTacToe, which Guerre des Moutons – previously released can also be played blindfold. ages 12+, are gang bosses and – nearly in Germany by Goldsieber under the title of cooperatively - want to collect enough Meine Schafe Deine Schafe – is expanded booty for their retirement, but one player with Guerre des Moutons 2; 2-4 players, Ankama must enforce law and order, despite all ages 10+, can rival for most sheep in the moving invisibly. pen in this co-production of Asmodee and Lui-Même; pens that are bordered by a The project Krosmoz Miniaturen is now pond a valid pens in this edition. Art of Games Already presented at Essen, Tactic Elastic by Benoit Demy: Tactic Elastic is a game featuring columns and elastic bands, for 2-4 players, ages 5+, the spinners determine the color and size of the rubber band and the column to which you must stretch it Color codes, target groups, features, icons and GABIS are 4 ISSUE 449 / MARCH 2013 explained on page 5 and at the bottom of pages 66 and 67 www.gamesjournal.at FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DES JEUX CANNES 2013 / GABIS t OUR REPORT GAMES BUYER INFORMATION SYSTEM - GABIS STRUCTURE Each game review also features an evaluation which can help you to find the game that best suits your tastes. The color accompanying each game title represents the USER Group. The headline also contains icons for age and number of players. The BAR in the evaluation box displays color codes for up to 10 features of a game. USER GROUP We have defined 4 target groups (color accompanying the For the crime game Petits Meurtres, released tion of Flashpoint, and also of the new title head line) in German as „Ein bisschen Mord muss sein“, Oléum.
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