CANADA BY-ELECTIONS AND NORTHWEST TERRITORIES ELECTIONS HELD DURING THE YEAR 1951 REPORT OF THE CHIEF ELECTORAL OFFICER Pursuant to subsection six of section fifty-six of The Dominion Elections Act, 1938 ELECTIONS PARTIELLES ET ELECTIONS DES TERRITOIRES DU NORD-OUEST TENUES PENDANT L'ANNEE 1951 RAPPORT DU , , , DIRECTEUR GENERAL DES ELECTIONS Conformement au paragraphe 'six de !'article cinquante-six de la Loi des elections jederales, 1938 E D MOND CLO UTIER, C.M.G., O.A., D.S.P. QUEEN'S P RINTER AND CONTROLLER OF STATIONERY OTTAWA, 19ii2 ·: ·'._.,:, _· 99292- 1 LEGISLATIVE UBRARV YELLOWKNIFE, N.W.T. ELECTIONS WATERLOO SOUTH-Con. Stations Bureaux de votation Urban or rural Name--Nom No. crbain ou rural 71 82 95 53 71 70 73 :i5 72 66 52 52 23 55 72 26 46 53 20 37 62 Freeport Sn.mttm·inm. 20 62 41 Total&--Totanx ...... 5, 754 8,950 6,483 169 21,356 29,866 J. ~lei ~loffatt, 2,4JI7. Majority for lloward ~leeker over (sur) ~lajoritl! pour Margaret Geens, 3, 196. 99292-2 6 i:LHCT!OXS F.lRTnLU:S, w:;t PROVINCE OF PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND QUKI<JNS-Con. PROVINCE DE L'ILE DC PRINCE-EDOLTARD Poiling Staliuns nnJiH-illS du \·ot,• QrJ<JtJ.:\s Pr,ymlarirm---1!J4l, 41,1J2 HPi(•(•tPcl d/·p1 ,:.;{s JlUUl' b;JI]r,t Tdbd Fled or­ on liM Cause ()f vacancy~- D(~ath of .hune:.:: L. ])ou~las. Septe1n ber :305 1H:30. p;tpers V(Jl.f: Cau~e dP b vaca.Jl(~e-~J)f>ef·:' dP .James L. Douglas, Ie :w scptemiJfe UHiO. L"r1):Jll ()1' f~lretr~ur·~ :\omination, .Tmw 11. Bulletins : \'utl' J{eturning Oillr·er GilhPn .\.Gaudet, Charlotte! own, P.E.L 1 arul fiur la Ofiieier r:lpporteur,- Pr&sc:ntation. le 11 JUlll 1U51. de ....-ote total i lisle r<'jt~tes \Yrit dated 1\l"y H, 1!J01 Jum• ~5. 19.)1. Brei (~Jnis le S tnai 1H51 lo 2.i juin l\J51. uu CandiUaios " .l. ~\ngu::- ~fut'Lean, Bt:aton)~ ~fill~. P.E.I., Fanncr---Cultivatcur. rur:d l'nmlirlato t c~cil Allen .:lliller, Frenchfurt, P.E.l., Funner--Cultinrteur. WaterYalc ... 1 ! 18!1 Fort Augustu., J;)ti Po1linJ! ~1~1tion;-; .Tohn.slon's Hi\-er. 241 :\[onnt Herbert. I-J7 17f! Bulletins du voi e Hvh-'ciPd · tiouth Port. .A<\lr:C 7!) 17:: d6pos(·s pour ballot Total Elceton-. .'rJcD-Z 82 207 papcrB \'(do on list Pownal. ... s:; 2 1!l5 East (E,t.). fi2 . 1!Jc: '1 1 I Hulletin~ Yotr· {~lecteun­ AYonrlclP .. 02 H' d0 vute f,,t,:l ,ur h Chen,,. \-a11(·\·. ;: 11± 22~ n•.ie1 (•._.;, \iste \' crncJ~t Hi V{~;­ 12k Crhuin (;rand•,-i,::w Xc1·th fiU ()[l t)i" -., rural Caledonia .. ,., Onn~n Co>:n. "* I;~') ]on;;. .~1 Lo11g HivPr ]{ '<S 12t• Eldon n,, ltiiJ fri"htown. I< 151 1~::: Point Prim. n lfii ]{if) l"rcneh H iv('l'. H Hi2 201 HelJf~ H i~:cr It Clinton -l lt 2 J l!J 145 H 121 Clifton. .i ]( 1 147 1()2 H 1!!7 ~orth CranvillP I) ll ljS 121 131 ~outh (~ran\Till(•. 7 H 42 J2R J4ii Hope f-tiYcr. R 122 2~0 2ti:J CtJ:trioUct~_l\vn ( "ity (( 'irf<j "!I H j()(i 116 ,j(j i);J Hazel GroYe. til ' \\'t<rd Ot:~_. (Qnarti,_·.l; 1Tn). 71!.\ 12-? 4111 Stanehol .. 10 R S2 !JS 182 /i'B nD 7'1 142 ; / :-\pringfield. ll !{ 111 7.1 18fi 222 71;\ 54 !j2 136 llreadull ranC'. 1~ H ll.~ J(J(j 22l\ 2.52 71H 45 :;J J ~J7 J:l [{ 1!1 fifi ij,j 91 \Ye"tmorcland. 72.\ 81 KG 1 ifi~ 47-1 Kelly',; Cm". 14 It {)1 :w Hl 9!1 72!3 70 IUO .5 175 ]{ Crapaud. 1;) 52 iln 141 178 7:n Ti ifi 2 1.'i5 46:: \'ietoria .. j(j H liJ llfJ 157 175 7:fH 77 /0 :J ];j() Nouth ~\fcl\'i!le. 17 l{ 72 fi8 14(! 164 f4_\ 1\l 90 ,') !!lfl Enn:vale .. 18 H 4B :i8 107 125 ;,m GO IO:J Jl;;) lf) :)4 Creen Hoad .. H M 88 100 \\'a1·d .~i'l1 n~ 1 ? 1 Q;inrtic·\.TJ ni~) 75 ltJ.l IOi 211. ! Bon, haw. 20 It 76 -~1 157 205 7fi.\ ~B 72 1555 ~1m field 21 I( !17 GfJ lfi7 20:1 7fii-t S4 fjJ l·Hi 22 H -HJ HH I IS 150 .j] ~o;v Ci-la~go\\'. 17.\ ill J O:l 4R\J Hiver. H lll4 \12 '2Ti 324 77H Gi !1ti 1.27 .... orth Hm•tieo Nouth (flud). lt 110 70 2 182 21.} ;s JOG !)() WD 321 North (1'\on]) It 12f! 7ii 204 24:; 7:! 71 ~2 157 2.JA Nouth H usti,·o .. !( G2 .55 2 119 134 '"(LA (i;J ,'j() J 1·1 (~ytnl)ria. H. ;jiJ .i2 2 104 112 .-;()]l '!)'i 7:] J:lo \Vlwa t lev Hi w•r. H ]2;, ;i4 17ll . 25i bL\ 60 .)-i 114 ~orth \\'i)l,hire H 123 llG 239 ! 299 :'til 74 GS 142 BrookfiPid. H 44 14 ss 110 S2A 180 fi2 2-B ~ew llavcn. H. !!2 Jl2 20.'i 246 .. i '<2B J.'iG S2 2:l'i Hiverdalc. H !iS 71 139 156 S:JA ! 147 2 241 73() :Hilton .... It 121 174 2(lJ Ho3B 146 (II) 2 .:.!38 85 I ~orth Hivcr It .'\4 140 225 S4.\ 140 ~4 224 65(i Cornwall. ll 105 02 19k I 2:J7 84B 120 '7.1 5 200 Xine _;\file Creek H ;)7 fil i1S 144 .,­ 85.-\ 43 fH 107 45o .Hoeky Point.. }{ ;)2 80 1 J~13 Hfi S.'iB .57 ilO :· 137 '" 112 2 Hl\J i7 i 8t. Catherin0s. H :H HiS .%A 81 159 40" 1\'inoloe. H 'ifi 102 1 ]70 2:~6 85B 51 .'iG 107 '"' Bra<:'kely Point. H 8H 11:3 1 202 243 87 Ill ~2 194 2G5 H 4H u:J lGl 20!J S8 ]:)() ~0 ~12 310 ('ovcheacl H. 79 J:JQ 20!) 21.1 8f) J4;j . 101 .247 355 Pleasant (JroYe. l!J fi;j 2 86 {):; [;j2 H. Hn !lOA nc; i 482 York. H 117 127 245 :)OH 91JB !)() 72 I G:l ]( :;2 ].50 ')'l BC'dfmd lH:3 210 fJ1 l >)•) ,-.;() 21J 33f Corran Ban It 40 84 2 12G 140 1SH 921\ !JB !l1 50~ Tracadie H 42 HO 132 1.54 D2H !JO 75 l G.5 }fount Ntcw::rt n IOD J.:j] 244 291 C~lu.rlot.tnttHVll "\dv:Jll('f' Pi~q uid It ti9 ~2 1[)1 182 (Pro\-it'oirC') 11 .lb 9H292 2] 8 BY-ELECTIONS, 1951 9 QUEEN8-Con. PROVINCE OF MANITOBA Ballot papers cast for Polling Statioll8 PROVINCE DU MANITOBA BureAux d e votation Bulletins de vote Rejected deposes pour ballot, Total Electors BRANDON Population-1941, 41,725. papers on list Urban YOte Cause of vDCAnoy- Death of Jame<; E. Matthews, November 24, 1050. or tiecleure Cause de Ia. va.caoce-Dllces de James E. Matthews, le 24 novembte 1950. rural Bulletins Vote de vote total sur Ia Retu;ning Officer } R. A. Clement Brandon Manitoba. Nomination, June II, 19/11. Name-Nom No. rejetks liste Offimer rapporteur ' ' Pre..."Cntntioo, le 11 juin 1951. Urbain ou Writ dated May 8, 1951. Election { June 25, 19.51. rural Brei emls le 8 mai 1951. Ie 25 juin 1951. CIUididates { Walter D insdale.... Bran don, ~lani toba, College Teacher-Professeur. Ca.ndidats J. W. Grant MaoJJ;wno, Brandon, Manitoba, Agricultllristr-Agric;ulteur. Royalty (Ouetrt.) ...... ... A-K 93 126 West R !Jl 5 647 " " ... ..... .r,.z 93 n 115 121 5 2472221 Royalty Central West (Ouest). A-L 94 R 72 63 135 " " " .M-Z 94 R 70 61 132 445 Ballot papers cast lor • Polling Stations - :: ;: East (Est) .. A-K: 95 ll 89 56 145 464 - " . ...L-Z 95 R 79 73 152 Bureaux do vot.ation Bulletins de vote R ejected Parkdale.. , . .......... ......... 96 R 93 120 1 214 294 d c pos~a pour ballot Total Electon Royalty East (Est)..... .. ... .. 97 R 118 92 2 212 301 papers vote OD llst 1-----1-----·1- ----- t------1-------1 Urban .., -- - Totals-Totaux.. •. • . •. 118 9,540 9,087 106 18', 733 25,230 or B ulletins Vote E lecteurs rural ~ .. sur La. ~ de vo te wtal Name-Nom No. - 0~ rejetks liste Ur!Jnin '"'"' Majority for } ;J. A.nglls .MacLean, 4S3. -c!l'"' "Sl"' ~ · ~ Majorlt~ pour ou c~.~ t:=d rural i:::O ....;~ Brandon City (Cit~) . ........ .. .. 1 u 112 63 ........2 . 175 272 u " 0 • • • • • ~ •••• •• • • 2A u 120 51 173 278 " .. ~ .. ... ... ...... 2B u 115 .45 .... ...... .. 160 271 .. .. ~ ~ . 3 u 143 63 . .. • -f- '' 206 296 " " ~: :: :•:::::::::: 4A u 77 37 ·· · ···· ... 114 168 " " .... .. ..... ..... 4B u 81 44 1 126 193 " " .... .... ...... ..... 5A u 96 33 1 130 193 " " ......... ..... .. 5B u 71 51 ······· ··· 122 174 ,," .. .... ...... ... .. 6 u 145 72 . .. ....... 217 336 " . ,. .. .... ....... 7 u 107 53 . ~ .. ~ . ·-·· 160 228 " .. ... .. .. ..- .... -.. 8 u 131 65 I 197 324 " " ............ ... 9 u 153 99 1 2.S3 332 .. " ····· ········· · 10 u 1.26 66 ........ 3. 192 261 .. .. • ... + . ~ • • • •• • • . 11 u lOS 91 202 299 " " ······ ······ ··· 12 u li9 93 1 213 276 .. " .. ~ .. ....... ... t3A u 107 110 ·········· 217 298 " .. • o o • +o •• • • o • • • • I3B u 60 45 2 107 142 .. ,," ··· ··········· · I4A u 85 81 . .... .. .... 166 229 " ........... .... 14B .u 80 n I 156 215 .. " ...... .. ........ 1M u 127 93 . .. ....... 220 319 " " ·· ·· ··· ···· ···· 15B u 90 M 1 145 216 ,", " ·· ········· ···· l(i u 121 108 ........
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