Vol. 8, No.1· 2, March· June, 1994 125 A revision of the genus Anisostena weise (Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae, Hispinae). Part II. The subgenus Anisostena: Key to the species groups and the ariadne species group. C. L. Staines 3302 Decker Place Edgewater, Maryland 21037 Abstract The subgenus Anisostena (Anisostena) is divided into three species groups. A key to the species groups is provided and the ariadne species group is revised. Lectotypes are designated for A. ariadne, A. bellula, and A. elegantula. Key words: Anisostena, lectotype, species group Introduction Description: Head: last five antennal segments This is the secondin a series ofarticles revising WIder than precedmg; sulcus on mner margm of the genus Anisostena. The first artiCle (Staines, each eye; row ofpunctures on outer margin ofeaeh 1993) summarized the work on the genus and eye. Pronotum: basal margin bisinuate. Elytra: rev ised the subgenera Neostena and Apostena. costate intervals 2 and 6 unite on apical fjfth. T esfor the ariadne s ecies rou were exam· Anisostenas. str. divideswellinto three species e or a species excep . ico r. ec ypes are designatedfOr it ariadne, it bellula, and it elegan- species, A. nunenmacheri Weise, has color morphs tula. In recording the label data from type speci. which fall intotwo species groups. This species will mens, a slash (f) di~ ides data on different labels; a be covered in both species groups. Otherwise the species have only one color morpho question mark (?) indicates that the label data was unreadable. Measurements were taken with an ocular mi· crometer. Pronotal length and WIdth were taken Key to the species groups of Anisostena along the midlines. Elytral width 'Nas measured at (Anisostena) the humeri. Elytrallength was measured from the base to apex along the suture. Total length was I. Dorsum umcolorous mgrlta group measured from the base ofthe frontal sulcus to the Dorsum with more than one color 2 apex of the elytra. 2. Elytra WIthout markmgs arIadne group Elytra vittate or maculate pilatei group Anisosfena (Anisosfena) ariadne group Type species: A. elegantula (Baly), designated by The speCIes m the ariadrie species group are Mont6s & Viana (1947) distinguished by the reddish pronotum and daIker elytra. Members of this species group are found from New Jersey south to Colombia. 126 Insecta Mundi Key to the species of the Chatistenu atiudne (Newman). Daly 1864.252, Clotch 1873b:101; Schwarz 1878:460; Horn 1883:299; ariadne species group Donckier 1899:583; Smith 1899:317; Dike 1902:29; 1. Pronotum with transverse basal impression .... 2 Smith 1910:355. Pronotum without transverse basal impression. GhalepU8 ariadne (Newman). Gemminger & Harold ............................................................................... 5 1876:3613. Odontota ariadne (Newman). Crotch 1873a:82. 2. Pronotum with median longitudinal carina ........ Ani808tena ariadne (Newman). Weise 1911a:21, .............................................. leconteii (New man) 1911b:32; Leng 1920:303; Blatchley 1924:43; Brlmely Pronotum without median longitudinal carina 3 1938'230; Loding 1945'136; BI ackweJder 1946'724; FaUlg 1948:41; Papp 1953:57; Uhmann 1957:73; 3. Pronotum with apical or apical and basal margins Kirk 1969'98,1970'94; Ba]sbaugh &Hays 1972'183; dark syangptera (Suffrian Wilcox 1975:140; Riley & Enns 1979:79; Ford & Pronotum entirely red .4 Cavey 1982'189, 1985'49 be~;~~ 4 Head with median sulcus deep, v-shaped Description' Head and elytra bluish-black, eyes elegantulaa y Head with mediam sulcus not v-shaped between pronotumred. Head: vertexconcave, micropunctate; eyes bwoLOr (Smith) median sulcus present, changes to a carina which becomes the keel between the antennae; antenna! 5. Antennal segment 2 longer than 3 6 pit small; sulcus present on inner margin of each Antenna] segment 3 longer than 2 7 eye; row ofpunctures on outer margin ofeacb eye' reddish projection at base of antennae. Antennal 6. 'Vertex of head micropunctate, with row of three segment I 8ubglObose, punctate; II elOngate, ex punctures between median and ocular sulci; pandedapically, lon~er than III; III c~lindrical;IV- prosternum red laterally ....... texana Schaeffer VI transverse, 'VII- transverse, wi er than pre­ Vertex of head micropunctate, without larger pundules, PIOstelllulll entirely led .. ce~g; ~ ~Ointerl at ap~x; segm~nt~ ni ~J?~IY ............................................... ariadne (Newman) pu iscen .rond;um: aplcalmargm lac,le er in middle; wider than long; punctures large, deep; 7. Head with median sulcus deep, wide; surface of micropunctate between punctures; sides parallel sulcus punctate, pronotum with scattered punc on basal half, weakly convergent on apical half, tures, disc almost impunctate .. basal margin bisinuate; length 0.7-1.0 mm (avg. ............................................... hans_a Sehaeffer 0.8, n 12); width 1.0-1.1 mm (avg. 1.0). Scutellum: Head with median sulcus not deep or wide; sur- <Jlladrate;blue-black; micropllnctate Elytra' 8regu- Cage of sulG\ls impunGtate; prollotum uniformly pUIlGtate .. ... .. bellula (Baly) Iarpuncturerows plusscuteIIarrow of 3punctures; lateral margins sinuate, serrate; apieal margin more densely serrate; intervals 2, 4, and 6 costate, 6 Ulost pIOnounced, intervals 2 and 4 UlOle pIO- Anisostena ariadne (Newman) ~~mcerl ~n Zii?al fifth; ~Rn~6 ~ite on Rp~al fifth, Map 1 oes no a am umon y t e lameter 0 a punc­ ture; length 3.1 3.8 mm (avg. 3.4); width 1.3 1.6 Hispa ariadne Newman 1841:77. Lectotype (here deSig­ mm (avg. 1.36). Le~s: blue-black; tibia with tufts of nated): Syntype (white disk With blue border)1 Baly CoIl.! Charistena ariadne Newm., North America a e in a e ec 0 e nisos ena aria ne (Newman) des. C. L. Staines 1990 (red label) (BMNH). Four paralectotypes (here designated). Syntype (white disk with blue border)!Hispa ariadne (revel sed blue label)/ Palalectotype Anisostena ariadne (Newman) des. C. L. Staines 1990 (red label) (BMNII), Syntype (white disk with blue bOI Larval host plant: Panicum virgatum L. der)! Ent. Club 44-12! Hispa ariadne Newm., Ento- (Graminaceae) (Ford & Cavey, 1982) mologist: 77, St. Johns BluffEI (!) Florida/Paraleeto type Anisostena ariadne (Newman) des. C. L. Staines 1990 (red label) [3 speeimens on a eard] (BMNH). Distribution: southeastern United States. Melsheimer 1853:119. Vol. 8, No.1 - 2, March· June, 1994 127 (USNM), Miami, V 1920 (ICOM). Du~al Co.- Jackson- ville (USNM); Hilliard, 28-VII-1934 (SEMC). Franklin , , (EGRC). Hardee Co.- Highlands Hamm. St. Pk., Il-XI- , " (FSCA). Hendry Co.- La Belle, 21-IV-1921 (PADA), 16- , VII-1977 , , 29-VIII-1984 (ISAC), 13-IV-1955 (FSCA); Cedar Keys, , , , 28-III-1976 (EGRC). Manatee Co.- Bradenton 22-III- Hwy. 40 at Zay Pra., 30-IV-1980 (EGRC). Martin Co.- , , 23-III-1982 (CNC). Osceola Co.- 7 mi. N Yeehaw Jcn., , (INHS); 6 mi. N Land O'Lakes, 23-VII-1973 (EGRC). (UMMZ); Oldsmar (FSCA); St. Petersburg, 18-26-VIII- n is s an or , , circles; a. leconteii, triangles. (FSCA). 16-III-1927 (USNM), ll-VII-1951 (SEMC). Volusia Co.- Enterprise (MCZC); New Smyrna, 29-VII­ Specimens examined: UNITED STATES. USA 1948 (SEMC). Wakulla Co.- 20-1'1-1955 (INHS); 2 mi. (USNM). ALABAMA: Baldwin Co.- 1 mi. N Foley, 30­ N Live Oak Pt., 7-VIII-1973 (EGRC). Washington CO.­ '1-1981 (EGRO), Robertsdale, 12-'11-1945 (USNM). EblO, I-1V-1973, 4-1V-1973 (ONO). GEORGIA. FOI t Mt., Barbour Co.- Spring Hill, 4-V-1912 (USNM). 1O-VII-1937 (USNM). Charlton Co.- Okefenoke Swamp, Crenshaw Co.- Oounty Lake, 2B-VIII-19B4 (ADEM). 27 VII 1939, 1 VIII 1939 (SEMO), 29 VII 1939 (INlIS). Lee Co.- Auburn, 20-IV-1975 (CNC); 5 mi. S. Meadow LOUISIANA: S. La., 29-V-1892 (USNM); Pollard, 12­ Mill, 13-IX-19BB (ADEM). Mobile Co. Grand Bay, VII 1983 (ONG). Acadia Par. 2.8 mi. S Eunice, 9 V 1933 (USNM); Mobile, 20-IV-1912, VII (USNM); Or- 1981 (EGRC). Beauregard Co.- 16-VIII-1928 (SEMC); ellard, 5 V 1918 (MOZe). Talladega Co. Galt Grove, 5 mi. S DeRidder, 25 III 1982 (EGRC). Natchitoches 17-VI, 18-VI (USNM). Tallapoosa Co.- Horseshoe Bend Par.- 8 mi. E Kisatchie, 7-IX-1985 (EGRC); Kisatchie Natl. Park, 29 VII 1964 (,A.DEM, NDSD). l.RKANSAS: Nat. For., nr. Red Bluff eampgrd., 15 V 1982 (EGRC); Logan Co.- Mt. Magazine, 15-16-VII-1949 (INHS). DIS- Red Dirt, lookouttower, 26-IX-I981 (EGRC); Fire Tower, TRICT OF COLUMBIA: no further data (ICCM). 15 V 1982 (EGRC); Red Dirt W.M.A., 20 VI 1986 FLORIDA: Paradise Key, 24-II-1919 (USNM); St. Johns (EGRC). St. Tammany Par.- Covington, VI (USNM), Bluff (BMNH); W. Pk., 24-XI-34 (FSCA). Alachua Co.­ 23-VI-1948 (SEMC). Wmn Par.- 8 ml N Wmnheld, 12­ Gajnesvjlle (FSCA), 29-III-19BO, I-IV-19BO (CNC); VIII-19GB (IISNM) MARYLAND' Dorchester Co- Newnan's Lake, I-IV-SO (FSCA). Bay Co.- Ebro, I-VI­ Blackwater Refuge, 10-VII-1943 (FSCA). Somerset Co.­ 1973 (CNG) Bradford Co.- St.arke, 29-III-1976 (EGRC) Hopewell, 22-VII-1976 (CLS). MISSISSIPPI' Adams Charlotte Co.- 6-IV-1985 (ISAC); 8-IV-84 (FSCA); 5 ml. Co.- Homochito Nat. For., Sandy Ck. W.M.A., Pipes S Punta Gorda, 13-VII-1953 (INHS) Collier Co.- 5 mi Lake, 30-VII-1986 (EGRC). George Co.- Pascagoula S Corkscrew Swamp, 5-Iv-1972 (FSCA); 12 km E Naples, Wildlife M., nr. Lucedale, 12-IV-1987 (EGRC). Jack­ 8-III-1982 (CNC); Ochopee, 14-VI-1977 (NDSU). Dade son Co.- Hurley, 18-VI-1929 (CUIC); Ocean Springs, Co.- Andytown, 22-III-1973 (CNC); Hialeah, 27-IX-1971 29-VII-1920 (MUIC). Stone Co.- U. M. Forestlands, 18- 128 Insecta Mundi X 1986 (UMIC). MISSOURI. St. Clair 00.- Dtryal Town- III longer than II, IV-V] transverse, decreasing in ship, T37N R26W, secs. 35 & 36, 6-V-1979 (EGRC); length; VII-X transverse, wider than preceding; XI LiGhen Glade, 6 mi. W Osoo01a, 29 V 1971l (EGRC).
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