Cambridge University Press 0521840465 - Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of Knowledge Edited by C. A. Fletcher and T. Spencer Index More information Index Italicised page numbers indicate an illustration. Accademia 110–111 Agropyron repens 578 ARPAV 518–19, 526, 527, 675 accelerator mass spectrometry see AMS algae monitoring network 520, 521, 523 Acoustic Doppler Current Profiling see intertidal zone 36, 129, 131–9, 200 Osservatorio Alto Adriatico 524 ADCP lagoon 461, 573 Array for Real-Time Geostrophic acoustic surveys, Venice Lagoon subsoil biomass reduction 494, 495, Oceanography see ARGO 118–19, 120 562–3 Arsenale embankments 152–4 acqua alta see floods blooms 279, 489, 493–4, 507, arsenic (As) Acqua Alta platform, Adriatic Sea 19, 558 canal sediments 605, 606, 607, 609, 86, 90–1, 94, 272, 273, 434 effects of tidal flat capping 470 610, 612, 613 ADCP 104–5, 395, 432, 434 levels 279 drainage basin tributaries 587–8, ADEOS-II satellite 54, 57 modelling growth of 530–2 589, 590 Adige river 445, 470 removal 251 lagoon 496, 508, 585 Adriatic Sea 41 Algarotti, Francesco 130 art works bathymetry 18 Alps 17, 21 data collection and cataloguing forecasting system 41, 45, 49 geodynamics 22–3 229–31 heat budget 44 aluminium 596, 597 as evidence of sea-level change northern basin 17 ammonium 129–37, 138–9 scatterometer wind observations 53–8 canal water 620, 622, 623 artesian wells tides 71–3, 87, 148 drainage basin tributaries 520, 521, CNR network 32, 39 vibration frequency 71 588, 589 historical piezometric levels 32, 33 water fluxes with the lagoon 431–44 lagoon 279, 280, 489, 507, 585 water pressure 34 water quality monitoring 524, 525 AMS 111 ARTISTA 505, 509–10, 512–13, 525, Adriatic Sea Integrated Coastal Areas Anas platyrhynchos 575, 577 527 and River Basin Management APAT 99–105, 676 Atlas of the Venetian Environment 225 System see ADRICOSM Apennines 17, 21 atrazine 490, 585 Adriatic tectonic plate 17, 21 geodynamics 22–3 Atriplex portulacoides 573, 578, 579 subduction 22–3, 24–5, 29, 30 APV 263–5, 676 Autorità Portuale de Venezia see APV ADRICOSM 41, 45, 49–50 views on mobile barriers and AVHRR 54 Advanced Very High Resolution associated works 264–5 avocet see Recurvirostra avosetta Radiometry see AVHRR aquifer aedificatio 159 seawater injection 145 Balkan mountains 53, 55 aerosols, fluxes to the Venice Lagoon water extraction 17, 32, 33, 124–5 Barbaro, Daniel 129 593–6 archaeology barene see salt marshes, lagoon Agenzia per la Protezione urban Venice 109–12, 123–4 Bella, Gabriele 130 dell’Ambiente e per i Servici Venice Lagoon 117–21 Bellotto, Bernardo, paintings as Tecnici see APAT Archivio di stato di Venezia 175, 193 evidence of sea-level changes Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Ardea cinerea 574 129–37, 138–9 protezione Ambientale del ARGO 46 Bianco, Giuseppe 149 Veneto see ARPAV aroclor 585 Biblioteca Marciana 189 Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of Knowledge, ed. C. A. Fletcher and T. Spencer. Published by Cambridge University Press, © Cambridge University Press 2005. © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521840465 - Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of Knowledge Edited by C. A. Fletcher and T. Spencer Index More information 682 Index bird populations cadmium (Cd) sea-level forecasting 85–97 Oosterschelde 326–7 canal sediments 605, 606, 607, 609, centuriatio 446 salt marshes 573–7 610 Cerastoderma edule 327 Venice Lagoon 491, 573–7 drainage basin tributaries 588, 589, Chaetomorpha 573 Bison, Giuseppe Bernardino 130 590 Charadrius alexandrinus 574, 575, 577 black-headed gull see Larus ridibundus hazard quotient (risk) map for chiari see marsh ponds black-winged stilt see Himantopus bioaccumulation in clams 500 Chioggia 102, 355, 432, 448 himantopus lagoon 496, 497, 508, 523, 585, 596, circulation at 44 boat traffic 597, 599, 600 hydrodynamics 383–5 damage due to 143 Calamagrostis epigejos 578 influence of configuration on resuspension of canal sediments calcium, in brickwork exposed to sea sediment loss 419–30 617, 618, 619–22 tides 200, 201, 202 jetty construction 359–60, 369 wake effects 199, 219, 220, 232 Calidris alpina 574 mobile barriers 241, 254, 257 BOD 537 CAM see Comune Marino morphodynamics 373–6, 385–8 bonifica per colmata 448 camera obscura 129–30 modelling 379–89 bora 72 Campalto 476, 478, 593, 595 water flux variations 431–44 analysis 54, 55, 56 Canal, Bernardo 130 chromium (Cr) lagoon water level 18, 269, 270, Canale Malamocco–Marghera (Canale canal sediments 605, 606, 607, 609, 355 dei Petroli) 356, 360, 474, 480 610 lagoon water movement 355 Canale Montalbano 448 drainage basin tributaries 588, 589 mobile barrier closure simulation Canale Vittorio Emanuele 356, 360 lagoon 496, 508, 585, 586 271, 272 Canaletto (Antonio Canal), paintings as churches and tides 102 evidence of sea-level changes data collection and mapping 226–9 Brenta Nova 13 129–37, 139 floor artefacts catalogue 227, 229 Brenta Novissima 13 canals Cipelli, Giovan Battista 8–9 Brenta river 445, 461, 581, 588 damage to walls 231–4 city knowledge delta 13, 448, 450 humic substance analysis 626–8 importance of 219–36 diversion 359, 446, 448, 449, 462, hydrodynamics 604–5, 611 systems 237–8 480, 581 maintenance 162–3, 603–4 clams see Tapes philippinarum future diversion 11–12, 470 navigability 161–2 climate brick masonry port 263 extreme events in the Veneto 81–2 damage and disintegration 144 salinity 605 modelling 19 exposure to sea tides 199–203 sediments 143, 161–2, 219 observed trends in the Veneto St Mark’s Basilica 178, 179, 180, characteristics 608–9 79–81, 82 181–8 modelling 232 climate change 19, 79 variability in 195 pollutant contamination 490, consequence for the Veneto 83 bridges 603–15, 618, 619–22 and sea level rise 37–9, 112–14, 127, increases in height 149 removal and disposal of sludge 288, 650–2 mapping and data collection 220, 162, 163, 164, 263 and storm surges 66–8 221, 223, 224 resuspension by boat traffic 617, see also Intergovernmental Panel on repair and restoration 164, 169, 170, 618, 619–22 Climate Change 171–4 water quality 617–30 coastal lagoons Brundtland Report 288 caranto 17, 30–1, 32, 193 features 545–7 buildings Cardiff Bay barrage 242, 295–8, 299–309 pressures on, due to human quantification of damage to 225–6 cargo delivery systems 144–5, 232–4 activities 545–55 stability 165, 167, 168 Carlevarjis, Luca 130 coastal protection 248–9 Burano 102, 166 Casse di Colmata 474, 479, 480, 483 cocciopesto 178, 194, 196, 197 business Caulerpa prolifera 548–50 cockle fisheries, Oosterschelde 327–8, activities 207–8 Cavallino 248–9 329 economic impact of flooding 205–17 Centro Previsioni e Segnalazioni Maree Codazzi, Viviano 130 see also CPSM colloidal gel injections, mortar and Cabras Lagoon, application of SHYFEM activities 86–7 lime-based 153–4 model 411–12 monitoring network 86 Comitatone 673–4 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521840465 - Flooding and Environmental Challenges for Venice and its Lagoon: State of Knowledge Edited by C. A. Fletcher and T. Spencer Index More information Index 683 Commissione di Salvaguardia 226, Dese river 283, 450, 478, 521, 583, 584 Egnatius 8–9 673 pollutant load 263, 284, 587, 588, Egretta garzetta 574 common tern see Sterna hirundo 589 electrokinetic anti-dampness system Completo model 88, 89 water quality trends 520 181–8 Comune di Venezia 675 desethylatrazine 585 embankments 147, 160 Comune Marino (C) 36, 131–2 Deterministic Venice Acqua Alta archival analysis 156 Consorzio per la Ricerca e la Forecast System see DVAAFS Arsenale 152–4 Formazione 207, 677 development of Venice 159–60 constraints on alterations to 151 Consorzio Venezia Nuova (CVN) 3–4, diatoms 559 intervention 144 241, 247, 250, 674 difese locali 144, 147–58, 189–92, 252–3 use analysis 155 control and monitoring of Venice Dinaric Alps 17 vegetation analysis 157 Lagoon 505, 506–13, 518, 519, dioxins 495, 496, 497, 526 Venice Lagoon 154, 155–7, 158, 446, 522–4 DO 537 448, 462 conterminazione 11, 448 docks, mapping and data collection raising and consolidation 190, 191 convents, data collection and mapping 220, 222, 223 Emilia-Romagna Regional Meteo 226–9 domus magnae 160 Service 273 Conyza canadensis 578 Dorsoduro, architectural survey of EMT 43 copper (Cu) island district of 150 endocrine disrupting compounds canal sediments 605, 606, 607, 609, DPSIR 498 (EDCs) see EDCs 610, 611, 612, 613 DRAIN project 490, 495, 496, 506, Environmental Impact Assessment canal water 620, 621 581–92, 593 Fusina Integrated Project 631–4 drainage basin tributaries 588, 589 dredging 164, 263, 464, 469, 603, 613 mobile barriers 264 lagoon 508, 523, 585, 586, 597, 599, Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impacts- St Petersburg Flood Protection 600 Response scheme see DPSIR Barrier 343, 344–50 CORILA 4, 517, 540, 593, 676 Ducal Palace 189 Esperto model 96 CORMIX model 633 dunlin see Calidris alpina Esteso model 18, 88–90 Cornaro, Alvise 148 DVAAFS 274–5, 276, 277 estrogenic substances see EDCs Corona Bridge 172 Euganean Hills 594 COSES 207, 677 Eastern Adriatic Current (EAC) 18, 44 European Centre for Medium-Range CPSM 676–7 Eastern Mediterranean Transient 43 Weather Forecasts see ECMWF Crassostrea gigas 328, 329 Eastern Scheldt 285, 317–34 European Space Agency, MetOp Cretan Deep Waters 43 Ebro Delta 452, 456 satellites 54 CROP Project, M-18 seismic reflection ECHOS Project 119, 120 European Water Framework Directive profile 24, 25 echosounding,
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