Word Formation Of Indonesian Slang In Martino Andries’what Dosmaria Sirait, Sondang Manik [email protected] Abstract This research studies about Indonesian Slang in Martino Andries’What and the writer want to find out the word formation and the kinds of slang in Novel. The data are taken from Marthino Andries’s “What” published in may 2007 by Tristar-Media Publisher. In this the study the writer collects the data by reading all the text of ‘What” and underline the General Indonesian Slang and Secret Indonesian Slang. The data are analyzed by identifying Indonesian Slang based on the form and the kinds of slang. After analysing the data, the writer finds that there are 11 groups of general in Indonesian slang, they are : Nasalization of active verb and adding – in, Adding – in, Adding – ke, Elimination, Contracting of two or more words, Replacing letter, Contracting diphthong, Transliteration, Terminology of word, Eliminating of phoneme, Combination., while secret Indonesian slang has 5 groups, they are: The word comes from foreign language, The word comes from region language, The word comes from Indonesian but has meaning changing. Anomaly, Acronym. The writer suggests the students of English Department who are interested in doing research related to this study, may use this study as an edition to enrich their study. Key words: Slang, word formation, Acronym I.Introduction Indonesian slang is predominantly used in daily conversation. The deduce that Indonesian slang language is the primary language for oral communication spoken by every day in daily life, accept for formal speeches. It would be very unusual to communicate orally to people using the formal Indonesian. Regarding with the title “word formation of Indonesian slang as found in Novel “the writers would like to discuss and research how the Indonesian slang happen, so the objectives of are: to find out words formation in the novel, to find the kinds of slang in the novel. Morphology One of the branches of linguistics is morphology. Morphology is of word formation and word structure such as affixation, compounding, reduplication and its internal structure. Rodman (1983: 110) says knowing a word means knowing both its sound and its meaning. Morpheme Dealing with morphology, it is necessary to talk about morpheme, because morpheme arrangement treated under the many of languages including communication of the words or parts of the words. According to Nicia (1970:61) “morphemes are the minimal meaningful unit which may constitute words or parts of words”. According to Sibarani (2002:49) “Morpheme is of phonological changes because one of morpheme is attracted to the other morpheme in word formation”. Talking about the process of morpheme it has the three important processes, they are: The loss of phoneme process The loss of phoneme process occurs if the first phoneme of the stem is the same as that of the last phoneme of the prefix, such as: - ber + racun = beracun = poisonous - ber + renang = berenang = swim Phoneme addition process The process phoneme addition is the process of adding a phoneme between a prefix and the stem or root consisting usually of one syllable, such as: - me + bom = mengebom = to bomb - me + goreng = menggoreng = to try Assimilation Assimilation is the process of the sound change in other words, one sound will change into other sound, such as: - me + paksa = memaksa = to force -me + pukul = memukul = to hit -me + periksa= memeriksa= to check Free Morpheme Free Morphemes are the words that can be stand by themselves such as: - Ball - Sleep - Write - Run - Speak - Cut Bound Morpheme Bound Morphemes are the words that can not stand by themselves, such as: - /s/ of balls - /r/ of writer - /ing/ of speaking Vocabulary According to Pieter A. Napa (1993:6) Vocabulary is one of the components of language and that no language exists without words. Words are signs and symbols for ideas. Word Formation According to Sibarani (2002:49) says that Word formation is the creation of a new word. Word formation looks at the structure of the vocabulary from a historical-genetic or function aspect. For example, if know how the plural morpheme (-s) is added to singular nouns to make them plural, than can also analyze any complex noun which is already inflected plural into its constituent parts. Similarly, being able to know how the comparative suffix (-er) and the superlative (-est) added to adjectives, then given any inflected adjective, can also analyze it into its constituent morphemes. The word formation of Indonesian slang Indari Mastuti (2008:55) says that Some of Indonesian slang languages vocabulary was transformed from formal Indonesia through several ways, these are word formation of Indonesian slang, and they are: Nasalization of active verb and adding - in Nasalization of active verb and adding –in at the end of the word; - piker : mikirin : to think - Tanya : nanyain : to ask - ambil : ambilin : to take Adding- in Adding- in at the end of the passive transitive verb - ajar : diajarin : to be taught - pukul : dipukulin : to be beaten - tunggu : ditungguin : to be waited Adding - ke Adding –ke at the beginning of passive intransitive verb - tertangkap : ketangkap : to be caught - terpeleset : kepeleset : to be accident - tersenggol : kesenggol :to be touched Eliminating Eliminating one or few letters of the word, - habis :abis :depleted - tahu : tau : know Contraction of two or more words into one word - terimakasih : makasih : thank - jaga image : jaim : to safeguard one’s social image - kurang pergaulan : kuper : unsocial Replacing letter Replacing letter a into some words - benar : bener : correct - pintar : pinter : smart - cepat : cepet : fast Contracting diphthong Contracting diphthong into monosyllabic letter - kalau : kalo : if - pakai : pake : use - sampai : sampe : arrive Transliterations Some words are transliterations of English ones - sorry : sori : maaf - friend : pren : teman - swear : suer : sumpah Terminology the terminology of word -cantik : kece :beautiful - dia : doski : she/he - sahabat : sohib : friend Eliminating of phoneme Eliminating of phoneme (first) - memang :emang : right - sama : ama : with - sudah : udah : finish Combination of words The sound is changed - mati - ko + mat - komat = mokat = die - beli - ko + bel - kobel = bokel = buy - bisa - ko + bis - kobis = bokis = can Combination of e + ong: - makan = Mekong = eat - sakit = sekong = sick - Laki = lekong = man - Mana = menong = where Indonesian Slang . For example: 1 Tukul Arwana = Ta’ sobbek-sobbek = Kembali ke labtop 2. Inul Daratista = Goyang ngebor Evolution of Indonesian Slang Before 1980s List of words and phrases commonly used in the 1980s: - kumpul kebo : living together but not married, as in domestic partners - Bau tanah : old, dying, close to the end of use -Asbun : talk only In 1980s In this era, slang language vocabulary was formed by inserting ‘-ok’ after the first consonant of the word, deleting the last syllabl and creating a totally new word. - Bokap The word Bokap is broken into B-ok-apak and the lst –ak is deleted, and the resulting word is = bokap, which used as a slang for Father, even until now. In 1982s List of words and phrases commonly used in the 1982s are: - do’i/ doski : girlfriend or boyfriend - kece : cute - kuper : acronym which literally means not well socialized In 1990s List of words and phrases commonly used in the 1990s -bete : bad mood totally bored -dugem : nightlife, flashy world -gile :exclamation word equal to crazy In 2000s Slang language in 2000 was oriinally from the Indonesian gay community and popularized by Debby Sahertian in her Kamus Bahasa Gaul or ‘slang language dictionary’ the method of transforming a word is to use a different word which has a similar sound. For example: -mawar : mau : want -akikah : aku : I, me -geje :gak jelas :literally means not obvious -ember : emang benar : it is true -Etc The kinds of Indonesian slang Before going to show the kinds of slang language, there are some articles in slang language. The articles of Indonesian slang The articles of slang language are: a. deh b. dong c. ding d. etc The general Indonesian slang The general words: These entry list words and phrases from Indonesia, instead of other regions - banget : sangat, amat : very - gua : saya, aku : I, me - lu : kamu, engkau, kau : you - gak : tidak : no The Secret Indonesian slang These are some words of slang language in secret - akikah : saya :I, me - kawanua : kamu :you - mawar : mau : want. III.Research design In doing this research, the writer would have the method to collect the data. In this case, the writer use the library some theories and information to complete this research. The writer takes the data from novel “What” that novel tells about some general and secret Indonesian slang language by Marthino Andries (May 2007) Data are very significant in conducting the research. For this study, the writer used library research. Data were mainly colleted using the following steps. 1. Read all the texts of “ Bahasa Gaul” by Indari Mastuti 2. Underlined some Slang language the contain of the book To analyze the data, the writers selected the data to separate about general slang language and specific slang language sound the formation of each words, concluded the result of the analysis. Indonesian slang is mainly in spoken form, used in social milieus and in popular media (such as radio, television, and movies etc) to certain extent is used in publication spoken by everybody in daily life except for formal speech. It would be very usual to communicate orally to the people using the formal Indonesian slang The writer analyzed the data based on general Indonesian slang and secret Indonesian slang. She compares the general slang and secret slang from the data by Indira Mastuti (2008), she takes her analysis only 30 parts, 15 for general slang languages and 15 for secret slang languages because there are many Indonesian slang languages in this Novel, so the writer limits her analysis.
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