FEBRUARY, 1966 JIlnetyTllne Urns JUttiety-JUine cJVleu^s President s Com mn Seems that our Flight 99 ran into when I say something so definite, it some turbulent weather en route. The is just not going to happen! And it didn’t ! ! storm was not “arctic,” or “Gulf,” Headquarters assured me that the but ROSTER! Roster went to the Printer within one FEBRUARY, 1986 When I took office, I very confident­ week after the deadline for dues . what happened after that is still sort Official Publication of ly said, “ If we don’t accomplish any­ of a mystery. Let me assure you. THE NINETY - NINES, Inc. thing else this year, the Roster is I here are going to be some changes Headquarters, Terminal Bldg. going to be out E A R L Y !” Now, from made!! We may run into some other Will Rogers World Airport past experience I should know that type of ‘weather,’ but it won’t be P. O. Box 99 called Roster’ll Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73101 The Executive Board meeting will Headquarters Secretary be held in Oklahoma City, April 4th CAROL CRAIG Coming Events thru 6th. If you have anything you would like for us to discuss while at Editor March 4 & 5, 1988 the meeting, please write to me be­ DOROTHY L. YOUNG fore March 20th, so it might be add­ G012 N.W. 20th St. Dr. ANNUAL CONVENTION ed to our agenda. Several people have Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 AUSTRALIAN SECTION 99s & AUSTRALIAN WOMEN asked me why the membership wasn’t International Officers PILOTS ASSN. notified of the date of the Board Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Meeting. There is no reason why you President shouldn't know, and we welcome your ALICE ROBERTS suggestions and ideas. 719 Orchid Lane April 4-6, 1986 Last week, I flew 65J to Nogales, Phoenix, Ariz. 85021 EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Ariz., and spoke at a luncheon of the Okla. City, Okla. Vice-President Zonta Club. The weather was beauti­ DONNA T. MYERS ful and I had a wonderful time. Fran 11603 E. 6th Place April 15, 16, 17, 1986 Francis, Tucson Chapter, met me at Denver, Colo. 80011 SOUTHWEST SECTION the airport and drove me to town. I Secretary SPRING MEETING just hope we created enough interest BETTY W. McNABB Las Vegas, Nevada that there will be a new Nogales 926 Third Ave. Chapter of 99s. Albany, Georgia Sunday, the Phoenix Chapter is hav­ M ay 7 & 8, 1988 ing its annual luncheon at Carefree, Treasurer SPECIAL FLY-IN Ariz. Last year we had about 125 visit­ RUTH RUECKERT CANBERRA, A.C.T., AUSTRALIA ing 99s from around the Southwest Sec­ 2037 R ivera St. at the invitation of San Francisco, Calif. 9111G tion. We hope to have at least that His Excellency the Governor Gen­ many, and maybe more, this year. Executive Hoard eral of Australia and Lady Casey Chas. and I are very thankful that LLYDIELLEN “Lygie” Hagan our son-in-law, David Pine, has re­ South 1907 Oneida Place M ay 20, 1966 turned home safely after 5% months Spokane, Washington 99203 SOUTH CENTRAL SECTION in Viet Nam. While there he flew 143 JOAN L. HRUBEC SPRING MEETING missions in a F100. 16902 Dartmouth Ave. Denver, Colo. We are going to try something a little Cleveland, Ohio 44111 different than has been done before and we hope you enjoy it. Starting ELIZABETH V. “ Susie” SEWELL June 28, 1938 c/o Catlin Aviation Co. with next month’s News, we are going AWTAR Impound P. O. Box 82398 to ‘spotlight’ an Executive Board Mem­ Okla. City, Okla. 73108 ber. F eel perhaps, in this small way, June 80, 1966 you might get to know each of us bet­ INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ter. DEADLINE FOR NEWS— Seattle, Washington Be sure you each send your Chap­ The 20th of the Month ter's news in each month. It is through Send Copy To: the News that we get to know you bet­ July 2-5, 1966 Dottie Young, Editor ter and can participate in your activi­ 6512 N. W. 20th St. Dr. AWTAR ties. Bethany, Oklahoma 73008 Seattle, Wash, to Clearwater, Fla. Happy Flying . Alice Roberts Notams AMELIA EARHART SCHOLARSHIP ATTENTON LOS ANGELES AREA By 15 February all applications for ledge of the pilot’s world and the var­ NINETY-NINES . The Los Angeles the Scholarship Awards for 1966 will ious ratings and/or skills for which Chamber of Commerce, assisted by have been evaluated by the Section the Award w ill be used. the California Aerospace Education Scholarship Chairman and her commit­ All of this requires a significant num­ Assn., Calif. State College at Los An­ tee members; and those scoring high­ ber of hours, from the Chapter m em ­ geles, and the National Aeronautics est will have been submitted (on a bers who originally select the candi­ and Space Administration, is sponsor­ quota basis of one per each 100 mem­ dates who shall apply, to the honorary ing the Fifth Women’s Space Sympos­ bers or major fraction thereof) to the judges who make the final decision. ium February 22, 1966. Women high Trustees for further judging. During We are most fortunate in that we pay school seniors and their teachers from the next several weeks each trustee nothing for this time. So—save for ac­ the Los Angeles area are being invited carefully weighs each entry and finally tual cost of paper and printing of ap­ to participate in a full day’s program lists each of the twenty or so applica­ plication blanks, special instructions, on career opportunities in the aero­ tions in order of excellence. The five postage, etc., all contributions to the space industry and related fields. who score highest, based on the judg­ Fund are applied toward the Scholar­ Ninety-Nines and other professional ment of the five Trustees are then ships. women are invited to attend to confer sent to each of the three honorary Memorial and individual contribu­ with the girls during the no-host lunch­ judges upon whose shoulders falls the tions as well as donations for the First eon. This is an opportunity to meet task of actually selecting the winners. Day Covers are deposited 100% in with the teachers and show them that These “outside” judges are men and the Trust. Chapter donations are div­ there is an important place for women women individually prominent in dif­ ided 50% in the Trust 50% toward the in the aviation/aerospace industry. The ferent fields of aviation — such as the current year’s Scholarships. By the Symposium will be held at San Fer­ military, government, commerce, etc., terms of the agreement which esta­ nando Valley College. Tours of the fa­ and each has an actual working know- blished the Scholarship in 1941, the cility and NASA exhibits will be con­ Trustees are limited to insured savings ducted from 9-10 a.m. and from 2-3 accounts or “Blue Chip” stocks and p.m. From 10-12 a panel will discuss Bids for stenotypist for Interna­ bonds for investment. Granted this is the pros and cons of careers in Aero­ tional Convention, Seattle, Wash­ no way to make a million dollars over­ space for women and will answer ington, June 30 - July 1, 1986, are night, but it won’t all disappear over­ questions from the audience (our own now being accepted. Any Ninety- night either. 99, Betty Miller, will be a member of Nine who would like to have the Now that all of the Chapters are this panel). job contact Betty McNabb, 926 well organized for the year with bulg­ ing treasuries is an ideal tim e to make Please advise Miss Harriet E. Porch, Third Ave., Albany, Georgia, your annual contribution to YOUR Program Chairman, 1101 Lincoln Blvd., prior to May 1, 1966. SCHOLARSHIP FUND, and to secure Apt. 3A, Santa Monica, Calif. 90403 some of the “Special AE First Day (home phone 451-0231; business phone, Covers” from Fay Wells, Washington ext. 427) if you attend and if you are Special Notice Chapter or the regular covers which interested in helping form a standing TO: All Committee Chairmen and Sec­ are given with a $1.00 minimum dona­ committee that would be available to tion Governors tion to the Fund and may be ordered meet with any young women interest­ FROM: The President of the Ninety- from 99 Headquarters or Betty Gillies. ed in aerospace careers between Sym­ Nines, via the International Secretary posia. PLEASE send all checks made HAPPY NEW YEAR out to the Am elia Earhart Scholarship It’s time to get those semi-annual Fund—directly to Treasurer Betty Gil­ INSTRUMENT REFRESHER SEMI­ reports together. We know that be­ lies, P. O. Box 625, Rancho Santa Fe, NAR . North Minneapolis, Minn. cause of the lateness of the roster, California 92067. Nona Quarles, Special Assistant, FAA some of you won’t even have had a Deedo Heise, Chairman Trustees General Aviation Affairs, advises an chance to contact your vis-a-vis in 1he Amelia Earhart open invitation has been extended to Chapters, but please get your requests Memorial Scholarship Ninety-Nines to attend an Instrument out ST AT (Medical for fast), ASAP P. S. A ll donations to the Fund are tax Refresher Seminar, conducted by FAA (military for fast) or PDQ (slang for deductible. Academy Instructors and sponsored by fast)—in short, please expedite. the Minnesota Dept. of Aeronautics, Because the Board Meeting is also scheduled as follows: March 12, 1966, almost upon us. P LA N A H E A D 9:00 a.m.
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