San Jose State University SJSU ScholarWorks Special Libraries, 1960 Special Libraries, 1960s 10-1-1960 Special Libraries, October 1960 Special Libraries Association Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1960 Part of the Cataloging and Metadata Commons, Collection Development and Management Commons, Information Literacy Commons, and the Scholarly Communication Commons Recommended Citation Special Libraries Association, "Special Libraries, October 1960" (1960). Special Libraries, 1960. 8. https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1960/8 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Special Libraries, 1960s at SJSU ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Special Libraries, 1960 by an authorized administrator of SJSU ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact [email protected]. SPECIAL LIBRARIES ASSOCIATION Putting Knowledge go Work OFFICERS DIRECTORS President SARAAULL WINIFREDSEWELL L7uiuersity of HOLLJL~JJ Squibb Institute for Medical Research Hoz~ston4, Texirs New Brunswick, New Jersey 1-ORRAINECIBOCH First Vice-president and President-Elect Charles Bruning Co., Inr. EUGENEB. JACKSON Mount Prospen, Illjnois General Motors Co~poration,IVarreii: Alirhi~'i~i W. ROY HOLLEMAN Second Vice-president Scripps Institution of Oceanography PAULL. KNAPP La Jolla, California The Ohio Oil Company. Litrleton, Colorztdo Secretary ALVINAF. WASSENBERG MRS.JEANNE B. NORTH Kaiser Aluminum G Chemirtrl Corp. United Aircraft Corp~rutio>i,East Hartford 8, Cotzn. Spokane, Washington Treasurer hks. ELIZABETHR. USHER OLIVEE. KENNEDY Metropolitan Mr~se.wn01 A1.t Room 5600, 30 Rockefeller Plaz'r, h'ercz York. A-.1'. Neu' Yorh, h'eu' York Immediate Past-President DONALDWASSON DR. BURTONW. ADKINSON Council on Foreign Relations National Science Foundation, Washington, D. C. New York. New York EXECUTIVE SECRETARY: BILL M. WOODS ASSISTANTTO THE EXECUTIVESECRETARY: KATHRYN E. SAIII'H Special Libraries Association jl East 10 Street, New York 3, New York MEMBERSHIP Dues: Sustaining - $100; Active - $15; Associate - $10 ; Afiliate - $15 ; S~udent- $2 ; Emeritus - $5 ; Life - $250. For qualifications, privileges and further information, write the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association. - .- -- - - PUBLICATIONS Aviation subject headings, 1949 ............ $1.75 National insurance organizations in the Bibliography of engineering abstract- United States and Canada, 1957 ........ ing services (SLA bibliography no. Nicknames of American cities, towns I), 1955 ................................................ 1.50 and villages past and present, 1951 .... Bibliography of new guides and aids Picture sources: an introductory list, to public documents use 1953-1956 1959 .......................................................... (SLA bibliography no. 2), 1957 ........ 1.50 SLA directory of members, as of Sep- A brief for corporation libraries, 1949 .... 1.75 tember 1956, 19S7 ................................ A checklist for the organization, opera- SLA loan collection of classification tion and evaluation of a company li- schemes and subject heading lists, 1959 brary, 1960 .............................................. 2.00 Source list of selected labor statistics, Contributions toward a special library rev. ed., 1953 .......................................... glossary, 2nd ed., 1950 ........................ 1.25 Sources of commodity prices, 1960 ........ Correlation index document series & Special Libraries Association-its first PB reports, 1953 .................................... 10.00 fifty years, 1909-1959, 1959 .............. Creation & development of an insur- 2.00 Special Libraries Association personnel ance library, rev. ed., 1949 .................... survey 1959, 1960 .................................. Directory of special libraries, 1953 ........ 5.00 1.75 Subject headings for aeronautical en- Fakes and forgeries in the fine arts, 1950 gineering libraries, 1949 ...................... Handbook of commercial, financial and Subject headings for financial librar- information services, 5th rev. ed., ies, 1954 .................................................. 1956 .......................................................... 5.0n Handbook of scientific and technical Technical libraries, their organization and management, 1951 awards in the United States and ........................ Canada. 1900-1952, 1956 .................... 3.00 Translators and translations: services and Map collections in the U. S. and Can- sources, 19.59 .......................................... ada; a directory, 1954 .......................... 3.00 Visual presentation. Our library, 1953 .... TECHNICAL BOOK REVIEW INDEX-Subscription, $7.50; Foreign, $8.00; Single copies, 75C POSTMASTER: If undeliverable, send Fonh 39t9 to Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10 St.. Rew York 3. N. Y. - -- - - -- - -- -- Micro Opaque Card Positioning with AO's NEW Card Moving Unit Now, you can position micro opaque cards instantly up to a 9" x 9" size ace readily accommodated in this and precisely. American Optical Company's new smooth-working unit. A hinged coverglass holds Card Moving Device gives you exact control of card the card securely to the platen ...protects cards from movements from frame to frame ...both laterally and abrasions, scratches and wear. horizontally. Conveniently located concentric knobs This new low-cost card moving unit is available, provide precise, effortless card movements. Frame as an optional accessory with AO's Micro Opaque selection is simplified with lateral movements of Reader.. or you can purchase separately if you screcn image oriented to follow the direction knob already have an A0 Reader. Attachment is made is turned. quickly and easily. Micro opaque cards of any type or thickness and p---------------------------------------------- 1 I 1)ept. K 168 Please send full information on: I I 0 AO'a New Card Moving Unit i American Optical Company 0 AO's Micro Opaque Reader I 1 Name . -- I I i INSTRUMCNI DIVISION, lurrllo IS, NCW YORK . Address ______- --- -- - i I City -Zone__State MAGAFILES TECHNICAL, SCIENTIFIC The most practical and economicd files BOOKS JOURNALS .ABSTRACTS for unbound magazines und pamphlek PAPERS HOUSE ORGANS ASTRONAUTICS, IVUCLEONICS Free sample MAGAFILE-with com- ELECTRONICS, ENGINEERING plete description and price list-will be MEDICINE, RIOCHEMISTRY, etc. sent upon request. It must sell itself Russian, French, Spanish, German, etc. Suppliers of substantial translations for the I-.S. -no saIesman follow-up. See, try and Government, Libraries, Research Laboratories prove to your own satisfaction with no obligation. A card today will bring a Iberia Translations sample MAGAFILE by return mail. 130 WEST 57TH ST. NEW YORK 19, N. Y. THE MAGAFILE CO. Judson 6-8638 P. 0. BOX 3121 ST. LOUIS 30, MO. __.A- NEW REPRINT Journal of Geophysical Research formerly published as Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity Volumes 1-54, 1896-1949 (A few volumes in the original edition) Cloth bound set . $1,400.00 Si?zgle volzc??ze.r,paper boz~fzd,each $20.00 VOIS.3-7, 1898-1902 VOIS.25-28, 1920-1923 VOIS.40-43, 1935-1938 Vols. 15-17, 1910-1912 VO~S.3 1-34, 1926-1929 Vol. 45, 1940 Vol. 23, 1918 Vol. 36, 1931 Vols. 52-54, 1947-1949 Sifzgle isszles, pdper boufzd, each $4.50 Vol. 1, No. 1, 1896 Vol. 19, Nos. 1,2, 1914 Vol. 30, No. 3, 1925 Vol. 2, Nos. 1-2, 1897 Vol. 20, Nos. 1,3,4, 1915 Vol. 35, No. 1, 1930 Vol. 8, No. 1, 1903 Vol. 21, Nos. 1,2,3, 1916 Vol. 37, Nos. 1,2,4, 1932 Vol. 9, No. 2, 1904 Vol. 22, No. 4, 1917 Vol. 44, No. 1, 1939 Vol. 14, Nos. 3,4, 1909 Vol. 24, No. 1, 1919 Vol. 46, Nos. 1,3, 1941 Vol. 18, Nos. 2,3,4, 1913 Vol. 29, Nos. 1,2, 1924 Vol. 51, No. 1, 1946 JOHNSON REPRINT CORPORATION NEW YORK AND LONDON 11 1 FIFTH AVENUE, NEW YORK 3 17 OLD QUEEN STREET, LONDON, S.W.l SPECIAL LIBRARIES IMPORTANT 2 INDEXES Published by The H.W. Wilson Company APPLIED SCIENCE & TECHNOLO'GY INDEX A cumulative subject index to periodicals in the fields of: AERO- NAUTICS, AUTOMATION,CHEMISTRY, CONSTRUCTION, ELECTRICITY & ELECTRICALCOMMUNICATION, ENGINEERING, GEOLOGY & METAL- LURGY, ~NDUSTRIAL & MECHANICALARTS, MACHINERY,PHYSICS, TRANSPORTATIONand related subjects. Indexes nearly 200 periodicals. Published monthly except August. On the Service Basis. BUSINESS PERIODICALS INDEX A cumulative subject index to periodicals in the fields of: ACCOUNT- ING, ADVERTISING,BANKING & FINANCE,GENERAL BUSINESS, IN- SURANCE, LABOR& MANAGEMENT,MARKETING & PURCHASING, OF- FICE MANAGEMENT,PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION, TAXATION, SPECIFIC BUSINESSES& TRADES. Indexes approximately 120 periodicals. Published monthly except July. On the Service Basis. For information, Write today to: OCTOBER 1960 The nation's leading industrial, transportation, power utillty and communication companies have found that a well-rounded technicians library has been the key to better perfor~ranceby its technician personnel. Rider books have proved then~selvesin tralning programs at the nation's leading firms for techn~cal accuracy, for comprehensive coverage and for making techuical subjects completcly understandable. START WITH THESE PROVEN RIDER 'PICTURED-TEXT' COURSES BASIC CARRIER TELEPHONY David Talley, E.E., BASIC AUDIO by Norrran H. Crowhurst, KO. 201, 3 Xo. 258, soft cover, $4.25; cloth, $5.75. vols.. soft covers, $8.70 per set; No. 201H, cloth $9.95. BASICS OF GYROSCOPES Carl Machover, E.E., BASIC TELEVISION Alex. Schure, Ph.D., No. 198, No. 257, 2 vols., soft covers, $6.60; No. 257H, cloth, 5 vols., soft covers, $10.00; No. 198H, cloth
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