A COMPANION TO THE LATIN LANGUAGE Edited by James Clackson A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication CClackson_ffirs.inddlackson_ffirs.indd iiiiii 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:591:48:59 AAMM CClackson_bindex.inddlackson_bindex.indd 663838 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:40:451:40:45 AAMM A COMPANION TO THE LATIN LANGUAGE CClackson_ffirs.inddlackson_ffirs.indd i 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:591:48:59 AAMM BLACKWELL COMPANIONS TO THE ANCIENT WORLD This series provides sophisticated and authoritative overviews of periods of ancient history, genres of classical literature, and the most important themes in ancient culture. Each volume comprises between twenty-five and forty concise essays written by individual scholars within their area of specialization. The essays are written in a clear, provocative, and lively manner, designed for an international audience of scholars, students, and general readers. ANCIENT HISTORY A Companion to Catullus Published Edited by Marilyn B. Skinner A Companion to the Roman Army A Companion to Roman Religion Edited by Paul Erdkamp Edited by Jörg Rüpke A Companion to the Roman Republic A Companion to Greek Religion Edited by Nathan Rosenstein and Robert Edited by Daniel Ogden Morstein-Marx A Companion to the Classical Tradition A Companion to the Roman Empire Edited by Craig W. Kallendorf Edited by David S. Potter A Companion to Roman Rhetoric A Companion to the Classical Greek World Edited by William Dominik and Jon Hall Edited by Konrad H. Kinzl A Companion to Greek Rhetoric A Companion to the Ancient Near East Edited by Ian Worthington Edited by Daniel C. Snell A Companion to Ancient Epic A Companion to the Hellenistic World Edited by John Miles Foley Edited by Andrew Erskine A Companion to Greek Tragedy A Companion to Late Antiquity Edited by Justina Gregory Edited by Philip Rousseau A Companion to Latin Literature A Companion to Archaic Greece Edited by Stephen Harrison Edited by Kurt A. Raaflaub and Hans van Wees A Companion to Ovid A Companion to Julius Caesar Edited by Peter E. Knox Edited by Miriam Griffin A Companion to Greek and Roman Political A Companion to Ancient History Thought Edited by Andrew Erskine Edited by Ryan K. Balot A Companion to Byzantium A Companion to the Ancient Greek Language Edited by Liz James Edited by Egbert Bakker A Companion to Ancient Egypt A Companion to Hellenistic Literature Edited by Alan B. Lloyd Edited by Martine Cuypers and James J. Clauss A Companion to Ancient Macedonia A Companion to Vergil’s Aeneid and Its Tradition Edited by Joseph Roisman and Ian Worthington Edited by Joseph Farrell and Michael C.J. Putnam A Companion to the Punic Wars A Companion to Horace Edited by Dexter Hoyos Edited by Gregson Davis A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman LITERATURE AND CULTURE Worlds Published Edited by Beryl Rawson A Companion to Classical Receptions A Companion to Greek Mythology Edited by Lorna Hardwick and Christopher Stray Edited by Ken Dowden and Niall Livingstone A Companion to Greek and Roman Historiography Edited by John Marincola CClackson_ffirs.inddlackson_ffirs.indd iiii 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:591:48:59 AAMM A COMPANION TO THE LATIN LANGUAGE Edited by James Clackson A John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Publication CClackson_ffirs.inddlackson_ffirs.indd iiiiii 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:591:48:59 AAMM This edition first published 2011 © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Blackwell Publishing was acquired by John Wiley & Sons in February 2007. Blackwell’s publishing program has been merged with Wiley’s global Scientific, Technical, and Medical business to form Wiley-Blackwell. Registered Office John Wiley & Sons Ltd, The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, United Kingdom Editorial Offices 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148–5020, USA 9600 Garsington Road, Oxford, OX4 2DQ, UK The Atrium, Southern Gate, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 8SQ, UK For details of our global editorial offices, for customer services, and for information about how to apply for permission to reuse the copyright material in this book please see our website at www.wiley.com/wiley-blackwell. The right of James Clackson to be identified as the author of the editorial material in this work has been asserted in accordance with the UK Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. 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If professional advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data A companion to the Latin language / edited by James Clackson. p. cm. – (Blackwell companions to the ancient world) Includes bibliographical references and indexes. ISBN 978-1-4051-8605-6 (alk. paper) 1. Latin language–History. 2. Latin philology. I. Clackson, James. PA2057.C66 2011 470–dc22 2011009293 A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. This book is published in the following electronic formats: ePDFs [ISBN 9781444343366]; Wiley Online Library [ISBN 9781444343397]; ePub [ISBN 9781444343373]; Mobi [ISBN 9781444343380] Set in 10/12.5pt Galliard by SPi Publisher Services, Pondicherry, India 1 2011 CClackson_ffirs.inddlackson_ffirs.indd iivv 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:591:48:59 AAMM Contents List of Illustrations viii Notes on Contributors x Abbreviations of Ancient Authors and Works xiv Abbreviations of Modern Sources xx Symbols Used xxiv Linguistic and Other Abbreviations xxv 1 Introduction 1 James Clackson PART I Sources 7 2 The Latin Alphabet and Orthography 9 Rex Wallace 3 Latin Inscriptions and Documents 29 James Clackson 4 Latin Manuscripts and Textual Traditions 40 Bruce Gibson 5 Romance Languages as a Source for Spoken Latin 59 Roger Wright PART II The Language 81 6 The Sounds of Latin: Phonology 83 Matthew McCullagh 7 Latin Prosody and Metrics 92 Benjamin W. Fortson IV CClackson_ftoc.inddlackson_ftoc.indd v 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:351:48:35 AAMM vi Contents 8 The Forms of Latin: Inflectional Morphology 105 James Clackson 9 Latin Syntax 118 Geoffrey Horrocks 10 Latin Vocabulary 144 Michèle Fruyt 11 Word-Formation in Classical Latin 157 Michèle Fruyt 12 Latin Particles and the Grammar of Discourse 176 Caroline Kroon PART III Latin Through Time 197 13 The Historical Background to Latin within the Indo-European Language Family 199 Benjamin W. Fortson IV 14 Archaic and Old Latin 220 John Penney 15 Classical Latin 236 James Clackson 16 Late Latin 257 J.N. Adams 17 Medieval Latin 284 Greti Dinkova-Bruun 18 Neo-Latin 303 David Butterfield PART IV Literary Registers of Latin 319 19 The Language of Roman Comedy 321 Wolfgang de Melo 20 The Language of Latin Epic and Lyric Poetry 344 Rolando Ferri 21 The Language of Latin Verse Satire 367 Anna Chahoud 22 The Language of Roman Oratory and Rhetoric 384 J.G.F. Powell 23 The Language of Latin Historiography 408 Christina Shuttleworth Kraus CClackson_ftoc.inddlackson_ftoc.indd vvii 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:351:48:35 AAMM Contents vii 24 Epistolary Latin 426 Hilla Halla-aho 25 Latin as a Technical and Scientific Language 445 Thorsten Fögen 26 Legal Latin 464 J.G.F. Powell 27 Christian Latin 485 Philip Burton PART V Latin in Social and Political Contexts 503 28 The Social Dialects of Latin 505 James Clackson 29 Latin and Other Languages: Societal and Individual Bilingualism 527 Alex Mullen 30 Language Policies in the Roman Republic and Empire 549 Bruno Rochette 31 Latin Inside and Outside of Rome 564 Giovanbattista Galdi References 582 Index Locorum 619 Index 627 CClackson_ftoc.inddlackson_ftoc.indd vviiii 66/7/2011/7/2011 111:48:351:48:35 AAMM List of Illustrations Figures 2.1 Etruscan abecedarium from Marsiliana d’Albegna 12 2.2 The Fibula Praenestina 13 2.3 The Forum inscription 14 2.4 The Duenos inscription 16 2.5 The epitaph of Scipio Barbatus 16 2.6 The earliest Latin abecedarium 17 2.7 The Tibur inscription 20 2.8 Dipinto with cursive E and F 21 2.9 Graffito from Pompeii 22 4.1 Simplified stemma showing the relationship of the principal manuscripts of Catullus 43 4.2 MS Canonicianus class. lat. 30, f. 20r., showing Catullus 63.26–56 51 12.1 Sallust, Jug. 95–96.1 189 12.2 Hierarchical structure of Sallust, Jug. 95–96.1 190 15.1 Papyrus fragment of Gallus found at Qasr Ibrim 246 29.1 Bilingual roof-tile from Pietrabbondante 534 29.2 Monument to Regina (RIB I.1065) 544 Tables 2.1 The Classical Latin alphabet 10 2.2. Spelling of velars in Very Old Latin inscriptions 11 2.3 Very Old Latin inscriptions of the seventh to sixth centuries BCE 13 2.4 Comparison of archaic Etruscan and Latin letterforms 19 CClackson_flast.inddlackson_flast.indd vviiiiii 66/8/2011/8/2011 22:07:21:07:21 PPMM List
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