Illustration Illustration © by James Endicott, Images.com The Practice of Being Mastering Stress BY DYAN WILLIAMS awyers are expected to deliver positive results, achieve & Finding Meaning lofty goals, and think and talk their way through prob- lems and challenges. This makes it difficult for those of as a Lawyer Lus who are lawyers to admit that we are vulnerable to making mistakes in high-pressure situations, that we do not always have ready answers, and that we ultimately lack control over outcomes. Lawyers’ livelihoods depend highly on the High stress is a virtual hallmark of ability to produce favorable results under enormous pressure and severe time constraints; lawyers suffer from depression, the legal profession and high rates substance abuse, chronic burnout, stress, and stress-related ill- of suicide, chemical dependency, nesses at rates much higher than the general population.1 These mental health issues are sometimes self-created, but and depression among lawyers individual lawyers can reduce their prevalence, master stress, demonstrate that managing stress and find true meaning in the legal profession by following is a challenge for many. Practicing three inner-oriented steps: the mental disciplines of mindful- ■ mindfulness of the present moment; ness, acceptance, and personal ■ acceptance of situations and circumstances as they unfold; and ■ giving values-based intentions equal or higher priority than authenticity offers a way to quell goal setting. stress and find greater meaning. Creating Suffering Lawyers are two to three times more susceptible to depres- sion or chemical dependency than the average adult.2 The legal 26 Bench&Bar of Minnesota ▲ March 2010 www.mnbar.org Constant demands, conflicting priorities, and billing pressures in the workplace often take a toll on lawyers’ physical health and emotional well-being. profession also carries the highest risk of may affect our clients, ourselves, and our alism, and a lack of balance between per- suicide among all other occupations.3 practice.6 Worrying about the past and sonal and professional aspects of life, Constant demands, conflicting priorities, ruminating about the future frequently which often lead to unhealthy levels of and billing pressures in the workplace puts one at odds with the present stress, to experiences of isolation, empti- often take a toll on lawyers’ physical moment. ness and absence of meaning, and to the health and emotional well-being. While Addicted to speed in a profession rendering of inadequate or inappropriate lawyers’ assistance programs and counsel- where time is money, lawyers juggle mul- services.”9 ing centers are available to help those suf- tiple priorities to get things done fast and, A formal meditation practice, which fering from depression, alcoholism, and in the process, create stress for them- usually involves sitting, closing one’s eyes, other mental health issues, we as individ- selves. Ongoing deadlines, demands from focusing on one’s breath, and noticing ual lawyers have primary responsibility for clients and bosses, and never-ending thoughts, feelings, emotions, and body how we view our profession, how we see responsibilities lead to stressful multitask- sensations come and go, is one of the our place within it, and how we relate to ing. But doing too many things at once most effective ways to cultivate mindful- it. While emotional distress or mental suf- and not taking any meaningful breaks ness. Mindfulness can also be achieved by fering often results from external circum- preclude being present and truly awake to paying full attention to one’s work activi- stances, much of it is also self-created. what you are doing. Scientific evidence ties, such as making a telephone call, This is particularly so for those who obsess shows that chronic multitasking can fuel speaking to opposing counsel, drafting a over the future or past instead of focus on a stress response that results in short-term brief, or arguing before a judge. Everyday the here and now, resist uncontrollable memory loss, inability to focus, and gaps mindfulness also includes simple things outcomes as they unfold, and measure in attentiveness.7 Not being mindful leads like feeling the earth under your feet as their self-worth in terms of wealth, power, to doing and saying things out of habit, you walk, sensing the texture of food status, fame, and reputation. operating on autopilot, making careless when you eat, and listening to what oth- Those who do not pay attention to the mistakes, and rushing from task to task ers are saying without judgment or plan- present moment or accept present situa- without noticing the breaks in between. ning what you want to say next. tions as they occur easily lose their center In contrast, by practicing mindfulness, Mindfulness enables one to see that the when unexpected changes and unwanted i.e., having moment-to-moment aware- world is theirs to participate in and nur- events arise. Failing to set values-based ness of what is before you without judg- ture, not manipulate and control. Living intentions and live in alignment with ment or reaction, you can let go of fixa- in the moment and fully observing your them leads to suffering emotional conse- tions on the past and musings about the current experience (and not wishing you quences like misery, anxiety, and anger future. Focusing on one thing at a time were somewhere else) leads to realization when desired goals are not achieved. The before quickly switching to the next can that inner peace or happiness is a choice error lies in believing that external sources, reduce self-created stress. Mindfulness and does not arise only when or only if such as higher compensation, promotions, involves noticing thoughts and feelings as something specific happens. accolades, and material possessions are they come and go, without being keys to lasting happiness. While these attached to or averse to them. Individuals Acceptance/Nonresistance things do make life easier and more pleas- learn that they have the power to choose While much of the stress lawyers expe- urable, they are hollow reflectors of an their actions regardless of the fear, anxi- rience is related to external circum- individual’s true essence. Contemporary ety, and worry they might be feeling. stances—such as a flagging economy, bill- spiritual teachers and psychologists note Mindfulness induces a deeper awareness able goals and demanding clients—much that the true path to a full and meaningful of the impermanence of all things, which of it is also self-created. It’s all too easy to life begins with knowing and making allows one to navigate life’s challenges worry and get upset over things that are peace with your inner self (which is always with openness and curiosity. none of our business and that are out of within reach) and living accordingly.4 Leonard L. Riskin, a professor at the our hands. Unexpected results or unwant- Accepting trials and tribulations with University of Florida Fredric G. Levin ed changes induce fear of losing control grace and equanimity, and even welcom- College of Law, proposes meditation as a and the discomfort of moving into ing them as opportunities for growth and practice for dealing with stress among uncharted territory. The key to make way transformation, begin with the three lawyers and law students. In a Spring for easeful living and stress mastery is to inner-oriented steps outlined below: 2002 Harvard Negotiation Law Review arti- accept that you are not always in control, cle, “The Contemplative Lawyer: On the surrender to the dance of life, and allow Mindfulness Potential Contributions of Mindfulness true wisdom to arise from deep within.10 As Eckhart Tolle, spiritual teacher and Meditation to Law Students, Lawyers and Acceptance of reality does not mean author of The Power of Now, states, “The Their Clients,” he noted, “[Stress-relat- being approving, passive, indifferent, or past is a memory of a former Now; the ed] problems stem in part from certain reluctant to voice your opinions and per- future is a mental projection of an expect- narrow, adversarial mind-sets that tend to spectives. Rather, it involves taking more ed Now.”5 Failure to understand this leads dominate the way most lawyers think and skilful action from a deeper awareness of to constant fretting about the conse- most legal education is structured.”8 Such how things truly are rather than from old quences of past actions or decisions, or mindsets, he added, “tend to promote habits and conditioned reactions. anxiety over potential future results that egocentric behavior, excessive adversari- The concept of letting go of outcomes www.mnbar.org March 2010 ▲ Bench&Bar of Minnesota 27 Being authentic allows you to have a rich and purposeful life that is not contingent on wealth, power, status, reputation, or fame. and truly surrendering to whatever ous experiences, common sayings that are taken for grant- unfolds is difficult for lawyers; many you remain content and ed, but are very true in life. Be grateful for believe this makes them more vulnerable. open to whatever unfolds. your accomplishments and possessions Lawyers take action based on ideas about Only then are you truly free. without being attached to them. A big what is just and what is unjust, stories Once you realize that difficult client account you have today may be about who is right and who is wrong, and feelings are not you, but simply gone tomorrow. beliefs about who should win and who come and go as they pass through you, you should lose. But while lawyers are prob- can live and work in a truly mindful state. Authenticity lem-solvers, not all problems are solvable By stilling your thoughts and sitting with Lawyers are highly goal oriented and by thinking and arguing.
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