the Ordo for the Daily Office and the Holy Eucharist Advent 2020 through Advent 2021 ( Year 1 & Year B ) Compiled and edited by Jonathan Maury, SSJE THE SOCIETY OF SAINT JOHN THE EVANGELIST 980 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts www.ssje.org 1 2 TABLE of CONTENTS NOTES to the 2020 – 2021 EDITION Page 5 CALENDAR of the CHURCH YEAR Page 6 TITLES of the SEASONS and SUNDAYS Page 9 MONTHLY CALENDAR Page 11 ABOUT the DAILY OFFICE PSALTER Page 23 DAILY OFFICE PSALTER: Monastery Page 24 DAILY OFFICE PSALTER: Emery House Page 26 TABLE of ABBREVIATIONS for DAYS, COLORS, READINGS & SOURCES Page 28 NORMS for the SEASON of ADVENT Page 29 NORMS for the TWELVE DAYS of CHRISTMAS Page 44 3 NORMS for ORDINARY TIME after the EPIPHANY Page 57 NORMS for the SEASON of LENT Page 82 HOLY WEEK Page 103 EASTER WEEK Page 109 NORMS for the EASTER SEASON Page 117 NORMS for ORDINARY TIME after the DAY of PENTECOST Page 143 APPENDICES Appendix 1: Collects for Lesser Feasts and Commemorations Page 250 Appendix 2: A Four-Week Daily Office Psalter Page 255 Appendix 3: Angelus and Regina Coeli Page 256 Appendix 4: Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary Page 258 Appendix 5: SSJE Sabbath Prayers Page 261 4 NOTES: The 2020 – 2021 Ordo Observance of Lesser Feasts and Commemorations Collect texts for Saints Days reference Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2018 (LFF). Collects from A Great Cloud of Witnesses (AGCW) and For All the Saints (FAS) appear with the proper or in Ordo Appendix 1. Lesson, Psalm and Proper Preface citations in the Ordo reference Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2018 (LFF). Collect page number citations for Lent and Easter seasons reference Holy Women, Holy Men (HWHM). Reference Resources Online A Great Cloud of Witnesses https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/19349 Lesser Feasts and Fasts 2018 https://extranet.generalconvention.org/staff/files/download/27226 For All the Saints (rev.) https://c2892002f453b41e858148246336d122ce2b0bccb7a98e224e96 .ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/ForAlltheSaints.pdf We brothers of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist are blessed by your partnership in offering the Church’s worship of God the Holy Trinity and praying for the whole creation. 5 The CALENDAR of the CHURCH YEAR according to the use of the Society of St. John the Evangelist The Church Year consists of two cycles of Solemnities and Feasts: one is dependent upon the movable date of the Solemnity of the Sunday of the Resurrection: Easter Day; the other, upon the fixed date of December 25, the Solemnity of the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ: Christmas Day. Easter Day is always the first Sunday after the full moon that falls on or after March 21. It cannot occur before March 22 or after April 25. The sequence of all Sundays of the Church Year depends upon the date of Easter Day. But the Sundays of Advent are always the four Sundays before Christmas Day, whether it occurs on a Sunday or a weekday. The date of Easter also determines the beginning of Lent on Ash Wednesday, and the Solemnity of Ascension Day on a Thursday forty days after Easter Day. 1. SOLEMNITIES SOLEMNITIES of our Lord observed in the Calendar are the following: CHRISTMAS DAY Dec. 25 EASTER DAY The HOLY NAME Jan. 1 ASCENSION DAY The EPIPHANY Jan. 6 The DAY of PENTECOST The BAPTISM of CHRIST TRINITY SUNDAY The PRESENTATION Feb. 2 The BODY & BLOOD of CHRIST The SUNDAY of The SACRED HEART the TRANSFIGURATION The TRANSFIGURATION Aug. 6 The ANNUNCIATION Mar. 25 HOLY CROSS DAY Sept. 14 MAUNDY THURSDAY ALL SAINTS Nov. 1 GOOD FRIDAY CHRIST the KING HOLY SATURDAY SOLEMNITIES of Saints observed are the following: The VISITATION May 31 ST. MARY the VIRGIN Aug.15 The NATIVITY of ST. JOHN ST. MICHAEL the BAPTIST June 24 & ALL ANGELS Sept. 29 ST. PETER & ST. PAUL June 29 Solemnities ordinarily take precedence of any other day or observance. However, Solemnities appointed on fixed days in the Calendar, when they occur on a Sunday in Lent, on a Sunday of Easter Season or on Ascension Day, are transferred to the first convenient open day within the week. In addition, Solemnities appointed on fixed days in the Calendar, when they occur on the days of Holy Week or of Easter Week, are transferred to the week following the Second Sunday of Easter, in the order of their occurrence. Solemnities are observed with a First Evensong which takes precedence over Evensong of any other day except another Solemnity and the Sundays in Lent or of Easter. 6 2. Feasts All Sundays of the year (not already appointed as Solemnities of our Lord) are Feasts of our Lord. The other Feasts regularly observed throughout the year are the following: St. Andrew Nov. 30 St. Barnabas June 11 The Conception of the St. Mary Magdalene July 22 Blessed Virgin Mary Dec. 8 St. James & St. John July 25 St. Thomas Dec. 21 St. Bartholomew Aug. 24 St. Stephen Dec. 26 The Beheading of St. John Dec. 27 & May 6 St. John the Baptist Aug. 29 The Holy Innocents Dec. 28 The Nativity of the Richard Meux Benson Jan. 14 Blessed Virgin Mary Sept. 8 The Confession of St. Peter Jan. 18 St. Matthew Sept. 21 The Conversion of St. Paul Jan.25 St. Luke Oct. 18 St. Matthias Feb.24 St. James of Jerusalem Oct. 23 St. Joseph Mar. 19 St. Simon & St. Jude Oct. 28 St. Mark Apr. 25 All Souls Nov. 2 St. Philip & St. James May 1 Thanksgiving Day Feasts appointed on fixed days in the Calendar, when they occur on a Sunday, are transferred to the first convenient open day within the week. Feasts appointed on fixed days in the Calendar do not take precedence of Ash Wednesday. Feasts appointed on fixed days in the Calendar, when they occur on the days of Holy Week or of Easter Week, are transferred to the week following the Second Sunday of Easter, in the order of their occurrence. The Saturday Evensong preceding a Sunday/Feast of our Lord is regarded as the First Evensong of that Sunday/Feast. The other Feasts do not have a First Evensong. However, their Evensong takes precedence over the First Evensong of a Sunday/Feast, except those of the Sundays of Advent, in Lent and of Easter. 3. Lesser Feasts Lesser Feasts observed in the Calendar are listed below. The observance of Lesser Feasts is subject to the rules of precedence governing Solemnities and Feasts. Lesser Feasts are omitted when they occur on Solemnities and Feasts. However, on Ordinary Sundays a simple observance of a Lesser Feast may be made at the Eucharist (in the Prayers of the People and the Eucharistic Prayer) and at Evensong (in the Suffrages). Lesser Feasts which occur on Ash Wednesday, the days of Holy Week and of Easter Week are omitted. Lesser Feasts, which fall on the weekdays of Advent and Lent, are observed as Commemorations only. 7 Additionally, Saturdays during Ordinary Time (after the Epiphany and after the Day of Pentecost), which are unencumbered by any of the above observances, may be kept as Lesser Feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Godbearer. (At Morning Prayer, the Invitatory Antiphon: Ordinary Time 2 and a Marian collect from the appendix (of Morning Prayer or of the Ordo) are used. At the Eucharist, Gloria in excelsis and Marian Collects of the Day and At the Prayers are used. Lessons may be those of the feria, or from the Common of the Blessed Virgin Mary.) 4. (Commemorations) (Commemorations), so indicated, are listed in the calendar below. Commemorations are normally observed at Noonday Prayer through a reading from writings by or about the person being commemorated, and by prayers reflecting his/her witness and concerns. When appropriate, Commemorations may be marked at the Eucharist by use of the appointed Collect to conclude the Prayers of the People, or by simple mention in the Prayers themselves. Commemorations may also be observed in the Suffrages at Evening Prayer. 5. Days of Special Devotion The following days are observed by special acts of discipline and self-denial: Ash Wednesday and the other weekdays of Lent and Holy Week, except the Solemnity of the Annunciation. Good Friday and all the other Fridays of the year, in commemoration of the Lord's crucifixion, except for Fridays in the Christmas and Easter seasons, and any Solemnities which occur on a Friday. In addition, Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the four quarterly days of intercession (see Ember Days below) are kept as days of fasting. 6. Other Observances Subject to the rules of precedence governing Solemnities, Feasts and Lesser Feasts, the following days and occasions are also observed: The Ember Days, traditionally observed on the Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays after the First Sunday in Lent, the Day of Pentecost, Holy Cross Day and December 13. The Rogation Days, traditionally observed on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday before Ascension Day. The Various Occasions (traditionally called Votives) provided by the Prayer Book for special celebrations of the Eucharist. Votive Eucharists for the Departed (Requiems) are celebrated for members of the Society who have died in the given month. There shall be no celebration of the Eucharist for any of the Various Occasions on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. 8 The TITLES of the SEASONS and SUNDAYS observed throughout the Year Advent Season The First Sunday of Advent The Second Sunday of Advent The Third Sunday of Advent The Fourth Sunday of Advent Christmas Season THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST: CHRISTMAS DAY, December 25 The First Sunday after Christmas Day THE HOLY NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, January 1 The Second Sunday after Christmas Day Epiphany Season THE EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST, or the Manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles,
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