Liste over tredjestater, områder eller soner det tillates å importere fjørfe og visse fjørfeprodukter fra (jf. Del 1 av vedlegg I til forordning (EF) nr. 798/2008 oppdatert t.o.m. forordning (EU) 2021/568) 5 Veterinærsertifikat Særlige betingelser Tredjelandets Tredjelandets, eller områdets sonens eller Beskrivelse av tredjelandet, området, ISO-kode og segmentets sonen eller segmentet navn kode 1 Begynnelses- Model(ler) Sluttdato 2 labekjempelsesstatus dato Supplerende garantier Særlige betingelser Status mht aviær overvåking av influensa Status mht mot vaksinasjon aviær influensa Salmonel 1 2 3 4 5 6 6A 6B 7 8 9 AL -Albania AL-0 Hele landet EP, E S4 SPF AR – Argentina AR-0 Hele landet POU, RAT, EP, E A S4 WGM VIII SPF EP, E S4 BPP,DOC, HEP, 31.07.2020 S0, ST0 SRP, LT20 AU – Australia AU-0 Hele landet BPR I DOR II HER III POU VI RAT VII BA – Bosnia BA-0 E, EP S4 Hele landet Herzegovina POU BR-0 Hele landet SPF Statene: Rio Grande do Sul, Santa RAT, BPR, DOR, N A BR-1 Catarina, Paraná, São Paulo og Mato HER, SRA BR –Brasil Grosso do Sul Statene: Mato Grosso, Paraná, Rio BPP, DOC, HEP, N S5, ST0 BR-2 Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina og São SRP, LT20 Paulo WGM VIII Distrito Federal og staterne: Goiás, Minas Gerais, Mato Grosso, Mato BR-3 Grosso do Sul, Paraná, Rio Grande do EP, E, POU N S4 Sul, Santa Catarina og São Paulo SPF EP, E S4 BRP I BW - Botswana BW-0 Hele landet DOR II HER III RAT VII EP, E og POU IX BY – BY-0 Hele landet (gjelder kun transitt Hviterussland gjennom Litauen) CA – Canada SPF CA-0 Hele landet EP, E S4 WGM VIII POU, RAT CA-1 Hele Canada, unntatt området CA-2 BPR, BPP, DOC, N DOR, HEP, HER, A S1, ST1 SRA, SRP, LT20 CA-2 Område av Canada som svarer til: Ingen CH – Sveits CH-0 Hele landet 3 A 3 SPF EP, E S4 BPR, BPP, DOC, N A S0, ST0 CL – Chile CL-0 Hele landet DOR, HEP, HER, SRA, SRP, LT20 WGM VIII POU, RAT N CN-0 EP Hele landet CN – Kina CN-1 Provinsen Shandong POU, E VI P2 06.02.2004 - S4 GB – Det forente GB-0 SPF Hele landet kongerike6 EP, E GB-1 BPP, BPR, DOC, N A DOR, HEP, HER, Hele landet unntatt området GB-2 SRP, SRA, LT20 WGM POU, RAT N GB-2 Område av Det forente kongerike som tilsvarer: GB-2.1 North Yorkshire County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 6.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 6.1.2021 dec. coordinates N54.30 and W1.47 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 6.1.2021 P2 GB-2.2 North Yorkshire County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 8.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 8.1.2021 dec. coordinates N54.29 and W1.45 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 8.1.2021 P2 GB-2.3 Norfolk County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 10.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 10.1.2021 dec. coordinates N52.49 and E0.95 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 10.1.2021 P2 GB-2.4 Norfolk County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 11.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 11.1.2021 dec. coordinates N52.72 and E0.15 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 11.1.2021 P2 GB-2.5 Derbyshire County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 17.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centered on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 17.1.2021 dec. coordinates N52.93 and W1.57 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 17.1.2021 P2 GB-2.6 North Yorkshire County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 19.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centered on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 19.1.2021 dec. coordinates N54.37 and W2.16 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 19.1.2021 P2 GB-2.7 Orkney Islands: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 20.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centered on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 20.1.2021 dec. coordinates N59.28 and W2.44 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 20.1.2021 P2 GB-2.8 Dorset County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 20.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centered on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 20.1.2021 dec. coordinates N51.06 and W2.27 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 20.1.2021 P2 GB-2.9 Norfolk County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 23.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centered on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 23.1.2021 dec. coordinates N52.52 and E0.96 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 23.1.2021 P2 GB-2.10 Norfolk County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 28.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centered on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 28.1.2021 dec. coordinates N52.52 and E0.95 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 28.1.2021 P2 GB-2.11 Norfolk Country: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 7.2.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10.4 km, centered on WGM P2 1.1.2021 7.2.2021 WGS84 dec. coordinates N52.53 and POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 7.2.2021 E0.66 P2 GB-2.12 Devon County: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 1.1.2021 31.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 1.1.2021 31.1.2021 dec. coordinates N50.70 and W3.36 POU, RAT N 1.1.2021 31.1.2021 P2 GB-2.13 Near Amlwch, Isle of Anglesey, Wales: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 27.1.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 27.1.2021 dec. coordinates N53.38 and W4.30 POU, RAT N 27.1.2021 P2 GB-2.14 Near Redcar, Redcar and Cleveland, BPP, BPR, DOC, N 8.2.2021 A England: DOR, HEP, HER, P2 SRP, SRA, LT20 The area contained within a circle of a WGM P2 8.2.2021 radius of 10 km, centred on WGS84 POU, RAT N 8.2.2021 dec. coordinates N54.57 and W1.07 P2 GB-2.15 Glenrothes, Fife, Scotland: BPP, BPR, DOC, N 12.2.2021 A DOR, HEP, HER, P2 The area contained within a circle of a SRP, SRA, LT20 radius of 10km, centred on WGS84 WGM P2 12.2.2021 dec, coordinates N56.23 and W3.02 POU, RAT N 12.2.2021 P2 GB-2.16 Staffordshire county, Derbyshire BPP, BPR, DOC, N 29.3.2021 A county: DOR, HEP, HER, P2 SRP, SRA, LT20 The area contained with a circle of a WGM P2 29.3.2021 radius of 10km, centred on WGS84 POU, RAT N 29.3.2021 dec, coordinates N52.99 and W1.85 P2 GG - Guernsey GG-0 Hele området N A GL-0 SPF GL – Grønland Hele landet EP, WGM Hele det særlige administrative EP HK – Hong Kong HK-0 området Hong Kong SPF, EP BPP, BPR, DOC, A S5, ST1 DOR, HEP, HER, X P3 28.01.2017 LT20 IL-0 Hele landet SRP P3 18.04.2015 IL-Israel 4 RAT X P3 28.01.2017 WGM VIII P3 18.04.2015 E X P3 28.01.2017 S4 IL-1 Område sør for Route No 5 POU X N, P2 24.04.2019 IL-2 Område nord for Route No 5 POU X P3 28.01.2017 IN – India IN-0 Hele landet EP IS-0 SPF IS – Island Hele landet EP, E S4 JP-0 EP, E JP - Japan Hele landet POU P2 05.11.2020 KR – KR-0 EP, E S4 Republikken Hele landet Korea MD- Republikken MD-0 EP Hele landet Moldova ME – ME-0 EP Hele landet Montenegro MG – SPF MG-0 Hele landet Madagaskar EP, E, WGM S4 MY – Malaysia MY-0 - - MY-1 EP Vest-Malaysia (Malacca halvøyen) E S4 MK – Nord- E, EP MK-0 Hele landet Makedonia POU P3 22.4.2020 SPF MX - Mexico MX-0 Hele landet EP 05.02.2016 SPF BPR I NA - Namibia NA-0 Hele landet DOR II HER III RAT, EP, E VII S4 NC – Ny EP NA-0 Hele landet Kaledonia SPF BPR, BPP, DOC, S0, ST0 NZ – New DOR, HEP, HER, NZ-0 Hele landet Zealand SRA, SRP, LT20 WGM VIII EP, E, POU, RAT S4 PM – Saint SPF Pierre og PM-0 Hele landet Miquelon RS – Serbia RS-0 Hele landet EP EP, E RU - Russland RU-0 Hele landet P2 17.11.2016 S4 POU P3 28.01.2019 SG - Singapore SG-0 Hele landet EP SPF, EP WGM VIII 1.7.2012 TH - Thailand TH-0 Hele landet POU, RAT 1.7.2012 E 1.7.2012 S4 SPF DOR, BPR, BPP, S0, ST0 TN - Tunisia TN-0 Hele landet HER, LT20 WGM VIII EP, E, POU, RAT S4 SPF TR – Tyrkia TR-0 Hele landet EP, E S4 UA - Ukraina EP, E UA-0 Hele landet WGM UA-1 Hele landet unntatt området UA-2 POU, RAT UA-2 Område av Ukraina som tilsvarer: WGM P2 30.11.2016 07.03.2020 UA-2.1 Kherson Oblast (region) POU, RAT P2 30.11.2016 07.03.2020 WGM P2 4.1.2017 07.03.2020 UA-2.2 Odessa Oblast (region) POU, RAT P2 4.1.2017 07.03.2020 WGM P2 4.1.2017 07.03.2020 UA-2.3 Chernivtsi Oblast (region) POU, RAT P2 4.1.2017 07.03.2020 UA-2.4 Vinnytsia Oblast (region), Nemyriv WGM P2 19.01.2020 20.03.2021 Raion (distrikt), kommuner: POU, RAT P2 19.01.2020 20.03.2021 Landsbyen Berezivka Landsbyen Bratslav Landsbyen Budky Landsbyen Bugaki Landsbyen Chervone Landsbyen Chukiv Landsbyen Danylky Landsbyen Dovzhok Landsbyen Horodnytsia Landsbyen Hrabovets Landsbyen Hranitne Landsbyen Karolina Landsbyen Korovayna Landsbyen Korzhiv Landsbyen Korzhivka Landsbyen Kryklivtsi Landsbyen Maryanivka Landsbyen Melnykivtsi Landsbyen Monastyrok Landsbyen Monastyrske Byen Nemyriv Landsbyen Novi Obyhody Landsbyen Ostapkivtsi Landsbyen Ozero Landsbyen Perepelychcha Landsbyen Rachky Landsbyen Salyntsi Landsbyen Samchyntsi Landsbyen Sazhky Landsbyen Selevintsi Landsbyen Sholudky Landsbyen Slobidka Landsbyen Sorokoduby Landsbyen Sorokotiazhyntsi Landsbyen Velyka Bushynka Landsbyen Vovchok Landsbyen Vyhnanka Landsbyen Yosypenky Landsbyen Zarudyntsi Landsbyen Zelenianka UA-2.5 Mykolaiv Oblast (region) WGM P2 04.12.2020 Kherson Oblast (region) POU, RAT P2 04.12.2020 Khersonskyi (Bilozerskyi) Raion (distrikt), kommunene: Landsbyen Tavriyske Landsbyen Nova zoria UA-2.6 Kyiv Oblast (region): WGM P2 24.12.2020 Ivankiv Raion (distrikt), POU, RAT P2 24.12.2020 Kommunene: Landsbyen Leonivka Landsbyen Blidcha Landsbyen Kolentsi Landsbyen Zymovyshche Landsbyen
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