Blank ,I. •••••• • • •• •• • ----• • , • • • •• , .. .....11 ..... ...... .... .. 12.. .........::: ........ 16 .. ........ ••.•... 20 .. " >". '0, •••... 24 ............. Tuesday ". ••...•• 28 ........... ::: I ........ 2 ....... .. January 24, 1978 " 1" .Iowa City's ..... PI10", ...... " Vol. 110, No. 129 , , , , , City , """' " " '" © 1978 Student Publications Inc., 10 cents ·Morning newspaper Zip . ... " " ,,::'., . '"dudln, Iddt~ rite Ilv n below, ~ MIni_III Id 1. --. Bagin links Wilmington. 10 pardon peace talks to decorum refu.sed; sentences cut JERUSALEM (UPI) - Prime RALEIGH, N.C, (UPI) - Gov. James Wlllle Vereen, mother of one of Racial Justice In Wilmington when the MinlIter Menahem Begin said Monday B. Hunt Jr. said Monday night he the defendants, said HWlt's speech "just violence erupted. He drew a minimum of said he hopei to reswne direct negotia. "cannot and will not pardon" the tore me apart. I just don't know what's 29 years In prison pn? the church has tions with EmIt u early u next week - Wilmington 10, but reduced their sen· going to happen, We really don't think been the. main flnanctal backer of the providing Cairo IlopI insulting Israel tences to make all but their leader HWlt made the right decision," fight to free the 10. with "lbUllv, ttatementl." eligible for parole this year, Etta Patrick, mother of another of the "I have to Idd I warning," be said, The Rev. Avery E. Post, president of Hunt told a statewide television group, said "I don't think It's the end of the church, said in New York the backing speaking IndlrecUy to Egyptian leaden audience that he felt the civil rights It. It will never be ended WlUI they are from the podlwn of the IsrleU par. would continue, "I am overcome with workers - nine black men and a white free," shock and pain and disappointment," lIament. woman - were fairly tried and convicted The defendahts' chief attorney, James Post said, "We will not accept any harm to the and refused to change their sentences for E. Ferguson II, said Hunt's decision honOr of the Jewish state during conspiring to shoot at police and firemen "means that North Carolina has firmly The governor, who spent the past two negotiations, " during 1971 raclal turmoil In Wilmington. rooted Itself In the past - In racism and weeks fonnulating his opinion, said, "I He Slid hostile Ind Insulting But he said he felt their arson sen· repression." doubt it will satisfy those who have statements from the Egyptian capital tences were too severe, and reduced ChaviS was worklng for the United demanded a pardon or those who opposed made It Impollible .t this time for larael them so that eight of the 10 will be Church of Christ's Commission for any action," to send Its delegation to the Cairo paroled by Oct. 28. But the group's wi nn r of eidt mllltary taib. leader, the Rev. Ben ChaviS, will not be each category wiH "I hope at the start of next week we can eligible for parole WlW Jan. I, 1911. The House links Korean aid . They will be decide about sending our delegation woman was paroled last year. Union Feb- back." he said, Iddlng, "It Is a hope." Hunt's refUB81 to pardon the group - He .poke at the end of I flve-bour listed by Amnesty International. .as debate on the .talled Middle Eut peace political prisoners - brought a storm of totcooperation in probe moves and won. 59-9 endorJement of his protest. policies, with 19 abstaining. Tbe Rep, Parren Mitchell, D-Md., head of WASHINGTON (UPI) - A resolution Including United States programs of parUament has 120 members. the Congressional black caucus, said was introduced In the House Monday assistance for that country." Foreign Minlater MOIlle Dayan. wbo "from this point on, I will have to oppose indicating U,S. aid to South Korea might The measure was referred to the House met Monday with Underaecretary of every human rights commitment that be cut off If the Seoul government does International Relations Conunlttee. State Alfred Alberton, said earlier the comes up .. , because we can no longer not cooperate in the congreSSional In­ O'Neill, House Republican Leader United States Is working to continue the support human rights abroad and deny nuence-peddllng investigation. John Rhodes and Rep , John Flynt, Ma., negotiations despite the suspension of the them at home." ' The resolUtion, Introduced by Rep, chairman of the House Ethics Com· foreign mlnIatera conference last week Raleigh's U,S , attorney, Mickey Allen Ertel, I).Pa" and supported by mlttee. demanded in speeches on the and the Israeli dedal.on to stay out of the Michaux, said HWlt "has made a grave House Speaker Thomas O'Ne1ll, said House floor that rice dealer Tongsun error both In his reasoning and In his Seoul's failure to cooperate "will have a Park and others be made aVl\ilable for mllltary taIb for now. The Daily Iowan/John Deride Jr "They are suggesting proposals that Ti,ed Madonna position based on his reasoning." negative impact on relations between the questioninl! by Flynt's panel. are generally realistic and comprom1aes, Michaux is black. United States and the Republic of Korea. The committee Is Investigating although sometimes not acceptable on allegations that Koreans bribed memo our side or theln (Egypt's)," be said. bers of Congress to Insure favorable "Today the United States 1.1 playing a treatment for South Korea. central role In all of this." O'Neill, who said SWlday and repeated Boyd attacks funding 'ambiguity Monday that he had sent a warning to Begin, who one day earUer announced South Korean President Park ChWlg Hee postponement of the departure of the Defense (DOD) . one of the agencies that period, and that the reports could, In funds were often ImPOWlded and then on the subject last week, was asked if the By TERRY IRWIN Israeli deleg.tlon to military taib In supplies funding to the VI for research effect, penalize individuals for working released later In the year. He added that threat included a cut off of military aid as CaIro, delivered a one-hour speech to Staff Wri ter grants in areas such as the basic more than 40 hours per week, occasionally an error was made, but that well as econonlic help. parllam nt that departed algn1ficantly sciences, has agreed with the UI, not The audit, Jennings said, also asserted such errors are corrected by the lJI's HEW, about disputed salary payments. that funds paid to ill graduate assistants Internal monitoring system. "As I rel\d the House, they're going to from the haraber prepared ten. Calling the alleged misuse of more have difficulty getting any kind of aid for Where the prepared vera10n warned of than $2.1 milllOD In federal researc;t The DOD has not, however, spoken to should be returned because the VI did not "And the act of correcting the error Is HEW on behalf of the VI. withhold tax. He said although it is the what they think Is wrong. They're Korea," he replied, I total breakdown In the peace process, funds during 1971·1974 "a question of Rhodes said, "I sincerely hope that it Begin said, "We left the door completely differing opinions," UJ President Willard The audit asserts that in 1974 the VI belief of the auditors that the services asswning there wasn't an error," Jen· paid for salaries that should not have were not rendered, the VI believes they nings said. will not be necessary for us to take action open to negoti.tions In the mIlltary and Boyd said Monday the UJ would like a unilaterally as far as South Korea is political talks and on the declaration of single set of regulations to follow, come from federal funds. Jennings said were indeed rendered, and that the Issue Boyd said some of the allegations concerned. " prlnclpl . " We are anxious to follow the VI believes thls Ignores Its payroll is "no longer in dispute" because the suggested in the audit cause rum great "When we see that there are no more regulations," Boyd said, "but we would distribution system and that HEW based HEW Appeals Board has ruled In favor of concern, but that he thinks the UJ has a Tongsun Park is WIder indictment in Ibuslve statementa, there won't be any like one set to follow all the way through, this finding on an audit review of a VI other universities on the same Issue, good case. the alleged bribe scheme and Justice obstacle for our military repreaentatives If we could all agree on the ground "effort" report, which was intended Jennings said there had been late Department investigators are now in to go out and participate In the military rules." solely as a sample report of a week's expenditure transfers at the VI, but that "I think that It is very Important that Seoul questioning him about It. So far. talks." The 96-page audit report asserts that: activity, such transfers had occurred for three no one has questioned the quality of the however, there has been no firm In· The written version said: "In such an - The UJ Illegally transferred $234,882 Jennings said the figures In the "ef· reasons, He said notices of grants or research done at the UJ," he said "The dlcation from the South Korean govern· atmosphere of hatred and Indtement to In federal monies from one accoWlt to fort" report were used by the auditors to continuations of grants often arrived late agencies seem to tblnk that It Is well ment that Park will be returned to the hatred against the Jewish people and the another; judge facu1~y activity for a seven-month from federal agencies, and that federal done," United States to testify before Congress.
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