SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the Civic Square A{{ Electronic Meetings can be viewed at: City of Welland website: https:/lwww.welland.ca/Council/LiveStream.asp 1. COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE (IN-CAMERA) {5:00 p.m.) (See yellow tab) • Litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; - Aqueduct - Legal Update. - Dain City Rain Event. • Proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; - Northern Reach Update. - Declarfng Surplus Lands. - Agreement of purchase and safe for surplus city owned lands municipally known as 469 Rice Road (former Soccer Cfub Lands). • Receiving of advice tha1 is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose: - Elite - TO2015 Construction - Facility & Tower Update. • Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees and litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administratlve tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; - Group Home - 309 Beatrice Street. • A trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly 1he competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization: - Lease - WMHA at Main Arena. ■ Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; - Crossing Guards Update. 2. ARISE FROM COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE (IN-CAMERA) (7:00 p.m.) 3. OPEN SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING FOLLOWING COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE (IN­ CAMERA) 3.1 ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO AGENDA 3.2 ADOPTION OF MINUTES Regular Council Meeting of July 6, 2021 (Previously Distributed). U,,,t\ll1mUu,, " 1' SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA - Page 2 l~l Tuesday, August 10, 2021 ~ Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the Civic Square Jl!e11u,\'t\ All Electronic Meetings can be viewed at: City of Welland website: https:/Jwww.welland.ca/Council/LiveStream.asp 3.3 CALL UPON THE CITY CLERK TO REVIEW COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE ITEMS (IN-CAMERA) TO BE ADDEO TO BLOCK 3.4 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST 3.5 COUNCILLORS TO DETERMINE AGENDA ITEMS AND BY-LAWS TO BE REMOVED FROM BLOCK FOR DISCUSSION IN COMMITTEE-OF-THE­ WHOLE (OPEN) (See pink tab) 4. ORAL REPORTS AND DELEGATIONS 4.1 DELEGATION(S) (maximum 5/10/5 policy) - Nil 4.2 AGENCIES, BOARDS, COMMISSIONS AND COMMITTEES REPORT($) - Nil 4.3 LEGISLATED PUBLIC HEARINGS PURSUANT TO THE PLANNING ACT 21-86 Complete Applications have been made by UPPER CANADA CONSULTANTS on behalf of MOUNTAINVIEW HOMES (NIAGARA) LTD. for Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium Approval and to rezone lands legally described as Block 2 of Plan 59M-472 Geographic Township of Thorold now in the City of Welland, Regional Municipality of Niagara known municipally as 89 West Creek Court from Residential Medium Density (RM) and Institutional Health and Wellness (INSH) to Site Specific Residential Medium Density (RM), Site Specific Institutional Health and Wellness (INSH) and Environmental Protection (EP). The purpose of the Site Specific Residential Medium Density (RM) and Site Specific Institutional Health and Wellness (INSH) Zone is to: permit block townhouse dwellings across the entirety of the subject lands; establish a definition for block townhouses; provide site specific provisions for rear yard setbacks; allow decks, covered or uncovered to project a maximum of 3.75 metres into the required rear yard, provided said deck is not higher than 1.5 metres above grade; to eliminate the required 0.3 metre increase in width for obstructed parking spaces in private garages; and, to permit the required parking for block townhouses between the fa<tade of the building and the private roadway. Application for Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium 26CD-14-21005) was submitted in conjunction with this application. (P&B-2021-39 Pages 127 to 131) SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING A GENDA - Page 3 Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Due to COVJD-19 and the closure of the Civic Square ailli•!ltl\\~ All Electronic Meetings can be viewed at: City of Welland website: https://www.welland.ca/Council/LiveStream.asp 21-108 Complete applications have been submitted by BETTER NEIGHBOURHOODS DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS on behalf of IDRAKOTH LTD. for Official Plan Amendment (OPA No. 36) and to rezone lands legally described as PT TWP LT 229 & 230, Former City of Thorold, Parts 3, 4 on 59R-1742 and Parts 1 & 2 on 59R-2895, SIT RO345094, SIT RO357411, S/T RL734059, S/T RO778444; PCL 229-3 Sec 59 Thorold; Part 3 on 59R-2784; S/T easement in favour of Welland Hydro-Electric System Corp. over Part 1 Plan 59R-11677 & Parts 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 on Plan 59R- 8977 as in SN19072; PCL F- 2 SEC M75; BLK F PL M75 except Part 1 on 59R-2986; S//T LT16884; PCL G-1 SEC M75; BLK G PL M75 except Part 1 on 59R-4566, City of Welland, municipally known as 800 Niagara Street. Request has been made for Zoning By-law Amendment to Rezone the north­ east portion of the lands from Site Specific Regional Shopping Node (RS-73) to Site Specific Residential Medium Density (RM) and Site Specific Residential High Density (RH). The proposed Site Specific Amendments create two separate Site Specific Residential Medium Density Zones and two Site Specific Residential High Density zones. The Site Specific Amendments propose to: increase the maximum permitted height (3.5 storeys, 8 storeys, 20 storeys, and 30 storeys; allow for additional permitted uses; and amend the yard setback provisions. Official Plan Amendment (OPA No. 36) has been submitted in conjunction with the subject application. (P&B-2021 -41 Pages 137 to 162) 4.4 PRESENTATION($) 21-13 Edward Zahra, Transit Manager and Eric Czerniak, 181 Group re: New Transit Operations Facility. (Background information included in Council members packages). 5. COMMITTEE-OF-THE-WHOLE (OPEN) (to discuss items removed from Agenda Block) 6. BY-LAWS (SEE AGENDA INDEX) 7. CONFIRMATORY BY-LAW A By-law to adopt, ratify and confirm proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the City of Welland at its meeting held on the 1O th day of August, 2021. Ref. No. 21-1 8. ADJOURNMENT SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the Civic Square All Electronic Meetings can be viewed at: City of Welland website: https:l/www.welland.ca/Council/LiveStream.asp Page No. AGENDA BLOCK 1. BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES, PREVIOUS MEETINGS AND OTHER ITEMS REFERRED FROM COUNCIL FOR DISCUSSION - Nil 2. COMMITTEE AND STAFF REPORTS 1. Business Arising from Committee-of-th e-Whole (closed) 2. General Committee Report to Council - Nil 3. Budget Review Committee Report to Council - Nil 4. Staff Reports 1 - 9 CAO-2021 -11 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Stop 19 - Recreational Trail Improvements. Ref. No. 21-19 (See By-law 1) 10 - 22 Fl N-2021 -21 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Tangible Capital Assets Policy. Ref. No. 10-77 (See By-law 2) 23 - 78 Fl N-2021 -23 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - 2020 Consolidated Financial Statements. Ref. No. 21-4 79 - 81 FIN-2021-24 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Continuation of Multi-Year Contract for General Insurance: Municipal Insurance Coverage for duration of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Ref. No. 21-45 82 -83 TRANS-2021 -06 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Expedited Service Level Increase. Ref. No. 21-13 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday, August 10, 2021 Due to COVID-19 and the closure of the Civic Square All Electronic Meetings can be viewed at: City of Welland website: https://www.welland.ca/Council/LiveStream.asp Page No. 84 - 85 TRANS-2021 -07 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Expanded Transit Terminal Hours. Ref. No. 21-13 86 - 94 TRANS-2021 -08 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Renewal of UPASS Agreement for Brook University Students' Union. Ref. No. 21-13 (See By-law 3) 95 -117 TRANS-2021 -09 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Nova Bus Purchases th rough the Transit Joint Procurement Agreement. No. 21-13 (See By-law 4) 118 -126 TRANS-2021-10 CAO/Director of Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer, S. Zorbas - Transit Operations Facility Update. Ref. No. 21-13. 127 - 131 P&B-2021-39 Director of Planning & Development Services, G. Munday - Remove From Application for Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. 2021-06) and Block Draft Plan of Vacant Land Condominium (File No. 26CD-14- 21005) submitted by Upper Canada Consultants on behalf of Mountainview Homes (Niagara) Ltd. For lands located on the east side of South Pelham Road, north of Webber Road , and west of Clare Avenue, legally described as Block 2, 59M-472, Geographic Township of Thorold, now in the City of Welland, Reginal Municipality of Niagara, municipally known as 89 West Creek Court. Ref. No. 21 -86 132 -136 P&B-2021-40 Director of Planning & Development Services, G. Munday - Community Improvement Plan Incentive Applications - Quarterly Summary Report for Second Quarter of 2021 . Ref. No. 11-108 137 -162 P&B-2021-41 Director of Planning & Development Services, G. Munday - Remove From Application for Official Plan Amendment (File No. 2021-07) Block submitted by Better Neighbourhoods Development Consultants on behalf of ldrakoth Ltd. for lands municipally known as 800 Niagara Street.
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