2011 vol. 75, 5-19 DOI: 10.2478/v10032-011-0014-6 ________________________________________________________________________________________ PHYTOPHAGOUS ENTOMOFAUNA OF TOMATO, PAPRIKA AND EGGPLANT OCCURRING ON PLANTATIONS IN POLAND IN 1919-2010 Jerzy SZWEJDA, Maria ROGOWSKA* *Research Institute of Holticulture Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, 96-100 Skierniewice, Poland Received: July 13, 2010; Accepted: June 12, 2011 Summary In Poland, in the years 1919-2010, in field crops of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.), paprika (Capsicum annuum L.) and eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) there were found 52 phytophagous species belonging to 6 orders of insects: Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Diptera. The number of pest species occurring on the different crops was: to- mato - 39, paprika - 41, eggplant - 27. The presented phytophagous entomofauna proved to be stable in terms of species composition over the years of observations. However, there was a sig- nificant variation in population size, which was subject to considerable fluctua- tions in successive growing seasons. The dominant species posing a threat to plantations every year included: for tomato: Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), soil pests: cutworm (Agrotis sp), wireworms (Agriotes sp) and white grubs (Melolontha sp); for paprika: onion thrips (Thrips tabaci), green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), bugs (Lygus sp.); for eggplant: green peach aphid (Myzus persicae), Colorado beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata), onion thrips (Thrips tabaci). INTRODUCTION kowski 1933, Ruszkowski et al. 1935, Kuntze 1936, Piersow 1980, Kagan The oldest record of solanaceous 1985 a,b, Napiórkowska-Kowalik vegetable crops in Poland concerns 1996, Szwejda 1999). Systematic the eggplant (18th century). The culti- registration of harmful entomofauna vation of paprika began in the early occurring on agricultural land began 19th century, and of tomato - from the in 1919. It applied to all cultivated middle of that century. In Poland, the crops, including vegetable crops agrocenoses with tomato, eggplant, (Szwejda & Wrzodak 2007, 2009). In and paprika crops have long been subsequent years, registration was inhabited in large numbers by phyto- progressively carried out by special- phagous entomofauna posing a sig- ized plant protection services and nificant threat to plantations (Rusz- authorized research institutions. Corresponding author: e-mail: [email protected] © Copyright by InHort 6 VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 75 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ During the period of 90 years there They were characterized by a wide were found 52 phytophagous species trophic spectrum, typical of poly- occurring on solanaceous vegetables. phagous taxa found on many species The species represented 6 orders of of agricultural crops and wild plants. insects: grasshoppers and crickets The number of the pest species (Orthoptera), thrips (Thysanoptera), found on the individual crops in the bugs (Hemiptera), beetles (Coleop- years 1919-2010 was: tomato - 39, tera), butterflies and moths (Lepidop- paprika - 41, eggplant - 27 species. tera), and flies (Diptera) (Table 1). Table 1. Phytophagous entomofauna of tomato, paprika and eggplant occurring on Polish plantations in 1919-2010 Prevalence* Species Tomato Paprika Eggplant Orthoptera Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa L. C C C Thysanoptera Aelothrips fasciatus L. C Haplothrips aculeatus F. C - - Thrips fuscipennis Hal. C - - Thrips tabaci Lind. A A A Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) - quarantine species - C - Hemiptera Miridae Apolygus lucorum Meyer-Dür - B - L. pratensis L. - B - Lygus rugulipennis Popp. - B - Orthops campestris L. - B - Pentatomidae E. oleracea L. - C - E. ornatum L. - C - Aphididae Aphis fabae Scop. B - - Aphis gossypii Glov. - B - Aulacorthum solani Kalt. - B - Macrosiphum euphorbiae Thom. C B C Myzus ascalonicus Donc. - B - Myzus persicae Sulz. A A A Aleyrodidae Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westw. C - C Coleoptera Chrysomelidae Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say A B A Psylliodes affinis Payk. C - - Elateridae Agriotes lineatus L. B C C A. obscurus L. B C C J. SZWEJDA, M. ROGOWSKA – PHYTOPHAGOUS ENTOMOFAUNA … 7 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ A. sputator L. B C C Hemicrepidius niger L. B C C Melolonthidae Melolontha melolontha L. C C C M. hippocastani Fabr. C C C Rutelidae Phylloperta horticola L. C C C Lepidoptera Noctuidae Agrotis exclamationis L. A C - A. ipsilon Hufn. A C C A. segetum De. & Schiff. A C C Noctua pronuba L. A C C Xestia c-nigrum L. A C C Autographa gamma L. C C C Discestra trifolii Hufn. C C C Lacanobia oleracea L. C C C Mamestra brassicae L. B C C M. persicariae L. C C C Gortyna flavago D. & S. C - - Hydroecia micacea Esp. C - - Pyralidae Ostrinia nubilalis Hbn. - C - Arctiidae C - - Diptera Agromyzidae Liriomyza bryoniae Meig. - B - L. huidobrensis Blanch. – quarantine species - C - L. trifolii Burg. – quarantine species - C - Drosophilidae Drosophila busckii Coq. C - - Drosophila funebris Fabr C - - Bibionidae Bibio marci L. C C C B. hortulanus L. C C C Dilophus febrilis L. C C C Tipulidae Tipula oleracea L. C C C T. paludosa Meig. C C C * Prevalence: A. species occurring in all regions of Solanaceae crops in large numbers causing sig- nificant economic losses, B. commonly occurring species which may cause damage periodically, C. sporadically occurring species – potential pests. 8 VEGETABLE CROPS RESEARCH BULLETIN 75 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CLASSIFICATION OF PHYTOPHAGOUS 1965). The mole cricket poses a major ENTOMOFAUNA OCCURRING threat to solanaceous crops, damaging ON TOMATO, PAPRIKA AND EGGPLANT their roots and thus causing the plants PLANTATIONS to wilt and die. As a pest, it has been recorded for many years on tomato and In the years 1919-2010, the phy- eggplant plantations (Ruszkowski et al. tophagous entomofauna occurring on 1935, Piersow 1980, Chudzik 2005). tomato, paprika and eggplant planta- Thysanoptera – Thrips tions was identified and recorded in This is an order of insects nu- successive growing seasons from the merous in terms of species and popu- time of sowing the crops in the field lation size, commonly occurring in until the liquidation of the plantations. agrocenoses and non-agricultural ar- This presentation of the specific pest eas. To date, almost 200 species have species takes into account the size of been identified in Poland (Zawirska their populations and the frequency of 1990). Sęczkowska & Litwin (1960) occurrence based on a classification list 12 species occurring on tomato consisting of 3 groups (Table 1): crops. Among them dominated the A - species occurring annually in onion thrips (Thrips tabaci), which large numbers in all cultivation ar- accounted for 30.1% of all the thrips eas of solanaceous vegetables, caught; the rose thrips (Th. fuscipen- B - commonly occurring species, pre- nis) - 20.0%; the cereal thrips (Hap- senting a periodic threat, lothrips aculeatus) - 13.3%; and a C - sporadically occurring species, predatory species - the banded thrips presenting a localized threat. (Aeolothrips fasciatus L.) - 14.4%. Only those species were identified The Thrips tabaci is a polyphage long that damaged plants in the preimagi- known to occur in agrocenoses of all nal stages of their development. continents (Balachowsky & Mensil 1936). It causes significant damage on RESULTS AND DISSCUSION tomato, eggplant and paprika grown in open field and under cover The names of the species pre- (Sęczkowska & Litwin 1960, Zawir- sented here are those adopted in the ska 1994, Macias & Szwejda 2001). systematic arrangement by Bogdano- In the prewar period (until 1939), the vich et al. (2004, 2007). thrips as pests of vegetable crops were ORTHOPTERA – not found on Polish territory at all. GRASSHOPPERS AND CRICKETS They do not appear on the lists of Gryllotalpidae – Mole crickets pests presented by Ruszkowski (1933) and Ruszkowski et al. (1935). They There is only one species in Poland became an economic problem only in that belongs to the family Gryllotalpi- the postwar period (Piersow 1980). dae (Saltatoria) – the European mole In areas of intensive production cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa) of paprika (Kraków, Radom), the (Bazyluk & Liana 1990). It belongs to Thrips tabaci occurs every year and the polyphages found in damp and requires mandatory control. Its feed- warm environments: cultivated fields, ing habit leads to the inhibition of meadows and pastures (Tischler J. SZWEJDA, M. ROGOWSKA – PHYTOPHAGOUS ENTOMOFAUNA … 9 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ plant growth, deformation of leaves Pentatomidae. Two species were and the dropping of flower buds and found to occur: Eurydema oleracea young fruits (Macias, Szwejda 2001). and E. ornatum (Szwejda 1985). In the The species is a carrier of viral dis- 1920s and 1930s there were reports of eases (Zawirska et al. 1983). In sum- damage caused by E. oleraceum on mer, field plantations of paprika and tomato plantations (Ruszkowski et al. tomato, especially in the proximity of 1935). They damaged paprika fruits in greenhouses, are colonized by a re- much the same way as the Lygus bugs lated species – the western flower (Macias & Szwejda 2001). thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) Aphididae. Over 700 species of
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