www.ukrweekly.com ві-см л. : coax X ДЗ — - J?W Z3B — ГНЕ 1 св ОБОДА JLSVOBODA o-e о ” ""^” І УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОАІННИК ^gfflf иКЯЛІМІАНОЛИЧ OO-D О Z ГЧ Ukrainian Weekly Ол PUBLISHED BY THE UKRAINIAN NATIONAL ASSOCIATION INC.. A FRATERNAL NON-PROFIT ASSOCIATION vol. LXXXVIII No. 27 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, JULY 5,1981 25 cents Exchange of correspondence reveals: vyacheslav Chornovil says he Russian patriarch denounces document is "hostage of Politburo" of Ukrainian Catholic bishops JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - Calling himself a "hostage of JERSEY C1TY, N.J. - An exchange our two Churches" and that the "letter the Politburo," a "victim of of correspondence between Pimen, and the spirit of the declaration are internal terrorism" and an patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, foreign to the spirit of ecumenical "eternal prisoner," Ukrai– and Pope John Paul 11 concerning the brotherhood predominant" between the nian journalist vyacheslav declaration of the fall 1980 Synod of Roman Catholic and Russian Ortho– Chornovil wrote in Febru– Ukrainian Catholic Bishops was recent– dox Churches. ary that he sees no other ly published in the official journal of the in his January 24 reply to Patriarch way out for himself but to Moscow Patriarchate, informatsionny Pimen, Pope John Paul H writes that demand permission to emi– Biulleten. the Ukrainian synod's declaration is grate from the USSR. The heretofore secret correspondence "devoid of any official character" The Ukrainian Helsinki refers to the synod's document that because the text had not been submitted group member made this denied the legitimacy of the 1946 Lviv for his approval prior to its release. The demand known in an open Synod, which, in effect, liquidated the pope goes on to state that the vatican letter addressed to the presi– Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine retains "the position it always had in dium of the 26th Congress of and subordinated the Catholic faithful relation to the rights of Ukrainian the Communist Party of the to the Russian Orthodox Church. The Catholics." The pope's response was Soviet Union held earlier First Regular Synod of Bishops of the characterized by the. German Catholic this year. The letter was Ukrainian Catholic Church was cen– News Agency as "evasive". released to the Svoboda vened by Patriarch Josyf with the Press here by Raissa Moroz. approval of the pontiff, and it was held Upon publication of the exchange of a human-rights activist now in Rome November 25 to December 2, letters between the Russian patriarch living in the West. 1980. and the pope, Patriarch Josyf 1 of the Mr. Chornovil is serving a "Pomisna" Ukrainian Catholic Church ' Patriarch Pimen, in his December 22, five-year term in Tabiacha released an official statement to the 1980, letter to Pope John Paul H, voices camp in the Yakutsk ASSR apprehension about the synod's decla– press in which he says that he will seek on a fabricated "attempted Yyacheslav Chornovil the "necessary explanation" from the ration and says that the document "can rape" charge. not a nameless person in the ranks of the negate, in the full meaning of the word, vatican and expresses his "satisfaction He is the author of "The Chornovil that, the Apostolic See stands firmly on political opposition brutally persecuted all those great accomplishments in the Papers," a collection documenting the in the USSR. My writings have been sphere of brotherly rapprochement of (Continued on page 2) arrests and trials of Ukrainian intellec– published in many languages of the tuals in the 1960s. world: my most recent work, a docu– He was first arrested in July 1966 for mentation of the Soviet forced-labor refusing to testify at the closed trial of camps, was published in English trans– WCFU Secretariat meets in Toronto four Ukrainian dissidents and was lation just weeks before my latest arrest sentenced 1o serve three months in a in the matter of UCCA representa– and, without a doubt, hastened its Bszarko assumes presidency forced-labor camp. occurrence. The uncenspred journal, tives to the WCFU presidium, the After he compiled "Lykho z Ro– TORONTp - Over 80 delegates presidium decided to retain the dele- Ukrayinsky visnyk (Ukrainian Herald) zumu" (published in the West as "The which 1 edited in the early 1970s, fromaroefldJshe world took part in 15th gates chosen at the Third WCFU Con– Chornovil Papers") he was sentenced to plenary session of the Secretariat of the gress until the next congress. The marked a definite period in the na– three years' imprisonment for "slander– tional-democratic movement in U– World Congress of Free Ukrainians UCCA representatives are JohnO. Flis, ing the Soviet state." held here on June 27 and 28, during supreme president of the UNA, and Dr. raine. As a journalist and publicist, in His third arrest was on January 12, 1978 1 was accepted as an honorary which lvan Bazarko assumed the Bohdan Hnatiuk. 1972, during another campaign against member of the Dutch section of the PEN WCFU presidency for the next two and The by-laws committee is also working Ukrainian intellectuals. This time he Club, and 1 received a British journa– one-half years. on an amendment to the by-laws which was sentenced to six years' imprison– lism prize in 1975. For the very same ment and three years' exile for "anti- The meeting was opened and chaired would clarify matters related to the activity 1 was "honored" with two method of the election and recall of Soviet agitation and propaganda." sentences of Soviet courts at purely by outgoing WCFU President Mykola On March 1, 1975, he renounced his Plawiuk. who served the first two-and– representatives of organizations on the political trials in 1967 and in 1973. in executive bodies of the WCFU. Soviet citizenship and applied for the political camps of Mordovia, where one-half years of the five-year term. permission to emigrate to Canada, Also in attendance were Metropolitan During the plenary session itself, І was held from 1973 to 1978,1 was one in 1975 he was awarded theTomalin of the founders of the annual Day of Mstyslav, Metropolitan Stephen Sulyk, Wasyl Bezchlibnyk, general secretary, Journalism Prize by the Times of Metropolitan Maxim Hermaniuk. the provided a report on the activities of the London. (Continued on page 5) Rev. Dr. Semen Sawchuk, as well as WCFU. and during the discussion on in the fall of 1979, while in exile in the presidium and secretariat members the reports, the work of the WCFU Yakutsk ASSR, Mr. Chornovil joined from England. France. Germany and Human Rights Commission was under- the Ukrainian Public Group to Pro- North America. lined. The commission was instrumen– mote the implementation of the Hel– 1NS1DE: tal in preparing the Ukrainian delega– Also present at the meeting was Gen. sinki Accords. tion to the Madrid Conference to review Petro Grigorenko, head of the External The full text of Mr. Chornovil's Ш Address by Max Kampelman at implementation ol the Helsinki Ac- Representation of the Ukrainian Hel– latest document (in English transla– the Madrid Conference - page 3. cords. sinki Group. tion prepared by The Weekly) follows. U "The Ukrainian Orthodox Slava Rubel. head of the Conference Before the plenary session began, the Open letter Churches and the Ukrainian of Ukrainian Youth Organizations, diaspora" by Dr. Frank Sysyn - presidium held a meeting during which reporicu on preparations for ine Woria it was decided to call for the executive of The provocation committed against page 7. Conference of Urkainian Youth which, the UCCA and the leadership of the me on April 9 in Yakutia, where 1 was U Senior Citizens Corner by Ma– organizations that walked out of the she informed, has already come under completing a term of political exile, and rion Kushnir Burbella - page 8. 13th UCCA Congress to seek new attack in the Soviet newspaper News the subsequent fabrication of my "cri– Ш Panorama by Helen Perozak avenues to reunite organized Ukrainian from Ukraine. minal" case, could not have been Smindak — page 9. life in America. (Continued on page 4) accomplished by local authorities. І am IHE UKRAINIAN УУЬЬШ SUNDAY, JULY Ь. 1S8І Na 27 Russian patriarch... Orthodox-Catholic theological dia– No organ of the Holy See wrote about canonical illegality of the so-called Lviv logue. will find it in your power and will this. Synod of 1946 on the basis of which, as it is known, Ukrainian Catholics were it ontiruu-d from pagr 1) to demonstrate the wisdom not to 1 expect that these clarifications allow a return to that state of affairs remove any fears Your Holiness might forced by all means, terror and coercion the position it has taken in regard to the between our two Churches which exist– have. The past must not threaten that to subordinate themselves to the Mos– rights of. Ukrainian Catholics." ed before the pontificate of the late which the Lord realized in our Churches cow patriarch and to renounce their The patriarch also assured the Ukrai– Pope John ХХІІІ. since the Second vatican Council. unity with the Apostolic See. During the Week of Prayer for Unity nian Catholic faithful that "we will not Your Holiness. 1 believe it is my duty if we remained silent at this crucial and on the day after the celebration of yield on anything that concerns the to inform you that, as a result of this moment, we would be remiss in our liturgy in the Sistine Chapel with all defense of the existence, identity and declaration of the synod, within the pastoral duties and our responsibility members of the Roman Curia, co- rightsof the Ukrainian Catholic Church Russian Orthodox Church a deep before truth and love in Christ the workers in my daily activity, when we and our nation." tension is arising in regard to the Lord's Church.
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