JET OR REACTION PROPULSION Have YOU Joined the Well -paid Ranks of the TRAINED MEN? MANY THOUSANDS MORE ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. PREPARE YOURSELF FOR A MASTERPIECES 10- BETTER POSITION AND BETTER PAY IN MINIATURE! Ambitious men everywhere have succeeded through Long experience and consummate skillin the art of model making has made the name I.C.S. Home Study Courses. So also can you. We Bassett-Lowke famousfordetailperfect offer you the benefit of our 53 years' matchless ex- scale models ofallkinds.To -day we are fully engaged on work for H.M. Government, perience asthe creative pioneers of but as soon as victory is won we shall be " Building a air,. postal instruction.Since our establish- gaugeFlyingScots- ready to resume production of Model Rail- man," fully illustrated ways, Ships and Engines for all our customers. ment in1891, more than1,000,000 with drawings and photographs, priceII - Our London and Manchester branches are British men and women have enrolled post free. still open and our wartime staff will be pleased Wartime stock list to give assistance on any model matters. for I.C.S. Courses. (L/12) price 4d. post free. The man with an I.C.S. Training in any one of the subjects listedbelow knowsitthoroughly,completely,practically. BASSETT-LOW K E9 Ltd. And heknows how to applyitinhis everydaywork. NORTHAMPTON Accountancy Draughtsmanship Motor Engineering LONDON :112, HighHolborn, W.C.I. Advertising Drawing Office Practice Motor Mechanic MANCHESTER :28, Corporation Street. Aeronautical Engineering Electrical Engineering Moulding Aaro Engine Fitting Engineer in Charge Pattern making Aero Fitting and Rigging Eng. Shop Practice Quantity Surveying Aeroplane Designing Fire Engineering Radio Engineering Air -Conditioning Fitting and Turning Radio Servicing S. TYZACK & SON LTD. Architecture Forgeman Refrigeration Architectural Drawing Foundry Work Salesmanship INCORPORATING GEO. ADAMS Boilermaking Garage Management Sanitary Engineering LONDON'S FINEST TOOL SHOPS" Book-keeping Gas -Power Engineering Secretarial Work Building Construction Ground Engineer Sheet -Metal Work ZITO" Building Contracting Heating and Ventilation Steam Engineering Business Training Hydraulic Engineering Structural Steelwork Super Quality Sliding Business Management Insurance Surveying Tallstoek Dieholder Cabinet Making Joinery Telegraph Engineering No. I M.T. shank, bongbarrel. Carpentry Journalism Telephone Engineering Precisionfinish. For13/161n. Chemical Engineering Machine Designing Tem plating O.D. dies.Price 9,6.For lin. Civil Engineering Machine -Tool Work Textile Designing O.D.dies.1211. With No.2 Clerk of Works Marine Engineering Textile Manufacturing M.T. shank,14,9. Colliery Overman Mechanical Drawing Toolmaking DELIVERY FROM STOCK Colliery Management Mechanical Engineering Turner Commercial Art Mine Electrician Welding We also stock Sell Releasing Concrete Engineering Mine Fireman Woodworking Die Holders. Willproduce Cost Accountancy Mine Surveying Works Engineering threads to correct length without Diesel Engineering Mining Engineering Works Management variation. Full details on request rid most ofthe Technical, Professional, andMatric Exams. Spec terms for members of H.M.Forces. 0 our advice on any matter concerning If you need technicaltraining, TILE "ZYTO" POUR WAY your work and yourcareer isyoursforthe asking-free and 'without Turret. Tooipost obligation.Let us send you full information regarding the subject in which you Spring locking action, hardened are specially interested.DON'T DELAY. Make "ACTION " your watchword. screws. malleable body. Base 41n.din.,height from base to The successful man DOES to -day what the failure toolrest 2ln., slze of turret 3in square.Price complete541/... INTENDS doing to -morrow.Write to us TO -DAY. DELIVERY EX STOCK ...-.Use this Coupon ... fie IN WO INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS LTD. Dept. 95, International Buildings, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. ELECTRICGRINDERSAND (Use penny stamp on unsealed envelops) POLISHERS (Double -ended) Motors Please send me particulars of your coursesIn Complete with Wheels and Polishing Spindle. Full details on request DELIVERY FROM STOCK Name Age S. TYZACK & SON LTD., OK OM. ...... Iindress I CS 341-345, OLD STREET, LONDON, E.C.1 L ores Telephone: CLE -1004-5-6 April, 1944 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS 217 WARIIISERVICEfor owners of PHILIDME CYCLE DYNAMO LIGHTING SETS The great reliability, under all conditions, of Philidyne lighting sets has been proved by thousands of cyclists during the war.. On those rare occasions, however when a Philidyne set fails to function perfectly, our Service Departmentat WADDON FACTORYESTATE, WADDON, CROYDON, SURREY, is there to put it right. for light at walking speed Philidyne setsare scarce - but they are worth hunting for ! PHILIPS LAMPS LTD, CENTURY HOUSE, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, LONDON, W.C.2 24 218' NIWNES PRACTICALMECHANICS April, 1944 BOLT DOWN THAT MACHINE IN HALF. THE TIME with CINCH Bolt Anchors WO -R -S -E Suitable for all fixings to walls, ceilings and Boors of cement, brick, stone, etc. COMPLETE No delay :full load can be applied immediately. Depth of hole PRACTICE UNIT 40% to 60% less than ordin- as supplied to M.M. Services ary fixing methods. Cinch No. 1261. Complete MorsePracticeUnit. anchors give a quick and Heavy commercial Key with nickel silver con- tacts and sensitive triple adjustment.High -tone positive bite that holds per- Buzzer with silver contacts mounted on bakelfte base manently. Will not slacken or with cover.Battery Holder, complete with .'4.11- Ever Ready battery.All Metalpartsheavily nickelplated. work loose. Sizes to suit all and the whole mtd. on polished Mahogany Base, Olin. a 8? in. needs.IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. SendId. stamp for IllustratedList FAMPLEAND DETAILS ON RECEIPT 0; TRADE CARD. SIGNALLING EQUIPMENT LTD. (Dept. 19) HOYT METAL CO. OF GT. BRITAIN, Dept. P.M., Cedar Rd., Putney, London, S.W.15 Merit House, Southgate Road, Potters Bar. Phone : Potters Bar3133 POLARISEDDOUBLE-ACTING RELAYS ROTARY These are telephone -type Relays with polarised differential move- ment. Two 500 -ohm windings. QUICK MAKE & BREAK Large diametercontacts. k typicalexample offirst-.1,- BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT workmanship. Asillost rat ,d. 17 6 Forallpurposes - fullytestedSwitches to ELECTRIC customers' requirements. MAGNETIC COUNTERS Let us use our long experience to solve your Switchini; problems. TOK SWITCHES LTD., CAMBRIDGE ROW, BURR AGE ROAD, WOOLWICH, S.E.18 550 ohms coil. Counting up to 9,999 Operating front 25 v. to 50 v. D.C. Many Sal and don e=rrapplications.(BIC, ell-O.P O., all pet fort.)8- I'. at LONDON CENTRAL RADIO Co., 23, Lisle St., London, W.C.1 SWITCHES NORTHERN MODEL YOU CAN TIN ANYMETAL QUICKLY AND EASILY 35. Al RCRAFT COMPANY with FIRST PLACES 25,LOWER MOSLEY ST., AND HUNDREDS OF PASSES MANCHESTER, 2. Tel.:CEN. 1804 in theA.M.I.C.E., A.M.I.M.E., HOYT'STINNING COMPOUND A.F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.Chem.E., C. &'G., etc., Exams,have been gained by students consisting of powdered metal combined with an active flux studyingathome withtheT.I.(1.11. Engineering First Placesare yourbest BLUE PRINTS NO SEPARATE APPLICATION OF FLUX, SOLDER OR TIN REQUIRED guide to ihe most successful Engineering JUST CLEAN THE JOB AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS Courses. Write to -day for" The Engineer's SHIPS Guide to Success " containing the world's Heat the work and justsprinkle the powder evenly Engineeringwidest choice of King George V Class, upon surface to be tinned. The flux should " boil " Courses - over Nelson, 2181;., postfree. 200 - covering and its cleansing action will be assisted if the surface allbranches - M.T.B., 116. Ark Royal, 216. is scrubbed with a wire brush at this stage.Wheil Electrical,Mechanical, flux has all melted and the surface is tinned evenly Aeronaut Ical, Wireless.Civil all over, remove from heat and wipe with a clean rag. Chemical.etc. and which alone 00 GAUGE RAILWAY gives the Regu- Price per lb. nett carr. paid. lationsgovern- L.M.S. Standard 5 Plank Open Waggon. 6/3 ing admission to L.N.E.R. Standard I2 -ton Open Waggon. Dept. PM, DEODAR RD., PUTNEY, theRecognised L.M.S. Refrigerator Van. HOYT METAL CO. of GT. BRITAIN, Institutions.The L.M.S. Large Cattle Van. LONDON. S.W.15 World's best choice ofT.I.G.B. guaran- Wooden Contractors'HutorCoal Courses in Engineeringtees training Order Office. until successful Wooden Platelayers' Hut. The TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF Coal Order Office in Modern Style. GREAT BRITAIN, L.M.S. 20 -ton Double Bolster Waggon. / /40 YEARS'reliable service to the industry 218, TempleBar House, E.C.4. All 9d. each Plus Postage. I WILL MAKE YOU A JUBILEE :01s1")1.1111 BRILLIANT PIANIST I do not say I may, but T say positively that I WILL if The long -life OLIVER PER CONTROL LTD. acceptyou an mypupil. I clip with the haveenrolled morethan CAMBRIDGE ROW, BURRAGE ROAD, 14.100adult pupils daring the ever -tight war, Miring 39 yearsI have WOOLWICH, LONDON, S.E.I8. taught over 83,000of all a;,00, grip occupations and degrees of TheBee: Known proticiency to play the piano brilliantly. I CAN TEACH YON. For evenIfto -day you do not know a Radiator Joints, note, to read and play at sight any standardIIIIISICalcomposition. I Air, Oil and Electrical and Mechanical grade Lessons personally to suit your ,Water Hose individual needs, using ordinary Joints Engineers musical notation, no freakish methods. MENU P.C. for free book and advice. we guarentte Bay Moderate,Elementary orBeginner Tight Joint MakersofVARLEYProducts Mr. H. BECKER L.ROBINSON & Co. Dept. 759). 25, Landes 69,Fleet Street, 11111111111111CAtiiGILLI ENT 41London. April, 1944 NEWNES PRACTICAL MECHANICS 219 War has beenplanned andrecorded in PYRUMA The Myford Bench Motor Unit is suitableforuse with Myford 34" and 3A" bench Lathes, and is available in two types - MA.97 for flatbelt and MA.97A for vee-rope drive. Alevergivesquick adjustment of belt Tactics have been planned for the armed forces andcivil tension or immediate re- defence, from models made in Pyruma Putty Cement. History lease for changing speeds. of our armies in action has been recorded in national news- This machine is only one of papers by relief maps made in.
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