• LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL, JUNE 19, 1956 829 The Attorhey-General: I move section Section 8 (extension of meaning of.. 7 (development of area coloured green nai.manent work) was agreed. on deposited plan). Of neeessity this means that the portion coloured "green" The Altorn.ey-General: I move section shall cease to be used as a market place, 9 (iepeals). This se:tion repeals the and that the Corporation shall be able,' Douglas Market Act of 1F.98. with the requisite approval, to develop the alea, but that no building shalt be Sections 10 (saving as to Crown erected on the area which will leave an Rights), 11 (short title) and 12 (com- open pace of less than ten feet wide or mencement) were agreed. twelve feet in height between the boun- The Council resumed and the third dary walls of the Douglas Hotel and reading of the Bill was agreed. that such open space shall be used as a footpath only. The Council retired and met in Tyn- The section was agreed. wald at 11 a.m, the same day. .•-•---•■•■1=1111-1111.111ME-41....- REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF TYNWALD COURT Douglas. Tuesday, June 19, 1956. Present; The Governor (Sir Ambrose. Quine, J. B. Bolton, E. C. Irving and G. Flux Dundas, K.C.I.E., C.S.I.).. In the Taggart, with Mr F. B. Johnson. M.A.. Council: Deems ter Sir Percy Cowley, Secretary and Clerk of Tynwald. C.B.E., Deemster J. A. Cain, M.A., the Attorney-General (Mr S. J. Kneale, O.B.E.), Sir Ralph Stevenson, G.C.M.G.. ELECTION OF ACTING-SPEAKER. Messrs S. F. Crellin, M.C.. G. Prior to the sitting of the Court the 'Higgins, Alfred S. Teare, M.B.E., J. Cal- lister and E. B. C. Farrant, M.B.E., with House of Keys elected Mr W. C. Craine as Acting-Speaker. Mr E. R. St. A. Davies, M.B.E., Govern- ment Secretary and Clerk of the Council. In , the Keys: The Acting-Speaker (Mr W. C. Craine), Messrs T. F. Corkhill, L. PAPERS LAID BEFORE THE COURT. Gerrard, F. H. Crowe, T. Q. Canned, R. C. The Governor: I have the honour to Cannell, A. Cecil Teare, H. H. Radcliffe. lay before the Court:— H. C. Kerruish, Mrs A. Bridson, Messrs J. C. Nivison, J. H. Nicholls, W. E. The Import Duties (Exemptions) (No. Quayle, A. Moore, T. A. Coole, 'C. C. 6) (Isle of Man) Order. 1956. (Govern- IyIcFee, R. E. Cottier, A. S. Kelly, G. P. ment Circular No. 46/56). Blectign of Actiny-Speaker,—Papers Laid Before the court, 830 TYNWALD COURT, JUNE 19, 19 56 The Public Service Vehicles (Motor- (4) Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses Cycles) (Inspection) Regulations,. 1956. of the Borough of Douglas for authority The Motor Vehicles (Construction and to borrow a sum not exceeding £4,560, Use) (Amendment) Regulations, 1956. at a rate of interest not exceeding £41 per centum per annum, repayable within The Isle of Man Tuberculosis Eradica- 15 years, for the conversion to fluores- tion Order, 1956. cent lighting in Ridgeway Street, Circu- lar Road, Derby Road and Peel Road in Order made by the Isle of Man Local Government Board, dated 23rd March, Douglas, and the provision of additional 1956, constituting the Brookfield District new street lamps. of the Parish of Maughold a Special Drainage District. Order made by the Isle of Man Local MANX BUDGET PROPOSALS. Government Board, dated 11th May, The Governor: The main business be- 1956, constituting a portion of the Parish fore us to-day is consideration of the of Maughold, comprising substantially estimates for the year ending 31st March, all hereditaments and premises in the 1957. You will find detailed figures in Village of Maugholcl a Special Drainage the printed copies which have been District. placed before you with the Government The Whitley Council Constitution, Treasurer's explanatory memorandum. 1956. My remarks which follow are intended Tha report of a sub-committee of to give you a general picture in a form Executive Council on the Manx Electric which may not be so correct from the Railway Limited. accounting point-of-view but will 1 hope be easier to understand. This is the Approval, dated 11th May. 1956, to the fourth Budget which it has fallen to my following Petit ions:— lot to present. Like the last two, but (1) Peel Town Commissioners for au- unlike the first, it is one which shows the thority to borrow a sum not exceeding Island's financial position at first sight £900, at a rate of interest not exceeding better than we have expected it to be. £4i per centum per annum, repayable Nevertheless, before I come to those within five years, for the purchase of a features in it which we can regard with new Bedford lorry for general purposes. relief, I feel it necessary to mention (2) Peel Town Commissioners for au- some of the heavy increases in commit- thority to borrow a sum not exceeding ments which have come upon us, or be- £400, at a rate of interest not exceeding come known to us, during the year. One £4i per centum per annum, repayable of the heaviest of these is the increase within 10 years. for demolishing 1, in salaries and wages which the rising Station Road, Peel, and widening the cost-of-living, or depreciation of the junction of Station Road and Patrick pound, has made it necessary for us to Street. accept. These involve something like £89,000 per annum. The six per cent. Approval, dated 25th May, 1956, to the increase last year, meant increased ex- following Petitions— penditure of £10,000 per annum and (3) Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses there will be £15,000 for police increases of the Borough of Douglas for authority both in salaries and in establishment. to borrow a sum not exceeding £2,000, School salaries which appear to be going at a rate of interest not exceeding £4i up from October next will mean a per centum per annum, repayable within further charge of £20,000 per annum 47 years, to complete the scheme for the against Government. The annual recur- laying and construction of a trunk ring expenditure of the Health Services sewer under the provisions of the Dou- Board has gone up by E54,000. of which glas - (I3raddan and Onchan) Drainage £37,500 is accounted for by salaries, fees Act, 1949. and wages. In the Highway Board, in- Manx Budget Proposals, - TYNWALD COURT, JUNE 19, 1956 881 creased wage-rates.- mean a further £65,000: and supplementary payment to £6,500 per annum for permanent men. National Insurance, £45,000. There were The expenses of the Board of Social Ser- savings in expenditure as shown under vices has gone up by £58,000, all due to the heading "Expenditure" at page II of increases in rates of benefit which we the printed statement, but of thess only have found ourselves bound to accept. the £39,655 saving on emergency ser- The Board of Agriculture, besides the viee.s. and £8,742 on the rebate on hydro- increases of £17,000 already recom- carbon oils can be regarded as genuine, mended to me by this Court, have asked and even these are probably not for a further £25,000 for which the permanent: the others are either money necessity is proved by the outcome of not spent that will still have to be spent complicated calculations and hard sooner or later, or loans not given out.- bargaining in England. The position in There is also an apparent saving of regard to capital expenditure shows the £50,000 due to the fact that we did not have to sell any of the securities for Last year I mentioned same trend. whose depreciation we had allowed this alterations and repairs to Noble's Hos- sum; they did, however, fall very pital as likely to require something in considerably in value. For the coming - the nature of a quarter-of-a-million year, 1956-57, the estimates allow for pounds; we now know that the bill for spending (in which I include committing Noble's and other hospitals is likely to ourselves to spend, or opening our eyes be nearer £400,000. with increases in to the fact that we shall have to spend) recurring expenditure to follow. The more than we receive by £907,071. This new water reservoir to serve the south can be seen from the figures of balances and west of the Island for which I on page IX of the printed statement. mentioned half-a-million, is now, with The balance on 1st April, 1956, is shown the other works that should accompany as £1,453,447, and the estimated balance it, likely to cost over £800,000, for which on 31st March, 1957, as £546,376; a I have made no provision in this year's difference of £907,071. It is justifiable budget.. We also have figures showing to spend more than we receive to this that our liability to the Board of Social extent, provided the excess is mainly Services for the next five years and in capital expenditure which, in the opinion the current year in respect of the of this Court, is of permanent benefit to National Insurance Fund is coming out the Island, i.e., money not thrown away at something like £500,000. Due mainly but well and wisely spent or invested in to heavy taXation in England, much of bricks and mortar. The proposals for which is the effect of the unstable inter- the coming year are not only this, but .
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