DOR AND EGYPT IN THE EARLY IRON AGE: <?.B*B@?*9.$9.?KM.Bj9KBjK. #.<%<.9BK Ayelet Gilboa Abstract '6K'' ' '! ' "'> 4'; .'' ' K (; '4 " other commodities that probably circulated via the +''Τ?'';'!' ' ' ' ' ' outstanding number of early Iron Age Egyptian "''+?''' 4'''"';"'!""!'6 .!"6 K' ' (' Currently this is the largest such assemblage ever (ASTON ]QQ ' ! ' 4 .!" ' ' "'' these are tentative footsteps in a forbidding ter 6K'""'"'' '6 ' ' " + ! '' ''"' The Site '!' ' + "[ 6 ' K('J6§[6]M^' these contacts entails a consideration of the other on a ridge of calcareous sandstone (locally termed + '! ' ' kurkar) '''"';'R ' ' ' '+?'''";'+'! '''6K"'" +'''K6K' presents an attempt to understand the role of the ''!?''6 ?' .!" ' ' _\\$*§ø\\4'(6' '!6+'(R" ' R ' ! +' '§ #'" ''" until the early 20th!?.+''! +'! *' ' ! ' engulfed by marshes (SIVAN, ELIYAHU and RABAN R "' ' ' (R ' \\^6?';+;"' .!"+'''""''! the small Carmel intermontane valleys, especially 6 %''''!'>+6 K?'%'+'""+ Introduction and Outline '''"+ "'"6!''";" In a recent paper (WAIMAN-BARAK, GILBOA and +""!"'6 GOREN \]^; + " ' ' K (R ; [ ' ''! '.!"'''(R attested (RABAN-GERSTEL et al6 \\Z; ' § '!6# SAPIR-HEN et al.\]^§BARTOSIEWICZ, LISK and ''"!7!; '; !"!; ' ZOHAR"; !%' rics and comparanda6K"'" '" '[.!"+6 as a sequel to that publication, attempting to ''''' ' + "' [6 ''["SHA- After introducing shortly the site of Tel Dor and its HACK-GROSS et al.\\_;]^Z§GILBOA, SHARON and spheres of interactions in the early Iron Age, the ZORN\]^;;[6];''' Q.!"' 4' "R ' ' cycling (preliminarily GILBOA and SHARON \\Z; \!6 $! ! ' ' ]__'["6]_[;''' chronic perspectives of the Dor assemblage are ''`'+' " ! "' [ ' § +""'' "'+" es, and cultivated Muricidae !"*'7.!"'*'_;\]_;^SMS^ © 2015 by Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien ^Z Ayelet Gilboa j6'+?''(R!; >+6"''''!; the tell''"!6 + NAMDAR et al.\][§GILBOA and NAMDAR \]_6(R''' +6 K R ' ( +' '%+' ' ! '" ' "6 K ' + '4 '' '' [6`''!tell and a large lagoon "!'6$'[ uration is rare along the southern Levantine coast, '+''"'''[; "'!"'['' 6 .'' ! '' ' '+tell and the southern lagoon have revealed a series of quays, dated by him from the *' * '! (RABAN ]QQ_; []\M[^_ ' (R ''; j6]*'('';' especially the southern lagoon, yielded many '6 ''''; '"+>;'! onstrate purple production at Dor at least from the are only of later periods (KINGSLEY and RAV EH '! 61 +; "' ]QQ§WACHSMANN]QQZ;_;S§ KAHANOV 2011, R '' + ' ]QM]Z]6 ''!`''!" Ancient records such as the Tale of Wenamun '!\'>'(''$ of the 11th or 10th?. '[6$\'> +'.''R'!+'Υ'> "'! ' \' K!Sth!?.PARPOLA and WATAN- ' + ' ABE ]QZZ; ( ' Levant, to Cyprus, and possibly to other regions as ! + " ' 1 ''""!"''+'RNITSCHKE, MARTIN and SHALEV 2011, ][_M][6 ('.!".'!`'''9"9'#'" ^Q j6[K(;>'6B"';+'!''!'' +6'>?'6 j6^$"'K(;>'6B'+;' '>!['6'>Q?'RQ>'+'!6 250 Ayelet Gilboa +.!"'9''*' ''+;+ '^\''+ ; ' ' " '6 ]]^\ .!" ' *'6 B ' '' ?.6K[']th century ; (R Q+'!R " + ?.!"'+'' regions rendered it a convenient stopover, or rela + ''; !+6$'(.!" +'"'''""'6 '(''"" ']_\ "' +; '' '' +''>"'!+ "'.!"'" '!; " ' '(6 '>;+''' The early Iron Age sequence at Dor comprises "R !" ' '! ' "[! ''"7';' + CASSON]QQ_;Z]MQ]§MARCUS \\; ^\^§ !]'''! + \\S;]^'+6 late 12th7'!]]th'Qth!?. +;(R''"'! (SHARON and GILBOA\][§WAIMAN-BARAK, GILBOA ' + +' +' and GOREN\]^;[]M[]Z6( '' +' ' ' '6 K + " tell; +' !; lagoon is partially protected by small islets, shift [; ' ' '! ' ''; '> ; '' '; "6(R'' '';+'+! +'>'! " '; '' + +'; *'6''!+ enter the anchorage, especially under stormy con '( Υ>> ditions (CVIKEL et al6 \\Z; \]; \_6 K '! "''*' '+ "+> "''! ' 9 ; ' (R entrance to the southern lagoon serve as a perma " ' '6 K + nent reminder of this danger (KINGSLEY and RAV EH "'! '; +' ]QQ;SMSS;'"Z§WACHSMAN, KAHANOV and ''! '"' [ HALL]QQS6+\\]6 of group identities for the period and region in (R'+'''''' ; ' '"""' '""' (R ''`'> '' "' + ';<''%Υ'' Q9'Τ6!Q?'''R [6]"'!?' ';(R9'""'"' '+' #' %> "' ' !'['?!"'' 8'!;8''!; ""$!''6K and beyond in all directions (6 ARTZY\\;_]6 ""''+''"' ! .!"' ' $>7K4>; Dor’s Bronze and Early Iron Ages, a Short +'(#'''; Synopsis inhabited some part of the southern Levantine '"'!B' $.!"'"!'(''!' "'++' *;!'+'" ' R ' % ' ]th 6 .'' ' ' * ! century (GILBOA\\_§\\M\\S;[[§SHARON minimally, in Area G at the centre of the mound, and GILBOA\][62 9' @7]M]]6 K! ' ' K_\M[\\!';(+' ][th!?.''6]\\M]]Q\?. '"+'.'% (STIDSING and SALMON 2011; SHARON and GILBOA terranean littoral, especially engaged in commerce \][6K'''' +?!";++9' *'(!;!Q$'9"R' +9'+'; !; ' '''!6 '" 8 '! GILBOA, WAIMAN- '+''""'(''6]\\ BARAK and SHARON\]_+;' 2 j'+;+!!]''(['O$>P;'+]+ !9'*''R""''!"';STERN]QQ\;'+''[STERN \][;][6 ('.!".'!`'''9"9'#'" 251 +6';(Τ'+.!"; that in Egypt too the types of vessels attested at focus of the current paper, are especially visible (+''!''<'!6 '!6 B!.!"''"+'" Q9'R ; ?'';"'!'(6 ;(+ K+'''!' ''6'Qth cen "!'![['.!"' !?.'""'!'>! '6 ' J; '! ' ' (R.!"'"!"'! contacts are severed (GILBOA, SHARON and BLOCH- ' '; + '+ '"; SMITH\]_'.!"'4''''! '!'"''4';'+ 6 j ' Zth century until about 650 \! 4' ' Q' 4'R6 ?.(''!''"GIL- B' >'4' BOA and SHARON"6%''+ 4 '';''"'"6K Cyprus and Lebanon become very visible again fore, this pottery represents mainly a commercial .!"' "! ' ' "; + '! 6 Q.!"' ' "R ?''' *''!;+!"[ Τ!"# only Egyptian administrative centres (MARTIN \]]6 K "! ' ' .!"R + $ "! ' ''! " '+'*'!'6 ';!'"'' % "[ !" ' ( ' !;'+!6 their variety mirror those in Third Intermediate Translating the sequence described above into 9 K9^ .!"; Egyptian terms, Egyptian ceramics at Dor (disre predominance of closed over open shapes is quite th ' ][ ! ' " the opposite of the distribution in habitation sites "+'MR .!"6K''.!"'' th and the beginning of the 21 Dynasty (for dates ics reached Dor mainly as containers for some K WENTE 66; ITCHEN]QZ;^_M^§ \\[; ]]§ 6 j' ''!; +; ' A 2009, 20 6= WAR- STON M and """[" ` BURTON\\;^Q[ et al. \]\ ' '6%"'!;!'"'' then they are attested continuously till about the a more restricted geographical distribution in nd (!'!6K"' .!"'+''4';+' B> R '! '6 ZS_7ZSM to ASTON]QQ;]\S;[6`['!"'K K Z_\7Z[\§ ITCHEN]QZ;^S§]QQ;M§\\ ='6 +§ASTON ]QZQ; ]^Q§ JANSEN-WINKELN \\;^\M^[§HORNUNG, KRAUSS AND WARBURTON A Comparative Perspective: Egyptian \\;^Q[;+''6' Containers at other Sites in the Levant +'''6 S_\ .!"' ' QR ' $ ! ' '! (R recorded in the Dor data base (mostly fragments Q.!"'4'"R"' ' ' + "7" ; '';+" ''''6 nent data regarding Egyptian containers outside '!'!'+ ''"6 '.!"'4''6' ]Z\'+''"! Diachronic: Egyptian Jars in the Late Bronze "! ' _ + " Age at Dor and Elsewhere '" ''!6 " " + '' < '!6[ No marl clays As mentioned, the earliest Egyptian ceramics at +[;+"'+' ('*';'' [ QM'$!Τ'['`<; ^ "'"QK9R'+]th(!'!6K <+''<+' ' O*!'P JANSEN-WINKELN 2006; RITNER\\Q`]M§ §"!'<.6 SNAPE \]'"!6 252 Ayelet Gilboa ][th ! ?.6 _\ ocally attests to Egyptian presence from the 15th to + ; " '! ]\¼ the 12th?.;'''"" "'!?!"6$'! .!"+"'BARAKO\\S;"6"6 '!;'4'' ^^§MARTIN and BARAKO\\S;]Q;]^_;]^6S At amphorae (STIDSING and SALMON 2011, table 100, 8'';'.!"'+' "6[]6.!"''' '''.!"''' [;!"''<+J66; blage (BURKE and LORDS \]\;!'! ASTON et al. ]QQZ;][SM]^^6$'$' '''4''! ''+'6]_\M]\\?.; ['";"'! Egyptian containers progressively become more the earliest, 15th!'BURKE and LORDS 6K!'"''> \]\; ]; ]S; _6ZK">; +(''' ++6 Egyptian administrative centres in Canaan in Even more surprising is the fact that no Egyp almost every respect (shapes, fabrics, and the pro ' 4' ' " ' " .!"' 6 .!"' $!''*';+! §5 and conclude that Dor must have had a '''''' "' ' ' + ' ''+.!" '.!"][th!6K! *BELL\\§'66MCGEOUGH\\S; gest similar phenomena in further sites in the Car [SM[Z+6.'"'' ' M Υ>> "' ` K <'; K '; '; K K+; K J'; K '; '+' ' Υ>> STIDSING and SALMON ;$;$'"''K!6B''!; \]];]SZM]SQ6 +;'.!"''' +; ' " ! %' !; ' %'' '; '! '' 'K<''][th7'!]th' $'K>>'%''Palaeokastro in Cyprus, '''K'+'ARTZY possibly during LC II, but mostly during LC IIIA, \\§ ]^th ' ][th;.!" the 12th!?."!!"" ' ' ' ! '66 Υ>>; 6?_!";4'!"§RENSON et al.\]^; ' ' ' 7' ' ! ' + ' J ? "'! unclear (ARTZY\\;_\§.'%';"' *%M;DAY et al6\]];']6 '6 ! (; ! *' ' " ' K '+'; ! !R '''[*.!" ''; ' ]^thM][th century ' 4' ' '"' 9 >6 sequence has been unearthed in the early 20th cen Despite some stratigraphic uncertainties and evi !!6#6'BALENSI ]QZ\§ BALENSI, "; ' '' HERRERA and ARTZY]QQ[6.!"'"! + 9' ] @ [Z; + ' ' ! ' MARTIN 2011, .!"'+'''6]\\MARTIN [S;'+"! \]];]Q_M\\6%'+" + ' '7 >" ! ' ' ' ` ' ' > ']Q[\6 served some sort of administrative role under the **'; Egyptians, the abundance of containers from .!"'4''!+MARTIN\]];[_M^]§ Egypt should rather be attributed to its role in %;+(;""6]_M maritime trade (MARTIN\]];[6]]Q"6_6 ]]6K.!"''' ''"'''+'; ;''''6 is clear that Egyptian containers reached Ashkelon K%;'";+ '6 ]\\ ?.; ! !"'! 5 Contra STOCKHAMMER\];Q[+'.!" ' >> "'; $ § GOLDWASSER ]QQ\ K '4'*?'''+'!'.!" 8 $' 9'; $>>'§ GOLDWASSER '"'6 and OREN \]_ < $'§ $ § ERIKSSON]QQ_;\\ 6 The latter site also produced an amphora handle bearing a ''$'K>>'?!";'$§ cartouche of Ramesses II, ARTZY\\;__6j<+ '+'>6 J.!"'4''+!'' S B!+'"'+['.!"'' side Egypt SEE VENTURA and SIEGELMANN\\^K Z K''!8'''6 ('.!".'!`'''9"9'#'" _[ earlier shapes, by a handle probably bearing a car Tell Qasile (a roughly 2 km sail from the coast up $'!'4''"'!* the Yarkon river; MAZAR]QZ_;[6^S`][§^Z`Q§ 6K"'*';+; ] ' ' "'! 4' ''6 +' " ' ' (BEN DOR EVIAN\]];[6`^6%!;+; Synchronic: Egyptian Jars/Amphorae in the 4'+;'';'>6 Early Iron Age East
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