...... s...... Vol. SLVlI. He. 20 To_.,. MII'CII 28. IJI' CIaaItra 7, 1911 (SIb) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Thirteenth SessIOD (E1abtb Lok Sabha) tlifiM-a .. Ibi& ....... ~ _..-_.....,__ ~ , PARLIAlvL. .:.t, ~ LdJRARY ~ No i.l .' ... .. 11... ... ~ ~a~E; · i-If!I ~ ...~~ (Vol. XLYll COIJtalru Nol. 11 to 20) LOI: SABIIA SECRET4JlIA1' NEW DELHI Prlc, J Ib.'.oo O:&lGINAL BNGLIIH PIlOCBBDlNOI INCLUDID IN ENGLISH VBUION AND O•• GINAL HINDI paOCBBDINGS INCLUDBD III HINDI VEUION WILL BB tltEATBD AS .A.UTIIOJUTATIVII AND IIlO'I TBB TLUlILAnOJ!!l THBILBO'.) CONTENTS [Eighth Series, Vol.XL VII, Thirteenth Session, 1989/1 9 10-11 (Saka}J No. 20, Tuesday, March 28, 1989/Chaitra 7, 1911 (Saka) COLUMNS Oral Answers to Questions: 5-46 *Starred Questions Nos. 371 to 375, 3n, 378 and 383 Written Answers to Questions: 47~99 Starred Questions Nos. 370, 376, 379 to 382 47-59 and 384 to 390 Unstarred Questions Nos. 3497 to 3659 and 3661 59-482 to 3729 Announcement by Deputy-Speaker 499-500 Re: Report of the Thakkar Commission Papers Laid on the Table 501-505 Maters Under Rule 377 505-518 (i) Demand for reviewing Finance Minister'S 505-506 direction to States for w~hdrawal of Central subsidy for selling up, industries in the 'no Industry districts'. Shri Bhishma Dec Dube (ii) Demand for effective steps to check harassment 506-507 of the public by taxi and scooter-rickshaw drivers at the New Delhi Railway Station Shri Ganga Ram *The Sign t marked above the name of a Member indicats that the question was actually asked on the floor of the House by that Member. (ii) (iii) Demand for declaring Bikanar city of Rajasthan a 507-508 8-2 grade city Shri Manphool Singh Chaudhary (Iv) Demand for instruding Rajasthan Government 508-509 for aerial sowing of indigenous pjants in the soil erosion affected requires in the State's Haroti region Shri Jujhar Singh (v) Demand for limiting the margin of profit of the Mica 509 Trading Corporation of India Shri P. Penchalliah (vi) Demand for a unHorm and job oriented education 510 system throughout the country Shri Ramashray Prasad Singh (vii) Demand for increasing the number of judges and 510-511 filling up vacancies in the Allahabad High Court Dr. Chandra Shekhar Tripathi (viii) Demand for supporting the people of Afghanistan 511 and PANP leader, Wali Khan for their grave fighting against the imperialist and fundamentalist forces Shri Aziz Qureshi Statutory Resolution Re: Disapproval of Income-Tax (Amendment) 519-526 ordinance, 1989 Shri C. Janga Reddy 519 LOK SABHA DEBATES LOKSABHA under which you can do something? (Interruptions) Tuesday, March 28, 1989/ Chaitra 7, MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed 1911 (Saka) anybody. (Interruptions) The Lok Sabha met at At this stags, Shri P.R. Kumaramangalam Eleven of the Clock and some other hon. members went back to their seats [MR. SPEAKER in the Chair] MR. SPEAKER: Tell me some rule (Interruptions) under which I can do ~. At this stage, Shri P.R. Kumaramangaiam (Interruptions) and some other Han. Members came and stood on the Floor near the Table KUMARIMAMATABANERJEE (Jadavpur): I lady member was assaulted (Interruptions) in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. [ Translation] SHRI N. V. N. SOMU (Madras North): The Chief Minister was deliberately attacked MR. SPEAKER: Whatever all of you in the Assembly, Sir. (Interruptions) are doing .... MR. SPEAKER: I can listen to only [English) one man. If I have to listen, I can listen to only one man. Is it in order? Tell me is k in order? [ Translation] (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: Tell me is there any MR. SPEAKER: Why are you making order? noise? (Interruptions) (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: How can I do it when [English] you are misusing this House? MR. SPEAKER: Go outside and fight. (/ntenuptions) MR. SPEAKER: Tell us some rule (Intenuptlons) 3 MARCH 28, 1989 4 MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed SHRI N. V. N. SOMU: I have already anybody. given a notice. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: I Will put it to the House. I have got no objection. "Is it the MR. SPEAKER: Tell me any rule pleasure of the House that the Question under which I can do It. Hour should be suspended for today?" ( Interruptions) SEVERAL HON MEMBERS: No. MR. SPEAKER: If you do not want the MR. SPEAKER: It IS negatived. What House to run, I will adjourn It, no problem. can I do? I can go to my chamber. THE MINISTER OF ENERGY(SHRI ( Interruptions) VASA NT SATHE): Are you suggesting that the Question Hour should be sus- MR. SPEAKER: If you can give me pended? I oppose It. one rule under which I have to allow thiS, I will do it. SHRIKADAMBURJANARTHANAN (Tlrunelveh)' We are not raising It tor Mr. ( Inte"uptions) Sathe We are raising It for the Tamil Nadu people. (Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER' Tell me one rule under which I can allow It. KUMARI MAMATA BANNERJEE: We do not want that the Question Hour should ( InterruptIons) be suspended We want thiS House to condemn the attitude of the Tamil Nadu SHRI S JAIPAL REDDY (Mahbub- Government (InterruptIOns) nagar). On a POint of order. Old they give a notice for suspension of the Question MR SPEAKER I have not got any Hour? authOrity or any rule which authOrises me to do thiS. MR. SPEAKER: Nobody has given me any notice. That IS why, I am saying. II ( Interruptions) Show me the rule". MR. SPEAKER' I feel helpless. ( Interruptions) ( Interruptions) KUMARI MAMATA BANERJEE: A lady member was assaulted In the Tamil Nadu SHRI P.R. KUMARAMANGALAM Assembly. I Sit according to the (Salem): My I request the Speaker to take rules?( Interruptions) up this matter at least after the Question Hour? ..... (lnterruptions) MR SPEAKER: If they do not believe In rules, why should I follow them? Is there MR. SPEAKER: I cannot do anything any rule that I should follow them? I am helpless. ( Interruptions) MR. SPEAKER: If you want that the QuestIOn Hour should be suspended give MR. SPEAKER: I have not allowed me soma notice. anybody. 5 Oral AnswBts CHAITRA 7t 1911 (SAKA) Oral Answers 6 ( Interruptions) consumers and it was assured that the Cost Index ~rice will be fixed. But so far no prices MR. SPEAKER: Shri K. have been fixed. Will the Government think Pradhani...Absent Shri E. Ayyapu Reddy. of fixing price under the Essential Com modi- ties Act so that the prices are regulated and the prices of these tyres are within the rea- sonable limits? ORAL ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM: Sir, the Government is not in favour of introduction of [English] any statutory control over prices and distri- bution of tyres. But we have allowed the Production of Bus and Truck Tyres import of tyres under OGL. We have permit- ted some associations to import tyres. We *371. SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: Will hope that the prices will stabilise and come the Minister of INDUSTRY be pleased to down. state: SHRI E. AYVAPU REDDY: Sir, I do not (a) whether there has been a steep rise think he has properly answered. Has any in the production of bus and truck tyres in exercise been done in trying to ascertain the 1988 as compared to 1987; and reasonable prices. which these tyre manu- fadures can charge? Has any exercise been (b) whether due to the increase in pro- done at the Secretariat level? duction the availability of tyres has become easy and cheap? SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM: Yes Sir; BICP has gone into it. They have submitted THE MINISTER OF STATE IN THE that the input cost has gone up. Therefore, DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DEVEL- the price has gone up. OPMENT IN THE MINISTRY OF INDUS- TRY (SHRI M. ARUNACHALAM): (a) and SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: Sir, it is not (b). There has been a significant increase in corred to say that the input prices have gone production of bus and truck tyres from 39.S up. As a matter of fact, the producers of lakhs in 1987 to 48.7 lakhs in 1988. The rubber have been complaining that they are availability of tyres is adequate to meet not getting reasonable prices. As a matter of domestic demand and export commitments. fact, the MODVAT has been made appli- however, the prices of tyres have shown an cable and the excise duty on the input has increase primarily due to the increases in the been cut down. The manufacturers have got cost of raw materials and inputs. the benem of the MOD VAT. Therefore, there IS no substance in the claim that the input SHRI E. AYYAPU REDDY: Mr. prices have gone up. The increase in the Speaker Sir, the increase In the prices of prices of inputs has no relationship whatso- tyres of trucks and buses has a cascading ever with the final price of the tyres of trucks effect on the consumer. Everyday the cost of and buses. Has this been examined? transport is going up. In some cases, the price of the goods is less than the cost of My next sU'pplementary is, how much of transport. And in no case the cost of trans- these goods are being exported and why is port is less than twenty five per cent of the it that you are allowing export while the price of the goods. This has got an effect on prices of tyres are not within the reasonable the consumer. The transport operators are limit in the domestic market. complaining that the prices of tyres have gone up very steeply and without any rea- THE MINISTER OF INDUSTRY (SHRI son.
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