Harrison High School Harrison NY 10528 www.harrisoncsd.org May 2015 Volume XIX Issue 2 Verizon App-ortunity Calls; IB Design Team Answers and Wins Lauren Madonna and Jack Roshco Staff Writers Harrison High created this application School’s IB Design to help people reduce Technology Year II stu- carbon emissions. They dents, along with tech- hope that one day this app nology teacher Mrs. will be used to better the Frawley, have won the earth. This application is New York State Verizon guaranteed to impact the Innovative App Chal- earth and advance the pro- lenge for the second tection of the vulnerable year in a row. earth before it is too late. The national Ver- Mrs. Frawley is ex- izon Innovative App tremely proud of her stu- Challenge is a col- dents. She says, “It’s great laborative competi- for Harrison High School tion between schools because it shows people across the country to outside of our community create a unique and how bright and talented our creative app that can students are… Regardless make a real difference of the final outcome, it was in an educational or an exciting opportunity health-related way. for all of the students in Each app must incorpo- IB Design Technology to rate “STEM Principles” develop their ideas and while focusing on a compete in this contest. present-day issue. The I am proud of the way national victors receive that both teams worked a $20,000 grant to go Best in State: Gabriella Morris, Camila Sarmiento, Ms. Diane Frawley, Steven Forrest, and Dylan Manley, pose with pride after having their in order to represent our Green Step app designated Best in State at the Verizon App Challenge. towards their school’s Photos and Screenshots Courtesy of Ms. Frawley school.” STEM program. Unfortunately, “Green Not only does each tion MD”. Ultimately, Team 1 took Step” did not make it past team create an application the New York State title. the regional level, but the stu- for everyday use, but it Where did the idea of Green dents are still proud that they also creates a brief, infor- Step originate? Camila Sarmiento, were victorious at the state mative video describing a senior and Team 1 member, level. So far, things are going every detail and aspect of states, “We all liked the idea of be- well for the technology pro- the application. On top of ing environmentally sustainable, gram in Harrison, and many these, essay responses so we decided to use that idea.” DDP students are looking are required to further The students incorporated what forward to more opportunities provide details and prove they were passionate about in such as this one. Lindsay its impact and fulfillment of their final idea. According to Cami- Amann, a freshman student the necessary guidelines. la, they recognized a reoccurring of Mrs. Frawley, claims, “In a Two Harrison teams issue, and tried to put an end to it. couple of years, I can invent entered the competition. The application “Green Step” an app of my own. It must be Team 1, with members tracks users’ daily carbon footprint hard though, they have an Camila Sarmiento, Gabri- and impact on the environment. app for everything already.” ella Morris, Dylan Man- But what exactly is a carbon Both of Harrison’s com- ley and Steven Forrest, footprint? It is the amount of peting teams worked ex- created the app “Green carbon dioxide and other carbon tremely diligently to repre- Environmental App: Green Step tracks us- Model of the app at work: This screen shot Step”, and Team 2, with ers’ daily carbon footprint and impact on the compounds emitted due to the shows Camilla’s carbon footprint and impact sent Harrison and brought members Chris Garritano, environment. consumption of fossil fuels by a on the environment. excellent publicity to the Daniel Quinn, Frank Arturi, particular person or group. Widely ronmental state, the IB students High School’s STEM pro- Tristan Votta and Scott Nielsen, created the app “Connec- aware of the world’s current envi- gram. In News... In Sports... Inside... Relay For Life Track and redefines the Field -- DECA State Success.....Page 3 idea of an Class B A very strange year.........Page 6 all-nighter. Champions! Too many sequels?.........Page 7 Damn Yankees A Hit......Page 10 Page 2 90-Second Interviews....Page 13 May 2015 2 Husky Herald Relay For Life: Not Your Typical All-Nighter Lauren Mehlman Staff Writer Many students at Harrison bring this life-changing event to camp out overnight and take and more. Much of the money those lost to cancer, honors peo- High School have been affected Harrison. turns walking or running around raised at each event comes from ple who have fought cancer in the in some way by cancer. In the Relay for Life, which took a track. This 12-hour event is the teams’ onsite fundraisers. past, and supports those whose hopes of coming together as a place on April 25, 2015, was im- symbolic of the seemingly nev- At the event, teams set up their fight continues. Paper bags glow- community to support those af- mensely successful. About 500- er-ending journey a cancer pa- own fundraisers to raise money. ing with candles line the track in fected while raising money for 600 people were in attendance tient must endure. Although it is These include food sales, games, memory or honor of a loved one. this remarkable cause, a group at the event’s peak, and it raised not mandatory for participants to face painting, and jewelry sales. On April 25, the Harrison of IB Diploma candidates at Har- over $80,000 (and counting) for stay overnight, it is strongly en- The impact of Relay for community joined together for rison High School decided to or- the American Cancer Society. couraged that they do so. The Life mainly comes from the sev- this inspiring and remarkable ganize the first annual Relay for “If you told me back in overnight aspect is representa- eral ceremonies that take place event, celebrating the lives of Life event for the town. After par- September that we would get tive of the different stages of a throughout the night. While Relay people who have battled cancer. ticipating in a Relay for Life event the entire Harrison community to cancer patient’s journey. The set- events vary from community to The strength of survivors inspires in eighth grade, these students raise this much money, I would ting sun symbolizes the diagno- community, they have three main others to continue their fight, and were inspired and determined to have laughed at how unlikely it sis, the nighttime represents the components in common: the Sur- events like this also allow com- seemed,” said Kelly darkest parts of the journey: the vivors’ Lap, the Caregivers’ Lap, munity members to remember Brabant, one of the treatments, the side-effects, and and the Luminaria Ceremony. It is loved ones lost to the disease. student organizers. the uncertainty, while finally, the nearly impossible to take part in At Relay, those who have walked Other student rising sun serves as a symbol for these ceremonies without feeling alongside people battling cancer organizers include hope and victory over cancer. the emotional impact of cancer grieved and found healing. The this reporter, Matthew Relay for Life is the largest and the event as a whole. All can- Harrison community chose Re- Mendelsohn, Katie nonprofit fundraiser in the world. cer survivors, whether they are lay for Life because it has been Steins, Catie DiRe, These events take place in more still fighting the disease or have touched by cancer and desper- Dillon Bogart, Gina than 5,000 communities and been cancer free for 20 years, ately wants to put an end to the DiRusso, and Jeffrey 22 countries across the globe. are encouraged to attend a spe- disease. So many came and Solomon. Along with Each year, more than four million cial dinner and the Survivors’ Lap. made a commitment to save lives the inestimable help people take part in this world- All cancer survivors take the first and take up the fight by joining a and leadership of Ms. wide phenomenon and raise lap around the track, celebrating team and fundraising prior to the Blunt, Lucy Miller, much-needed funds and aware- their victory over cancer while actual event. and Debbie Mazza, ness to save lives from cancer. they are cheered on by the oth- For more information, or the inspiring event Before the event, participants er participants. After this lap, the to contribute additional funds to came off without a join teams and raise money indi- caregivers who lend their time, this worthy cause, go to www.re- hitch and surpassed vidually to go towards their per- love, and support for loved ones layforlife.org/harrisonny or email all expectations. sonal team and event goals. This fighting cancer are recognized RFLharrison@gmail. Ready to Relay: The team of student organizers gets set before the event. Front Row (left to right) Relay for Life can be achieved by sending out with their own lap. The Luminar- Lauren Mehlman, Kelly Brabant, Katie Steins, Gina is an event in which emails, asking friends and family, ia Ceremony takes place after DiRusso, and Catie DiRe, back row (left to right): teams of 15 people holding bake sales, babysitting, dark. This ceremony remembers Dillon Bogart, Jeffrey Solomon, and Matthew Men- delsohn. Courtesy of Ms. Blunt Day of Silence Speaks Volumes Julia Dinota Staff Writer The Day of Silence is a na- (GLEN). This year on Friday, Every year, hundreds of silence faced by LGBTQ people, “I think it is important for tional day of action in which stu- April 17, 2015, thousands of pub- thousands of students across the and offer tools with which to end students to take a stand and par- dents across the country vow to lic high schools and an increas- world take a vow of silence on the silence." ticipate,” he said.
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