DOCUMENT RESUME / ED 098 776 EC 070 544 AUTHOR Lieberman, Gail, Ed. TITLE Daily Living Skills: A Manual forEducating Visually Impaired Students. INSTITUTION Illinois State Office of the Superintendentof Public Instruction, Springfield. InstructionalMaterials Center. SPONS AGENCY Bureau of Education for the Handicapped(DHEN/OE), Washington, D.C. PUB DATE [74] GRANT OEG-,3-6-062679-156(607) NOTE 251p. EDRS PRICE MF-$0.75 HC- $12.60 "PLUS POSTAGE DESCRIPTORS Bibliographies; Blind; *Daily Living Skills; Evaluation;lExceptional.Child Education; Instructional Materials; *interpersonal Competence; Mobility Aids; Partially Sighted; *Recreation;*Self Care Skills; Sensory Aids; TeachingGuides; Teaching Methods; *Visually Handicapped ABSTtACT The manual contains rationales,general approaches, and'sPecific procedures for educators andparents .to use in teaching daily living skills to visually impairedstudents. Detailed suggestions are given with regard tolearning objectives for blind or partially sighted children, age levels,and instructional adaptations for developing competency in thefollowing areas: recreational skills (including such team and individelal sportsactivities as basketball, bowling, golf, hiking, and swimming);practical skills (such as use ,of household items and outdoor tools, careof pets, room organization, food preparation, and knowledgeof budget concepts); Self-care skills (such as clothing care,dressing, hygiene, eating and sewing); and social skills (involvingwritten, oral, and silent communication, etiquette, and games) .For example, suggestions given regarding modifications in teaching sportsinclude using audible or brightly colored balls, using a sightedguide, and giving immediate feedback. Direcions on clothing carefocus on such specific topics as hanging clothes,polishing shoes, turning garments rightside out, and folding a shirt. Books,materials, and sensory aids are listed, together with ordering information;and several sample evaluation forms (including social competencyrating scales and an individual student profile for daily livingskills) are provided. (LH) U iAirTME NT OF NE As ITT EDuCATIoN S riELAARE INST;TuTE Of EDUCATION tit t . f i0 ROY % % 0% A '0' .4,01.4s , ko v 4t PME .** " 1 Cif t. ,I DAILY LIVING SKILLS (A Manual For Educating Visually Impaired Students) STATE OF ILLINOIS OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION MICRA.EL J. BAKALIS, SUPERINTENDENT I 0* 15 DAILY LIVING SKILLS (A Manual For Educating Visually Impaired Students) 1: Supported In part by the Instructional MaterialsCenter, Department for Exceptional Children,trough the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, U. S.Office of Education, Grant # OEG-3-6-062679-156(607) , stsT CgPY 111.:4!Lfin.. DAILY LIVING SKILLS MANUAL el Gail Lieberman, Editor Program Specialist Handicapped Children Section Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction James Meeks Educational SpeCialist Instructional Materials Center Office of the Superintendent of Public.Instruction L Tom Phillips Recreation Skills Chairman '297 Millard Street Crystal lake, Illinois , 'James Nezol Department of Special Education Illinois State University Normal, Illinois Karen Linsey Collins School 407 South Summit Schaumberg, Illinois Connie Schiltz Practical Skills Chairman 5442 West Agatite Chicago, Minas Becky Matheny University of Michigan 1554 Stockwell Hall Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104 Alma Obert Illinois Braille and Sight Saving School 658 East State Street Jacksonville, Illinois Richard Webster Illinois Braille and Sight Saving School 658 East State Street: Jacksonville, Illinois . 4, BEST COPY AVAILABLE 0 . _ Mario Cortesi . A 2810 Narth Spaulding Chicago; Illinois 60618 Marion Lindseyn e . 609 East Groveland Chicago, Illinois 60616 °..? Carolyn Schumacher Self-Care Skills Chairman 4 Illinois Visualk Handicapped Institute 1151 South Wood Chicago, Iilinois 60612 Florence loan Illinois Visually Handicapped Institute 1151 'South Wood Chicago, Illinois 60612 . Janet Osberg Mid-Certral Association 3202 North Wisconsin Peoria, Illinois Michael Jacobi Illinois Braille and Sight Saving School 658 East State Street JacksuAville, Illinois Richard Grove 14 Coal Drive Belleville, Illinois 62211 Leslie Cooper Social Skilla Chairman 7315 Dixon Street Forest Park, Illinois Patricia Buhroj 5201 St. Charles Road Berkeley, Illinois Marjorie Todd Student Teacher Illinois State University Tuiscola, Illinois 0 as Ili PRODUCTION A, common phrase in theEnglish language is "close isonly good in who has never played Om game, horseshoes,"To a visually limited person in all this phrase is probably meaningless. Not only in horseshoes, but concepts and other recreational activities,the only way to develop proper a "feel" for theactivities is to get involvedin.themAs participant. To a blind spectator at asporting.event, what do the termshalfback, wide receiver, guterball,sidehorse, uneven parallel bars,shortstop, 'butterfly stroke, etc.,mean tohim?Think how often our daily conversation day's focuses on sporting events. People constantly discuss the previous major league game, or boastof their own exploits as anangler, wrestler, teenager react to a first, swimmer, etu. How does a visually limited date invitation tole bowling ifhe or she has never played thegame? For visually limitedchildren participation inrecreational activities during the si.hool yearsshould be made as mandatory ms the bod7 is equally academic. subjects. The proper development of As parents and educators, as important asthe development of themind. engage in' if we deny visuallylimited children the opportunity to recreational activities, we notonly contribute to theirpossible physical immaLlrity. butalso their very possible socialretardation. be As with all children,visually limited children should not thobe in which they forced into activities ofwhich they are fearful, or have no interest. Also, anyone involved inteaching recreational of the activities to a visuallylimited child should be throughly aware children shOuld child's physical condition. Contact sports for some other medical be eliminated ic remainingvision is threatened, or if used conditions preiAlt participation. However, this should not be Simply walking as an excusefor completely avoidingthe activity. through the motions ofplayers in contact sports canprovide insight into the game. Thib section is not allinclusive, but it is hoped thatthe manual will encourage yoi to engage yourstudents in activitiesthat have long been neglected In theeduoation of visuallyimpaired' youngsters. INDEX FORRECLTION t i TEAM SPORTS Baseball Basketbil: Bowling Cress Country Football Gymnastic Hockey Soccer Track and Field Volleyball Water Polo Wrestling INDIVIDUAL SPORTS Archery and Target'Shooting Bicycles Calisthenics Canoeing rnd Rowing Catching Fish Diving Golf Hiking Horseshoes Rid:nig and Handling a Horse Roller Skating, Ice Skating Shufflerboard Stedding Snorkeling Snow Skiing, Water Skiing. Swimming Tobogganing Weight Lifting BEST CoqAVAILABLE TRAM SPORTS The visually limited 01/.1d will learnthe fundamentals of the gattavf . bseball and participate in a baseball game as anactive player.. Ares 5 and up . Baseball in the primary grades f,r avisually.ltmited child can be adapted with the use of a batting stand. The hall is placed on the battingstand. The child MO it and runs the bases 1) onhis own, 2) with a sighted runner, 3) with the. use of a guide wire, or4) by'any other method that iscomfortaole for him. One device that may prove useful :ex ablind child is a Portable 0 Model Goal-Locater. This Locater emits a beeping sound,and it could be used to give the child's directiontoward, the base._. One gaw in learning the fue4amenta4of baseball at the primary levelis using a kickball and running baties. Baseball in the upper grades can incorporatethe use of a Beep-Ball (with the batting stand as needed), aball that orients the student to theposition of the ball.' The ball is asoftball in name and size, but, it isquite hard and woulditequire a good dealof practice with it' before avisually limited -child 46cAd usetf in acompetitive game. For partially seeing childrenbrightly colored balls, oitagthalle colored with Day-Glo paint may proveeasier.to track than, a whiteball. Also large lubber balls with'sbell inside may be used. With a little adaptation of the gamethe visually limited child can participate actively in baseball,and relinquish his often too frequent and inactive position as"scorekeeper". Some areas hae "Blind LittleLeagues". Contact your local Little League organization to check into theavailability in your area. Materials: Beep-Ball Telephone Pioneers of America Batting stand through a physicaleducation catalog Portable Goal-rwocatev from AmericanPrinting House Books: Browneon, George.,NlAsgalaligmAlsmed.Empons-Play Baseball. Canadian Council of the Blind, 96Ridout -Street South London, 16, Ontario, Canada.April, 1972 Details of equipment and rules inbaseball as adapted for the blind by Joe Lewis, director of recreation atthe British Columbia- Institute for the BI.:nd a Yukon Division of the Canadian National Koppett, Leonard. AThinkingjisn's Ggide to Bas0111. Library of Congress, Division for the Blind andPhysically Handicamd. Talking Book, 8 records #180I %paseball , $ Coombs; Jack. BjunAf_11,A.)11. library. of Congress, Divisibn for the Blind . and Physically Handicapped As A .. 5 reels open reel tapp #cr 5249 4,, , Braille copy !)581 . t. DeacOption of the more technical aspects ofbasAallf,Included is 4% much solid.information. on batting, base running,
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