A Hamilton College Student Publication, Clinton, NY February 11, 2010 Volume L Number 16 THE SPECTATOR For Professors, TAKING A SPIN ON CHOIR’S CAROUSEL Self-Governing Twists and Turns Community Key on Tenure Track to Strategic Plan by Russ Doubleday ’11 by Kerry Q. Coughlin ’11 NEWS EDITOR NEWS WRITER Most Hamilton students do The Strategic Plan outlines not see a tremendous amount of four priorities for Hamilton change when it comes to faculty College in the next five to eight during their four years on the Hill. years – education for self-direc- Some professors arrive, other vis- tion, self-governing community, iting professors leave and some thoughtful dialogue and debate tenured faculty take a sabbatical and engagement with the world. to focus on research and writing. Several updates were posted to To students, a professor gaining the Strategic Plan in January. tenure generally represents little Education for self-direction more than a title change. involves new academic build- As Associate Professor of ings, the advising process and Government Gary Wyckoff puts the Cultural Education Center. it, becoming tenured is a “pretty PHOTO BY ANDY RICHARDSON ’10 Visiting Professor of History nerve-wracking time for the fac- Chelsea Wiggins ’12 (center), playing the role of Carrie Pipperidge, sings in the Madeleine E. Lopez was ap- ulty member. That’s the real high- choir musical Carousel on Saturday, Feb. 6. See the full story on pages 10-11. pointed the Counseling Director est pressure time in their career.” of the Cultural Education Center There are many different over the summer and has since paths an incoming professor can begun working with the Hamil- be put on, but the vast majority Asbestos Found in Bundy Hall ton community on various pro- of professors move into a tenure gramming initiatives. track position. Approximately 90 by Michael Koester ’13 ings are cracked or beginning to and deterioration will be stabi- As part of developing a self- percent of faculty hires are placed NEWS WRITER delaminate be stabilized.” lized over spring break. This will governing community, Student on a six-year tenure track, with a At a meeting held in the Fil- require these residents to com- Assembly released a statement review after the three-year mark. Over winter break, the ceil- lius Events Barn, Physical Plant pletely empty their rooms. Over last semester which expresses These professors who are on ten- ings in both Bundy residence halls and Residential Life clarified the the summer, Physical Plant plans the need to cultivate an inclusive ure track but have not reached the tested positive for 0.5-3.3 percent situation. Bundy residence halls to have the threat eradicated by environment with respect for all six-year mark are referred to as of asbestos. were completely checked for as- replacing the ceilings that have viewpoints and backgrounds. assistant professors. After being Steve Bellona, vice president bestos and tests for air contamina- been there since Bundy was built Additionally, a task force was es- tenured, the professor has a job for facilities and planning, was tion came back negative. Students in the 1970s. tablished in October to consider for life at Hamilton. The major- quick to dismiss serious health should not expect to come into Previously, one area of the the creation of a Staff Assembly. ity of the time, professors who risks from the asbestos to Bundy contact with the pathogen un- Bundy Halls had tested positive “Hamilton College has a receive tenure become an associ- residents. The engineers hired to less they deliberately disturb the for contamination during con- superb employee staff—in aca- ate professor. In most cases, an carry out the tests “determined ceilings. The meeting was poorly struction over the summer, but demic affairs, in student life, in associate professor can apply for a that there is no health risk to resi- attended by Bundy residents. workers had no indication that maintenance and operations and promotion to “Professor” after an dents because the ceiling material Residential Life is taking the asbestos was widespread. in all divisions of the College. additional six years, but this time remains intact and encapsulated,” precautions by instructing all Concerned individuals are The purpose of the Staff Assem- frame varies by department. The according to an e-mail sent out Bundy residents to take down encouraged to contact Steve Bel- bly is to give our employees an majority of visiting professors are on Feb. 8. Nevertheless, these their bunk beds to prevent contact lona ([email protected]) or organized voice in the College engineers also “recommended with the ceilings. Eleven rooms any other member of the Physical see Tenure, page 3 that 11 locations where the ceil- deemed to have minor cracks Plant staff. see Strategic Plan, page 2 “Group of Random Students” Spreading the Love by Erin W. Hoener ’10 ’11, the students responsible for trees were designated for hopes that makes Hamilton unique.” to “Spread the Love” from McE- for the future. EDITOR-IN-CHIEF the decorations hope that this Wednesday also marked wen and KJ all the way to Com- event will make everyone who Many students, faculty the return of a unique Hamilton mons. Although the administra Whether being asked to buy sees it stop and think about the and staff chose to participate, tradition - the Streaking Team. a soda for your sweetheart or an things they would normally take adding hopes ranging from The Streakers braved the snow see Love, page 3 embarrassing ballad for your for granted. “Liberty League Playoffs” to best friend, it is hard to ignore “[We did this] to encour- “the sustainable proliferation that Valentine’s day is about to age students, faculty and staff of grapefruit and pragmatic hit campus. Although traditions to work together to love and governance.” like Crush cans and Buffergrams respect one another. To remind Even if they chose not focus on sending your love to people to give thanks and hope to participate, many students one person, a ‘ group random of for the future.” seemed to appreciate the effort students’ has worked to remind In addition to brightening put in by their fellow students. campus to “Spread the Love.” up the common areas, the deco- “All of the bright colors put me When students, faculty and rations provided space for com- in a good mood, even after get- staff entered KJ and the Science munity members to contribute ting a parking ticket this morn- Center Wednesday morning they to the project. Post-it notes were ing!” exclaimed Dana Kelsey were greeted with streamers, designated for community mem- ’10. post-it note pictures and inspi- bers to write about what they are “It made my morning rational signs reminding them thankful for and inspire others, brighter. You could really feel PHOTO BY ANDY RICHARDSON ’10 to enjoy the little things in life. while pieces of hole-punched the love.” said Andrew Boddorff In the Kirner-Johnson Building, community members According to Clare Browne paper and ribbon to hang on the ’10, “This is the kind of thing display messages of gratitude and love on Post-it notes. Face Off: The Full FebFest America the HEAG Promotes Rookies Rock Worth of WHCL Schedule Released Beautiful Reusable Red Mugs Women’s Hoops February 11,5 2010 7 9 16 19Page 1 NEWS THE SPECTATOR Strategic Plan Emphasizes Engagement with the World from Strategic Plan, page 1 program on campus, it was suc- Clinton Fire Department and cessful… We’re still gauging eight other grants from the Ham- NESCAC NEWS community, so that they may col- the level of interest and need ilton College Town-Gown Fund by Amanda Jordan ’10 lectively do what they do so well for such gatherings.” Committee totaling $30,000. NEWS WRITER individually, to make Hamilton To foster an engagement Unlike many other colleges, an even better place, to enhance with the world, the Strategic Hamilton was able to avoid any the quality of our workplace and Plan addresses issues of diver- layoffs for the 2009-2010 aca- Tufts University our school,” said Dean of Fac- sity, meeting financial needs, demic year. A flat salary increase ulty Joseph Urgo. improving town-gown relations was given to all employees ex- On Feb. 8, Larry Bacow, the twelfth President of Tufts University, Through the thoughtful and increasing student research cept for senior staff. announced his intention to resign as president in June 2011. Bacow dialogue and debate portion of opportunities. Even in tough economic has been President of Tufts since 2001. In his message to the Tufts the Strategic Plan, the College At their December meeting, times, the college is considering community, Bacow said that he thinks ten years is the “right” amount hopes to strengthen community trustees affirmed that becoming an expansion of programming in of time for a university president. Additionally, as he turns sixty, Ba- building and sustainability. need-blind is a priority. “Ham- line with the Strategic Plan. cow said that he would like to spend more time in the classroom, Three community meetings ilton is committed to attracting There is the possibility of since teaching initially attracted him to the academic field. Near the were held in the fall semester: (1) the best and the brightest stu- three new summer programs in end of his message, Bacow stated, “It has been a great privilege to Citizenship at Hamilton: Rights dents who are capable of meet- 2010: (1) an Adirondack Essen- lead Tufts for these past nine years, and I look forward to working and Responsibilities; (2) Race ing our academic challenge tials program, led by Professor with the Board to ensure a smooth and successful transition to the and Privilege on College Cam- and who have the inner drive Maurice Isserman; (2) an oral next president.” In his letter to the Tufts community, the Chair of the pus, with invited speaker Tim to make the attempt.
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