Vol. 537 Pretoria, 26 March 2010 Maart No. 33041 2 No. 33041 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 26 MARCH 2010 For purposes of reference, all Proclamations, Government Aile Proklamasies, Goewermentskennisgewings, Aigemene Notices, General Notices and Board Notices published are Kennisgewings en Raadskennisgewings gepubliseer, word vir included in the following table of contents which thus forms a verwysingsdoeleindes in die volgende Inhoudsopgawe inge­ weekly index. Let yourself be guided by the Gazette numbers in sluit wat dus 'n weekllkse indeks voorstel. Laat uself deur die the rlghthand column: Koerantnommers in die regterhandse kolom lei: CON"rENTS INHOUD and weekly Index en weeklikse Indeks Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES 9 Public Service Act (Proclamation No. 9 Staatsdienswet (Proklamasie No. 103 103 of 1994):Amendmentof Schedule 2: van 1994): Wysiging van Bylae 2: Eastern Cape . 6 33041 Oos-Kaap . 8 33041 10 do.: Amendmentof Part A of Schedule 3: 10 do.: Wysiging van Deel A van Bylae 3: Government Pensions Administration Agentskap vir die Administrasie van Agency . 10 33041 Staatspensioene .. 11 33041 GOEWERMENTS-EN ALGEMENE KENNISGEWINGS GOVERNMENTAND GENERAL NOTICES Basic Education, Department of Basiese Onderwys, Departement van General Notices Aigemene Kennisgewings 247 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): 247 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): SC011: Standard for Data Verification: SC011: Standard for Data Verification: Calling for comments 3 33029 Calling for comments .. 3 33029 248 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): 248 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): SC009: Standard for Data Coding: SC009: Standard for Data Coding: Calling for comments 3 33030 Calling for comments . 3 33030 249 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): 249 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): SC008: Data Quality Standard for SC008: Data Quality Standard for Surveys: Calling for comments 3 33031 Surveys: Calling for comments .. 3 33031 250 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): 250 National Education Policy Act (27/1996): SC006: Dictionary of Education SC006: Dictionary of Education Concepts and Terms: Calling for Concepts and Terms: Calling for comments................................................ 3 33032 comments . 3 33032 Defence and Millltary Veterans, Department of Binnelandse Sake, Departement van General Notices Goewermenffikenn~gewmgs 260 National Nuclear Regulator Act R. 206 Films and Publications Act (65/1996): (47/1999): Application for nuclear vessel Regulations: Advisory panel and nomi­ license in terms of section 21 (3) .. 47 33041 nation of candidates for Council and 261 National Nuclear Regulator Act Appeal Tribunal . 3 33026 (47/1999): Notice in terms of section R. 207 do.: Films and Publications RegUlations. 7 33026 21 (2) . 48 33041 221 Births and Deaths Registration Act Energy, Department of (51/1992):Alteration of forenames . 13 33041 222 do.: do . 14 33041 General Notice 223 do.: Alteration of surnames . 20 33041 262 Electricity Regulations Act (4/2006): 224 do.: do . 21 33041 Notice of intention to apply for an 225 do.: Alteration of forenames .. 23 33041 expropriation . 49 33041 226 do.: Alteration of surnames . 26 33041 Environmental Affairs, Department of Energie, Departement van Government Notice Aigemene Kennisgewing 220 National Environmental Management: 262 Elektrisiteits Regulasie Wet (4/2006): Air Quality Act (39/2004): Commen- Kennisgewing van voorneme om cement of certain sections .. 12 33041 aansoek te doen vir onteiening . 49 33041 Health, Department of Gesondheid, Departement van Government Notices Goewermenffikenn~gewmgs 208 Medicines and Related Substances Act, 208 Medicines and Related Substances Act, 1965: Determination of maximum 1965: Determination of maximum increase in the single exit price of medi­ increase in the single '8xit price of medi­ cines and scheduled substances for cines and scheduled substances for 2010 .. 3 33034 2010 . 3 33034 209 do.: Annual review of the single exit 209 do.: Annual review of the single exit prices of medicines and scheduled prices of medicines and scheduled substances for 2011 .. 4 33034 substances for 2011 . 4 33034 210 do.: Information to be furnished by man­ 210 do.: Information to be furnished by man­ ufacturers and importers of medicines ufacturers and importers of medicines and scheduled substances before apply­ and scheduled substances before apply­ ing an increase to the single exit price ... 5 33034 ing an increase to the single exit price ... 5 33034 STAATSKOERANT, 26 MAART 2010 No. 33041 3 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. General Notice Aigemene Kennisgewing 244 Council for Medical Schemes Levies Act 244 Council for Medical Schemes Levies Act (58/2000): Proposed levies on medical (58/2000): Proposed levies on medical schemes . 3 33025 schemes . 3 33025 Home Affairs, Department of Handel en Nywerheid, Departement van Government Notices Aigemene Kennisgewings R. 206 Films and Publications Act (65/1996): 272 Competition Act (89/1998): Competition Regulations: Advisory panel and nomi- Commission: Application for an nation of candidates lor Council and exemption: Spring Light Gas (Pty) Ltd.... 53 33041 Appeal Tribunal . 3 33026 273 do.: do.: Notice in terms of section 10 (7): R. 207 do.: Films and Publications Regulations. 7 33026 SAA granted conditional exemption........ 55 33041 221 Births and Deaths Registration Act (51/1992): Alteration of forenames .. 13 33041 Justisie en Staatkundige Ontwikkellng, Departement van 222 do.: do . 14 33041 Goewermenmkenn~gewing 223 do.: Alteration of surnames . 20 33041 R. 198 Wet op die Reeling van Onderskepping 224 do.: do . 21 33041 van Kommunikasies en Verstrekkingvan 225 do.: Alteration of forenames .. 23 33041 Kommunikasie-verwante Inligting 226 do.: Alteration of surnames .. 26 33041 (70/2002): Posdiensverskaffers 4 33021 Independent Communications Authority of South Africa Landelike Ontwikkellng en Grondhervorming, Departement van General Notice Aigemene Kennisgewing 251 Electronic Communications Act 263 Restitution of Land Rights Act (22/1994): (36/2005): Draft regulations concerning Claim for restitution of land rights: Erven procedures for ICASA inspectors............ 3 33033 11922,11991 and 3239, Goodwood....... 50 33041 Justice and Constitutional Development, Department of Minerale Bronne, Departement van Government Notice Aigemene Kennisgewing R. 198 Regulation of Interception of Com­ munications and Provision of Com­ 277 Geoscience Amendment Bill [B 2009]: munication-related Information Act Correction notice..................................... 58 33041 (70/2002): Postal service providers ........ 3 33021 Omgewingsake, Departement van Mineral Resources, Department of Goewermenmkenn~gewmg General Notice 220 National Environmental Management: 277 Geoscience Amendment Bill [B 2009]: Air Quality Act (39/2004): Commen- 12 33041 Correction notice..................................... 58 33041 cement of certain sections .. Rural Development and Land Reform, Department of Onafhanklike Kommunikasie-owerheid van Suid-Afrlka General Notice' Aigemene Kennisgewing 263 Restitution of Land RightsAct (22/1994): 251 Electronic Communications Act Claim lor restitution of land rights: Erven (36/2005): Draft regulations concerning 11922, 11991 and 3239, Goodwood....... 50 33041 procedures for ICASA inspectors............ 3 33033 Science and Technology, Department of Suld-Afrlkaanse Kwallfikasle-owerheid Goewermenmkenn~gewmgs General Notice 227 Announcement of Intentionto Extend the 265 Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act Accreditation of the Tourism, Hospitality (21/2007): Intention to declare areas to and Sport Education and Training be astronomy advantage areas 51 33041 Authority (THETA) 44 33041 South African Qualifications Authority 228 do............................................................ 45 33041 229 Announcement of Intentionto Extend the Government Notices Accreditation 01 the Food and Beverages 227 Announcementof Intentionto Extend the Manufacturing Industry Sector Education Accreditation of the Tourism, Hospitality and Training Authority (FOODBEV)........ 46 33041 and Sport Education and Training Authority (THETA) 44 33041 Suld-Afrikaanse Reserwebank 228 do............................................................ 45 33041 Aigemene Kennisgewings 229 Announcementof Intentionto Extend the 266 Banks Act (94/1990): Withdrawal of con­ Accreditation of the Food and Beverages sent to maintain a representative office Manufacturing Industry Sector Education of a foreign institution in the Republic of and Training Authority (FOODBEV)........ 46 33041 South Africa in terms of section 34: South African Reserve Bank JSCB Imexbank 58 33041 267 do.: Consent in terms of section 34 for a General Notices: foreign institution to establish a repre­ 266 Banks Act (94/1990): Withdrawal of con­ sentative office within the Republic of sent to maintain a representative office South Africa: Wells Fargo Bank, National of a foreign institution in the Republic of Association.............................................. 58 33041 South Alrica in terms of section 34: 268 do.: do.: Banco Alricano de JSCB Imexbank 58 33041 Investimentos 58 33041 4 No. 33041 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 26 MARCH 2010 Page Gazette Bladsy Koerant No. No. No. No. No. No. 267 Banks Act (94/1990):Consent in terms of 269 Banks Act (94/1990): Change of name of section 34 for a foreign institution to a foreign institution with a representative establish a representative office within office
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