REPUBLIC OF NAURU Published by Authority No. 53 Nauru ------------------~.~--~~------~----~------ G.N. No. 438/1983 REPUBLIC OF NAURU THE CONSTITUTION, OF NAURU Article 41(4} DISSOLUTION OF SIXTH PARLIAMENT By virtue of the powers in that behalf vested in me by Artjcle 41(4) of the Constitution of Nauru and all other powers me enabling I, REUBEN J.T. KUN, Speaker of Parliamerit of the Republic of Nauru, HEREBY DISSOLVE the Sixth Parliament of the Republic of Nauru. q~ven under my hand this 18th day of Oct6ber, 1983. REUBEN J.T. KUN ;, __---"-I'l. ;') SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT "\ .~ G.N. No. 439/1983 REPUBLIC OF NAURU '."=' THE' CONSTITUTION OF NAURU ELECTORAL ACT 1965-1973 DISSOLUTION OF SIXTH PARLIAMENT TAKE NOTICE that by virtue of the powers vested in him by Article 41(4) of the Constitution of Nauru and all other powers him enabling the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Nauru did on the 18th day of October, 1983 dissolve the Sixth Parliament of the Republic of Nauru. DATED this 18th day of October, 1983. K.S. BHALLA PARLIAMENTARY COUNSEL 2 • .,. No.53 19th October, 1983. Nauru. G.N.No.440/1983. REPUBLIC OF NAURU THE CONSTITUTION OF NAURU (Article 39) NOTICE OF GENERAL ELECTION By virtue of the powers in that behalf vested in my by Artic~e 39 of the Constitution of Nauru and in accordance with the advice of His Excellency the then Acting President, I, REUBEN J.T. KUN, Speaker of the Parliament of NaUru, HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that a general election of Members of Parliament will be held on the 3rd day of December, 1983. GIVEN under my hand this 19t·h day of October, 1983. REUBEN J.T. KUN SPEAKER OF PARLIAMENT • t G.N.No.441/1983. It is hereby notified for general information that the Speaker certified the following Act, which had been passed by ParI iaJnent and presented to him for his Certificate: . ,~ No.6 of 1983 Litter Prohibition Act, 1983. ( h ·1 Dated this fourteenth day of October, O~e Thousand Nine -' f Hundred and Eighty-three. P.D. COOK CLERK OF PARLIAMENT G.N.No.442/1983. MAINTENANCE' ORDERS '(,RECIPROCAL ENFORCEMENT) . ACT 19'73 (SECTION 10) WHEREAS the Cabinet is satisfied that if the UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN ISLAND is designated as a reciprocating country so as to receive the benefits conferred by Part IIof the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1973 similar benefits will be applied in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island in respect of maintenance orders made by the Courts of Nauru; NOW THEREFORE . THE CABINET HEREBY TIESTGNATES pursuant to the provisions of :5. No.53 19th October, 1983. Nauru. G.N.No.442/l983(Cont'd). Settion 3(1) of the Act the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island as a reciprocating country for the purpose of Part II of the Maintenance Orders (Reciprocal Enforcement) Act 1973 as and from the 1st day of September 1983. DATED this 13th day of October 1983. S.M. GOYAL ACTING SECRETARY TO CABINET G.N.No.443/l983. PUBLIC SERVICE t-CT 1961,-1979 PUBLIC HOLIDAY It is rtotified for general infor~ition that pursuant to Section 44(1) of the Public Service Act 1961-979, Wednesday 26th October 1983, will be observed as a_Public Holiday by Officers and employees of the Public Service to commemorate the anniversary of the Angam Day. DATED this 18th day of October, 1983. S.M. GOYAL ' ACTING CHIEF SECRETARY. G.N.No.444/1983. PUBL IC SERVICE ACT 1961 - 1979 NOTICE OF PROMOTION The following promotion is hereby notified for information. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS '&'COMMUNITY SERVICES NAME PROMOTED FROM PROMOTED TO Tsimede ITSIMAERA Labour, (Ml) Foreman, Labour $5220 p.a.-$54l2 p.a. (T4) $6372 p.a. $6660 p.a. 4. "t. No.53 19th Oct6ber, 1983. Nauru. G.N.No.444/1983(Cont'd). Any officer of the Public Ser~ice may appeal against the above promotion as provided under Section 25 of the Public Service Act. Appeals should be based on one or other of the grounds set out in Section 25(2) and should be lodged in writing, stating the gro~nds of appeals, with the Public Service Commissioner within seven days after the date of this Gazette. Dated this 18th day of October 1983. S.M. GOYAL ACTING PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER G.N.No.44S/1983. PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 1961·1979 VACANCY SECTION 20 Applications are invited from Nauruans both inside and outside the Public Service for appointment, transfer or promotion to the following positions. DEPARTMENT OF WORKS AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 1. POSITION: FOREMAN - Buil~ing Project SALARY: $6744-$6888 p.a. (T5). .. DUTIES: Under the direction of Works Supervisor for Project to Supervise and control Section tradesmen, prepare daily time sheets, submit requirements such as material and plant for jobs and to ensure proper care and use of Government vehicle under his care. QUALIFICATIONS: ~ of five years experience as a Leading Hand Carpenter, have fair knowledge in all trades related to Buildings, be able to control and train apprentices, sober habit and be able to drive. 2. POSITION: FOREMAN - Building Mainte.nance SALARY: $6744-$6888 p.a. (TS). s. No.53 19th October, 1983. Nauru .. G.N.NO.44S/1983(Cont'd). DUTIES: Under the di~ection of,Works Supervisor for Building Maintenance to supervise and control Section tradesmen, prepare daily tifue sheets,> submit re4uirements such as materi~l an4 plant for jobs and to ensure prope~ care and useo~ Government v,ehicle under his care. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum o,f'five years experience as a Leading Hand Carpenter. Have a f~ir knowlege in all trades related .to building and be able to control And train young trainees. Sober hAbit and be able to drive. Applications should be lodged in writing stating name, age, edu~ation and'experience ~ith the Chief Secretlry b~fore 4.30 p.m • Friday ~ 28th October, 1983. .' S.M. GOYAL ACTING,PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER G.N.No.446/1983. REPUBLIC OF NAURU SUPERANNUATION.ACT 1966-1973 NAURU SUPERANNUATION BOARD ELECTION OF MEMBER WHEREAS Section 7(1) of the Superannuation Act 1966-1973 ptbvides for a Superannuation Board consisting of three mempers appointed by Cabinet, one of whom shall 'be a person who is a contributor within the meaning of the Act elected by contributors: AND WHEREAS Section 7(2) of that Act provides that the election bf'the m~~ber to be elected by contributors shall be conduct~d in such manner as the Cabinet, by notice in the Gazette, determined: NOW the Cabinet hereby ~etermines as f6110ws: 1. Mr. Tarucl1irapalli Ramamurthy An em thakrishnan shall be the Returning Officer and shall, subject to the directions of the Chief Secretary, make all necessary arrangements for the conduct of the election. 2. The Returning Officer sha1l prepare a list, Department by Department, of all persoIl!') who were, or who became, contributors to the Superannuation Fund ~n the pay day im~ediately preceding the closing of nominations for the ·electictn. ' 6. '.< _____________________________M__________________________~·_'____~______________________ \ ~ No.53 19th October. 1983. Nauru. G.N.No.446/l983(Cont ' d). 3. Nominations shall be in writing and in accordance with the following. form ;­ NAURU, SUPERANNUATION BOARD 'NOMINATION FOR 'ELECTION' To the Returning Officer, We, the undersigned contributors to the Superannuation Fund, hereby nominate ........................................................................... ,. ...... ,., ..................... .. (full name) for election as amernber of the Superannuation Board. Signature of Nominators Department ~ ELECTION OF MEMBpR I, the said ........................... ~.(full name of candidate) consent to the above nomination. DATED this day of 1983. (Signature of Candidate) 4. Nominations must be lodged with the Returning Officer before 4.45 pm. on Monday, 31st October, 1983. 5. The nominations form shall be signed by the candidate and by five other contributors. 6. A candidate may withdraw' his nomination at any timE before nominations close by giving written notice of his withdrawal to the Returning Officer. 7. The Returning Officer shall publicise the names of the candidates as soon as practicable after the closing of nominations. 8. The election shall be held on Monday, 7th November, 1983 and contributors shall cast· their vote at the following places: Polling Place Contributors on staff of: (a) Government Offices The Secretariat (exluding Radio Station Staff), Nauruan Affairs, 7. • ·,t '" 'e; e + - *-.e...-,. - ­ No. S3 19~h October, 1983. Nauru. G.N.No.446/l983(Cont'd). Pol~ce and Prisons, Survey, .., Education Office and Earth "'" Satellite staff. (b) Radio Stfition Radio Station (c) Works Works and Nauruan Housing (d) Post Office - Post Office and Department of Finance (e) Nauru General Hospital Health (f) Aiwo Prima,ry School Education (other than office staff) 9. The Returning Officer shall appoint a person to preside a~ each Polling Place~ 10. Each Ballot Paper for the election shall be similar to that used for elections under the proVisions of the Nauru Local Government Council Ordinance 1951-1967 and a Ballot Pap~r ~ha11 be inValid if it does not comply with the pto~isions of Section 28 of that Ordinance. 11. The Results of the election shall be determined as if the provisions of Section 32(1) of the Nauru Local Governrneijt Counc~l Ordinance apply. 12. The District Caurt shall be the Court of disputed elections and any dispute concerning the election shall be determined as if the provis ions' of Divis ions 2A or part II of the Nauru Local Government Council Ordinance apply. .,'-.' DATED this 19th day of October, ,1983. for and on behalf of Cabinet (HAMMER DEROBURT) CHAIRMAN OF THE CABINET G.N.No.447/1983. Determination of the Beneficiaries of the Estate of the late Kaibid Eirinaiga A of Yaren District.
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